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188734 articles

Early Childhood Mathematics Learning in Realistic Mathematical Education (RME)

Windi Wulandari Iman Utama, Novianti Retno Utami, Windi Wilujeng
Mathematics is an ability that is used in everyday life in all aspects of age. The competence of mathematical abilities is important for every individual so that it must be introduced from an early age. This study aims to describe empirically early childhood mathematics learning in Realistic Mathematical...

Plan International and its Alliances’s Role in Overcoming Child Marriage Problem and Supporting Sustainable Development Goals Through The Yes I Do Program in Lombok, Indonesia

Kurnia Zulhandayani Rizki, Namira Risqi Putri Muquita, Khairur Rizki, Kinanti Rizsa Sabilla
This research exists to see the role of Plan International and its alliances in overcoming the problem of child marriage in Lombok, Indonesia through The Yes I Do program, to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Then, the author uses the Sustainable Development Goals and the Convention on...
Proceedings Article

Assessing the effect of various categories of filler of high content on Hot Mix Asphalt

Saifa Summin Upoma, Mohei Menul Islam, Quazi Sazzad Hossain
Fillers strengthen cohesiveness and fill void in the mixture of asphalt, which affects engineering properties of this mixture. Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), lime and stone dust are generally used in the asphalt mixture as fillers. The influence of different fillers of various contents on volumetric...

Developing Ordering Management System in an Indonesian Multinational Packaging Machinery Company

Samantha Tiara Widjaja, Tanika Dewi Sofianti, Aditya Tirta Paratama
Ordering Management System (OMS) is the fundamental system that is required by companies that sell goods. A company that sells packaging machinery require the development of their information system and their ordering management system. In this research, the company is still using the traditional method...

The Description of Illness Representation Occurred in Hypertension and Diabetes Patients in Makassar City

Annisa Yurna Megarezky, Grestin Sandy, Mayenrisari Arifin
Non-infectious diseases (i.e., stroke, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, tumor, and cardiovascular disease) are Indonesia’s main causes of death. Diabetes and hypertension are diseases that could be treated quickly. However, many patients choose to delay the treatment, and some decide not to treat their...
Proceedings Article

Intrusion Detection by XGBoost Model Tuned by Improved Multi-verse Optimizer

Aleksandar Petrovic, Milos Antonijevic, Ivana Strumberger, Nebojsa Budimirovic, Nikola Savanovic, Stefana Janicijevic
Artificial intelligence and internet of things (IoT) fields have contributed to the flourishment of the industry 4.0 concept. The main benefits include the improvements in terms of device communication, productivity, and efficiency. Nevertheless, there is a downside concerning the security of these systems....

Applying Genetic Algorithm for Line Balancing Problem in Garment Manufacture

Hoa Nguyen Thi Xuan, Anh Vu Hai, Anh Nguyen Quang
The garment industry is one of the most intensely competitive in the world, and productivity is essential to sustaining that competitiveness. As one of the sectors that utilizes a large number of people and various activities at workstations, the garment industry is one that places a high priority on...

Assessing User Experience and E-Service Quality of the UP Tourism Website

Upasana Saxena, Sujay Vikram Singh, Himanshu Shekhar, Rohit Borilkar
Flow Theory, Destination Management Organisation, E-Service Quality. The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, tourists have developed a heightened attention to detail when it comes to choosing secure travel destinations, placing considerable reliance on digital resources. In order to improve user experience...

Mathematical Problem Solving in Terms of Digital Literacy Ability

Karsoni Berta Dinata, Masitoh, Windo Dicky Irawan, Darwanto, Junaidi
Solution of mathematical problem needed creativity in determining the problem solving strategy. Creativity that is usually done when dealing with a problem is by searching for information related to the problem on the internet. This study aims to describe solving mathematical problems in terms of digital...

Teacher’s Image of a Higher Educational Institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia during Distance Learning

Lyubov Fortova, Анна Yudina, Svetlana Komissarova
The successful activity of educational organisations operating in a new digital reality largely depends on adaptability to new realities and the speed of organising the educational process using the “digital”. The digital environment completely changes the activities of a higher school teacher, who,...

Evaluation of Physical Education Learning in the 2013 Curriculum in the Junior High School of Wonosobo District

Taufan Jannata, Trie Hartiti Retnowati
This study aimed to evaluate the implementation of teaching and learning in the physical education subjects in the 2013 Curriculum for Junior High Schools in Wonosobo Regency and the difficulties faced by the teachers in implementing the Curriculum. This research was an evaluative research with CIPP...
Proceedings Article

Smart Trash Can: Innovation of Automatic Trash Can with Arduino Uno-Based as an Effort to Support Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Action

Rizki Maharani Aqilah, Azzati Sahirah Elfahmi, Rahma Fariza, Riska Dwi Oktalia, Bambang Tri Wahyudi
Garbage is an item that we encounter every day and often causes problems. Based on statistical data from the 2020 National Waste Management Information System, in the City of Yogyakarta the highest percentage of waste by type is organic waste consisting of food waste with a percentage of 50.21%. One...

