Proceedings of the International Seminar on Innovative and Creative Guidance and Counseling Service (ICGCS 2021)

99 authors
Ahmad, Mujahida
The Effectiveness of Modeling Technique to Improve Learning Discipline in Grade VIII MTs of 9 Sleman
Andayani, Tri Rejeki
The Relationship Between Pedagogical Competence and Teacher Performance in Inclusive School
Anggrayni, Eka
Learning Saturation Online in Students Based on School Burnout Inventory (SBI)
Ani, Ani
Cross-Cultural Marriage Family Resilience and Implications for Family Guidance and Counseling
Arikunto, Suharsimi
The Effectiveness of Modeling Technique to Improve Learning Discipline in Grade VIII MTs of 9 Sleman
Aryanto, Eko Rian
Gestalt Counseling
Astuti, Budi
The Effectiveness of Thought Stopping to Reduce Public Speaking Anxiety for the Students of Counseling Programs
Astuti, Budi
Training of Basic Counseling Skills for Teacher of Guidance and Counseling to Increase Interest in Online Learning Students
Astuti, Budi
The Urgency of Technology and Social Media in Guidance and Counseling in The Covid-19 Pandemic
Ayriza, Yulia
The Influence of Cognitive Restructuring Techniques on Students’ Learning Interest in Distance Learning
Basuki, Agus
Effectiveness of Group Guidance Services using Simulation Games Techniques to Improve Students’ Prosocial Behavior in Grade VIII of State Junior High School 1 Bantul
Bhakti, Caraka Putra
The Urgency of Technology Competencies for Guidance and Counseling Teacher
Bhakti, Caraka Putra
Developing Career Vision Roadmap for Student Career Planning
Budiamin, Amin
Implementation of ‘Tut Wuri Handayani’ in the Perspective of Practical Pedagogic Foundation
Cahyaningsih, Niken
Effectiveness of Reality Group Counseling to Enhance Students’ Self-efficacy in High School
Christyaningrum, Hapsari
The Effectiveness of Thought Stopping to Reduce Public Speaking Anxiety for the Students of Counseling Programs
D, Aminatuzzuhriah.
The Effect of the Electric Maze Educational Game on the Concentration of Hyperactive Children
Dahlan, Tina Hayati
Jargon: Ngajaga Shalat, Ngajago Silat, Ngajaga Silaturahmi at Dhikr Al Fath Islamic Boarding School
Fadilah, Ela Nur
What is the Counsellor’s Role in Overcoming the Zoom Fatigue Phenomenon?
Fadkhurosi, Adnan
Counseling Based on Andragogy Via WhatsApp to Reduce Students’ Anxiety During COVID-19 Pandemic
Fahruni, Findivia Egga
What is the Counsellor’s Role in Overcoming the Zoom Fatigue Phenomenon?
