Proceedings of the 2019 Ahmad Dahlan International Conference Series on Education & Learning, Social Science & Humanities (ADICS-ELSSH 2019)

112 authors
Adha, Mufti
Islamic Banking Microprudential and Macroprudential Policy: Evidence Indonesian Islamic Banking
Agustin, Lu’lu’
The Psychological Conflict of Main Actor in The Suffragette Film by Sarah Gavron Based on Kurt Lewin’s Perspective
Agustina, Dwi
The Role of Work Motivation Towards Work Productivity
Akmal, Akmal
Writing Skills of Junior High School Students of the University of Saint Anthony, Iriga City, Philippines
Ali, Raden
Bullying Effect as Reflected in Palacio’s Wonder: A Psychological Approach
Altaftazani, Deden
Increasing Student Ecological Intelligence Through Making Collage Made from Waste
Altaftazani, Deden
Effect of VBA Learning Media to Improve Students Decision Making Skill of Elementary School
Anganthi, Nisa
Marital Satisfaction on the Young Wife of Muslim Families
Arga, Hana
Increasing Student Ecological Intelligence Through Making Collage Made from Waste
Arga, Hana
Effect of VBA Learning Media to Improve Students Decision Making Skill of Elementary School
Arifin, Ahmad
The Effect of Hate Speech Exposure on Religious Intolerance Among Indonesian Muslim Teenagers
Astuti, Budi
Peace Guidance and Counseling Based on Indonesian Local Wisdom
Ausop, Asep
Communication Ethics Education as an Alternative for Ethnoreligious Conflict Resolution on Internet-Based Mass Media
Ayuningtyas, Winda
Bullying Effect as Reflected in Palacio’s Wonder: A Psychological Approach
Basid, Abdul
The Psychological Conflict of Main Actor in The Suffragette Film by Sarah Gavron Based on Kurt Lewin’s Perspective
Bella, Mickyal
The Arena of Rivalry in Jenin City in Hilm al-Zaitoun Movie Based on Pierre Bourdieu's Perspective
Bernard, Martin
Effect of VBA Learning Media to Improve Students Decision Making Skill of Elementary School
Buffe, Francia
Writing Skills of Junior High School Students of the University of Saint Anthony, Iriga City, Philippines
Dabi, Syam
The Role of Work Motivation Towards Work Productivity
Damayanti, Euis
Innovation of Clean Water Services PDAM Tirta Benteng in Tangerang City
Donuata, Pujianti
The Brain Game Ranking One to Increase Learning Interest in Physics: A Case Study
Erwhintiana, Ifi
Portrait of American Preadolescence’s Personality in Instant Family Film based on Alfred Adler’s Perspective
Fadillah, Dani
Big Data and the Revolution of Political Campaign in Indonesia
Fahruroji, Fahruroji
Analysis of The Effectiveness in National Unity and Political Agency of South Tangerang City
Fanani, Aris
The Effect of Hate Speech Exposure on Religious Intolerance Among Indonesian Muslim Teenagers
Fitrianawati, Meita
Students’ Creative Thinking Skill in Solving the Divergent Problem: Case Study in Junior High School in Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia
Giannoukos, Georgios
Research into How Students in A Correctional Facility Second Chance School in Greece View Science
Habibi, Nashrul
The Arena of Rivalry in Jenin City in Hilm al-Zaitoun Movie Based on Pierre Bourdieu's Perspective
Habibie, Ahmad
Speaking Skill Challenges Encountered by Indonesian EFL Learners’
Hadi, Moch
The Effect of Hate Speech Exposure on Religious Intolerance Among Indonesian Muslim Teenagers
Hafizi, Muhammad
The Analysis of Politeness Principles and Their Violations in Heidi's Cartoon Film Based on Leech’s Perspective
Hanif, Ahmad
The Effect of Hate Speech Exposure on Religious Intolerance Among Indonesian Muslim Teenagers
Hao, Dong
Big Data and the Revolution of Political Campaign in Indonesia
Haryono, Siswoyo
