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188758 articles

Negative Pragmatic Transfer as a Factor Jeopardizing Formation of Multicultural Personality in RFL Classroom (the case of request speech act)

Elena Rumyantseva, Natalya Nekora, Ludmila Kozhevnikova
Language learning provides vast opportunities for formation and development of multicultural personality since language is a source and method of learning culture. However, sometimes this process may be hindered by lack of crosses between cultural awareness and negative pragmatic transfer resulting in...

Second Order Necessary Condition of Major Constraint Programming

Xuanwei Zhou
Second order condition of major constraint programming is considered. Using the structure representation of major constraint set and first order condition for the given problem, a second order necessary optimality condition of major constraint local optimal solution is proved under some constraint qualification...

Travel Behavior Towards Transit-Oriented Development in Dukuh Atas, DKI Jakarta

Chotib, Gemala Pritha Ryzki Rynjani
Increasing resident activity in Jabodetabek has highlighted that increased traffic flow and transportation needs could cause congestion and environmental problems. To address these possible transportation problems, a transit-oriented development (TOD) policy is soon to be implemented in Dukuh Atas, Jakarta....

Legal Protection of Proprietary Technology of Entity Enterprises

Qin Yu
As a unique property of enterprises, proprietary technology is the core competitiveness of enterprises. However, the leakage of proprietary technology will bring great economic losses to the obligee, and seriously may lose the competitiveness of enterprises. Therefore, it is particularly important for...
Research Article

Bilateral difference of superficial and deep femoral artery haemodynamic and anatomical parameters

Zbignevs Marcinkevics, Zane Lukstina, Uldis Rubins, Andris Grabovskis, Juris-Imants Aivars
Pages: 201 - 210
Clinically revealed, non-uniform distribution of peripheral vascular diseases throughout the arterial tree suggests that haemodynamic forces can modulate the endothelial dysfunction. In the present study the bilateral differences of deep (DFA) and superficial (SFA) femoral artery blood velocity waveform...

Analysis Of The 21st Century Skills Achievement Using Constructivist Learning With Arduino Based Driverless Vehicle Technology

Azinudin Achzab, Cucuk Budiyanto, Aris Budianto
There has been recent attention to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) learning for early age children. Furthermore, the development of new technology learning standards and methods for integrating it into early age children education have been improved. Teacher-centred learning, information...
Proceedings Article

Justification Strategies of The 7th Grade Students in Understanding Triangles’ Concepts

Shanty Galuh Perdanawati, Yusuf Fuad, Endah Budi Rahaju
Triangle is one of the fundamental concepts in geometry which has to be studied in secondary schools. Students have many difficulties to implement maths’ reasoning and to understand concepts of the triangle. If students’ difficulties have to be addressed and facilitated, then the students understand...

Market survey and analysis of "new dream" training for new generation industrial workers

Yuan-bing Liao
The "dream program" of the new generation industrial workers, led by the Communist Youth League Guangdong Provincial Committee and other units, has set up a good platform for the growth and development of the new generation of industrial workers. Since the implementation of the "dream project", the scale...

A New Definition of Religious Ritual

Qing Lan
In social science, ritual is a concept often used, especially in religion study. But we have not a successful definition of ritual yet. This means we can not distinguish it from normal behavior. Many anthropologists have endeavored to define ritual, while they all failed because they lacked an adequate...
Proceedings Article

HF Frequency Short-Term Forecast Method Research in the Asia Oceania Region

Chao Li, Hanguang Jia, Huibin Hu, Yunjiang Liu, Xiangyang Ye
With analysis on ionosphere propagation features, and on the basis of ionospheric data in Sanya, Hainan, the self-correlation coefficient analysis method is applied to the ionospheric parameter prediction, then the method is compared with the artificial neural network prediction method. The prediction...

Exploration on Animation Teaching in Universities under the Mode of Industry-University-Research Cooperation

Jin Wang
The combination of Industry-University-Research (IUR) and animation provides favorable conditions for universities and scientific research institutions to cultivate innovative talents, strengthens the core competitiveness of animation enterprises, and enables universities, enterprises and scientific...

Research on The Development of Cross-Border E-commerce in China: Take Alibaba as an Example

Liang Liu, Xiaoyu Jiang, Jian Wu
With the continuous development of internationalization, the traditional international trade mode has its own defects, while e-commerce, as a new form of trade, is widely praised for its convenience and small time and space restrictions. As a new form of trade between countries, cross-border e-commerce...