Fathiyah, Kartika Nur
Academic Stress and Its Sources Among Junior High School Students
Fauziah, Fia Nurul
Web-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Optimism
Fauziyah, Luluk
The Relationship Between Pedagogical Competence and Teacher Performance in Inclusive School
Fithroni, Fajar
The Urgency of Technology Competencies for Guidance and Counseling Teacher
Fithroni, Fajar
Developing Career Vision Roadmap for Student Career Planning
Gunarhadi, Gunarhadi
Mathematics Learning Media and the Need for Montessori Media Development for Students with Mild Mental Retardation in Class IV at SLB Makassar City
Hanum, Nuri Cholidah
The Urgency of Technology Competencies for Guidance and Counseling Teacher
Hanum, Nuri Cholidah
Developing Career Vision Roadmap for Student Career Planning
Hasibuan, Uli Makmun
The Influence of Cognitive Restructuring Techniques on Students’ Learning Interest in Distance Learning
Hastuti, Maria Margaretha Sri
Counseling for Muna Tribe’s Women of Sulawesi Tenggara
Hertindha, Rindhi Rezqi
The Effect of Microblogging on the Career Planning Ability of Vocational High School Students
Ilfiandra, Ilfiandra
Male and Female Students’ Abilities in Creating the Peaceable Classroom
Islami, Isa Bela
Mathematics Learning Media and the Need for Montessori Media Development for Students with Mild Mental Retardation in Class IV at SLB Makassar City
Jaeti, Nur Fadillah
Application of Self-Management Techniques in Group Counseling to Reduce Aggressive Behavior among Students
Jupriadi, Jupriadi
Male and Female Students’ Abilities in Creating the Peaceable Classroom
Karsidi, Ravik
The Effect of the Electric Maze Educational Game on the Concentration of Hyperactive Children
Kartadinata, Sunaryo
A Study “Peumulia Jamee” of Aceh Society in Counseling Relationship
Kholida, Kafani Maya
The Development of Short Films to Reduce Bullying among Students
Kurniasari, Mitta
Training of Basic Counseling Skills for Teacher of Guidance and Counseling to Increase Interest in Online Learning Students
Kurniasih, Cucu
The Urgency of Technology Competencies for Guidance and Counseling Teacher
Kurniasih, Cucu
Developing Career Vision Roadmap for Student Career Planning
Kurniawan, Dwi Setia
Gestalt Counseling
Kusmaryani, Rosita Endang
Counseling Based on Andragogy Via WhatsApp to Reduce Students’ Anxiety During COVID-19 Pandemic
LN, Syamsu Yusuf
Implementation of ‘Tut Wuri Handayani’ in the Perspective of Practical Pedagogic Foundation
Martono, Martono
The Effectiveness of Thought Stopping to Reduce Public Speaking Anxiety for the Students of Counseling Programs
Martono, Martono
The Effectiveness of Modeling Technique to Improve Learning Discipline in Grade VIII MTs of 9 Sleman
Mr, Yulia Kristiyanti Wa Ada
Counseling for Muna Tribe’s Women of Sulawesi Tenggara
Mutiara, Asfarina
The Effectiveness of Sociodrama Techniques on Improving Students’ Discipline in Vocational High School of Plantation MM 52 Yogyakarta
Nadya, Aisha
Cross-Cultural Marriage Family Resilience and Implications for Family Guidance and Counseling
Nelissa, Zahra
A Study “Peumulia Jamee” of Aceh Society in Counseling Relationship
Nove, Albertus Hengka
Development of Mind Mapping as Media for Student Career Planning
Nugraha, Surya Adhi
What is the Counsellor’s Role in Overcoming the Zoom Fatigue Phenomenon?
Nurajizah, Nuni
The Development of Short Films to Reduce Bullying among Students
Nurismawan, Ach. Sudrajad
What is the Counsellor’s Role in Overcoming the Zoom Fatigue Phenomenon?
Nurjanah, Anisa Siti
Learning Saturation Online in Students Based on School Burnout Inventory (SBI)
Nurrofifah, Hani
The Effectiveness of Sociodrama Techniques on Improving Students’ Discipline in Vocational High School of Plantation MM 52 Yogyakarta
Nuryanto, Iis Lathifah
Identification of Guidance and Counseling Service Needs for Elementary School
Nuryanto, Iis Lathifah
The Effectiveness of the Professional Strengthening Program to Improve Counselor Professional Ethics
Prastika, Erliana
The Effect of Microblogging on the Career Planning Ability of Vocational High School Students
Pratama, Mirza Yuda
Prevalence of Academic Stress High School Students in Yogyakarta During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Pratiwi, Chici