21st Century Material for Literacy Skills

Media and Information Literacy in Indonesia Curriculum Implementation

Safira Choirunniza, Puri Selfi Cholifah
The low level of students’ literacy skills in Indonesia is still a problem that has not yet received the right solution. The lack of use of digital media is one of the reasons. During the Covid-19 pandemic, online learning automatically increased students ‘gadget use intensity and automatically improved...
Conference Abstract


B.M. Bensalah, B.E. Bollache, R.A. Redheuil, K.N. Kachenoura, D.C.A. De Cesar, E.M. Mousseaux
Pages: 203 - 203
Proceedings Article

Design and Implementation of an Improved Costas Loop Circuits by Using FPGA

Fangcheng Xing, Suzhen Wang, Weihua Zong, Shujian Zhang
With the advantages of high integration, high reliability, fast processing speed and online programming, the field-programmable gate array (FPGA) has become a hotspot of the studies on digital communication systems. In a suppressed carrier digital communication system, the quality of carrier extraction...
Proceedings Article

Screening the Effective Spectrum Features of Tobacco Leaf Based on GA and SVM

Hang Li, Jinyuan Shen, Yinliang Kong, Zhongji Cheng
To improve the tobacco classification speed, it is necessary to shorten the data acquisition time and reduce the computational complexity of the hierarchy model. In this paper, we take the genetic algorithm to screen the tobacco spectrum characteristics, and set up the support vector machine (SVM) classification...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Effect of Wind-Thermal Installed Capacity Ratio on the Stability of DC Islanded System

Zhicheng Sha, Yan Wang, Shuai Zheng, Jingfang Dong
Wind-thermal-bundled power transmission by UHVDC system is regarded as one feasible way of developing global clean energy in the future and its characteristic of stability should be paid attention to. Different wind-thermal installed capacity ratio is proposed with the wind from the change of power angle...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Optimal Scheme and the Effect of Tunnel Construction of the Existing line on the Railway Station

Zhuangfei Yin
Aiming at the safety problem during the tunnel construction of the existing railway at the Hechuan Station, generalize the analysis model, using the method that combined the MIDAS/GTS with the numerical simulation procedure GDEM, the effect of the tunnel construction on the Hechuan station is research....

Teaching Reform of Web Page Design Based on Computer Vision

Lei Tian, Yin Ma, Zhigang Liu
Teaching Web page designed to co-ordinate the planning, the overall style of uniform. In order to make the site each page there is a whole, we should around a visual center to build an overall visual convey teaching information, Designers to comprehensively consider the various visual elements, especially...
Proceedings Article

Determination of Seismic Safe Distances During Mining Blasts with Consideration of a Dominant Vibration Frequency

Aleksey Novinkov, Aleksandr Tashkinov, Sergey Protasov
A method for determining seismic safe distances for blasting operations in mines, taking into account the value of dominant frequencies of the earth surface vibrations is proposed. The method is based on a regression analysis of the experimental data; the method is characterized by a familiar and simple...
Proceedings Article

Analog Circuit Soft Fault Diagnosis Based on Chaotic Neural Network

Meirong Liu, Li Zeng, Liwei Zhang, Yigang He
In order to solve the fault feature redundancy problem in analog circuit fault diagnosis, a method of fault diagnosis is presented in this paper. This approach using the method of wavelet decomposition and fuzzy clustering on the fault signals to obtain test matrix; then inputted the test matrix into...
Proceedings Article

Application of IOT in the Supply Chain of the Fresh Agricultural Products

Liheng Zhang
With the development of IOT and economic progress, consumers demand has great changes for fresh agricultural products. But traditional agricultural supply chain model exist problems. To achieve Information management fresh produce supply chain, To achieve intelligent production cultivate fresh produce,...
Proceedings Article

Simulation of dynamic and economic performance of pure electric vehicle based on two speed automatic transmission

Zhigang Tan, Huawei Wu, He Li, Yuanjin Zhang
In order to study the influence of transmission matching on the power and economy of pure electric vehicle , The establishment of EQ5038XXYL pure electric van car model and simulate its power and mileage by using AVL cruise platform. On the basis of the original vehicle power transmission system, the...
Proceedings Article

Explore into the Cultural Value of National Traditional Sports

Dingming Wang
China has been through five thousand years' development therefore, it has diverse national culture, customs and sports culture. However, the nation's sports culture is being ignored in the course of development. This paper firstly introduces relevant concepts of national traditional sports and then carries...
Proceedings Article