A Case Study on the Tourism Community Participation Models of Hainan Ethnic Minority Areas Based on Chinese Targeted Poverty Alleviation Policy

Dan Zhao, Yingqiu Wu, Xiaoxin Chen
In Hainan ethnic minority areas where have abundant tourism resources developing pro-poor tourism projects is an important approach to poverty alleviation However whether local residents really participate in tourism is related to the efficiency and effectiveness of the results. So to find the best way...

Mentor and Mentee Understanding of Character Building in Mentoring Activity at SMP Arrisalah

Weni Yulastri
Mentoring is one of an effective learning method in character building. Therefore, some improvements are much needed. One of them is improving mentor and mentees’ understanding of the effectiveness of mentoring activity. The purpose of this research is to describe mentors and mentees’ understanding about...
Proceedings Article

New Generation Varieties of Spring Oats Selected for Areas with the Climate as in Ural, Siberia and the Far East of Russia

Mariya Fomina, Galina Tobolova, Anna Lyubimova
New varieties of spring oats Otrada and Foma have been created in the Northern Trans-Ural Agricultural Research Institute. Midseason varieties are resistant to drowning and shedding, and mid resistant to spring-and-summer drought, have potential productivity of 7,0 - 8,0 t/ha. The top grain yield of...

Current Problems and Improvements in Anatomy Teaching

Ma Li
The purpose of education is not only to teach students how to master basic medical knowledge, but also to help them develop scientific thinking methods, and master comprehensive clinical skills and practical ability. This article explores the current problems in anatomy teaching, and then probes the...

The Differentiation of Problem Solving Ability by Using Problem Based Learning and Think Pair Share

Lydia Grace Siallagan, Pargaulan Siagian, Zul Amry
Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Think Pair Share (TPS) models used to teach students for problem solving ability. The main of both models lies in the direction of the phase of directing students to actual issues that can improve problem-solving ability. The purpose of this study is to know the difference...
Proceedings Article

Scientific Thinking Skills: Why Junior High School Science Teachers Cannot Use Discovery and Inquiry Models In Classroom

Erman Erman, Wasis Wasis, Endang Susantini, Utiya Azizah
This study aims to describe the difficulty of the teacher in distinguishing the implementation of discovery and inquiry learning models in science learning and the factors that led to the scientific thinking skills of junior high school science teachers. The case study design used in this study involved...

Analysis on the Causes and Countermeasures of the Loss of supernumerary employment in public Universities

Ge Yiyao, Du Yaqi
The supernumerary employment is a product of the personnel management of the party, government organs, enterprises and institutions of our country. This paper clearly stipulates the method for preparation of supernumerary employment management, understands the major problems existing in the establishment...

The Influence of Culture on Trade between China and Southeast Asia: Based on the Perspective of “Belt and Road”

Yanan Song
This paper analyzes the influence of culture on China’s bilateral trade to show the influence of the construction of “Belt and Road Initiative” by using data of 11 Southeast Asian countries from 2000 to 2015. The results show that culture factors, common language, common policy institution and cultural...

The Face of Al-Quran on Islamic Education Curriculum in Indonesia

Heri Khoiruddin, Ade Nandang, Heris Herwaman
The success of Rasulullah in changing the behavior of Arab society, was influenced among others by the coming of the Koran. The verse that descended on Mecca was in accord with the needs of the people of Mecca at that time. The periodization of the coming of the Koran is the stage of teaching in Islamic...
Proceedings Article

Dependence of braking vehicle characteristics on environmental conditions

Sergey Yurievich Krasnoshtanov, Alexander Vladimirovich Bykov, Dmitry Anatolyevich Tikhov-Tinnikov
The main purpose of the work is to confirm influence of operating conditions at low temperatures on change in braking characteristics of cars. The factors influencing the result of braking are determined, cars from the general set of all vehicles operated in Ulan-Ude are selected, taking into account...

Strategic Formulation of Local Resources Management To Reduce Poverty

Ms Wahyuningsih, Ms Husnah, Rostiati Dg. Rahmatu, Niluh Putu Evvy Rosanty
The objective of this research is to propose strategic formulation of poverty reduction model based on economic empowerment and local resource based management. This study has been conducted in Central Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, using in-depth interview and SWOT analysis methods. This research finds...

A Study on Learning Engagement of Higher Vocational College Students

Xiao Li
This study took 599 higher vocational college students as subjects, using UWES-S to examine the current situation of higher vocational students' learning engagement. The results showed that: Male students' learning engagement is significantly higher than that of female students; the learning engagement...
Proceedings Article

Modeling and Calculation of Cyclic Fatigue Life of Surface Plastic Strain Hardened Parts of Mining Machines Based on the Mechanics of Technological Inheritance

Valeriy Yu. Blumenstein, Ostanin Oleg A.
The study reviews the developed model of deformations accumulation and depletion of the metal plasticity reserve at the cyclic fatigue life stage. Such model is based on the ideas relating to the index of stress state scheme and consistent in terms of physics. It is shown that the type and numerical...

