Proceedings of the International Symposium Southeast Asia Vegetable 2021 (SEAVEG 2021)

198 authors
Achdiyat, Achdiyat
Backward Regression
Adin, Adriyanita
A Review: TSS (True Shallot Seed) Development in Indonesia and Its Health Benefit
Ahmad, Shaf Rijal
Smallholder Farmers Market Options Within the Emerging Agri-Food Value Chain
Almagthani, Salsabila Nur
Contribution of Vegetable Urban Farming to Household Income in the City of Yogyakarta
Alveno, Vitho
Performance and Yield of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Granola Variety from Five Generations in Toba, North Sumatra
Amanda, Dea
The Economic Impact of Carbosulfan Use on Shallot Farm
Amanda, Dea
The Social and Economic Impact of Carbosulfan Use on Chili Farm
Anggono, Dondy S.
Characterization of Two New Varieties of Curly Chili (Capsicum annuum L.) for Quality Standard
Annisa, Baaqiy Amri
Growth and Yield of Shallot (Allium cepa L. Aggregatum Group) Affected by Transplanting Age and Varieties of TSS
Anshori, Arif
Effect of Types of Local Organic Matter on Vertisol Soil on Growth and Yield of Three True Shallot Seed Varieties
Anwarudin, Oeng
The Capacity of Extension Workers and Demonstration Methods to Farmers’ Behavior in Utilizing Yards with Vertical Vegetable Cultivation
Ardi, Yanuar Wahyu Yudistira
Binary Logistics Regression Model to Analyze Factors Influencing Technology Adoption Process Vegetable Farmers Case in Central Java Indonesia
Arsanti, Idha Widi
Vegetable Farmers and Social Innovations in Food Estate Development Areas
Arsanti, Idha Widi
Vegetables for Food Security and Economic Growth
Asih, Pitri Ratna
The Effect of Number and Age of TSS (True Shallot Seed) Seedling on Shallot Seed Production
Astuti, Siti
Optimalization of Yard Land Through the Lumbung Mataraman Program to Support Urban Food Security During the Pandemic Covid 19
Azadi, Athoillah
Design and Construction of Multipurpose Grating Machine for Household and Micro/Small-Scale Business with Electric Motor
Bahar, Yul Harry
Performance Test of Shallot Dehuller Machine (Type BEJE PB 01)
Baker, Derek
Covid-19 and Its Effect on Home Gardening Behaviour in Indonesia
Broto, Wisnu
Characterization of Two New Varieties of Curly Chili (Capsicum annuum L.) for Quality Standard
Budianto, Budianto
The Effect of Hydroponic Planting System and Media on Lettuce Growth (Latuca Sativa L.)
Budiman, Ibnu
Social Innovation for Creating Local Food Source and Empowering Young Farmers
Bukori, Mohamad Imron
The Effect of Hydroponic Planting System and Media on Lettuce Growth (Latuca Sativa L.)
Chandra, Silviana
Social Innovation for Creating Local Food Source and Empowering Young Farmers
Chang, Hung-Chia
Evaluation of Biocontrol Agents Against Bacterial Wilt in Tomato Using Seedling Screening
Chen, Jaw-Rong
Evaluation of Biocontrol Agents Against Bacterial Wilt in Tomato Using Seedling Screening
Choudhary, Arbind K.
Development of Climate Resilient Year Round Home Garden Model for Improving Food and Nutritional Security of Resource-Poor Households in Eastern India
Chozin, M. A.
Productivity of SS Sakato Shallot Variety in Three Locations in Indonesia
Darma, Kusuma
Productivity of SS Sakato Shallot Variety in Three Locations in Indonesia
Darma, Kusuma
Resistance Test of 6 Eggplant (Solanum melongena Linn.) Genotype Against Bacterial Wilt Disease (Ralstonia solanacearum) in the Greenhouse and on the Field
De Neve, Stefaan
Peer-Review Statements
Despita, Rika
Intercropping Shallots with Aromatic Plants
Despita, Rika
Harnessing the Potential of the Economic and Nutritional Power of Integrated Farming
Effendy, Lukman
Farmers’ Preferences in Implementing the Six Right Principles of Pesticide Application During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Sumedang Regency
Fadzil, Muhammad Ivan
True Shallot Seed Efficiency on the Production and Income of Shallot Farmers
Fajrina, Nur
Covid-19 and Its Effect on Home Gardening Behaviour in Indonesia
Farmia, Asih
Relation Between Application of Shallot Cultivation Components by Alumni of SL UPSUS and Their Productivity in Kretek District, Bantul Regency
Fatimah, Nur
Effects of Various Drying Methods on the Physicochemical Properties of Telang Flower (Clitoria ternatea L.)
