Proceedings of the Eleventh Conference on Applied Linguistics (CONAPLIN 2018)

214 authors
Muta’ali, Abdul
A Realization of Optimality Theory to Arabic Hollow Verb
Mutiarsih, Yuliarti
Spelling Errors on Written Production of Beginner Students: French for foreign language context in Indonesia
Na'mah, Inayatun
Analysis of Conversational Implicature in the Hobbit Movies Subtitle
Nababan, M R
Accidentally Rude: A study on translation techniques of a translated english-sundanese novel
Nababan, M. R.
An Appraisal Theory Approach to Translation of Body Parts of Women on the Novel “Lelaki Harimau” by Eka Kurniawan
Nasrulloh, Nasrulloh
Thematic Progression Patterns in Indonesian Opinion Articles
Naylilhusna, Qonita
Promoting Sign Language by Digitizing Song Interpretation using Indonesian Sign Language in Social Media
Ningsih, Sulistia
Teacher’s and Learners’ Perceptions of Learner Autonomy in EFL Context
Novawan, Adriadi
Implementing an Ecological Teaching through Mobile-Assisted Language Learning in EFL Education
Novita, Lia
Teacher’s Roles and Strategies in Teaching ESP Based Reading Using Translation
Nugraha, Sidik Indra
The Language-in-Education Policy in South Africa: A gap between policy and efficacy
Nurjaleka, Lisda
Backchannel Behavior in Interview Discourse: A contrastive study between Japanese and Indonesian
Nurjamin, Asep
Accuracy and the Consistency in Terminologies Used in an Elementary Textbook
Nurjamin, Lucky Rahayu
How is Indonesian Presidential Election Represented in Online Newspapers?
Nurkamto, Joko
Speech Acts in Social Interactions among EFL Learners Community in Kampung Inggris Kediri
Nurlaelawati, Iyen
The Correlation between Metacognitive Reading Strategies and Reading Comprehension Among 1st Year EFL Students at a Public University in West Java
Ohorella, Hayat Marwan
Coping with Barriers on Teaching EFL Classroom by Pre-Service Teachers in Sorong Papua Barat
Oktari, Dian Popi
Internalization of Values Character Education in Learning English
Pipit, Mayang
The Expression of English Linguistic Time through Simple Past Tense by Indonesian Learners
Pramono, Satrio Aji
A Systemic Functional Linguistics-based Analysis of Students’ Problems in Writing Exposition Text
Prihastuti, Yuli Susanti
Conversation Analysis: Turn taking marker in Catatan Najwa (Setia Pengacara Setya, Part 1)
Purnawarman, Pupung
The Use of Quizizz in Improving Students’ Grammar Understanding through Self-Assessment
Purnawarman, Pupung
Assessing Language Proficiency through Computer Technology: Potentials and challenges
Purnawarman, Pupung
EFL Teachers’ Perceptions towards the Implementation of Performance-Based Assessment in Assessing Students’ Speaking Ability
Purnawarman, Pupung
L1 and L2 Explicit Corrections: A case study in an Indonesian EFL classroom
Purnawarman, Pupung
The Use of ILearn in Online Indirect Writing Assessment: An investigation into students’ perceptions
Purnawarman, Pupung
Teachers’ Perception toward Planning and Implementing Teacher-made Rubrics of EFL Students’ Writing Assessment
Purnawarman, Pupung
Perception of Indonesian Teachers and Learners on the Use of Edubox for Language Assessments
Purwaningrum, Adriani Yulia
MALL as an Alternative Learning Strategy to Solve Students’ Problems in Writing Recount Text
Putri, Maretha Dwiastuti
Interlingual Re-Instantiation of Attitude in News Reports on Attacking Incidents in Indonesia’s Newspapers
R., Elvira Rosyida M.
How is Instagram Implemented in Teaching Speaking?