The Effect of Organizational Culture and Leader Member Exchange to Intention to Leave is Mediated by Job Satisfaction at Contract Employees of Muhammadiyah Universities in Yogyakarta
Hasaniyah, Nur
Portrait of American Preadolescence’s Personality in Instant Family Film based on Alfred Adler’s Perspective
Hikmah, Nur
Writing Skills of Junior High School Students of the University of Saint Anthony, Iriga City, Philippines
Indartono, Setyabudi
Multicultural Education: Efforts to Realize Religious Tolerance in Schools
Jatnika, Asep
Communication Ethics Education as an Alternative for Ethnoreligious Conflict Resolution on Internet-Based Mass Media
Kholis, Ikhwannul
Exceptional Children Using Technology Acceptance Model Based on Android Application
Kurniawan, Kemas
Lost in Transition : Empathy, Architecture, and Traditionality in the Early 20th Century of Dutch Indies
Kurniawati, Fauziyah
Human Spiritual Journey in Movie Muhammad: The Messenger of God Based on Jean-Paul Sartre's Perspective
Lestari, Rini
Marital Satisfaction on the Young Wife of Muslim Families
Lukito, Yulia
Lost in Transition : Empathy, Architecture, and Traditionality in the Early 20th Century of Dutch Indies
Masithoh, Siti
Human Spiritual Journey in Movie Muhammad: The Messenger of God Based on Jean-Paul Sartre's Perspective
Meilani, Eka
The Effect of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Morale Work on Productivity of Female Workers
Merdiaty, Netty
The Role of Social Support on Work Satisfaction Among Educated Employees
Merdiaty, Netty
The Role of Social Support for Hardiness Personality in Female Lecturers
Merdiaty, Netty
The Effect of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Morale Work on Productivity of Female Workers
Muhid, Abdul
The Effect of Hate Speech Exposure on Religious Intolerance Among Indonesian Muslim Teenagers
Muhopilah, Pipih
The Role of Social Support for Hardiness Personality in Female Lecturers
Mujidin, Mujidin
Work Family Balance and Optimism as a Predictor of Women Worker' Subjective Well-Being
Mulasari, Surahma
The Role of Social Support on Work Satisfaction Among Educated Employees
Munfangati, Rahmi
Chick’s Resilience from Broken Home in Mitch Albom’s for One More Day
Nasywa, Naila
The Role of Work Motivation Towards Work Productivity
Nisa, Kartini
The Effect of Cooperative Learning and Learning Style on Problem-Solving Ability in Chemistry Learning
Novianti, Eva
Exceptional Children Using Technology Acceptance Model Based on Android Application
Nugroho, Dwi
Rethinking the Assessment Model for English as a Lingua Franca
Nuriman, Harry
Communication Ethics Education as an Alternative for Ethnoreligious Conflict Resolution on Internet-Based Mass Media
Nuryakin, Nuryakin
The Effect of Organizational Culture and Leader Member Exchange to Intention to Leave is Mediated by Job Satisfaction at Contract Employees of Muhammadiyah Universities in Yogyakarta
Pambudi, Dwi
Islamic Banking Microprudential and Macroprudential Policy: Evidence Indonesian Islamic Banking
Pantas, Pribawa
Zakat Effects on Mustahiq Happiness
Parjiman, Parjiman
The Internalization of Emotional Quotient and Adversity Quotient Value of the SMK N Pleret Bantul Yogyakarta Indonesia
Patria, Bhina
The Decadence of Gotong Royong
Praditasari, Wibby
Exceptional Children Using Technology Acceptance Model Based on Android Application
Prasetyo, Erwin
Students’ Creative Thinking Skill in Solving the Divergent Problem: Case Study in Junior High School in Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia
Prasetyo, Erwin
The Brain Game Ranking One to Increase Learning Interest in Physics: A Case Study