Febrimeli, Dwi
The Role of Farmer Group Members in Building Farmers’ Economic Institutions Through the Agribusiness Sub-terminal (AST) in Sidodadi Ramunia Village, Beringin District, Deli Serdang Regency
Firdaus, Muhammad
Peer-Review Statements
Firdaus, Muhammad
The Social and Economic Impact of Carbosulfan Use on Chili Farm
Firdaus, Muhammad
True Shallot Seed Efficiency on the Production and Income of Shallot Farmers
Firdaus, Rohim
A Review: TSS (True Shallot Seed) Development in Indonesia and Its Health Benefit
Giyanto, Giyanto
Resistance Test of 6 Eggplant (Solanum melongena Linn.) Genotype Against Bacterial Wilt Disease (Ralstonia solanacearum) in the Greenhouse and on the Field
Gunawan, Endang
Productivity of SS Sakato Shallot Variety in Three Locations in Indonesia
Gunawan, Gunawan
Intercropping Shallots with Aromatic Plants
Hadji, Trisna Al
Factors Affecting the Sustainability of Fintech Financing System for Vegetable and Fruit Farmers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Haerudin, Haerudin
A Review: TSS (True Shallot Seed) Development in Indonesia and Its Health Benefit
Hakim, Lukman
Farmers’ Interest in Processing Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) in South Binjai, Binjai, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Hamyana, Hamyana
The Effect of Hydroponic Planting System and Media on Lettuce Growth (Latuca Sativa L.)
Hanafi, Hano
Comparative Analysis of Eco-Friendly Agriculture and Marketing Innovation on Shallot Farming
Harahap, Nurliana
Farmers’ Interest in Processing Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) in South Binjai, Binjai, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Hariri, Acep
Vegetable Farmers and Social Innovations in Food Estate Development Areas
Harniati, Harniati
Supply Chain for Horticultural Agribusiness
Harniati, Harniati
Disruption to Supply Chain of Red Chili
Harpenas, Asep
A Review: TSS (True Shallot Seed) Development in Indonesia and Its Health Benefit
Harti, Heri
Distribution of Major Viruses on Shallot in Indonesia
Harti, Heri
Productivity of SS Sakato Shallot Variety in Three Locations in Indonesia
Harti, Heri
Resistance Test of 6 Eggplant (Solanum melongena Linn.) Genotype Against Bacterial Wilt Disease (Ralstonia solanacearum) in the Greenhouse and on the Field
Hartono, Rudi
Farmers’ Preferences in Implementing the Six Right Principles of Pesticide Application During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Sumedang Regency
Haryanto, Yoyon
Farmers’ Preferences in Implementing the Six Right Principles of Pesticide Application During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Sumedang Regency
Hastuti, Hastuti
The Economic Impact of Carbosulfan Use on Shallot Farm
Hastuti, Hastuti
The Social and Economic Impact of Carbosulfan Use on Chili Farm
Hidayat, Sri Hendrastuti
Distribution of Major Viruses on Shallot in Indonesia
Hidayati, Halimah Nur
Determinants of Member’s Participation on a Business Development of Processing Ceriping Puyur
Hidayati, Muslihah Nur
Developing Detection Methods for Tomato Diseases
Ichniarsyah, Annisa Nur
Performance Test of Shallot Dehuller Machine (Type BEJE PB 01)
Ilyas, Satriyas
Determination of Seed Physiological Maturity of Ipomoea reptans Poir. Based on Phenology, Seed Quality, and Heat Unit Accumulation
Indrayanti, Temy
Development Model of School Gardens Through Vegetables Go to School (VGtS) Activities for Improving Nutrition of Elementary Age Children in Batang Regency, Central Java Province
Irawati, Novi
Identification of Fungi Associated with Potato Tuber Causes Dry Rot in Lembang
Irham, Irham
Peer-Review Statements
Irham, Irham
Factor Affecting the Behaviour of the Households of Food Waste of Vegetables and Fruits in Sleman District, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Irham, Irham
Factors Affecting the Sustainability of Fintech Financing System for Vegetable and Fruit Farmers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Irham, Irham
Profitability and Feasibility of Vegetable Farming in Urban Agriculture
Irham, Irham
Contribution of Vegetable Urban Farming on Household Food Expenditure in Yogyakarta City
Irham, Irham
Contribution of Vegetable Urban Farming to Household Income in the City of Yogyakarta
Ismono, Tri
Facilitating Business of Young Agro-Preneurship Through Value Chain Partnership and Optimizing the Digital Channel/Technology to Improve the Market
Ismono, Tri
Covid-19: Issues and Challenges in Vegetable Crops for Resilience During Pandemic
Jamhari, Jamhari
Factors Affecting the Sustainability of Fintech Financing System for Vegetable and Fruit Farmers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Jufri, M.
