Proceedings of the 4th Social and Humanities Research Symposium (SoRes 2021)

516 authors
A. R., Muchdir
Marketing Research on Demoraphic Structure and Customers Satisfaction of Flats in Dki Jakarta
Abdullah, Rose
Environmental Policies for Sustainable Economic Growth Achievement in Indonesia and Negara Brunei Darussalam
Abidin, Zaenal
Implementation of Health Protocol of Pandemic Covid 19 and Its Impact on Passengers’ Satisfaction
Achiraeniwati, Eri
Effectiveness of Occupational Health Training on Tea Farmers in Indonesia
Adhi, Triyogo Mulyo
Digital Marketing and Innovation Effects on Marketing Performance
Adhrianti, Lisa
Implementation Digital Marketing Pesona 88 Curup in to Build Image for the Decision of Visit Tourist Attraction
Adilla, Silvani Fauziyyah
Islamic Money Demand Implications Based on Macroeconomic and Social Value Variables in Indonesia
Adolf, Huala
Law Enforcement of Cyber Crime Jurisdiction in Transnasional Law
Affandi, Naufal
Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intention Among Undergraduate Students in Indonesia
Afiah, Efi Tajuroh
Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intention Among Undergraduate Students in Indonesia
Afidah, Ida
Sufistic Approach Psychotherapy as a Mental-Spiritual Development Effort
Afrianti, Nurul
Effectiveness of Islamic Sex Education with Mediated Learning Experience Training for Early Childhood’s Parents and Teacher
Afrianti, Nurul
Islamic Parenting Paradigm
Afrianti, Nurul
Implementation of the Parenting Program in Early Childhood Education in Bandung
Afrianti, Nurul
Lesson Plans Development by Application for Non-Formal Early Childhood Teacher
Afriyadi, Hadian
The Commercialization of Outer Space Under the Outer Space Treaty 1967 and Its Implementation on the Development of Space Industry in Indonesia
Agustina, I.H.
Study of the Astana Gunung Jati Heritage Tomb, Cirebon, Indonesia
Agustina, Ina Helena
Women’s Strategy for Disaster Resilient Village
Aini, Gina Nur
ASEAN Way in Communitarianism Perspective
Aji, Riswandha Risang
Women’s Strategy for Disaster Resilient Village
Al Hanif, Kharisma Lutfiah
Empowering Women Aisyiyah Business Actors through Digital Marketing during the Pandemic
Alfadhillah, Farah Hanieva
The Impact of Covid-19 to Spiritual Poverty (Morals)-Material Poverty (Economics) in Bandung City, Indonesia
Alfiani, Miftah Rizky Nur
The Role of Sharia Investment in Indonesia
Alhamuddin, Alhamuddin
Development of Social Skills based on Local Wisdom in the Osing Community of Kemiren Village Banyuwangi, East Java
Alhamuddin, Alhamuddin
Character Education in Islamic Perspective
Alhamuddin, Alhamuddin
21st Century Learning
Alit, Chandra Manungsa
Legal Protection for Indonesian Migrant Workers During Pandemic Covid 19
Almakhi, Muhammad Luthfi
Rethinking Coworking Space Design as a Self-Supporting and COVID-19 Resilient Community Center in Indonesia
Amaliah, Ima
A Comprehensive Model of Reducing Poverty
Amaliah, Ima
Islamic Bank Financing Behavior
Amarulloh, Rizki
Confiscation of Assets Resulting from Corruption in Criminal Law and Islamic Law
Anah, Sri
The Effect of Profitability, Dividend Policy and Debt Policy on Company Value
Anjali, Millenia
How Geneneration Z Trust in Sources of Information Related to Covid-19
Anshori, Arif Rijal
Legal Effectiveness of The Supreme Court Regulation on Sharia Economic Dispute Settlement in West Java Religious Court
Ansori, Gilang Roofiif
Business Model Assistance for Curug Goong Ecotourism, Dayeuhkolot Village, Subang Regency
Aqimuddin, Eka An
The Commercialization of Outer Space Under the Outer Space Treaty 1967 and Its Implementation on the Development of Space Industry in Indonesia
Arif, M. Fauzi
The Role of Da’i in Waqf Management at Baitul Hidayah Islamic Boarding School
Arif, Muhammad Fauzi
Da’i Caderization Through Tabligh Training for Student
Arif, Yoghi
The Enforcement of Small Claim Court of Sharia Economics in Religious Courts According to Sharia Economic Principles
Arijanto, Agus
The Effect of Emotional Intelligence, Teamwork, Organizational Culture and Empathy on Employee Performance
Ariyani, Misriah
Strategy of Innovative Learning Systems in Elementary Schools During the Covid 19 Pandemic
Arubusman, Dian Artanti
Implementation of Health Protocol of Pandemic Covid 19 and Its Impact on Passengers’ Satisfaction
Ashga, Ashabul Yamin
Types of Communications Pattern for Overseas Students (Santri) in Cross-Cultural Adaptation in Pondok Pesantren
Asikin, Ikin
Da’i Caderization Through Tabligh Training for Student
Aslamawati, Yuli
How Far the Psychoeducation can Build Family Resilience for the Brides in the City of Bandung
Aslamawati, Yuli
Increase Teacher Motivation
Aspiranti, Tasya
A Comprehensive Model of Reducing Poverty
Aspiranti, Tasya
Islamic Bank Financing Behavior
Asriati, Siti
Marketing Research on Demoraphic Structure and Customers Satisfaction of Flats in Dki Jakarta
Assyofa, Allya Roosallyn
The Influence of Self Efficacy and Self Confidence on Gender Equality in Manufacturing Companies - West Java Province
Astuti, Santi Indra
Reframing The Counternarration of Misinformation During Pandemic
Asyiawati, Yulia
Business Model Assistance for Curug Goong Ecotourism, Dayeuhkolot Village, Subang Regency
As’ad, Nur Rahman
Effectiveness of Occupational Health Training on Tea Farmers in Indonesia