An improved Probability Assessment Model of Electric Vehicle Chargers influencing on Distribution Transformer

Fen Qin, Liang Shen, Wei Hu, Shuangtong Chen, Fan Ye, Yushuang Li
In this paper, the charging current harmonics of EV are analyzed based on the harmonically coupled admittance matrix of three-phase rectification charger. The harmonic current calculation formula of single and multiple EV chargers in the grid is derived, and subsequent a probability method to assess...
Proceedings Article

Current Situation and Countermeasures of Sports Funding Input in Agricultural Colleges and Universities——A Case Study on Huazhong Agricultural University

Jiantao Zhang, Gangqi Guo
By analyzing of the sports funding of three consecutive years (2010-2012) in the Huazhong Agricultural University, the present paper aimed to figure out the causes of the development bottleneck of sports cause and to seek solution for it, which was intended to help promote the sustainable development...
Proceedings Article

A fuzzy methodology to alleviate information overload in eLearning

Fabio Aurelio D'Asaro, Valerio Perticone, Marco Elio Tabacchi
Some aspects of eLearning experience can be enhanced in a very natural way by using the basic tools offered by fuzzy logic. As a matter of example, consider the uncontrolled growth of information produced in a collaborative-oriented context, in which each participant (e.g. students, teachers) is able...
Proceedings Article

Exploration and Practice on New Mode of Industry Training Base and Professional Training Base Combination

Bin Hu
Practical teaching system construction is an important content in national vocational colleges construction. The introduction of industry support, cooperation with enterprises to build a training base, is the main way to improve the conditions of vocational practice teaching. In the building of training...
Proceedings Article

Multi-Attribute Decision-Making Based Trusted Multipath Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Xue Qi, Dong Qingkuan, Li Qing
Mobile Ad Hoc networks (MANETs) are a kind of acentric and self-organizing multi-hop wireless network. Topology changes frequently in mobile Ad Hoc networks. Node’s energy, bandwidth and computation capability are limited. In addition, the open links are vulnerable to network attacks. Therefore the problems...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Zhu Xi’s Self-Education on China’s Contemporary Self-Education

Hong Li, Ying Zhan, Fang Zhang
This paper mainly deals with Zhu Xi’s self-education impact on modern education. Through the introduction to Zhu Xi’s self-education processes and methods, the paper then comes to the development of self-education in modern education, and the impact by Zhu’s theory in modern self- education.
Proceedings Article

An Integrated Resource Platform for Visual Basic Programming Language Course

Xiuying Wang, Fang Zhou
An integrated resource platform for visual basic programming language courses (VBPLC) was studied and developed to meet the needs of top quality course construction based on integrated method of Dreamweaver, ASP and fireworks. In this paper, we analysis firstly that the platform should has functions...

Current Situation and Management Innovation of Legal Consciousness in the Countryside

Yuan Xin, Quan-Yi Li
We use questionnaires, field surveys, interviews and other ways to inspection the Current situation of Legal Consciousness in the Countryside, and, we found the following questions: All kinds of the franco-prussian work launched hotly, however, Legal consciousness did not come up to standards in the...
Proceedings Article

The Change and development of Competitive Sports Intelligence Under the Backdrop of Informatization

Ping Yue
The constant development of information technology promises the extensiveness, professionalism and comprehensiveness of the sources of the competitive sports intelligence data; and the analyzing of the competitive sports intelligence also makes it turn from artificial experience analysis to the direction...
Proceedings Article

A Survey of Intelligent Decision Support System

Changlin He, Yufen Li
IDSS can be generated through combining AI technology and DSS and applying Expert System. The generation and current status of IDSS are firstly expounded in this paper. Then it describes the three types and application scenarios of IDSS in detail, describes the characteristics of IDSS, gives the system...

Rational Analysis of the Power and Role between Teachers and Students

Fang Li
The evident disparity in power and status between teachers and students is concretely showed in the interpersonal interactions between them during class. We need to find out the optimum cut in point between power control and equal cooperation. To seek the cooperation and equality between teachers and...
Proceedings Article

Stimulating Rural Tourism in Chongzhou,Sichuan, China

Chaoping Hou, Xiu Chen
The development of rural tourism industry not only brings an expanded revenue model in the Chinese tourism market, but also requires the improvement of rural infrastructure, the quality of tourism service, and establishment of local rural characteristics. Therefore, how could the governmental interventions...
Proceedings Article

Research on Multi-sensor Cooperative Tracking Mission Planning of Aerospace Hypersonic Vehicles

Qiang Fu, Chengli Fan, Gang Wang, Xiangke Guo
Aimed at aerospace hypersonic vehicles (AHV) with the characteristics of high velocity, maneuverability, Radar Cross-section (RCS) weak, the single sensor is difficult to effectively track, therefore proposed multi-sensor collaborative workflow, construct cooperative tracking mission planning framework...