Farmers’ Motivation in Controlling White Tip Disease (Phytoptora porri) of Shallot (Allium cepa) in Onanrunggu District, Samosir Regency, Indonesia
Jufri, M.
The Role of Farmer Group Members in Building Farmers’ Economic Institutions Through the Agribusiness Sub-terminal (AST) in Sidodadi Ramunia Village, Beringin District, Deli Serdang Regency
Kansriri, Yuliana
Farmers’ Motivation in Controlling White Tip Disease (Phytoptora porri) of Shallot (Allium cepa) in Onanrunggu District, Samosir Regency, Indonesia
Kenyon, Lawrence
Evaluation of Biocontrol Agents Against Bacterial Wilt in Tomato Using Seedling Screening
Koley, Tanmay K.
Development of Climate Resilient Year Round Home Garden Model for Improving Food and Nutritional Security of Resource-Poor Households in Eastern India
Kumar, Ujjwal
Development of Climate Resilient Year Round Home Garden Model for Improving Food and Nutritional Security of Resource-Poor Households in Eastern India
Kuo, C. G.
Vegetable Research Matters for Southeast Asia
Kurniawati, Ani
Yield and Quality of Two Varieties of Winged Bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus L.) with Different Harvest Ages of Young Pods
Kusmiyati, Kusmiyati
Backward Regression
Liswanti, Linda
Performance Test of Shallot Dehuller Machine (Type BEJE PB 01)
Maghdalia, Nungki
Profitability and Feasibility of Vegetable Farming in Urban Agriculture
Maharijaya, Awang
Productivity of SS Sakato Shallot Variety in Three Locations in Indonesia
Maharijaya, Awang
Resistance Test of 6 Eggplant (Solanum melongena Linn.) Genotype Against Bacterial Wilt Disease (Ralstonia solanacearum) in the Greenhouse and on the Field
Maharijaya, Awang
Performance and Yield of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Granola Variety from Five Generations in Toba, North Sumatra
Mahmudah, Mahmudah
Farmers’ Motivation in Controlling White Tip Disease (Phytoptora porri) of Shallot (Allium cepa) in Onanrunggu District, Samosir Regency, Indonesia
Makkarennu, Makkarennu
Traditional Knowledge of Women from the Ammatoa Kajang Custom for COVID-19 Mitigation in Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi
Martini, Tri
Comparative Analysis of Eco-Friendly Agriculture and Marketing Innovation on Shallot Farming
Maxwell, Lourena Arone
Evaluation of Biocontrol Agents Against Bacterial Wilt in Tomato Using Seedling Screening
Meer, Peter J.
The Contribution of Women Groups in Bogor-Urban Agriculture
Megawati, Sari
Effect of Types of Local Organic Matter on Vertisol Soil on Growth and Yield of Three True Shallot Seed Varieties
Melati, Maya
Yield and Quality of Two Varieties of Winged Bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus L.) with Different Harvest Ages of Young Pods