Rachman, Fazlur
A Realization of Optimality Theory to Arabic Hollow Verb
Radhiya, R. Januar
The Public Sign on Teras Cihampelas as a Form of Increasing the Happiness Index of Bandung Residents
Rafli, Zainal
Multicultural Education Values in the Novel "Negeri 5 Menara" by A. Fuadi
Rafli, Zainal
The Implementation of Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach-based Elena: An analysis of introduction to linguistics course
Rahayu, Intan Sinta Dewi
The Use of Quizizz in Improving Students’ Grammar Understanding through Self-Assessment
Rahmadaty, Tita Saraswati
Spelling Errors on Written Production of Beginner Students: French for foreign language context in Indonesia
Rahmat, Aceng
Needs Analysis: A learning model for CTL-based academic writing
Rahmat, Aceng
Beyond the Use of Think Pair Share towards the Personality Type Students in Essay Writing
Rahmi, Gita
An Investigation of Approaches to Teaching Reading Used by a Teacher in a Junior High School in Bandung
Rasiban, Linna Meilia
Using Mnemonic-Based Applications to Learning Japanese Hiragana Characters
Rasyid, Yumna
The Practice of Constructivist-Based Online Learning for English Argumentative Essay Writing: Learners’ perceptions
Rasyid, Yumna
Beyond the Use of Think Pair Share towards the Personality Type Students in Essay Writing
Rasyid, Yumna
Reading Strategies to Overcome Difficulties in Understanding Japanese Sentences
Ratnawati, Ratnawati
Women Self-Image in Sundanese Short Story Collection
Ratnawati, Ratnawati
An Analysis on Students’ Ability in Distinguishing Polysemy and Homonymy
Rinda, Renata Kenanga
Implementing an Ecological Teaching through Mobile-Assisted Language Learning in EFL Education
Rini, Rini
Teachers’ Perception toward Planning and Implementing Teacher-made Rubrics of EFL Students’ Writing Assessment
Rodliyah, Rojab Siti
Professional Learning Community in Pre-Service Teacher Education: Learning to become teacher researchers
Rofii, Afif
Needs Analysis: A learning model for CTL-based academic writing
Rohmah, Naelul
Validity and Reliability Study on Teacher-Made Assessment for English Mid-Term Examination
Roistika, Nia
Language Policy and Planning in Multilingual Countries: A case in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh
Ronaldo, Darwin
The Validity of TOEFL as Entry and Exit College Requirements: Students’ perception
Rosa, Rusdi Noor
Theme Shifts in the Translation of Student and Professional Translators
Rouf, M. Fasha
Cyberpragmatic Analysis of Indonesian Opposition Politicians’ Tweets
Sabila, Amy
The Language Style in Stand Up Comedy by Raditya Dika and it’s Implementation in Stylistic Subject in IV Semester of PBSI Program Study of STKIP MPL
Sadiq, Janriko Abdussalam
TV Football Commentary of Indonesia U23 Against South Korea U23 Match: An analysis of lexical and syntactic features
Saidiman, Saidiman
Character Education Based on Oral Literature and Its Use as an Alternative of Literature Materials at School
Saifullah, Aceng Ruhendi
How is Indonesian Presidential Election Represented in Online Newspapers?
Santiar, Lea
Reading Strategies to Overcome Difficulties in Understanding Japanese Sentences
Santosa, Riyadi
An Appraisal Theory Approach to Translation of Body Parts of Women on the Novel “Lelaki Harimau” by Eka Kurniawan
Santosa, Riyadi
Accidentally Rude: A study on translation techniques of a translated english-sundanese novel
Saputra, Erwin Rahayu
A Case of Authentic Assessment in Indonesian Secondary EFL Classroom Context: Teachers’ struggle
Sari, Winda Andega
A Study on Japanese and Sundanese Apology Expressions: Its’ functions in non-apology context
Seftika, Seftika
How is Instagram Implemented in Teaching Speaking?
