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188759 articles
Proceedings Article

A String Comparison Approach to Process Logic Differences between Business Process Models

Yeh-Chun Juan
Analyzing process logic differences between company’s process and best practice process can assist project team in discovering process improvement opportunities. Process logic comparison has been mentioned in some literature, but research in this area still lacks effectively and efficiently analytical...
Proceedings Article

Uncertain Reasoning in Diagnosis Tools

Xiaofang Deng, Qing Zhou, Gang Lei
In this paper we propose a diagnosis system which is based on the knowledge on the systems under diagnoses and the past diagnosis experiences. With the using of uncertain reasoning in the diagnosis system, it can give the most possible solution for the diagnosis system problems which can not be provided...
Proceedings Article

Management System of Teaching Resource Based on SSH Framework

Liangtao Yang
According to the brief introduction of the three frameworks----Spring, Struts and Hibernate, the paper constructs a teaching resource management system by using SSH framework based on J2EE. Such a system architecture reduces the coupling system code and improves system maintainability and extensibility.
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Selected Aspects of a Crash between Two Vehicles

Kisilowski Jerzy, Zalewski Jaroslaw
In the article a computer simulation of vehicle collision was prepared using the PC-Crash 8.0 software. The results of this simulation were compared to analytical calculations by Routh method with the use of the coefficient of restitution for deformations or velocities. The equations of motion during...
Proceedings Article

The Number of Economic Relations Analysis of Regional per Capita GDP and Quality Level in China

Wuyi Zhang, Yunfei Yang
This paper regarded the quality management level of regional pillar industries as the average level of regional quality, and selected the quality level of representative seven provinces of China as samples. By drawing scatter diagram and doing the fitting analysis, we ultimately find out the relation...

The Role and Practice of Red Genes in National Defense Education in Colleges

Shengxian Gu
The red gene is a good will quality and lofty spirit formed by our party and our army in the practice of revolution, which embodies the party’s fine revolutionary tradition and collective wisdom. The national defense education work of Changshu Institute of Technology combines the characteristics of the...
Proceedings Article

Enlightenment of Safety Life Cycle Theory In Risk Management of Chemical Industry Park

Xinjie Xu
The construction of chemical industry park is the overall trend of the development of domestic and international chemical industry in recent years, and it is an important mode for modern chemical industry to develop circular economy and promote the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure.This...
Research Article

Association between Aortic Stiffness and Cerebral Pulsatility is Modestly Influenced by Augmentation Index

James Pearson, Laura J. Watkeys, James M. Coulson, Zachary J. Schlader, Craig G. Crandall, John R. Cockcroft, Carmel M. McEniery, Barry J. McDonnell
Pages: 95 - 100
Central Pulse Pressure (CPP) and Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity (aPWV) share a positive relationship with cerebral pulsatility and are associated with cerebrovascular disorders including stroke. Our aim was to examine the influence of Augmentation Index (AIx) upon this relationship, first by using a cross...

A Needs Analysis of Instructional Materials on Early Literacy Dyslexia Student in Regular-Inclusive school

Yuliyati, Mudjito, Murtadlo, Ima Kurrotun Ainin
The purpose of this study is to create instructional materials for dyslexic students' early literacy. Four-D Thiagarajan development research methods (Define, Design, Development, Dissemination) were implemented in 3 years. The first stage of Define includes 5 activities for needs analysis, namely: front-end...

The Development Of Anti Miskim Software To Reduce Misconception Of Students On Buffer Solution Matter Through Conceptual Change Text Strategy

Siti Agustiyaningsih, Sukarmin Sukarmin, Utiya Azizah
The purpose of this study is to determine the feasibility of anti-miskim software with the conceptual change text strategy as a learning media to reduce misconceptions in buffer solution material. Feasibility of the software in terms of criteria validity, practicality, and effectiveness. This type of...

