Proceedings of the 1st UPY International Conference on Education and Social Science (UPINCESS 2022)

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41 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Ari Kusuma Wardana
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the [UPINCESS] during [Wednesday, 15 June, 2022] in [Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Virtual Conference]. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the [UPINCESS Reviewers] and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that...
Proceedings Article

The Contingent Factors on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Industry Sector

Tri Siwi Nugrahani, Dhanti Alif Kalandara, Pradita Nindya Aryandha
Several SMEs in DIY, especially those engaged in the industrial sector, went bankrupt due to the Covid-19 pandemic which had lasted for two years. One of the causes of SMEs going bankrupt is because they ignore the contingency or uncertainty factor that can affect organizational performance. This study...
Proceedings Article

Factors Influencing the Implementation of Accrual-Based Government Accounting Standard (SAP)

Pramudiati Ningrum, Fachrunnisa, Zidni Husnia
This research was conducted to examine the effect of Human Resources, Support Tools, Leadership Style, Organizational Commitment and Utilization of Information Technology on Accrual-Based SAP Implementation. The agency theory used to explain the influence factors of accrual-based SAP implementation....
Proceedings Article

Factors Affecting Human Resource Accounting Disclosures of Banking Companies in Indonesia

Ratna Purnama Sari, Berliana Dewi Sri Widodo
Human resource accounting is a kind of measurement and statement from recruitment, hired, trained and development cost happened in a company. The disclosure of human resource accounting needs 16 mandatory factors must be fulfill by company. The higher number of factors can be fulfilled, the better the...
Proceedings Article

Which is More Important, Digital Marketing or Payment Gateway? Research on SMEs Business Performance

Dekeng Setyo Budiarto, Rani Eka Diansari, Arista Natia Afriany, Lulu Amalia Nusron, Vivian Evan Seta
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) significantly contribute to economic growth, especially in developing countries, including Indonesia. Even though they have an essential role, SMEs still experience problems in facing competition, especially in implementing technology. Implementing technology is one...
Proceedings Article

Determinants of Budget Performance with Value for Money Concept

Lulu Amalia Nusron, Anandita Zulia Putri, Ulfa Fajar Resmi
This study aims to examine the- impact of accountability, transparency, and oversight on-budget performance. The type of data used in this research is quantitative. This research was conducted using a questionnaire survey conducted by the Regional Device Unit in Bantul Regency. The object of this research...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Yogyakarta Tourism Kampongs in Supporting Creative Industries Potency

Kristian Oentoro, Wiyatiningsih
The creative industry has an essential role in supporting Indonesia’s economic movement, especially in the tourism sector. Tourism has become the leading sector of Yogyakarta, which is popular as the second tourist destination after Bali. There are 17 tourism kampongs registered in Yogyakarta that offer...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Trust and Awareness with Attitude as Mediation Variables in Behavioral Intentions to Cryptocurrency

Adhi Prakosa, Ahsan Sumantika
The rapid growth in the number of cryptocurrency investors is a phenomenon that occurs during a pandemic. Investing in the capital market and cryptocurrency sectors has become a new lifestyle among young people in Indonesia. The majority are beginner investors or just joining the investment for the first...
Proceedings Article

Covid 19: Investment Decisions of Individual Investor Based on Behavioral Finance Factors

Arista Natia Afriany, Latifah Putranti, Hapsari Dyah Herdiany, Valsa Ayunda Tisya
Positive achievements in trading and investment are reflected in the increasing public interest in investing in the Indonesian capital market. In theory, EMH assumes that there are many rational investors who try to maximize profits. Behavioral finance theory is an empirical study of contradictions that...
Proceedings Article

Anomaly Analysis of Winner-Looser Stocks IDX30 and LQ45 Overreaction Amid the Covid-19: What Can Learn?

Fitri Susilowati, Hari Purnama, Arif Sudaryana, Restu Tita Ernasari
The purpose of this research was to investigate the overreaction anomaly in stocks listed on the IDX30 and LQ45 amid the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020. An overreaction anomaly or price reversal occurs when looser stocks outperform winner stocks, which can be seen from the ACAR value of each stock. The samples...
Proceedings Article

Profil Pelajar Pancasila: Code of Conducts, for Indonesian Students?

