Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Language, Literature, and Education (ICLLE 2020)
142 authors
- Abdurahman
- Politeness of Commanding Speech Act in Indonesian by Senior High School Students
- Adek, Muhammad
- As The Tree, So The Fruit: Textual Relations on Democratic Discourses in West Sumatra
- Adek, Muhammad
- Light and Shadow in Hate-Speech Cases: A Forensic Linguistics
- Adek, Muhammad
- That Unjust God: Critical Discourse Analysis on the Violations of Religious Freedom
- Adek, Muhammad
- Wabi-Sabi and Aesthetic of Love in Lang Leav’s Love and Misadventure
- Agustia, Serly
- E-Book as a Learning Resource for Indonesian Language in the New Normal Era
- Agustina
- Sarcasm and Cynicism in Political Discourse on the 2017 DKI Jakarta Regional Election on Social Media
- Agustina
- As The Tree, So The Fruit: Textual Relations on Democratic Discourses in West Sumatra
- Agustina
- Light and Shadow in Hate-Speech Cases: A Forensic Linguistics
- Agustina
- That Unjust God: Critical Discourse Analysis on the Violations of Religious Freedom
- Agustina
- Realization of Criticism in Political Discourse and Its Impact on Advance Threats and Polite Language
- Ainim, Siti
- Light and Shadow in Hate-Speech Cases: A Forensic Linguistics
- Alfioda, Tia
- Politeness of Commanding Speech Act in Indonesian by Senior High School Students
- Amir, Amril
- Sarcasm in Deddy Cobuzier’s Vlog
- Amir, Amril
- The Level of Politeness in Indonesian Speech Act for Madrasah Aliyah Students in Multi-Ethnic Context
- Amir, Amril
- The Effect of Mastery Reading Strategies Towards Reading Text Skilss in Higher Education
- Anggraini, Dewi
- Contribution of Vocabulary Mastery on News Writing Skill
- Anggraini, Giya
- Women in Shackles: The Space of Privacy in Cinta Suci Zahrana
- Apriani, Cindya
- Representation of Domestic Violence (KDRT) in La Barka: A Sociology of Literature
- Arief, Ermawati
- Contesting the Patriarchal Authority: Portrait of Millennial Women in the Indonesian Novel
- Arief, Ermawati
- Performance of Writing Rhetoric in Student Thesis Indonesian Language and Literature Education Departement Universitas Negeri Padang
- Arief, Ermawati
- E-Book as a Learning Resource for Indonesian Language in the New Normal Era
- Asmawati
- Wabi-Sabi and Aesthetic of Love in Lang Leav’s Love and Misadventure
- Asri, Yasnur
- Realization of Criticism in Political Discourse and Its Impact on Advance Threats and Polite Language
- Asri, Yasnur
- Events of Persuasive Speech in the Interview of Sandiaga Uno
- Asri, Yasnur
- Women’s Objectification in Tanah Tabu and Cantik Itu Luka
- Asri, Yasnur
- Portrait of Women’s Struggles Towards Domination of Patriarchal Culture in Cantik Itu Luka and Kalatidha
- Asri, Yasnur
- Deconstruction of Myth of Beauty and Its Resistance in Ayu Utami’s Lalita and Maya
- Asri, Yasnur
- Representation of Beauty in Ayu Utami’s Novels: Wolfian’s Beauty Myth Perspective
- Asri, Yasnur
- Contesting the Patriarchal Authority: Portrait of Millennial Women in the Indonesian Novel
- Asri, Yasnur
- The Effect of the Use of Mind-Map-Based Quantum Learning Models and Reading Interest on Argumentation Writing Skills for High School Students
- Ayuni, Qurrata
- Analysis of Needs Of E-LKPD Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) in Linear Learning for Exposition Text Materials
- Azrianti, Vivi Putri
- Instilling Positive Characters in Students Using Folker in the Macromedia Application
- Bahar, Mahdi
- The Art of Speaking in the Traditional Expression of Kerinci Community as a Source of Moral Values for Character Education
- Damayanti, Welsi
- Analysis of the Formation of Terms Related to Covid-19 as Lecture Material Diction in General Bahasa Indonesia Courses
- Dewi, Anggun Citra Sari
