Proceedings of the International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Business Innovation (ICELBI 2022)

268 authors
Juita, Verni
Digital Financial Literacy, Financial Behaviour, and Financial Well-being of Women’s in Indonesia
Juita, Verni
The Influence of User’s Digital Financial Literacy and Perceived Risks on Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) Adoption: A Gender’s Perspective
Kartika, Rayna
Service Quality Breakdowns in Indonesia’s Telecom Industry: Insights from Customer Reviews
Kartika, Rayna
The Entrepreneurs’ Insights and Fears Towards Sharia Fintech Lending (Study of SMEs in West Sumatra)
Khairiyah, Nurul
Fear of Failure in Incubated Start-Up: A Qualitative Approach Study
Kunawangsih, Tri
Financial Technology and Economic Growth
Kurniawan, Rahmat
Tax Apparatus Negotiation Behavior in Resolving Tax Disputes: An Experimental Examination
The Effect of Brand Experience and Customer Engagement on Brand Loyalty in the Marketplace in Indonesia
Kurniawati, Kurniawati
The Effect of Green Marketing, Sustainable Advertising, Eco Packaging/Labeling Towards Green Purchasing Behavior (Study on Electric Vehicles in Indonesia)
Kurniawati, Kurniawati
Perceived Personalization and Brand Relationship Models in Social Commerce
Kurniawati, Kurniawati
Analysis of Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior in Buying Prepaid Cell Phone Cards During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Lanasier, Evi V.
The Role of Source Congruence in Effective Marketing Communications
Le, Viet
What Makes a Coffee Shop Interesting? Demystifying Critical Factors that Attract and Retain Coffee Shop Customers in Indonesia
Lenggogeni, Sari
The Effect of Work Experience and Job Satisfaction on The Work Productivity of Civil Servants (PNS) At The Trade Office of Padang City
Leon, Farah Margaretha
Determinant Factors for M-Banking Use in Generation Z
Leon, Farah Margaretha
The Moderating Role of Locus of Control on the Links Between Availability Bias, Herding, and Investment Decisions
Leon, Farah Margaretha
Corporate Governance and Dividend Policy in Indonesian Manufacturing Companies
Leon, Farah Margaretha
The Effect of Leaders with Narcissism and Overconfidence Characteristics on Corporate Risk-Taking
Lestari, Ayu
The Effect of Auditor Switching, Audit Report Lag, and Financial Distress on Financial Statement Fraud
Lestari, Henny Setyo
The Effect of Bank-Specific Factors on Profitability of Commercial Banks Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
Lestari, Henny Setyo
Corporate Governance and Financial Performance of Consumer Goods Industry Companies Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange
Lina, Eka Chandra
E-Commerce Analysis in Product Purchasing Decisions at Bacarito Coffee in Padang City
Lubis, Djuara P.
Digital Communication and Its Relationship to SME Empowerment and Performance
Lukito, Nico
Antecedents of Organizational Commitment of Construction and Building Employees in Jakarta
Lukito, Nico
The Effect of Green Marketing, Sustainable Advertising, Eco Packaging/Labeling Towards Green Purchasing Behavior (Study on Electric Vehicles in Indonesia)
Lukito, Nico
Perceived Personalization and Brand Relationship Models in Social Commerce
Lukito, Nico
Analysis of Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior in Buying Prepaid Cell Phone Cards During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Lupiyoadi, Rambat
Fear of Failure, Financial Performance, and Entrepreneurial Well-being: Some Insights from Start-ups in an Emerging Market Economy
Lutfi, M. Yudhi
Determinants of Affective Commitment in Improving Employee Performance
Madarisa, Fuad
Profit Sharing Partnership in Beef Cattle Fattening Business (Case Study at Nusa Fauna Company)
Mailana, Radika
The Measurement of Cultural Values on Social Entrepreneurship Intention in Agriculture Students using PLS-SEM
Margaretha, Farah
The Effect of Leverage on Company Value in Consumer Goods Industry Companies
Marpensa, Aldo
Profit Sharing Partnership in Beef Cattle Fattening Business (Case Study at Nusa Fauna Company)
Martiningtiyas, Catur Rahayu
The Effect of Debt Financing on Firm Value in Manufacturing Companies Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Martiningtiyas, Catur Rahayu
The Influence of Internet Banking and Bank Risk on the Performance of Banking Companies in Indonesia
Peer-Review Statements
Masli, Eryadi
What Makes a Coffee Shop Interesting? Demystifying Critical Factors that Attract and Retain Coffee Shop Customers in Indonesia
Masli, Eryadi K.