Hastangka, Lasiyo
This paper discusses the concept of Pancasila student profile that caused controversy in Indonesia. Since before the reform of the idea of students who are known in Indonesia as Indonesian students. Under Soeharto regime, when Soeharto took place Pancasila Program in education there was no label for...
Proceedings Article

Literacy House: Is It Important in a Fisherman’s Village?

Ferani Mulianingsih, Kintoko, Feri Budi Setyawan, Irfan Wahyu Prananto
Media literacy, understood as the ability to access, evaluate and produce media content, is crucial to a well-informed citizenry’s participation in society. Digital literacy, a variant of media literacy, consists of functional and critical skills and knowledge about the Internet. This community service...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Learning Style and Learning Strategy Towards Accounting Students’ Academic Achievement

Stefani Mariana, Martin Wilfred Kurniadi, Sany
Various studies have researched the importance of learning style and strategy to develop student academic achievement. However, most of these studies were not conducting their research during the pandemic era, when most learners attended classes online. Another thing to pay attention to is that most...
Proceedings Article

Motivational Beliefs and Learning Effectiveness of Video Instruction in Procedural Tasks

Mukhammad Isnaeni, Achril Zalmansyah
This research aims to determine the advantages of using multimedia presentations in teaching-learning activities, especially the use of video tutorials that affect student work on procedural tasks. This study compares student learning performance using paper-based manuals to students using video tutorials....
Proceedings Article

A Preliminary Study: Analysis of the Digital Competence of Vocational Students on the Island of Lombok

Furqon Anshori, Soenarto, Didik Rohmantoro
Digital competence is needed to compete in the global labor market. This study aims to analyze the competition of vocational students on the island of Lombok. This study uses a survey method conducted at vocational schools on the island of Lombok. The population in the study amounted to 531 students....
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Teacher’s Pedagogical, Personal, Professional, and Social Competence of Teachers on Social Studies Learning Achievement of Students

Salamah, Tarto, Suhari, Deni Tinursani
This study will examine the effect of pedagogic competence, professional competence, and teacher social competence on social studies learning achievement. The population in this study were all Class IX students of SMP (Junior High School) in the district Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Regency,...
Proceedings Article

Learning Difficulties in Understanding English Materials of Mathematics Education Students

Sri Wiyanah, Siska Candraningsih
The study aims to analyze the difficulties of students of the Mathematics Education Study Program in understanding and using English learning resources. Students from the 2019/2020 Mathematics Education Study Program at Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, and Universitas Muhammadiyah...
Proceedings Article

Early Childhood Mathematics Learning in Realistic Mathematical Education (RME)

Windi Wulandari Iman Utama, Novianti Retno Utami, Windi Wilujeng
Mathematics is an ability that is used in everyday life in all aspects of age. The competence of mathematical abilities is important for every individual so that it must be introduced from an early age. This study aims to describe empirically early childhood mathematics learning in Realistic Mathematical...
Proceedings Article

Mother’s Knowledge of Gluten and Casein Free Diet on Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Its Application During COVID-19 Pandemic

Laeli Nur Hasanah, Dwi Putri Fatmawati, Luqman Hidayat, Raden Rara Lavidhea Aldefinna Thalia
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental disorder that includes the way a person communicates, relates, and behaves. During the COVID-19 pandemic, ASD is one of the groups that is vulnerable to being infected with COVID-19, so it requires special attention. ASD children have different...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of the Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) Program for the Vocational Schools in Surakarta City

Patni Ninghardjanti, Wiedy Murtini, Aniek Hindrayani, Khresna Bayu Sangka
Poverty is still become the main challenge faced by the Government of Indonesia, counted if 10.1% of Indonesian are still living under the poverty line, meanwhile, 2.9% are living under 1.9 US$ per day. The high number of poverty affected the unequal access to education. The education assistance program,...
Proceedings Article

