Proceedings of the 4th Social and Humanities Research Symposium (SoRes 2021)

516 authors
Selistiawan, Agun
Transformational Leadership in Moderating the Relationship of Work Environment and Organizational Commitment with Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Septiana, Dina
The Effect of Emotional Intelligence, Teamwork, Organizational Culture and Empathy on Employee Performance
Septiani, Anis
Effectiveness of Occupational Health Training on Tea Farmers in Indonesia
Setiadi, Bekti
The Role of Dropship Through E-Commerce in Fostering Entrepreneurial Interest
Setiawan, Dian Alan
Food Safety Counseling as a Fulfillment of the Right to Health Principles of Maqashid Syariah for Food Home Industry Actors in Ciroyom Village, Andir District, Bandung City
Setiawan, Edhie Budi
Implementation of Health Protocol of Pandemic Covid 19 and Its Impact on Passengers’ Satisfaction
Setiawan, Erik
Social Media in the Context of Online Business Communication
Setiawan, Erik
Types of Communications Pattern for Overseas Students (Santri) in Cross-Cultural Adaptation in Pondok Pesantren
Setiawan, Margono
The Implication of Perceived Value to Continuance Intention to Use among Mobile Payment Users in Indonesia
Shalihah, Azkia Ibadina
Training and Assistance for the Preparation of ETAP Based Financial Report
Shalihah, Azkia Ibadina
Desain of Zakat Accounting Information System Standardized PSAK 109
Sholeh, N Sausan Muhammadd
Sufistic Approach Psychotherapy as a Mental-Spiritual Development Effort
Sholeh, N. Sausan M.
The Role of Da’i in Waqf Management at Baitul Hidayah Islamic Boarding School
Siddiq, Asep A.
The Role of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Organizations in West Java in Overcoming the Covid-19 Pandemic
Siddiq, Asep Ahmad
Sufistic Approach Psychotherapy as a Mental-Spiritual Development Effort
Siddiq, Dedi Muhammad
Transformational Leadership in Moderating the Relationship of Work Environment and Organizational Commitment with Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Siddiq, Tita Barriah
Review of Medical Ethics on the Use of Information Technology in Clinical Skills Learning
Sidik, Jafar
Law Enforcement of Cyber Crime Jurisdiction in Transnasional Law
Silviany, Irma Yulita
The Role of Sharia Investment in Indonesia
Silviany, Irma Yulita
Analysis of the Empowerment of the Mosque Prosperity Council in Determining of the Qibla
Sirodj, Dwi Agustin Nuriani
Statistical Literacy Optimization of Senior High School Teachers to Improve Data Processing Skills
Siska, Frecy
Legal Implications of International Agreements in the Investment Sector for the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperatives
Sobur, Alex
Increase Teacher Motivation
Sobur, Alex
Preference Survey of Newspaper Readers in the Digital Era
Sofyan, Aning
Management of Electronic Word of Mouth Communication for Culinary Products on Instagram
Sofyan, Aning
Snack Product Promotion Content on Instagram
Suahati, Ajrina Febri
Tilapia Cultivation Using Concrete Pond
Suangga, Asri
Assistance in Optimizing Financial Statements as a Business Decision Making Tool for MSMEs in Bojongsoang Village
Sugiyarsih, Susi
Strategy of Innovative Learning Systems in Elementary Schools During the Covid 19 Pandemic
Suhana, Suhana
Community Based Intervention to Promote Prevention Towards Children Sexual Abuse
Suhandi, Suhandi
Sharia Economic Behavior of Former Indonesia Migrant Worker from Saudi Arabia
Suhandoyo, Riki
Empowerment of Ciburial Knowledge MSMEs Through Information Technology in Supply Chain Management
Suhardini, Asep Dudi
Islamic Parenting Paradigm
Suhendi, Hendi
Da’i Caderization Through Tabligh Training for Student
Suhendi, Hendi
The Role of Da’i in Waqf Management at Baitul Hidayah Islamic Boarding School
Suherman, Maman
The Influence of Online Learning Systems through the Syllabus Component on the Learning Motivation of Private Higher Education Students
Sukarsih, Icih
The Effect of Online Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic on Eye Health Problems of Elementary School-Aged Children
Sukarsih, Icih
Statistical Literacy Optimization of Senior High School Teachers to Improve Data Processing Skills
Sulistiani, Siska Lis
Indonesia Hajj Fund Investment
Sumaryanti, Indri Utami
Community Based Intervention to Promote Prevention Towards Children Sexual Abuse
Sumiyati, Yeti
Supervision Implementation of the Ministry of Co-operatives and Small Medium Enterprises on High-Interest Investments Conducted to Savings and Loan Co-operatives
Sunardi, Oding
The Strength of the Relationship of Self-Efficacy and Innovative Work Behavior
Sundary, Rini Irianti
Legal Protection for Indonesian Migrant Workers During Pandemic Covid 19
Supriatna, Rimba
Legal Implications of International Agreements in the Investment Sector for the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperatives
Surani, Dewi
Surbiantoro, Eko
Character Education in Islamic Perspective
Suryaningsih, Lilik
Marketing Research on Demoraphic Structure and Customers Satisfaction of Flats in Dki Jakarta
Suryo, Susilo
Response of Da’wah Activists to Rethorical Training with Waste Recycling Materials
Suwarsi, Sri
Integrated Mobile Business Clinic Program in Encouraging the Strengthening of the Micro Business Market for the Snack Market during the Adaptation Period of New Habits in Bandung
Suwarsi, Sri
The Influence of Self Efficacy and Self Confidence on Gender Equality in Manufacturing Companies - West Java Province
Syam, Husni
Initiation of Traditional School Development in Rawabogo Village
Syam, M. Husni
ASEAN Way in Communitarianism Perspective
Syam, Nia Kurniati
Communication Strategy of the Marriage Advisory, Guidance and Preseevation Agency (BP4) in Preventing Divorce
Syawali, Husni
Confiscation of Assets Resulting from Corruption in Criminal Law and Islamic Law
Tarlani, Tarlani
Business Model Assistance for Curug Goong Ecotourism, Dayeuhkolot Village, Subang Regency
Tazkia, Alam Husnu
Islamic Parenting Paradigm
Tazkiya, Alma
Lesson Plans Development by Application for Non-Formal Early Childhood Teacher
Tifankha, Dinda Yanisya
Increase Teacher Motivation
Tiwi, Dies
Disaster Mitigation Learning Using Katumbiri Model in Early Childhood Education
Trigartanti, Wulan
Culture in Collective Parenting of Children of Indonesian Women Migrant Workers (TKW)
Triwardhani, Ike Junita
The Use of Social Media for the Covid 19 Prevention Campaign
Triwardhani, Ike Junita
Culture in Collective Parenting of Children of Indonesian Women Migrant Workers (TKW)
Triyani, Yani
Youth Knowledge on the Health Protocols During Covid-19 Pandemic
Tsaury, Adang M.