The Challenges of Modern Society and the Scientific Vector in Art Education

Svetlana Anisimova-Tkalich, Aleksey Tkalich
Today, higher education institutions in Russia need teaching staff who are competent in matters of scientific training and counselling students and young scientists. The necessity of changes in the system of professional training of teachers, researchers, consultants, and experts is one of the important...

“Seed Bag” Production Implementation as an Oriented Critical Institutional Revegetation in “Green Economy”

Sucihatiningsih Dian Wisika Prajanti, Eva Banowati, Talitha Widiatningrum
The purpose of this study is to introduce a new method of revegetation of critical land using seed bag to restore the carrying capacity of the land which is diminishing due to natural disasters. This study took place in the Ledek Mountain area of Semarang State University. The variables of this research...

Research on the Application of heuristic Teaching in Electronic Information Engineering Teaching in higher Vocational Education

Hang Xu
The subject of electronic information engineering is to study the processing of information technology to electronic information. In the electronic information project, information technology is involved, and it also involves the knowledge of communication technology and so on. Therefore, it can be said...

The Image of a Civilized Man in a Modern Culture

Zhumageldy Kenispaev, Vladislav Vakaev, Vladimir Markin, Natalia Serova
The word “civilization” comes from the Latin word “civilis” and literally means “civil”, “state”. But most often this concept is used in a broader sense and means a historical stage in the evolution of society, when it reaches a certain level of development. One of the criteria of civilization is writing,...

Life Satisfaction Among College Students: The Role of Self-Monitoring Through Peer Education

Hazhira Qudsyi, Achmad Sholeh, Nyda Afsari
Purpose of this study is to identify the effectiveness of self-monitoring training through peer education to improve life satisfaction for college students through peer education. This study uses a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental method. Participants in the study were 30 students of Universitas...

Teaching Performance of High School Biology Teachers in Applying TPACK: A Descriptive Study

Paidi, Noviana Hapsari, Bambang Subali, Fitria Eka Cahya Astuti
TPACK was a knowledge that teachers need to master to teach effectively with technology. TPACK needs to be applied in the learning process to realize technology integrated learning. The implementation of TPACK in the learning process can be reflected in teacher teaching performance. This research aims...
Proceedings Article

Mood States and Game Performance in Invasion Game Activities: A Correlation Study Among Elementary School Students

Eka Nugraha, Ricky Wibowo, Helmy Firmansyah
Children play games for the same reason. They play because playing is fun. Interest to games may have meaningful psychological benefits for children. The purpose of this study was to examine the association between short-term psychological effects, especially moods states, and games performance in invasion...

Muslim Prejudice: Study of the Effects of Religiosity, Fundamentalism, Religious Quest, and Social Domination Orientation

Mohammad Fadhel Yafie, Solicha, Achmad Syahid
This article means to comprehend the impact of religiosity, fundamentalism, religious Quest and social Domination orientation towards prejudice muslim students with quantitative technique. Total samples are 253 understudies from three universities in Jakarta, those are Paramadina University, UIN Syarif...

Natural Rights in Relation to Freedom of Democracy

Mimin Mintarsih, Bambang Sukamto, Ritawati
Freedom and independence from colonial oppression is a nature, inherent in every human being. This is the basis for the birth of various independent and sovereign countries throughout the world. It is as the instruments in the framework of liberation, namely democracy. The meaning of democracy, namely...

Decision Support System to Determine Priorities for Handling Road Repair in Banten Province Using Analytical Hierarchy Process Method

Irma Yunita Ruhiawati, Untung Rahardja, Masaeni, Endang Kusnadi
The Public Works and Spatial Planning Office of Banten Province is a government institution tasked with handling infrastructure such as roads, bridges, culverts, sidewalks and street lighting. In repairing roads and bridges it is necessary to make a priority plan to determine which roads and bridges...
Proceedings Article

Development of Detector Tools for Validation of Take Off Fall Away Based on Sensors

Jumika Haloho, Agung Sunarno, Amir Supriadi
In this case the authors designed a solution how to make a long jump validation detector that can issue signals such as lights and buzzer sounds that use sensors to validate a jumper. It is expected that in this thesis the development of sensor-based jump validation detector tool is able to help the...