Pratiwi, Hapsari
Work Family Balance and Optimism as a Predictor of Women Worker' Subjective Well-Being
Pratolo, Bambang
Speaking Skill Challenges Encountered by Indonesian EFL Learners’
Purwanto, Yedi
Communication Ethics Education as an Alternative for Ethnoreligious Conflict Resolution on Internet-Based Mass Media
Putra, Arga
Lost in Transition : Empathy, Architecture, and Traditionality in the Early 20th Century of Dutch Indies
Qodrati, Sari
The Role of Social Support on Work Satisfaction Among Educated Employees
Rahayu, Galih
Increasing Student Ecological Intelligence Through Making Collage Made from Waste
Rahayu, Galih
Effect of VBA Learning Media to Improve Students Decision Making Skill of Elementary School
Rahmawati, Adelina
Marital Satisfaction on the Young Wife of Muslim Families
Riyono, Bagus
The Decadence of Gotong Royong
Ru’iya, Sutipyo
A Review of Research on Bullying Behavior in Indonesian Islamic Education Institutions: Analysis of Ecological Theory
Sadriani, Andi
Multicultural Education: Efforts to Realize Religious Tolerance in Schools
Salam, Rahmat
Analysis of The Effectiveness in National Unity and Political Agency of South Tangerang City
Saputra, Wahyu
Peace Guidance and Counseling Based on Indonesian Local Wisdom
Sarah, Abida
The Analysis of Politeness Principles and Their Violations in Heidi's Cartoon Film Based on Leech’s Perspective
Sembel, Sandra
Rethinking the Assessment Model for English as a Lingua Franca
Setiawan, Agus
Speaking Skill Challenges Encountered by Indonesian EFL Learners’
Setiyawati, Diah
Jakarta Smart Card Implementation Ar-Raisiyah Husada Vocational Pharmacy in East Jakarta
Simarmata, Nicholas
The Decadence of Gotong Royong
Siregar, Qoriah
Communication Ethics Education as an Alternative for Ethnoreligious Conflict Resolution on Internet-Based Mass Media
Situmorang, Komilie
Rethinking the Assessment Model for English as a Lingua Franca
Situmorang, Nina
Work Family Balance and Optimism as a Predictor of Women Worker' Subjective Well-Being
Solikhah, Efa
The Effect of Organizational Culture and Leader Member Exchange to Intention to Leave is Mediated by Job Satisfaction at Contract Employees of Muhammadiyah Universities in Yogyakarta
Subardjo, Subardjo
The Role of Social Support for Hardiness Personality in Female Lecturers
Subardjo, Subardjo
The Effect of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Morale Work on Productivity of Female Workers
Sulisworo, Dwi
Students’ Creative Thinking Skill in Solving the Divergent Problem: Case Study in Junior High School in Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia
Sulisworo, Dwi
The Effect of Cooperative Learning and Learning Style on Problem-Solving Ability in Chemistry Learning
Sulisworo, Dwi
The Brain Game Ranking One to Increase Learning Interest in Physics: A Case Study
Supriyanto, Agus
Peace Guidance and Counseling Based on Indonesian Local Wisdom
Sutarman, Sutarman
The Internalization of Emotional Quotient and Adversity Quotient Value of the SMK N Pleret Bantul Yogyakarta Indonesia
Sutarman, Sutarman
The Effectiveness of Spiritual Quotient and Adversity Quotient Values Education of Madrasah Mu'allimaat Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Indonesia
Tentama, Fatwa
The Role of Work Motivation Towards Work Productivity
Tentama, Fatwa
The Role of Social Support on Work Satisfaction Among Educated Employees
Tentama, Fatwa
The Role of Social Support for Hardiness Personality in Female Lecturers
Tentama, Fatwa
The Effect of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Morale Work on Productivity of Female Workers