Implication of Artisanal Mining in Indonesia in the Mining Minoral Perspective

M. Rochman, Faisal Santiago
Mining is a business that always gives big enough profit for a country that has natural resource-rich nature. Indonesia is a country rich in natural resources, Indonesia guarantees in Article 33 Paragraph (3) Undang Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 (UUD NRI Tahun 1945) that natural resources...

The Learning Model of Flood Disasters Mitigation Based on Local Culture for Early Childhood in Bengawan Solo River Basin

Siti Wahyuningsih, Warananingtyas Palupi, Ruli Hafidah, Muh. Munif S, Adriani Rahma, Nurul Kusuma Dewi
This article aims to describe the learning model based on the local culture for early childhood. The study used an action-based qualitative approach. The research target was 27 children aged 5-6 years. The research was conducted at PAUD Garuda and TK Aisyiyah Gandekan Surakarta, located in Bengawan Solo...

The Local Wisdom of Tenggerese People in Karo Ritual

Trisakti Ms., Anik Juwariyah
Karo is a big day celebrated annually by Tenggerese people as a worship towards the God and a homage to the ancestors’ spirit. During Karo, the Tenggerese people perform a set of ritual activities. The ritual starts from signing the existence of the ancestors’ spirit until signing the return of it. Furthermore,...
Proceedings Article

A Novel Metal-Free Visible-Light-Driven Photo catalytic Foam for Efficient Degradation of Methyl Orange

Junfeng Wu, Yan Gao, Yi Li
Here, graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) was integrated with polyurethane foam (PUF) as a novel metal-free visible-light-driven photocatalytic foam (g-C3N4/PUF) by a facile ultrasonic method. The fabricated samples were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy...

Research on Application of Virtual Reality Technology in Production Practice of Bioengineering Specialty

Jing Su, Junqing Wang, Piwu Li, Wenjun Lan
Professional production practice is a part of the bioengineering teaching, which plays an important role in improving students' ability to analyze problems and solve problems. However, there are some common problems in the practical teaching of bioengineering specialty. For example, appropriate companies...
Proceedings Article

Training Multiple Intelligences (Visual-spatial and Linguistic Intelligence) of Students Through Guided Inquiry Model Lesson on Reaction Rate Chapter

Muhammad Andi Tanri Prasetyo, Dian Novita
This study aims to describe the learning outcomes of multiple intelligences (visual-spatial and linguistic intelligence) of students who are raised with inquiry learning model that is guided on the reaction rate material at SMAN 1 Krian Sidoarjo. This type of research is pre-experimental with One group...

The Audience Habit of Media Consumption in The Transition of Digitalization Broadcasting in Central Java

Made Dwi Adnjani, Mubarok Mubarok
Indonesia already has a digital TV migration roadmap based on studies and consultations with broadcasters. The Government has established DVB-T technology as a standard of free terrestrial digital television broadcasting through Ministerial Regulation of Kominfo No: 07 / P / M.KOMINFO / 3/2007. If the...
Proceedings Article

Study on Highway Skid Resistance Evaluation with Safety Factors

Rihua Bai, Lijian Mao, Zhanshun Bo
Pavement skid resistance condition should be taken into account with due care when evaluating the highway maintenance qualities, because it is related to the users' life and property. The research proposes skid resistance evaluation methods (safety focused) and the main evaluation parameters on the basis...

How to Improve Teaching Efficiency of University Vocal Music Course

Jindong Zhang
In university vocal music teaching, teachers must pay attention to teaching efficiency and teaching quality improvement, mainly because university vocal music teaching efficiency directly determines students' studying quality, based on this, during teaching, university vocal music teachers have to innovate...

Research and Construction of Spoken English Graded Corpus for College English Majors

Baiping Huang
This paper briefly introduces the construction of a spoken English corpus including English interactive classification, the specific process of topic selection, data description, data processing and integration. To some extent, this study makes up for the lack of domestic similar research, but also provides...
Proceedings Article

Study and Application for Data Access Control in IoT based on Analytic Hierarchy Process

Xiaoyang Chen, Lingyun Jiang, Bowei Liu, Lei Wang
With the increasing scale of Internet of Things, the problem of congestion is brought about in the process of data access and control, and the important data cannot be updated in time. In view of the above problems, the paper proposes the model of device attribute priority based on analytic hierarchy...