On the Social Media Marketing Strategy of Financial Enterprises Based on User Stickiness

RuiMing Liang
social media can bring many opportunities for financial enterprises, with the rapid development and rapid application, with the particularity of the model of the corresponding user behavior research is an urgent problem in the financial enterprises, this article from the perspective of how to improve...

Green Sukuk Issuance as an Investment Instrument for Sustainable Development

Imam Arifiadi Ramadhan, Wirdyanigsih
Indonesia’s ratification of Paris Agreement through Law No. 16/2016 in October 2016 shows the commitment of the Indonesian government to prevent adverse impacts of climate changes. Such commitment, however, requires a huge sum of funding. Indonesia, as the country with the biggest Muslim population,...
Proceedings Article

Utilization of Local Food to Overcome Nutritional Problems Among Toddlers in Medan Tuntungan

Diana, Evawani Y Aritonang, Amir Purba, Rahayu Lubis
In Indonesia, malnutrition dominates the problem of nutrition which is 4.9% for malnourished children and 31.0% suffer from malnutrition. In North Sumatra, 7.8% of children experience malnutrition and 13.5% suffer from malnutrition. Medan Tuntungan is one among many sub-districts experiencing the problem....

Backchannel as an Online HOTS-Based Formative Assessment to Improve Students’ Reading Skills

Wiyaka, Entika Fani Prastikawati, AB Prabowo Kusumo Adi
One of Curriculum 2013 demands in teaching and learning process is the use of higher-order thinking skills (HOTS)-based authentic assessment. It asks the teachers to develop an ongoing activity assessment which records students’ learning development processes. Formative assessment can be considered as...

Folklore-Based Creative Dance in West Java, Indonesia

Purwa Putri Ire Larasati, Yuliawan Kasmahidayat
People’s representation expressed an idea of unlimited dance creation. Creativity competitions or various dance festivals became the stimulus for the creators in making dance creativity. One of the inspirations in dance creation process was folklore. Folklore as the treasury of the Indonesians’ verbal...

The Implementation of Underpass Learning Techniques Volleyball for Junior High School

Destriana, Destriani, Herri Yusfi, Muslimin
This study aims to look at the implementation of the development of underpass learning techniques volleyball in class VII students. This study uses the classroom action research method (CAR). This study uses respondents in class VII of Junior high School Number 1 Palembang in 2018/2019 total of 32 students....

Notional Interest Deduction Regime in Belgium: What Indonesia Should Learn to Design the CFC Regulation?

Russel Butarbutar
Notional Interest Deduction (NID) regimes, which were implemented for the first time in Belgium, have provided many results and benefits for Belgium. The introduction of NID strengthens the attractiveness of Belgium as a favorable location for treasury centers and capital-intensive investment in general....

Transformational Leadership in Higher Education: (A Study in Indonesian Universities)

Fullchis Nurtjahjani, Noermijati Noermijati, Djumilah Hadiwidjojo, Dodi Wirawan Irawanto
This study explores the importance of transformational leadership in Indonesian. Since it plays a significant role in increasing employee job satisfaction. Previous research, found a mutual relationship between transformational leadership practices and job satisfaction in organizations. Transformational...

The Training of Foreign Language Talents with Intercultural Communicative Competence Under the Belt and Road Initiative

Dandan Liu
The training of foreign language talents in cross-cultural communication in the context of the “Belt and Road” needs to change teaching concepts, cultivate a sense of two-way cultural exchange, provide relevant cross-cultural communication courses, carry out cross-cultural communication practices, integrate...

