Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning Innovation (ICLI 2017)

123 authors
Adi, Eka Pramono
Curriculum Model of Capability Development through Transdisciplinary Courses System
Adi, Pidekso
Developing Technologically Responsive Reflective Learning Model for Z Generation Learners
Adi, Sapto
Blended Learning Method in a Sports School
Adi, Sapto
Sports Access Learning (SAL) to Promote Self-Regulated Learning: a Need Analysis
Aini, Nurul
Implementation of Diploma Supplement Certificate in Higher Education
Amin, Mohamad
The Effect of Module Implementation with STAD Cooperative Learning Toward Process Skills in Science and Cognitive Achievement of 8th Grade Students
Aqil, Deden Ibnu
Concept of Life Skills Based-Adult Education for Housewife
Arief, Sandy
An Analyis of Student's Academic Fraud Behavior
Arifin, Imron
Religion Education with Beyond the Wall Model to Promote Tolerant Behavior in The Plural Society of Indonesia
Ariwinanti, Desi
Blended Learning Method in a Sports School
Astina, I Komang
The Utilization of Wonorejo Mangrove Ecotourism Area as a Contextual Learning Source
Atmoko, Adi
The Use of ITCs on Counselors to Enhance Professionalism: a Preliminary Study
Batlolona, John Rafafy
Influence of Discovery Learning-Based Empirical-Theoritical Study Assisted by Animation Phet on the Physics Problem-Solving in High School
Chisbiyah, Lismi Animatul
The Analysis of the Connection Between the Proportion of Expenditure and Food Consumption and the Food Security of Tengger Ethnic Group's Household and the Education on Indigenous Food
Cholifah, Puri Selfi
Research Trends in Integrating Tablet Computers with Learning in Primary Education
Dwandaru, Wipsar Sunu Brams
Application of Bloomian and Marzanoian Higher Order Thinking Skills in the Physics Learning Assessment: an Inevitability
Dwiyogo, Wasis Djoko
Sports Access Learning (SAL) to Promote Self-Regulated Learning: a Need Analysis
Ermansah, Mr
Application of Bloomian and Marzanoian Higher Order Thinking Skills in the Physics Learning Assessment: an Inevitability
Fadhiillah, Dini Nur
Do We Need to Learn About Human Rights Values?: Jurisprudential Inquiry Model of Teaching in Senior High School
Fadhli, Nurrul Riyad
The Use of Blended Learning Model Integrated with Learning Management System in Volleyball Learning Subject in Faculty of Sports Science State University of Malang
Farida, Ika Andrini
Developing Scientific Thinking Through Inquiry Learning
Faris, Ahmad
1 Hour Q-Time as a Preventive Effort of Juvenile Delinquencies to Prepare the Golden Generation of Indonesia 2045
Fitriani, Somariah
Competency Development of Civil State Apparatus in Term of Human Resource Management
Fuad, Ah. Zakki
Model of Teaching "Participatory Observation in Islamic Education" to Improve Religious and Social Characters of University Students: a Preliminary Research
Gayatri, Askardiya Mirza
Concept of Life Skills Based-Adult Education for Housewife
Ghosh, Anusua
Implementation of Blended Learning Innovation in Graph Theory Application Course to Face the Education Challenge in the 21st Century
Hadi, Nur
Verbal Tradition as a Cultural Power in Building Civilization
Hamiah, Siti Cholisotul
Developing Technologically Responsive Reflective Learning Model for Z Generation Learners
Hammad, Jihad
Open Learning Systems for Learners with Capabilities as Innovators at State University of Malang
Handoyo, Budi
Developing Geography Learning Model to Strengthen Student Character
Hapsari, Sri
Concept of Life Skills Based-Adult Education for Housewife
Hariadi, Imam
Blended Learning Method in a Sports School
Hidayat, Robby
Creativepreneurship Spirit For Students As Prospective Advertisers
Hidayati, Laili
Production Analysis of Bakso Based on The HACCP Method to Support Food Quality Control Courses
Huda, Choirul
Influence of Discovery Learning-Based Empirical-Theoritical Study Assisted by Animation Phet on the Physics Problem-Solving in High School
Irawan, Edy Bambang
Investigating Indonesian Teachers' ZAD in the Representation of Fractions
Irawati, Santi
Investigating Indonesian Teachers' ZAD in the Representation of Fractions
Irianti, Agus Hery Supadmi
Implementation of Diploma Supplement Certificate in Higher Education
Ismail, Hasan
Effect of Activity-Based Learning on Student Learning Achievement in Construction Management
Istiyono, Edi
Application of Bloomian and Marzanoian Higher Order Thinking Skills in the Physics Learning Assessment: an Inevitability
Japar, Muhammad