Improving the Problem-Solving Ability of Prospective Elementary School Teacher Candidates Through Blended Project-Based Learning

Rina Dyah Rahmawati, Setyo Eko Atmojo
This research aims to improve the problem-solving ability of prospective elementary school teacher candidates through project-based blended learning. This problem-solving ability is very important for prospective elementary school teacher students to have. The ability to solve problems in everyday life...
Proceedings Article

Online Learning in the Motivation of Junior High School Students’ Learning

Taufik Agung Pranowo, Arip Febrianto
The purpose of this study is to find out the relationship of online learning to the motivation of junior high school students. This research method uses a quantitative method. The target in this study is MTs Negeri 4 Magelang Regency Students. The population used is 320. The sample used in the study...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Differentiated Instruction Methods: An Identification of Inhibiting Factors and Their Solutions Toward Qualitative Surveys

Sigit Wahyudi, Maulani Mega Hapsari, Sugiono
Differentiated instruction is a method of adapting the learning process in the classroom to fulfill the individual learning needs of each student. The adjustments of questions are affected by interests, learning profiles, and student readiness to achieve developed learning outcomes. This research has...
Proceedings Article

The Academic Integrity of College Students

Mahilda Dea Komalasari, Sukadari, Nina Widyaningsih
Integrity is an individual's attitude to determine what things are considered appropriate or not and are shown in everyday attitudes. This article aims to provide an overview of academic integrity in grades A1–19 PGSD in grades A1–19 PGSD UPY, which includes: grades, behavior, and academic behavior....
Proceedings Article

The Mathematical Values of the Ploasan Temple

Nora Kurniati, Gunawan, Rudha Widagsa
This study aims to: (1) explore the historical and cultural values found in Plaosan Lor Temple, (2) explore geometric concepts in mathematics for junior high schools related to Plaosan Lor Temple. This research was conducted at Candi Plaosan, and a public junior high school in Tepus, Gunungkidul,...
Proceedings Article

Yogyakarta Vredeburg Fort Museum Based to Conduct the Designation of Learning Video of Social Science

Dhiniaty Gularso, Muhammad Fairuzabadi, Muhammad Iqbal Birsyada
A museum is a building or building that is used as a place to exhibit objects that deserve public attention, such as historical relics, arts and sciences. The museum has educational and artistic value so that it can be used as a source of student learning at all levels of education in Indonesia. One...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Reading Interest and Learning Environment on Indonesian Language Learning Achievement of Fifth Grade Elementary School Students in Cluster 01 Kretek Bantul

Sunarti, Anggraini Yunita Sari
The aim of this study is to determine the effect of reading interest, and learning environment on Indonesian language learning achievement, both individually and collectively in fifth grade elementary school students in Cluster 01 Kretek Bantul. This research was carried out in the Kretek District of...
Proceedings Article

Problems Faced by the EFL Students in Implementing TikTok as a Speaking Learning Medium

Chaty S. Lin, Rifki Irawan, Septian Aji Permana
This research aims to find problems faced by five EFL students in implementing TikTok as a speaking learning medium. This study used a qualitative methodology, including data collection techniques such as observation and questionnaires, and data analysis procedures such as data reduction, display, and...
Proceedings Article

Hybrid Flip Book in Improving Student Engagement

Armansyah Prasakti, Ary Purwatiningsih
Learning Criminology has a theoretical learning character, resulting in a lack of use of media which results in less than optimal student activities, especially student engagement. The right media used in increasing student activities is a hybrid flipbook. This media can be equipped with material, video,...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Self-regulation to Academic Performance Towards Accounting Students with Student Satisfaction as Intervening Variable

Gunawan Wandy Iriyanto, Fernando Pratama Ruslim, Sany
This paper examined the effect of self-regulation to academic performance through student satisfaction while participating in online class during the current pandemic situation of Covid-19. In this study, an online survey distributed through social media (LINE, WhatsApp) to accounting students in several...
Proceedings Article

Student Autonomy, Self-efficacy on Engagement, and Student Engagement and Service Quality on Student Satisfaction