Comparative Study on Language Features of Disastrous News Items in China and the West-Taking the Crash of Boeing 737 MAX as an Example

Yue Chen
Catastrophic news has always played an important role in news reports, and the frequently crashed Boeing 737 MAX has become a hot spot of disastrous events around the world. This article takes reports from BBC, New York Times and China Daily on the crash of Boeing 737 MAX on March 10, 2019 as examples....

A Prototype Study of Klana Sewandana Figure in Wayang Golek Reyog Ponorogo as a Medium of Patriotism Implementation Character

Sulton, Prihma Sinta Utami, Betty Yulia Wulansari
Klana Sewandana is a central figure in Reyog Ponorogo’s story who is known as a powerful king with the mainstay weapon of Pecut Samandiman. This research aimed to; 1) examine the prototype forms of Klana Sewandana figure in the form of Wayang Golek Reyog Ponorogo; 2) examine the symbolic meaning of the...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Glyphosate Herbicide on Environmental Health

Akhmad Dwi Priyanto, Daniel Saputra, Fuad Abd. Rachman, Rico Januar Sitorus
One of the active ingredients of herbicide is Glyphosate (N- (phosphonomethyl) glycine) which is widely used in plantation land. Herbicide residues will accumulate in agricultural products, pollution in the environment (water, air and soil), poisoning in humans both acute and chronic that have an impact...

Research on the Development Strategy of the Belt and Road Construction and the New Urbanization—Take Yunnan as an Example

Yusheng Gu, Honglie Zhang, Ruiting Wang
At present, China has entered a new period of development. The”One Belt and One Road” initiative and the new urbanization strategy have entered a stage of comprehensive promotion, which will have an extremely important impact on China’s regional development during the”13th Five-Year Plan” and beyond....
Review Article

Cold Agglutinin Disease

Amy P. Gabbard, Garrett S. Booth
Pages: 95 - 100
Cold agglutinin disease (CAD) is an uncommon form of cold autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA). It should be considered in the differential diagnosis of elderly patients with unexplained chronic anemia presenting with or without cold-induced symptoms in the extremities, such as the fingers, ears, and nose....

A Meta-analysis on Vitamin D Deficiency in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease

Sagad Omer Obeid Mohamed, Fatima Abdelhakam Abdellatif MohamedElmugadam, Hiba Faroug Mohamed Awadalla, Abdalla Omer Obeid Mohamedali, Mansour Osman Alhaj Alawad, Ahmed Abdulgadir Noureddin, Afnan Abugundul Ahmed Osman, Esraa Mohamed Osman Mohamed, Gehad Abdelmonem Abdalla Ibrahim, Malaz Ahmed Osman Elsayed
Pages: 95 - 100
Vitamin D Deficiency (VDD) is reported to be more frequent with serious clinical outcomes in patients with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD). There is a wide disparity in data in the existing literature regarding the prevalence and risk of VDD in patients with SCD. These data require further summary and analyses...

Research on the Effect of Implicit Ideology and Politics on the Improvement of Students’ Professional Quality—Taking the practical training course of Medical Cosmetology Technology as an example

Xiuping Han
Based on the analysis of the current situation of the professional quality of the students majoring in cosmetology, combined with the typical professional characteristics of the practical training course of Medical Cosmetology Technology and its extremely strong operability, this paper explores and refines...

Differences in Public Service Quality on the City Government and the Authority of Batam

A. N. Barkah, Dwi Kartikasari
As a free trade zone, Batam is special in the sense of its dualism in the bureaucratic process that sometimes overlapped between two government agencies that is the city government of Batam and the Free Trade Zone Authority of Batam. This dualism may lead to poor public perceptions of quality services....

Why Communicate in Disguises: A Study on Ownership of Fake Identity Accounts in Instagram

Elly Yuliawati, Giffari Adithia Fauzan
The selection of Instagram as a means of communication through social media in Indonesia, currently occupies the fourth position in the world. Unfortunately, the increase of using this technology is also accompanied by many problems such as identity/profile forgery, online impersonation and other cybercrimes....