Do We Need to Learn About Human Rights Values?: Jurisprudential Inquiry Model of Teaching in Senior High School
Juliardi, Dodik
Determinant of Consumptive Behavior: Study on Accountancy Colleger
Kardoyo, Mr
An Analyis of Student's Academic Fraud Behavior
Kiranawati, Titi Mutiara
The Analysis of the Connection Between the Proportion of Expenditure and Food Consumption and the Food Security of Tengger Ethnic Group's Household and the Education on Indigenous Food
Lestari, Sri Rahayu
Building Undergraduates' Biological Capabilities through Reconstruction of Life-based Learning Curriculum
Lestari, Umie
Building Undergraduates' Biological Capabilities through Reconstruction of Life-based Learning Curriculum
Lioe, AJE Toen
Open Learning Systems for Learners with Capabilities as Innovators at State University of Malang
Lukiati, Betty
Building Undergraduates' Biological Capabilities through Reconstruction of Life-based Learning Curriculum
Mariana, Rina Rifqie
Production Analysis of Bakso Based on The HACCP Method to Support Food Quality Control Courses
Maryam, Shovi
1 Hour Q-Time as a Preventive Effort of Juvenile Delinquencies to Prepare the Golden Generation of Indonesia 2045
Megawati, Intan
Application of Bloomian and Marzanoian Higher Order Thinking Skills in the Physics Learning Assessment: an Inevitability
Mimien Henie Irawati Al, Muhdhar
The Effect of Module Implementation with STAD Cooperative Learning Toward Process Skills in Science and Cognitive Achievement of 8th Grade Students
Muhsin, Mr
An Analyis of Student's Academic Fraud Behavior
Mukminatien, Nur
Developing Life-Based Speaking Syllabus for Librarians in A Blended Learning Platform
Muniroh, Siti
Empowering Teachers' Professionalism for Students' Better Learning through Reflective Training: A Theoretical Framework for Sustainable EFL Teacher Professional Development
Munjin, Ahmad
1 Hour Q-Time as a Preventive Effort of Juvenile Delinquencies to Prepare the Golden Generation of Indonesia 2045
Murtini, Sri
The Utilization of Wonorejo Mangrove Ecotourism Area as a Contextual Learning Source
Narendra, Albertoes Pramoekti
E-Science Indonesia: Innovation, Integration, and Utilization: Explanatory Study members in Central Java: Muria Kudus University, Islamic University of Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara, and Institute of Health Science PKU Muhammadiyah Solo
Nasih, Ahmad Munjin
Model of Teaching "Participatory Observation in Islamic Education" to Improve Religious and Social Characters of University Students: a Preliminary Research
Nawangsari, Nur Ainy Fardhana
Developing Scientific Thinking Through Inquiry Learning
Nurdiansyah, Rudi
The Analysis of the Connection Between the Proportion of Expenditure and Food Consumption and the Food Security of Tengger Ethnic Group's Household and the Education on Indigenous Food
Nurjanah, Nunung
The Analysis of the Connection Between the Proportion of Expenditure and Food Consumption and the Food Security of Tengger Ethnic Group's Household and the Education on Indigenous Food
Nurkhin, Ahmad
An Analyis of Student's Academic Fraud Behavior
Perkasa, Ripho Delzy
Teaching Basic Skill of Economic Education University students
Ponimin, Mr
Improving Children's Love to Local Culture Through Culture-Themed "APE" Puzzle Product
Praherdhiono, Henry
Determinant of Consumptive Behavior: Study on Accountancy Colleger
Praherdhiono, Henry
Open Learning Systems for Learners with Capabilities as Innovators at State University of Malang
Pramusinto, Hengky
An Analyis of Student's Academic Fraud Behavior
Pribadi, Mr
Effect of Activity-Based Learning on Student Learning Achievement in Construction Management
Prihatnawati, Yayuk
The Effect of Module Implementation with STAD Cooperative Learning Toward Process Skills in Science and Cognitive Achievement of 8th Grade Students
Priyatni, Endah Tri
Developing Technologically Responsive Reflective Learning Model for Z Generation Learners
Pujiyanto, Mr
Creativepreneurship Spirit For Students As Prospective Advertisers
Purwanto, Mr
Developing Geography Learning Model to Strengthen Student Character
Qona'ah, Arina
Experience of Nursing Diploma Student Learning NCLEX through Distance Learning
Qudsyi, Hazhira
Effectiveness of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) to Improve Students Achievement and Students' Self-Efficacy in Cognitive Psychology Course
Rachmajanti, Sri
Empowering Teachers' Professionalism for Students' Better Learning through Reflective Training: A Theoretical Framework for Sustainable EFL Teacher Professional Development
Radjah, Carolina L.