Atmaja, Ida Setia Wahyu
Transformational Leadership in Moderating the Relationship of Work Environment and Organizational Commitment with Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Azib, Azib
Integrated Mobile Business Clinic Program in Encouraging the Strengthening of the Micro Business Market for the Snack Market during the Adaptation Period of New Habits in Bandung
Aziz, Helmi
Improving the Pedagogic Competence of Madrasa Diniyah Takmiliyah Teachers as an Attempt to Improve the Quality of Quran Learning Based on Blended Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Azizah, Asyifa Nur
Application of Islamic Work Ethics and Employee Performance
Basrowi, Basrowi
Sharia Economic Behavior of Former Indonesia Migrant Worker from Saudi Arabia
Bayuni, Eva Misfah
Islamic Money Demand Implications Based on Macroeconomic and Social Value Variables in Indonesia
Borualogo, Ihsana Sabriani
Designing of Bullying Prevention Psychoeducational Intervention for Victims
Carisya, Syakila
Assistance for Improving Islamic Financial Literacy for SMEs Registered at the Office of Cooperatives and SMEs, Bandung Regency
Chaerowati, Dede Lilis
Empowering Women Aisyiyah Business Actors through Digital Marketing during the Pandemic
Chaerowati, Dede Lilis
Digital Literacy of ‘Aisyiyah Women for Continuity of Communication in the Time of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Chairiawaty, Chairiawaty
How Far the Psychoeducation can Build Family Resilience for the Brides in the City of Bandung
Chamid, Chusharini
Initiation of Traditional School Development in Rawabogo Village
Chamid, Chusharini
Meaning of Phenomenon and Culture in Rawabogo Tourism Village, Bandung Regency
Chofyan, I.
Study of the Astana Gunung Jati Heritage Tomb, Cirebon, Indonesia
Cholifah, Yuristia W.
Digital Literacy of Muslim Millennials in Persis Jabar
Chotidjah, Nurul
The Concept of Economic and Social Justice in the Management of Fisheries on the High Seas
Cintyawati, Cici
E-Service Quality at the First Movers on Sustainable Banking in Indonesia
Corliana, Tellys
Victims of Online Based-Gender Violence Please Don’t Keep Your Grief Alone
Damayanti, Meta Maulida
The Role of Health Education in Changing Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice Regarding the Covid-19 Health Protocol among Islamic Boarding School Students
Damayanti, Verry
Rethinking Coworking Space Design as a Self-Supporting and COVID-19 Resilient Community Center in Indonesia
Damayanti, Verry
Community Resilience Assessment to the Covid-19 Pandemic
Dariah, Atih Rohaeti
Environmental Policies for Sustainable Economic Growth Achievement in Indonesia and Negara Brunei Darussalam
Darmaputra, Pramudya Alif
Rethinking Coworking Space Design as a Self-Supporting and COVID-19 Resilient Community Center in Indonesia
Darmawan, Ferry
Visual Communication Skills for Motivators of Family Resilience during the Covid 19 Pandemic
Darmawan, Ferry
Visual Communication @Jabarsaberhoaks in Digital Literacy Education to Counteract Hoaxes on Instagram
Dasmo, Dasmo
The Strength of the Relationship of Self-Efficacy and Innovative Work Behavior
Day, M. Jibral Imperial
Communication Strategy of the Marriage Advisory, Guidance and Preseevation Agency (BP4) in Preventing Divorce
Dewi, Asri Nuranisa
E-Service Quality at the First Movers on Sustainable Banking in Indonesia
Disman, Disman
The Effect of Financial Behavior on Investment Decisions in the Millennial Generation Group
Djamaludin, Djamaludin
Business Model Assistance for Curug Goong Ecotourism, Dayeuhkolot Village, Subang Regency
Djamhoer, Temi Damayanti
Career Maturity Intervention Model for Vocational High School Students In Bandung
Drajat, Mohamad Subur
Digital Literacy of ‘Aisyiyah Women for Continuity of Communication in the Time of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Dwiratnasari, Irma
Designing of Bullying Prevention Psychoeducational Intervention for Victims
Dziyauddin, Haidar
Legal Protection for Indonesian Migrant Workers During Pandemic Covid 19
Dzulhijjah, Liza
Legal Implications of International Agreements in the Investment Sector for the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperatives
Efendi, Nur
Empowerment of Productive Zakat through the Empowered Village Program
Effendi, Rahmat
Economic Improvement through Mocaf Flour Processing During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Effendy, Deddy
Legal Protection for Indonesian Migrant Workers During Pandemic Covid 19
Ekasari, Astri Mutia
Women’s Strategy for Disaster Resilient Village
Ende, Ende
Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intention Among Undergraduate Students in Indonesia
Enoh, Enoh
Implementation of the Parenting Program in Early Childhood Education in Bandung
Enoh, Enoh
Lesson Plans Development by Application for Non-Formal Early Childhood Teacher
Eprianti, Nanik
Assistance for Improving Islamic Financial Literacy for SMEs Registered at the Office of Cooperatives and SMEs, Bandung Regency
Erhamwilda, Erhamwilda
Effectiveness of Islamic Sex Education with Mediated Learning Experience Training for Early Childhood’s Parents and Teacher
Erhamwilda, Erhamwilda
Islamic Parenting Paradigm
Erlangga, Revan Dwi
Character Education in Islamic Perspective
Erlangga, Revan Dwi
21st Century Learning