Felicia Lisady, Felicia Wong, Sany
Online learning is currently being carried out to decrease interaction between students and lecturers to minimize the consequences of corona virus transmission. In such a learning experience, it is believed that the contact between lecturers and students would drive students to engage in the learning...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Multimedia Animation-Based Integrative Learning Model During Covid-19 Pandemic at Primary School

Siti Maisaroh, Nafisah Endahati
Problems arise on learning process during pandemic covid-19, those are feeling bored of children, no communication and interaction between teacher and students, the inadequate learning tools and facilities, and the low motivation of students’ motivation. A way to overcome the problems is done with various...
Proceedings Article

Development of Adaptive MOOC Models in Universities

Selly Rahmawati, Beny Dwi Lukitoaji, May Prastika Dewi
The existence of activity restrictions as a follow up to the case of COVID 19, private universities whose learning is not yet based on technology have obstacles to implement online learning policies. Lecturers and students are not ready so the ability to adapt to carry out online learning is low. MOOC...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Social Science Thematic Learning Media-Edpuzzel and Local Wisdom Based on Elementary School in Indonesia

Dhiniaty Gularso, Muhammad Fairuzabadi, Risma Khasanatun
The aims of this development research are 1) to generate learning media products of social; science in the form of Edpuzzel used in the social studies learning process for student class V school basic 2) know the enhancement performance study student class V on the eye social sciences lesson material...
Proceedings Article

The Development of History Learning Media with Gis Web Based in Improving Real Understanding of Senior High School Students

Muhammad Iqbal Birsyada, Fahruddin, Muhammad Fairuzabadi
So far, history learning is still often considered monotonous, conventionally only presenting memorizing years, numbers, and historical figures so that it seems boring for students. In the digital era 5.0, teachers are required to be able to adapt to the development of learning technology by adjusting...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Career Adaptability and Work Motivation on Employee Performance

Saptaningsih Sumarmi, Dhini Novita Sari, Murniady Muchran
In an organization, human resources have a vital role where human resources are data seekers, data sources, and implementers of data processing results. For this reason, organizations need the role of qualified employees as planners, thinkers, and controllers of existing activities. However, sometimes,...
Proceedings Article

Exploring the Relationship of Local Marketplace and Customer Using a Construal Level Theory

Guruh Ghifar Zalzalah, Fikri Farhan
Technological developments at this time are very advanced, one of them is internet technology, the marketplace is one of the products that produced from internet technology where it makes convenient for the community in carrying out their economic activities. The increasing use of internet technology...
Proceedings Article

Horoscope on Javanese Community

Darsono, Niken Wahyu Utami
Calendars are generally used as time markers. However, the Calendar in Java is used for two things, the first is to know the best time to carry out blasphemy, and the second is to know the character and fate of people based on the date of birth. From the dual calendar function, we can see one of its...
Proceedings Article

Mystical as Community Social Life in Facing Eruption Disasters

Septian Aji Permana, Mohammad Maulana, Supri Hartanto
Javanese people who still adhere to mythology, believe that Mount Merapi is a donor (giver). The purpose of this study was to analyze the community's wisdom in preparing for the threat of the Merapi eruption and to find the Smart Mitigation concept for the community in dealing with the eruption...
Proceedings Article

Development of Learning Media Practicum Air Conditioning System Based on Problem Solving in Vocational Education

Didik Rohmantoro, Bayu Gilang Purnomo, Yulia Venti Yoanita, Dwiki Muda Yulanto
Learning media acts as a tool to convey knowledge and skills from teachers to students. This study aims to: (1) develop problem solving-based learning media; (2) revealing the feasibility of the problem solving-based air-cooling system practicum learning media that was developed to be applied; (3) revealing...
Proceedings Article

Making Learning Media for HOTS-Based Transmission Course

Muhammad Priya Permana, Juang Kurniawan Syahruzah
The learning strategy Project based Learning is one part of the Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS). Both Project based Learning and Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) have a goal in developing ways of thinking, analyzing, and creating something creative. This stage is expected to exist at the student...