University Spin-off: A Review
Masnita, Yolanda
Increase Brand Awareness and Brand Image Using Social Media Marketing Elements
Masruri, Masruri
Systematic Literature Review (SLR) Seed System Development supports The Development of Seed Social Entrepreneurship
Matusin, Anita Roosmalina
The Effect of Debt Financing on Firm Value in Manufacturing Companies Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Matusin, Anita Roosmalina
The Influence of Internet Banking and Bank Risk on the Performance of Banking Companies in Indonesia
Matusin, Ina Oktaviana
The Effect of Debt Financing on Firm Value in Manufacturing Companies Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Mayasari, Hesti
Analysis of Consumer Loyalty to Creative Economic Products in Padang City
Menza, Fathurrahman Ananda
Development of Seternak, Marketplace Application for Production Facilities and Livestock Products
Mirici, Ismail Hakki
Determinants of Affective Commitment in Improving Employee Performance
Mirici, Ismail Hakki
Online Learning and Student Achievement in Sensitivity Analysis Perspective
Misra, Fauzan
Tax Apparatus Negotiation Behavior in Resolving Tax Disputes: An Experimental Examination
Muchtar, Susy
The Influence of Internet Banking and Bank Risk on the Performance of Banking Companies in Indonesia
Muljono, Pudji
Digital Communication and Its Relationship to SME Empowerment and Performance
Mulyani, Susi Dwi
The Influence of Financial and Non-Financial Factors on Firm Value with Tax Aggressiveness as a Moderating Variable
Murwonugroho, Wegig
How Can Reverse Vending Machines for Plastic Bottle Packaging Contribute to Sociopreneurship?
Mutyara, Mutyara
The Validation of Social Provision Scale and Its Effect on Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy in Higher Education Using PLS-SEM
Nainggolan, Juara Sintong
The Role of Information Asymmetry in Moderating Corporate Governance Practice and Dividend Policy on Income Smoothing Practices
Nalurita, Febria
Determinant Factors for M-Banking Use in Generation Z
Nalurita, Febria
The Moderating Role of Locus of Control on the Links Between Availability Bias, Herding, and Investment Decisions
Nalurita, Febria
The Effect of Leverage on Company Value in Consumer Goods Industry Companies
Narulita, Febria
The Effect of Leaders with Narcissism and Overconfidence Characteristics on Corporate Risk-Taking
Nilasari, B. Medina
Antecedents of Organizational Commitment of Construction and Building Employees in Jakarta
Nilasari, B. Medina
The Effect of Brand Experience and Customer Engagement on Brand Loyalty in the Marketplace in Indonesia
Noer, Melinda
Analysis of Research Methodology on Institutional-Based Competitiveness of Agricultural Commodities
Nofialdi, Nofialdi
Analysis of Research Methodology on Institutional-Based Competitiveness of Agricultural Commodities
Nolasary, Mega Putri
Ornamental Plant Entrepreneurship During the Covid -19 Pandemic in Koto Tangah District, Padang City
Nurhayati, Nurhayati
The Influence of MSME Performance and Inclusive Finance on Poverty Reduction in Indonesia
Nurhikma, Nurhikma
How Can Reverse Vending Machines for Plastic Bottle Packaging Contribute to Sociopreneurship?