The Effect of Good Corporate Governance [GCG] on Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility [CSR] and Its Implications on Firm Value

Almatius Setya Marsudi, Gusti Putra Soetanto
The research examines the influence between Good Corporate Governance (GCG) represented by institutional ownership and public ownership on firm value. The study was conducted at 45 manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period of 2015 to 2018. The sobel’s test method...
Proceedings Article

Haemolysis in Centrifugal Pump of Artificial Blood Circulation System

A.V. Bobkov
The article deals with possible causes of increased haemolysis in the centrifugal pump of the artificial blood circulation systems. One of the hydrodynamic reasons is indicated – a strong vortex formation of the blood flow inside the pump impeller, which occurs when the impeller rotates. This factor...

Design Of Geographic Learning Development Research City Oriented City in FIS Unima Geography Department

Jelly Robot
This research is a research development that aims to: 1) produce a prototype product of a validated research oriented urban village geography learning tool, 2) a research-oriented urban village geography learning tool guide product in higher education especially in the FIS UNIMA geography education department....

Character Education in Junior High School

Mahmuddin, Siti Halimah, Nurma Yunita, Norhayatun, Apuanor, Sudarmono, Gita Anggraini
Character education is the best preparation to meet students’ personalities better in their lives. This research was conducted to determine the planting of character education in SMP Negeri 10 Sampit. The subjects in this study were all students of SMP Negeri 10 Sampit, totaling 202 students. Data collection...

Community Empowerment for Salt Farmers Through Cooperative Institutions

Nizar Alam Hamdani, Nurbudiwati, Eti Kusmiati, Wahyuningsih
This research is intended to analyze the factors that influence the empowerment of salt farmer communities. The variables studied are the Core Activity Variables and the Relational Environment as an independent variable, which is associated with the Empowerment Variable as the dependent variable, and...

Digital Manufacturing Enterprises as a Factor of Overcoming the Consequences of the Spread of COVID-19 in the Regions

O.A. Donichev, S.A. Grachev, M.L. Bykova
The coronavirus pandemic caused serious damage to most of the world’s economies, and Russia is no exception. This means, that an effective mechanism, that will not only make up emersed losses but also achieve economic growth. The hypothesis of the study is the assumption, that the production orientation...
Proceedings Article

Development of Game Modification Using Blended Learning in Physical Education, Sports, and Health For Senior High School Students

Ndaru Kukuh Masgumelar, Wasis Djoko Dwiyogo
The results of the research were: (1) attractiveness criteria (90.06%), (2) ease criteria (91.35%), (3) clarity criteria (92.58%), (4) effectiveness criteria (90, 41%). The average (91.18%) category is very valid. Based on a large group trial (91.18%) and a small group trial (90.97), this indicates an...

The Ensuring of the Economic Security of Industrial Enterprises in the Context of Forming a Flexible Management Model: Prerequisites and Tools

Larysa Liubokhynets, Yevhenii Rudnichenko, Nataliia Havlovska
In the article the prerequisites for building a model of flexible enterprise management in order to ensure its economic security examines. It is determined that directive management methods, although they ensure the operative execution of tasks, in many cases do not contain a sufficient level of flexibility,...

Balancing Data Within Incremental Semi-supervised Fuzzy Clustering for Credit Card Fraud Detection

Gabriella Casalino, Giovanna Castellano, Nicola Marvulli
As the number of online financial transactions increases, the problem of credit card fraud detection has become quite urgent. Machine learning methods, including supervised and unsupervised approaches, have been proven to be effective to detect fraudulent activities. In our previous work presented at...

Will the Food Delivery Industry Be Monopolized?

Haozhe Lu, Mingyang Sun, Yimin Zeng
Nowadays, new technology is growing fast. Shopping and ordering food via the Internet becomes popular in daily life. Especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, the food delivery market was growing bigger and bigger. This paper aims to study the possibility of the food delivery industry becoming monopolized....