Sejati, Amanda Puspanditaning
The Overview of Lecturers’ Writing Skills in the Academic Context
Selpia, Delpani
The Use of ILearn in Online Indirect Writing Assessment: An investigation into students’ perceptions
Setyaningsih, Endang
Students’ Evolving Response to Text: What changes in students’ reading as part of critical literacy
Sholikhin, Sholikhin
Pragmatic as Learning Material in Identifying Authors Main Idea
Sidupa, Christiana
Semantic Preference of Verb-Noun Collocation: Corpus-based analysis
Simbuka, Srifani
Comparing the Vocabulary Classification and Keyword Analysis Approaches to Determining Technical Vocabulary of Islamic Studies
Sinan, Zahra Faula
English Curriculum of a Modern Pesantren in Indonesia: Alumni’s voices
Sinurat, Nurdiana Mahdalena
How to Synergize Grammatical Materials to GBA Teaching?: A portrait of an English teacher’s dilemma in teaching English in a private school in Bandung
Soemantri, Ypsi Soeria
How Islam is Represented in The United States Newspapers Published in COCA
Sofyan, Rudy
Theme Shifts in the Translation of Student and Professional Translators
Sofyan, Rudy
Developing a Holistic Model of Translation Quality Assessment
Subroto, H. D. Edi
Speech Acts in Social Interactions among EFL Learners Community in Kampung Inggris Kediri
Sudana, Dadang
Using Mnemonic-Based Applications to Learning Japanese Hiragana Characters
Sudana, Dadang
Sluicing Analysis in Sundanese
Sugirin, Sugirin
Analysis of Conversational Implicature in the Hobbit Movies Subtitle
Suherdi, Didi
A Case of Authentic Assessment in Indonesian Secondary EFL Classroom Context: Teachers’ struggle
Suherdi, Didi
More than Words: ESP learners’ perceptions on the implementation of multiliteracies pedagogy
Sukaesih, Ina
Accidentally Rude: A study on translation techniques of a translated english-sundanese novel
Sukmayadi, Vidi
Cyberpragmatic Analysis of Indonesian Opposition Politicians’ Tweets
Sukyadi, Didi
Paradigm Shift on Language Planning and Policy in Great Britain in the 21st Century
Sulastri, Sulastri
An Analysis on Students’ Ability in Distinguishing Polysemy and Homonymy
Sumiyadi, Sumiyadi
Character Education Based on Oral Literature and Its Use as an Alternative of Literature Materials at School
Sundayana, Wachyu
Comparing the Vocabulary Classification and Keyword Analysis Approaches to Determining Technical Vocabulary of Islamic Studies
Sundayana, Wachyu
Teacher’s Roles and Strategies in Teaching ESP Based Reading Using Translation
Suryadi, Karim
Cyberpragmatic Analysis of Indonesian Opposition Politicians’ Tweets
Suryaman, Maman
Women Self-Image in Sundanese Short Story Collection
Suryana, Deddy
The Overview of Lecturers’ Writing Skills in the Academic Context
Sutedi, Dedi
Using Mnemonic-Based Applications to Learning Japanese Hiragana Characters
Sutrisno, Bejo
Beyond the Use of Think Pair Share towards the Personality Type Students in Essay Writing
Syafri, Frimadhona
The Implementation of Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach-based Elena: An analysis of introduction to linguistics course
Syathroh, Isry Laila
Assessing Language Proficiency through Computer Technology: Potentials and challenges
Tanjung, Firima Zona
Then and Now: Review on language policy and practices in Japan and Korea
Tarigan, Bahagia
Developing a Holistic Model of Translation Quality Assessment
Tarjana, Sri Samiati
Speech Acts in Social Interactions among EFL Learners Community in Kampung Inggris Kediri
Triyono, Sulis
An Analysis of Translation Techniques in Translating Cultural Words in Booklet “Jogja The Real Java”