Study on the Teaching Method of CAD/CAM Course in Independent College

Wen-Ju Shan
This paper introduces the importance of CAD/CAM course of mechanical major in Independent College and the reform of teaching content and teaching method of CAD/CAM course. Including the CAD/CAM course and theory teaching, practice teaching, practice teaching integration and task driven teaching method...

Feasibility Study of the Integration of Professional English and Basic English in Vocational Colleges

Shuning Liu
In recent years, the quality and practice of our higher vocational education have achieved progress in certain degree. But deep-rooted traditional education mode still imposes strong traditional education color on both theory and practice of higher vocational education. Nowadays, higher vocational colleges...
Proceedings Article

Study on Pavement Performance of Foamed Asphalt Mixture in Mid-Surface of Expressway

Kejia Liu, Bin Liang
Pavement performance of Foamed Asphalt Mixture in Mid-Surface of Expressway is studied in the paper. The production process of foamed asphalt mixture in the construction site mixing station is briefly introduced. Experimental study on water stability of asphalt mixture by immersion Marshall test and...

A Study of Local Wisdom of Balinese Aga and Samin People to Develop Environmental Awareness Characteristics

Sumarmi Sumarmi
To overcome as well as to lessen the number of environmental problems in Indonesia, people within this country need to have high awareness and concern in conserving the nature and environment. One of the national educational goals in Indonesia is to bring out intelligent and well-mannered generations,...

Research on Moral Education Methods for Ethnic Preppies

Jian Hang
The moral education during preparatory education is to correctly guide the ideology of students and train high quality preppies. It inherits traditional Chinese culture and strengthens the identification of ethnic preppies for Chinese culture. We research how to achieve the effect through such means...
Proceedings Article

An Approximate Analytical Solution of Van Genuchten Model

Liang Mi, Wei Luo
It is analyzed the wetting front position and derived an approximate analytical solution of Richards' equation (RE) with van Genuchten model, which is usually used to determine the soil and water characteristic curve in porous medium. Based on Boltzmann transformation, a special variable is constructed...
Proceedings Article

Intelligent Farmland Management System with Low-power Consumption Based on the Internet of Things

Zhigang Wang
The global demand for green technology and energy efficiency is driving the development of a new intelligent agriculture with low-power consumption based on the Internet of things. This kind of Internet is constantly being used in intelligent agriculture. The new wireless network can work for a longer...


Samsi Rijal
This research was conducted based on the researcher's observation at the structure class of the second semester of English Education Department of Madura Islamic University. The result showed that the students' structure scores were very low especially in present perfect subject, it was because of some...

Problems and Solutions of Case-based Teaching Method in Business Education

Juan Liu, Yu Yuan, Yuan Zhang, Yan Lin
In combination with the author's learning and teaching experience in UK and China with regard to case-based teaching, this paper emphasizes the significance and proposes common problems and solutions in the application of case-based teaching method in business education based on business courses of SQA-HND...

Counseling Playing Method with Boy-boyan Game for the Development of Self-Regulation in Children Aged 6-8 years

Yayah Haryawati, Cece Rakhmat, Rijal Assidiq Mulyana
The study was conducted to explain the counseling playing method through Boy-boyan game for self-regulation development in children aged 6-8 years. The counseling playing method is a derivation in guidance and counseling studies. The counseling playing method is based on theoretical construct of child...

The Effect of Self-Efficacy and Gender on The Work-Family Balance of Employees in Yogyakarta

Nina Zulida Situmorang, Fauziah Wijayanti
This research paper aims to discover the effects of self-efficacy and gender on the work-family balance levels of employees working in Yogyakarta. The research subjects consisted of 76 employees, half of them are male and the other half are female, working in both public and private sectors. The methods...

Disalignment of Political Parties in Indonesia : Study on Declining Electability of Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) in General Election 2014

Ms Suryani
Elections become the most important indicator of political party's electability. Earning votes in the general election becomes measurement of success or failure of a political party for five years. The up and down experienced by political parties could not separated from how the political parties respond...
Proceedings Article

Multi-objective Optimization Method for Radiation Noises in Cylinder Structures under Mixed Excitation

Jie Gao, Ning Qiang
The multi-objective optimization design for complicated reinforced cylinder structures was discussed by combining the ISIGHT multidisciplinary optimization design framework. Firstly, the mathematical model of acoustic radiation optimization of cylinder structures was established for sound and vibration...

Introducing Iconic Value Co-Creation to Indonesian Small Businesses

Herning Indriastuti
This research examines whether marketing innovativeness (MI) and market responsiveness capability (MRC) to enhance marketing performance (MP) and tries solve the problems of research gap between marketing innovativeness and marketing performance. The SME's handy craft industries in East Borneo, Indonesia...