Prastia, Adji
Factors that Influence Entrepreneurial Intention: Evidence from Undergraduate Students in South Jakarta
Pratama, Putra
Corporate Governance and Dividend Policy in Indonesian Manufacturing Companies
Pratomo, Luki Adiati
The Role of Source Congruence in Effective Marketing Communications
Pujani, Vera
The Influence of User’s Digital Financial Literacy and Perceived Risks on Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) Adoption: A Gender’s Perspective
Purba, Yosephina Endang
Determinant Factors for M-Banking Use in Generation Z
Purba, Yosephina Endang
The Moderating Role of Locus of Control on the Links Between Availability Bias, Herding, and Investment Decisions
Purba, Yosephina Endang
The Effect of Leverage on Company Value in Consumer Goods Industry Companies
Purba, Yosephine Endang
The Effect of Leaders with Narcissism and Overconfidence Characteristics on Corporate Risk-Taking
Purwonugroho, Wegig
The Marketing Innovation of Melinjo-Based Food Product Through Sociopreneurs Approach
Putra, Hafrizal Okta ade
Analysis of Consumer Loyalty to Creative Economic Products in Padang City
Putra, RAndika
Development of Constructivist-Based Mathematics Learning Media on Geometry Materials
Putri, Sheren Maharani
The Effect of Brand Experience and Customer Engagement on Brand Loyalty in the Marketplace in Indonesia
Putri, Yuliarni
The Influence of Store Layout and Atmosphere on Consumer Purchase Decisions on Rili Swalayan, Padang
Raharjo, Tyas Pambudi
The Effect of Auditor Switching, Audit Report Lag, and Financial Distress on Financial Statement Fraud
Rahayu, Fatik
The Role of Source Congruence in Effective Marketing Communications
Rahayu, Rita
Digital Financial Literacy, Financial Behaviour, and Financial Well-being of Women’s in Indonesia
Rahayu, Rita
The Influence of User’s Digital Financial Literacy and Perceived Risks on Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) Adoption: A Gender’s Perspective
Rahayuningsih, Tri
A Pilot Study: The Role of Family Social Support in Entrepreneurial Resilience
Rahayuningsih, Tri
The Measurement of Cultural Values on Social Entrepreneurship Intention in Agriculture Students using PLS-SEM
Rahayuningsih, Tri
The Validation of Social Provision Scale and Its Effect on Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy in Higher Education Using PLS-SEM
Rahim, Rida
The Influence of User’s Digital Financial Literacy and Perceived Risks on Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) Adoption: A Gender’s Perspective
Rahmadoni, Jefril
Empowerment of Inter-Student Achievements as a Form of Manifestation “Mapres Copy Mapres” Sustainable
Rahman, Annisa
Digital Financial Literacy, Financial Behaviour, and Financial Well-being of Women’s in Indonesia
Rahman, Annisaa
The Entrepreneurs’ Insights and Fears Towards Sharia Fintech Lending (Study of SMEs in West Sumatra)
Rahmattulaila, Saskia
A Pilot Study: The Role of Family Social Support in Entrepreneurial Resilience
Rahmawati, Widya
The Influence of Store Layout and Atmosphere on Consumer Purchase Decisions on Rili Swalayan, Padang
Ramadhania, Ramadhania
Analysis of the Effect of Promotion and Product Innovation on Consumer Purchase Decisions in Digital Technology-Based Micro and Small Enterprises in Padang City
Rina, Caecilia
The Effect of Leaders with Narcissism and Overconfidence Characteristics on Corporate Risk-Taking
Rinanti, Astri
How Can Reverse Vending Machines for Plastic Bottle Packaging Contribute to Sociopreneurship?
Risqiani, Renny
Antecedents of Organizational Commitment of Construction and Building Employees in Jakarta
Risqiani, Renny
The Effect of Green Marketing, Sustainable Advertising, Eco Packaging/Labeling Towards Green Purchasing Behavior (Study on Electric Vehicles in Indonesia)
Risqiani, Renny
Perceived Personalization and Brand Relationship Models in Social Commerce
Risqiani, Renny
Analysis of Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior in Buying Prepaid Cell Phone Cards During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Risqiani, Renny
The Effect of Brand Experience and Customer Engagement on Brand Loyalty in the Marketplace in Indonesia
Sadono, Dwi
Digital Communication and Its Relationship to SME Empowerment and Performance