- Model of Perception and Critical Language Style of Academic Community at University of Bengkulu During Coronavirus Disease (COVID) 19 Epidemic to Realize the Freedom of Learning
- Dianti, Agnesi
- Women’s Objectification in Tanah Tabu and Cantik Itu Luka
- Edriana, Widya
- Persuasive Speech of Karni Ilyas in the Indonesia Lawyers Club Program
- Elfia, Sridiana
- Improving Students’ Writing Skill of Narrative Text by Using Think-Pair-Share Technique at Grade X.13 SMAN 5 Bukittinggi
- Emidar
- Text of Oral Tradition of Lullaby Songs Mainland Region of the Minangkabau Collective: Format, Content, and Functions
- Ermanto
- Use of Repetition Language Style For the Effectiveness of Communication Ustaz/Ustazah in Indonesia
- Ermanto
- The Imperative Politeness in a Keluarga Cemara Film by Yandy Laurens
- Ermanto
- The Lexicogrammatical Performance by Female Legislative (DPRD) Members of West Sumatra in Communicating Via Social Media
- Ermanto
- The Principles of Cooperation and Politeness In Zulkifli Muhamad Ali’s Sermon
- Ermanto
- The Contribution of Interest in Reading and Vocabulary: Mastery on Writing Skills of Observation Results Reports Text for Grade 10th Students SMA Negeri of Pasaman Regency
- Erpidawati
- Development of Indonesian Language Learning Devices Using Interactive Multimedia In Middle School
- Farahin, Siti Nur
- The Principles of Cooperation and Politeness In Zulkifli Muhamad Ali’s Sermon
- Firmansyah, Afifah Utami
- Sarcasm and Cynicism in Political Discourse on the 2017 DKI Jakarta Regional Election on Social Media
- Fitri, Indah Rahma
- Sarcasm in Deddy Cobuzier’s Vlog
- Fitria, Ari
- Portrait of Women’s Struggles Towards Domination of Patriarchal Culture in Cantik Itu Luka and Kalatidha
- Gani, Erizal
- Realization of Criticism in Political Discourse and Its Impact on Advance Threats and Polite Language
- Gani, Erizal
- Persuasive Speech of Karni Ilyas in the Indonesia Lawyers Club Program
- Gani, Erizal
- Sumbang Duo Baleh: Education-Valued Expression for Minangkabau Women
- Gloriani, Yusida
- The Development of Fabel Text Teaching Materials Based on Local Wisdom as Learning Scaffolding
- Habiburrahman
- Level of Cultural Self-Efficacy of Academic Librarians and Associated Socio-demographic Factors at the Library of Universitas Negeri Padang
- Hafrison, Mohamad
- Student Writers’ Academic Essay Writing Problems: Students’ and Teachers’ Responses
- Hamidah, Siti
- Analysis of the Formation of Terms Related to Covid-19 as Lecture Material Diction in General Bahasa Indonesia Courses
- Has, Cici Nurfauzianah
- Representative Speech Acts of People With Multiple Aphasia (Case Study on Khairudin)
- Hasanah, Widia
- The Effect of the Use of Mind-Map-Based Quantum Learning Models and Reading Interest on Argumentation Writing Skills for High School Students
- Hasanuddin, WS
- Text of Oral Tradition of Lullaby Songs Mainland Region of the Minangkabau Collective: Format, Content, and Functions
- Hayati, Yenni
- Representation of Domestic Violence (KDRT) in La Barka: A Sociology of Literature
- Hayati, Yenni
- Domestic Violence Against Women in Isinga: Roman Papua Novel by Dorothea Rosa Herliany
- Hayati, Yenni
- Deconstruction of Myth of Beauty and Its Resistance in Ayu Utami’s Lalita and Maya
- Hayati, Yenni
- Representation of Beauty in Ayu Utami’s Novels: Wolfian’s Beauty Myth Perspective
- Hayati, Yenni
- Digital Comics of Minangkabau Folklore as Learning Media of Character-Building in Middle School
- Humaira, Liza Halimatul
- Realization of Criticism in Political Discourse and Its Impact on Advance Threats and Polite Language
- Istigfara, Titi
- E-Book as a Learning Resource for Indonesian Language in the New Normal Era
- Juita, Novia
- Use of Repetition Language Style For the Effectiveness of Communication Ustaz/Ustazah in Indonesia
- Juita, Novia
- The Lexicogrammatical Performance by Female Legislative (DPRD) Members of West Sumatra in Communicating Via Social Media
