Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ICTVET 2021)
143 authors
- Rini, Faiza
- Improving The Efectiveness of Student’s Learning Engagement by Build-up Mobile Learning Management System (M-LMS)
- Riyanda, Afif Rahman
- The Design of Learning Media to Support Online Learning in Computer Network Courses
- Rizal, Fahmi
- Implementation of Problem-Based Learning Using Mind Mapping and a Growth Mindset in the Covid-19 Pandemic Situation
- Rizal, Fahmi
- Improving The Efectiveness of Student’s Learning Engagement by Build-up Mobile Learning Management System (M-LMS)
- Sakti, Rizki Hardian
- The Mobile Media Development in Learning
- Samala, Agariadne Dwinggo
- A PROMETHEE-GAIA Method-Based Appraisal of Higher Vocational College in Indonesia
- Samala, Agariadne Dwinggo
- Learn Algorithm and Programming in Higher Education Using E-Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Students’ Perspective
- Samala, Agariadne Dwinggo
- Development of E-Module Courses Tata Boga 2 Based on Flip PDF Professional for Teaching Learning Process in The Pandemic of Covid 19
- Saputra, Hadi Kurnia
- Supervision of Vocational High School Education in Padang City (Point of View)
- Shiddiqi, Hafizh Ash
- Design and Analysis of the Motion Graphic Publication Program Implementation as a Promotional Media for Batam TV
- Siswati, Sri
- Implementation of Problem-Based Learning Using Mind Mapping and a Growth Mindset in the Covid-19 Pandemic Situation
- Sukardi
- Competence of Vocational Teachers in the Use of Technology in the New Normal Era
- Susanti, Wilda
- Online Learning Innovation in the Era and Post Covid-19 Pandemic
- Switri, Endang
- Dynamics of Islamic Religious Education During Pandemic at Sriwijaya University Using E-Learning Technology
- Syah, Nurhasan
- The Mobile Media Development in Learning
- Syah, Nurhasan
- Entrepreneurship Values in the Vocational Education Curriculum
- Syahril
- Competence of Vocational Teachers in the Use of Technology in the New Normal Era
- Syahril
- The Design of Learning Media to Support Online Learning in Computer Network Courses
- Syahril
- A PROMETHEE-GAIA Method-Based Appraisal of Higher Vocational College in Indonesia
- Syahril
- Adversity Quotient, Self-Efficacy and Online Learning Tendencies on Students in Hinterland Region
- Syahril
- Design and Analysis of the Motion Graphic Publication Program Implementation as a Promotional Media for Batam TV
- Syahril
- Effectiveness of Project-Based Learning Model on E-Learning Assisted Residential Installation Job Sheet
- Syahril
- Learn Algorithm and Programming in Higher Education Using E-Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Students’ Perspective
- Syahril
- Development of E-Module Courses Tata Boga 2 Based on Flip PDF Professional for Teaching Learning Process in The Pandemic of Covid 19
- Syamsir
- Computer Admission Test as an Admission System for Higher Education Cadets for The Ministry of Transportation 2021
- Syukhri
- Supervision of Vocational High School Education in Padang City (Point of View)
- Tasrif, Elfi
- Supervision of Vocational High School Education in Padang City (Point of View)
- Tyasti, Avia Enggar
- The Urgency of Practicum Classes at Indonesian Vocational Colleges During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Usmeldi
- Learning in Vocational Education During the Covid 19 Outbreak: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Utari, Nadia
- Online Learning as a Learning Solution in the Covid 19 Pandemic Era for Higher Education
- Verawardina, Unung
- Utilization of Information Technology for Online Learning Innovation During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Verawardina, Unung
- Meta-Analysis: The Effect of Cooperative Learning Models
- Verawardina, Unung
- Improving The Efectiveness of Student’s Learning Engagement by Build-up Mobile Learning Management System (M-LMS)
- Verawardina, Unung
- Application of Flipped Blended Learning Model at SMK 2 Payakumbuh
- Wagino
- Optimization of Online Learning Autotronic Technology Courses Using Youtube Media
- Waskito1
- Improving The Efectiveness of Student’s Learning Engagement by Build-up Mobile Learning Management System (M-LMS)
- Watrianthos, Ronal
- A PROMETHEE-GAIA Method-Based Appraisal of Higher Vocational College in Indonesia
- Watrianthos, Ronal
- Learn Algorithm and Programming in Higher Education Using E-Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Students’ Perspective
- Wicaksana, Tiara Indah
- Comparison of Independent and Regular Student Learning Outcomes Based on the Grade Point Average
- Wijaya, Vera
- The Effectiveness of Application Assistant Cybergogy Learning Model to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Database Design Courses
- Wulansari, Rizky Ema
- Competence of Vocational Teachers in the Use of Technology in the New Normal Era
- Ya, Kyaw Zay
- The Mobile Media Development in Learning
- Yandri
- Online Learning Innovation in the Era and Post Covid-19 Pandemic