Development of Social Skills based on Local Wisdom in the Osing Community of Kemiren Village Banyuwangi, East Java
Umar, Tia Muthiah
Empowering Women Aisyiyah Business Actors through Digital Marketing during the Pandemic
Umar, Tia Muthiah
Digital Literacy of ‘Aisyiyah Women for Continuity of Communication in the Time of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Utama, Gusti
Empowerment of Ciburial Knowledge MSMEs Through Information Technology in Supply Chain Management
Vegatama, Meita Rezki
The Effect of Using the Zoom Platform on Psychomotor Learning Outcomes During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Verdiana, Alma
Initiation of Traditional School Development in Rawabogo Village
Verdiana, Alma
Meaning of Phenomenon and Culture in Rawabogo Tourism Village, Bandung Regency
Wahjoe, Oentoeng
Optimization of Immigration Intelligence in Eradicating Criminal Acts of Terrorism in an Effort to Achieve State Sovereignty
Wahyudi, Hedi
Increase Teacher Motivation
Wahyudi, Hedi
Designing of Bullying Prevention Psychoeducational Intervention for Victims
Wahyuni, Atika Sri
Empowerment of Ciburial Knowledge MSMEs Through Information Technology in Supply Chain Management
Wangi, Eneng Nurlaili
Respect and Responsibility Character-Building Training for Children Under Care of Foster Parents in SOS Village Indonesia Lembang
Warlim, Warlim
Reconstruction of Mandatory General Courses as General Education
Weishaguna, Weishaguna
Rethinking Coworking Space Design as a Self-Supporting and COVID-19 Resilient Community Center in Indonesia
Weishaguna, Weishaguna
Community Resilience Assessment to the Covid-19 Pandemic
Widayati, C. Catur
The Effect of Profitability, Dividend Policy and Debt Policy on Company Value
Widayati, C. Catur
The Effect of Emotional Intelligence, Teamwork, Organizational Culture and Empathy on Employee Performance
Widayati, Naniek
Cultural Psychology of the Adat Karuhun Urang (AKUR) Cigugur Community, Kuningan Regency
Widiyanto, Prima
Implementation of Health Protocol of Pandemic Covid 19 and Its Impact on Passengers’ Satisfaction
Wiguna, Britney Azzahra
Supervision Implementation of the Ministry of Co-operatives and Small Medium Enterprises on High-Interest Investments Conducted to Savings and Loan Co-operatives
Wijayanti, Intan Manggala
Analysis of the Empowerment of the Mosque Prosperity Council in Determining of the Qibla
Wiksana, Wiki Angga
The Importance of Citizen Journalism for Youth
Wiksana, Wiki Angga
Types of Communications Pattern for Overseas Students (Santri) in Cross-Cultural Adaptation in Pondok Pesantren
Wildani, Widya Nissa
The Impact of Covid-19 to Spiritual Poverty (Morals)-Material Poverty (Economics) in Bandung City, Indonesia
Wiwitan, Tresna
Social Media in the Context of Online Business Communication
Wulandari, Dian
The Strength of the Relationship of Self-Efficacy and Innovative Work Behavior
Yanah, Yanah
Strategy of Innovative Learning Systems in Elementary Schools During the Covid 19 Pandemic
Yohanitas, Witra Apdhi
ASN Unggul 2.0, a New Paradigm of Learning Management System in Civil Service Competency Development
Yuliani, Leli
Holistic Leadership Model Heads of Puskesmas (Community Health Center) in Garut Regency, West Java Province
Yulianita, Neni
The Influence of Online Learning Systems through the Syllabus Component on the Learning Motivation of Private Higher Education Students
Yulianita, Neni
Social Media in the Context of Online Business Communication
Yulianti, Yulianti
Empowering Women Aisyiyah Business Actors through Digital Marketing during the Pandemic
Yuniarinto, Agung
The Implication of Perceived Value to Continuance Intention to Use among Mobile Payment Users in Indonesia
Yuniarti, Yuniarti
The Role of Health Education in Changing Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice Regarding the Covid-19 Health Protocol among Islamic Boarding School Students
Yuniati, Yenni
Digital Literacy of Muslim Millennials in Persis Jabar
Yuniati, Yenni
The Influence of Online Learning Systems through the Syllabus Component on the Learning Motivation of Private Higher Education Students
Yunus, Muhammad
Islamic Money Demand Implications Based on Macroeconomic and Social Value Variables in Indonesia