Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social Science, Humanity and Public Health (ICOSHIP 2021)

194 authors
Mulyadi, Ely
Development of Malnutrition Early Detection Application in Toddlers based on Geographic Information System
Mulyadi, Ely
Eye Tracking Usability Testing Using User-Centered Design Analysis Method
Muna, Niyalatul
Gender Equality Practices: Comparison of Eating Habits in Families With Normal Nutrition, Malnutrition, and Stunting Toddler
Muna, Niyalatul
Prototype Design of Smart MOM Application to Sickly Toddler Screening
Natalia, Lely
Abstinence-Only Sex Education: A Missing Yet Crucial Topic in Digital Media
Ndaru, Poespitasari Hazanah
Brand Behavior Applied to Indonesian Millennial Consumers in the Leisure Economics Era
Nelly, Nelly
A Virtual Sacred Space
Niken, Titis Pratitis
Cyberbullying Among Urban Teens
Ningsih, Wahyu Widya
Sustainable Dimensional Status Analysis in Dragon Fruits Agribusiness Development in Banyuwangi
Noor, Muhammad Syeikhoni
Intelligent Application of Stunting Monitoring and Mapping Systems (Smart Ting) in Toddlers Based on Android in Jember
Novawan, Adriadi
Reframing Language Education in the Light of Ecological Linguistics
Novawan, Adriadi
Students’ View of the Use of TELL (Technology Enhanced Language Learning) in Remote Teaching
Nugroho, Andreas E.
Civil Society and Civil Islam Implementation on Inter-religious Tolerance in Indonesia: A Phenomenological Study
Nugroho, Andreas E.
The Role of Religions on Politics, Economics, and Social Class in the Society: A Phenomenological Study
Nurfadila, Agustin Rani
Multi-criteria Policy Model in the Development of Cayenne Chili Commodities in Ponorogo Regency
Nurmawati, Ida
Gender Equality Practices: Comparison of Eating Habits in Families With Normal Nutrition, Malnutrition, and Stunting Toddler
Nurmawati, Ida
Prototype Design of Smart MOM Application to Sickly Toddler Screening
Oktafa, Huda
Analysis Screening Information System and Stunting Early Detection
Pardede, Nurmalia
Christian Dress Code during Online Worship
Permadi, Muhammad Rizal
Analysis Screening Information System and Stunting Early Detection
Perwiraningrum, Dhyani Ayu
Family Eating Behavior of Stunting Children in Silo District, Jember Regency during Covid-19 Pandemic
Perwiraningrum, Dhyani Ayu
The Main Activities of Community-Based Maternal Empowerment for Stunting Recovery
Prasetyo, Budi
Performance Analysis and Planning Strategies for Improvement of Banana Chips in Jember Regency
Prasetyo, Budi
SWOT Analysis of TEFA Breeding and Hatchery Business Development at Jember State Polytechnic
Pratama, Mudafiq Riyan
The Implementation of Web-Based Patient Registration System at X Hospital
Pratama, Mudafiq Riyan
Acceptance of Toddler Nutrition Decision Support Systems Using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Method
Pristiwaningsih, Estin Roso
Development of Malnutrition Early Detection Application in Toddlers based on Geographic Information System
Purba, Asmat
Christian Education and Healing Ministry for the Victims of Cyberbullying at School
Purwoko, Dwi
The Main Activities of Community-Based Maternal Empowerment for Stunting Recovery
Purwoko, Dwi
Reorienting the Goal and Direction of Tobacco Agrotourism Development in Jember Indonesia
Puspitasari, Pramuditha Shinta Dewi
Identification of Bacilli Bacteria in Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) using Learning Vector Quantization
Putra, Dony Setiawan Hendyca
Intelligent Application of Stunting Monitoring and Mapping Systems (Smart Ting) in Toddlers Based on Android in Jember
Putra, Dony Setiawan Hendyca
Development of Malnutrition Early Detection Application in Toddlers based on Geographic Information System
Putra, Rediyanto
Evaluation of Development Planning in Kemuning Lor Village, Arjasa District, Jember Regency
Putritamara, Jaisy Aghniarahim
Brand Behavior Applied to Indonesian Millennial Consumers in the Leisure Economics Era
Rachmawati, Ervina
The Design of Maternal Health Status Report System to Decrease Maternal Mortality in Jember Regency
Rachmawati, Ervina
Gender Equality Practices: Comparison of Eating Habits in Families With Normal Nutrition, Malnutrition, and Stunting Toddler
Rachmawati, Ervina
The Effect of Training on Improving the Knowledge of Cadres in Using E-Posyandu
Rahagiyanto, Angga