Academic Self Awareness, Self-Regulation and Academic Burnout among College Students
Puri, Lintang Waskita
The Effectiveness of Thought Stopping to Reduce Public Speaking Anxiety for the Students of Counseling Programs
Puri, Lintang Waskita
The Effectiveness of Modeling Technique to Improve Learning Discipline in Grade VIII MTs of 9 Sleman
Purnama, Diana Septi
The Development of a Video as Media for Classical Guidance Activity to Improve Students’ Understanding of Learning Responsibility
Purnama, Diana Septi
Training of Basic Counseling Skills for Teacher of Guidance and Counseling to Increase Interest in Online Learning Students
Purnama, Diana Septi
Learning Saturation Online in Students Based on School Burnout Inventory (SBI)
Purnama, Diana Septi
Prevalence of Academic Stress High School Students in Yogyakarta During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Purwanta, Edi
Development of Mind Mapping as Media for Student Career Planning
Purwanti, Isti Yuni
Academic Self Awareness, Self-Regulation and Academic Burnout among College Students
Rahmadani, Cut Munika Bastia
Resilience and Hope of Prospective Cadets and Cadets of The Magelang Military Academy
Ramadani, Vetriana Kusuma
Prevalence of Academic Stress High School Students in Yogyakarta During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Rodhiyya, Zaenab Amatillah
The Urgency of Technology Competencies for Guidance and Counseling Teacher
Rodhiyya, Zaenab Amatillah
Developing Career Vision Roadmap for Student Career Planning
Sapputra, Ahmad Firlii
The Development of a Video as Media for Classical Guidance Activity to Improve Students’ Understanding of Learning Responsibility
Saripah, Ipah
Male and Female Students’ Abilities in Creating the Peaceable Classroom
Setiawan, Antonius Ian Bayu
The Development of Short Films to Reduce Bullying among Students
Setiawati, Farida Agus
Effectiveness of Reality Group Counseling to Enhance Students’ Self-efficacy in High School
Setiowati, Arum
Cross-Cultural Marriage Family Resilience and Implications for Family Guidance and Counseling
Setiowati, Arum
Identification of Guidance and Counseling Service Needs for Elementary School
Setiowati, Arum
The Effectiveness of the Professional Strengthening Program to Improve Counselor Professional Ethics
Setyawan, Fajar Irfani
The Development of a Video as Media for Classical Guidance Activity to Improve Students’ Understanding of Learning Responsibility
Sugiyanto, Sugiyanto
Implementation of ‘Tut Wuri Handayani’ in the Perspective of Practical Pedagogic Foundation
Supriatna, Mamat
Jargon: Ngajaga Shalat, Ngajago Silat, Ngajaga Silaturahmi at Dhikr Al Fath Islamic Boarding School
Supriatna, Mamat
Implementation of ‘Tut Wuri Handayani’ in the Perspective of Practical Pedagogic Foundation
Supriatna, Mamat
A Study “Peumulia Jamee” of Aceh Society in Counseling Relationship
Suwarjo, Suwarjo
The Development of Short Films to Reduce Bullying among Students
Suwarjo, Suwarjo
Resilience and Hope of Prospective Cadets and Cadets of The Magelang Military Academy
Suwarjo, Suwarjo
Gestalt Counseling
Suwarjo, Suwarjo
The Effect of Microblogging on the Career Planning Ability of Vocational High School Students
Suwarjo, Suwarjo
Application of Self-Management Techniques in Group Counseling to Reduce Aggressive Behavior among Students
Syammari, Shoofii
Effectiveness of Group Guidance Services using Simulation Games Techniques to Improve Students’ Prosocial Behavior in Grade VIII of State Junior High School 1 Bantul
Talitha, Rahma
Jargon: Ngajaga Shalat, Ngajago Silat, Ngajaga Silaturahmi at Dhikr Al Fath Islamic Boarding School
Wahyuni, Eka
Web-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Optimism
Wangid, Muhammad Nur
Academic Self Awareness, Self-Regulation and Academic Burnout among College Students
Widyastono, Herry
The Effect of the Electric Maze Educational Game on the Concentration of Hyperactive Children
Yamtinah, Sri
Mathematics Learning Media and the Need for Montessori Media Development for Students with Mild Mental Retardation in Class IV at SLB Makassar City
Yunianto, Nur
The Urgency of Technology and Social Media in Guidance and Counseling in The Covid-19 Pandemic
Yusuf, Munawir
The Relationship Between Pedagogical Competence and Teacher Performance in Inclusive School