A Systematic Study of P2P Streaming Media Based on Cloud Computing

Xiaolai Zhou
This study expounds on the integration of P2P technology and clouding computing technology in cloud environment and put forwards the P2P streaming media system resource-sharing network structure based on cloud computing, aiming to provide a new approach for transmitting online video in the age of big...
Proceedings Article

The Monitoring of Temperature Effect on the Supporting Structure of Main Active Reflector for FAST

Qingmei Wnag, Ming Zhu, Qiming Wang, Lei Yang, Zheng Lei
The variations of ambient temperature can change the state of the supporting structure of the reflector for Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope. The purpose of this research is to monitor the temperature and the varieties to find their relationship. Firstly, the temperature monitoring...

A Legal Analysis on Establishment of a Fair Competition Review Mechanism in China- A case study based on Opinions for Establishing a Fair Competition Review

Guilin Gao, Ziqi Wang
China is a country undergoing gradual transition from planning economy to market economy. Administrative monopoly is an urgent problem that has to be solved in China's market economic development. The Opinions for Establishing a Fair Competition Review Mechanism in the Market System (Hereinafter referred...

School-Based Management for Generating Improved Learning Outcomes of All Pupils by Improving Good Teaching and Learning Practices

Suyata Suyata
Simply decreeing that government transferring authority power and responsibility and accountability education matters to school and community would be unlikely resulting in the improved school quality. Even good policies accompanied with good new structural arrangement of school organization would be...

Research on the Definition and Influence of New Production of Ship Industry Index of Energy Efficiency on the Ship Design Process

Wang Ya Tao, Wu Fei
In this paper, we conduct research on the definition and influence of new production of ship industry index of energy efficiency on the ship design process. Ship energy saving is the key to energy saving ship form optimization design. In the ship under the conditions of use, and to optimize the design...
Proceedings Article

Vertical distribution and settling process of Pb in Jiaozhou bay

Dongfang Yang, Fengyou Wang, Xiuqin Yang, Yunjie Wu, Sixi Zhu
Based on the investigation data on Pb in Jiaozhou Bay in May, September and October in 1983, were analyzed the horizontal and seasonal distribution of Pb. The results in this paper showed that Pb contents in surface and bottom waters were closed in the bay mouth in different seasons. For seasonal distributions,...

Situation and Strategy of Yang Style Tai Chi in Handan

Shiru Hao, Weilong Xu
Tai chi has became one the most famous sports to keep fit for its prominent fitness effect and profound culture deposit. Among all kinds of styles, Yang-style Tai chi spreads most widely. Handan have high representative for it's the place of origin for Yang style Tai chi. This article choose the method...

Research on Contribution Rate Measurement of Education on Economy Based on Fuzzy Neural Network Model

Junying Tan
In this paper, the fuzzy theory and neural network theory to blend together, based on fuzzy neural network model to measure the economic contribution of education, through three stages of index selection and neural network training, the final empirical results show that education for China's economic...

Research on Competitive Transformation of Chinese Martial Arts

Ran Li
With the development and transformation of society, Chinese martial arts also keep transforming to enter modernization process and blend in world sports gradually. Martial arts develop into competitive pattern gradually and competitive martial arts developed from traditional martial arts. Developing...
Proceedings Article

Innovation Research of Scientific and Technical Information in the Age of Big Data

Liu Ru, Li Rong, Wu Yuhui
In the age of big data, one of an important means to develop industry, science and technology in China is to explore the dynamic information solution based on big data. With popularization of smart phones and mobile terminals and wide coverage of networks of 3G/4G/WIFI, the data related to every one...
Proceedings Article

Study on Thermal Performance of Urban Residential buildings in the Zhejiang Region

Jinghui Ma, Weijie Si
The aim of the present study is to clarify the energy saving potential for urban residential buildings. In this paper the impact of energy efficiency of Zhejiang urban residential buildings in china is discussed based on simulation analyses. The results show that the air change rate and the U-value (The...
Proceedings Article

Research and implementation of comprehensive analysis system of economic operation in tobacco industry

Ji Qi, Qian Jie, Shen Chao, Lu Hailong, Zhang Min
Based on economic statistics, survey and the requirements analysis of tobacco industry, using information network and basic data platform and the establishment of special monitoring indicators, China Tobacco Zhejiang Industrial CO., LTD. implement a comprehensive analysis system about economic operation...
Proceedings Article

The Fused Deposition Modeling 3D Printing

Longwei Yan, Huichao Sun, Xingtian Qu, Wei Zhou
Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) is one of the most widely used additive manufacturing processes for fabricating prototypes and functional parts in common engineering plastics. From the view of the control structure, 3D printer based on the FDM technology is divided into two layers: the host computer...