- Juita, Novia
- The Realization of Anis Baswedan’s Cooperation Principles in Mata Najwa Program
- Juita, Novia
- The Contribution of Interest in Reading and Vocabulary: Mastery on Writing Skills of Observation Results Reports Text for Grade 10th Students SMA Negeri of Pasaman Regency
- Khairani, Ade Irma
- An Analysis of Speech Acts on Headlines Medan Newspaper
- Kurniawan, Indra
- Events of Persuasive Speech in the Interview of Sandiaga Uno
- Kusmana, Suherli
- The Development of Fabel Text Teaching Materials Based on Local Wisdom as Learning Scaffolding
- Kusumaningsih, Dewi
- Model of Perception and Critical Language Style of Academic Community at University of Bengkulu During Coronavirus Disease (COVID) 19 Epidemic to Realize the Freedom of Learning
- Lase, Famahato
- Honest Character Differences of Students Before and After Learned With the Model Intelligent Character Learning
- Manaf, Ngusman Abdul
- The Use of Artificial Language in the Family of Cendana Mata Air Padang
- Manaf, Ngusman Abdul
- Politeness of Commanding Speech Act in Indonesian by Senior High School Students
- Manaf, Ngusman Abdul
- The Level of Politeness in Indonesian Speech Act for Madrasah Aliyah Students in Multi-Ethnic Context
- Marjohan
- Honest Character Differences of Students Before and After Learned With the Model Intelligent Character Learning
- Marlini
- Curriculum Development of Library and Information Science Study Program in 4.0 Industrial Revolution Era
- Merawati, Fitri
- Spirituality in Poetry Sidi Djamadi Customary and Religious Harmonization in the Minangkabau Community
- Molyaty, Soffie
- Students’ Strategies in Writing Narrative Text at Grade XI IPS 3 at SMAN 9 Padang
- Nabila, Jeihan
- Level of Cultural Self-Efficacy of Academic Librarians and Associated Socio-demographic Factors at the Library of Universitas Negeri Padang
- Nasution, M. Ismail
- Prototypes of Values of Independent and Patriotism in Minangkabau Kaba Text Manuscript and Drama Texts from Classic Kaba: Study of Local Wisdom for Establishing Young Generation Character
- Nasution, Muhammad Ismail
- The Covid 19 in the Literature Work
- Nasution, Muhammad Ismail
- Structural and Thematic Characteristics of the Latest Popular Indonesian Novels
- Nasution, Muhammad Ismail
- Popular Cultures in Novel Ketua Kelas VS Perusuh Kelas by Rainniya
- Nelisa, Malta
- Digital Comics of Minangkabau Folklore as Learning Media of Character-Building in Middle School
- Neviyarni
- Honest Character Differences of Students Before and After Learned With the Model Intelligent Character Learning
- Nirwana, Herman
- Honest Character Differences of Students Before and After Learned With the Model Intelligent Character Learning
- Novelti
- Development of Indonesian Language Learning Devices Using Interactive Multimedia In Middle School
- Noveria, Ena
- Performance of Writing Rhetoric in Student Thesis Indonesian Language and Literature Education Departement Universitas Negeri Padang
- Noveria, Ena
- E-Book as a Learning Resource for Indonesian Language in the New Normal Era
- Novita, Erma
- The Contribution of Interest in Reading and Vocabulary: Mastery on Writing Skills of Observation Results Reports Text for Grade 10th Students SMA Negeri of Pasaman Regency
- Nurizzati
- Light and Shadow in Hate-Speech Cases: A Forensic Linguistics
- Nurizzati
- Prototypes of Values of Independent and Patriotism in Minangkabau Kaba Text Manuscript and Drama Texts from Classic Kaba: Study of Local Wisdom for Establishing Young Generation Character
- Nursaid
- The Covid 19 in the Literature Work
- Oftensis, Wati
- The Realization of Anis Baswedan’s Cooperation Principles in Mata Najwa Program
- Pangesti, Nesa Riska
- Wabi-Sabi and Aesthetic of Love in Lang Leav’s Love and Misadventure