The Use of ITCs on Counselors to Enhance Professionalism: a Preliminary Study
Rafsanjani, Mohamad Arief
Determinant of Consumptive Behavior: Study on Accountancy Colleger
Rahardi, Rustanto
Investigating Indonesian Teachers' ZAD in the Representation of Fractions
Rahayu, Sri Eko Puji
Implementation of Diploma Supplement Certificate in Higher Education
Retnosari, Rini
The Effects of Inquiry-Based Learning Strategy on Chemistry Undergraduate Students' Conceptual Understanding and Science Process Skill Achievement in NMR Spectroscopy
Rohman, Moh. Fathur
Blended Learning Method in a Sports School
Satyananda, Darmawan
Implementation of Blended Learning Innovation in Graph Theory Application Course to Face the Education Challenge in the 21st Century
Shaumia, Dian
Teaching Basic Skill of Economic Education University students
Sholikhan, Mr
Influence of Discovery Learning-Based Empirical-Theoritical Study Assisted by Animation Phet on the Physics Problem-Solving in High School
Simon, Irene Maya
The Use of ITCs on Counselors to Enhance Professionalism: a Preliminary Study
Sueb, Mr
Comparison of Environmental Science Learning Outcomes Using Research-Based Learning for Biology Students
Sugandi, R.M.
Effect of Activity-Based Learning on Student Learning Achievement in Construction Management
Suharyadi, Mr
Empowering Teachers' Professionalism for Students' Better Learning through Reflective Training: A Theoretical Framework for Sustainable EFL Teacher Professional Development
Sukamto, Mr
Reyog Bulkiyo as a Cultural Potential in The Natural Laboratory of Sounthern Slopes Of Kelud Volcano And its Use For Social Studies Learning Based on Environment
Sukopitojo, Soenar
Production Analysis of Bakso Based on The HACCP Method to Support Food Quality Control Courses
Sulistyo, Gunadi Harry
Empowering Teachers' Professionalism for Students' Better Learning through Reflective Training: A Theoretical Framework for Sustainable EFL Teacher Professional Development
Sulton, Mr
Open Learning Systems for Learners with Capabilities as Innovators at State University of Malang
Sulton, Mr
Curriculum Model of Capability Development through Transdisciplinary Courses System
Sultoni, Achmad
Model of Teaching "Participatory Observation in Islamic Education" to Improve Religious and Social Characters of University Students: a Preliminary Research
Sumarmi, Mrs
The Utilization of Wonorejo Mangrove Ecotourism Area as a Contextual Learning Source
Sumarmi, Mrs
Influence of Local Wisdom-Based Blended Learning Module for Environmental Geography Towards Problem-Solving Skill
Sumarwahyudi, Mr
Creativepreneurship Spirit For Students As Prospective Advertisers
Suminar, Dewi Retno
Developing Scientific Thinking Through Inquiry Learning
Sunggingwati, Dyah
Reading and Writing Skills of Scientific Articles for Undergraduate Students: Benefits and Challenges