A Review of Muscle Tone Alteration on Post Stroke Patient
Rahmasari, Reikha
SWOT Analysis of TEFA Breeding and Hatchery Business Development at Jember State Polytechnic
Rahmawati, Eni
Fire Risk Analysis and Evaluation of Rescue Facilities in the Engineering Laboratory Building
Ratri, Putri Rahayu
The Effect of Nutrition Education Towards Knowledge of Mothers with Children Under-five Years in Lempeni Village, Indonesia
Rinda, Renata Kenanga
Exploring Students’ Views on the Combination of Synchronous and Asynchronous Electronic Language Learning in an Interpreting Class
Rinda, Renata Kenanga
An Analysis of Forms and Effects of Workplace Harassments on the Female Students’ during the Industrial Internship Program in the Hotel
Roziqin, Mochammad Choirur
Intelligent Application of Stunting Monitoring and Mapping Systems (Smart Ting) in Toddlers Based on Android in Jember
Roziqin, Mochammad Choirur
Prototype Design of Smart MOM Application to Sickly Toddler Screening
Sabran, Sabran
The Effect of Nutrition Education Towards Knowledge of Mothers with Children Under-five Years in Lempeni Village, Indonesia
Sahenda, Lalitya Nindita
Identification of Bacilli Bacteria in Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) using Learning Vector Quantization
Salurante, Tony
A Virtual Sacred Space
Santi, Maya Weka
The Design of Maternal Health Status Report System to Decrease Maternal Mortality in Jember Regency
Santi, Maya Weka
The Effect of Training on Improving the Knowledge of Cadres in Using E-Posyandu
Saputro, Dani Nugroho
Fire Risk Analysis and Evaluation of Rescue Facilities in the Engineering Laboratory Building
Selviyanti, Erna
Intelligent Application of Stunting Monitoring and Mapping Systems (Smart Ting) in Toddlers Based on Android in Jember
Setyoargo, Arief
Design Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) in Electronic Health Record to Early Detection of Stroke Disease, Diabetes Mellitus and to Prevent Interaction of Drug Content
Sianipar, Rikardo P.
Civil Society and Civil Islam Implementation on Inter-religious Tolerance in Indonesia: A Phenomenological Study
Sianipar, Rikardo P.
The Role of Religions on Politics, Economics, and Social Class in the Society: A Phenomenological Study
Subagja, Hariadi
Pioneering Establishment of Teaching Factory Poultry Slaughterhouse at Politeknik Negeri Jember Based on SWOT Analysis
Subagja, Hariadi
Supply Chain Management Efficiency of Sheep
Sugiartono, Endro
Effectiveness of Subtle Value Movements in the Development of Theoretical Models of Organizational Performance
Sugiartono, Endro
Sustainable Competitive Advantages in Developing Theoretical Models of Business Performance
Suharsono, Degita Danur
ELT at Vocational High Schools in Jember
Sulistyono, Nantil Bambang Eko
Reorienting the Goal and Direction of Tobacco Agrotourism Development in Jember Indonesia
Sumadi, Sumadi
Evaluation of Development Planning in Kemuning Lor Village, Arjasa District, Jember Regency
Supriyono, Supriyono
Performance Analysis and Planning Strategies for Improvement of Banana Chips in Jember Regency
Suryana, Arinda Lironika
Design Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) in Electronic Health Record to Early Detection of Stroke Disease, Diabetes Mellitus and to Prevent Interaction of Drug Content
Suryanto, Suryanto
Cyberbullying Among Urban Teens
Susindra, Yoswenita
Family Eating Behavior of Stunting Children in Silo District, Jember Regency during Covid-19 Pandemic
Sutantio, R. Alamsyah
The Teaching Factory Planning
Suyoso, Gandu Eko Julianto
A Review of Muscle Tone Alteration on Post Stroke Patient
Swari, Selvia Juwita
The Implementation of Web-Based Patient Registration System at X Hospital
Swari, Selvia Juwita
Acceptance of Toddler Nutrition Decision Support Systems Using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Method
Syaikhullah, Gayuh
SWOT Analysis of TEFA Breeding and Hatchery Business Development at Jember State Polytechnic
Taufan, Gullit T.
ELT at Vocational High Schools in Jember
Tosalem, Susan Mila P. Alvares
Reframing Language Education in the Light of Ecological Linguistics
Utami, Merry Muspita Dyah
Participation of Women for Supporting Family Income in the Sukowono Sub-district
Utomo, Adi Heru
Eye Tracking Usability Testing Using User-Centered Design Analysis Method
Vestine, Veronika
A Review of Muscle Tone Alteration on Post Stroke Patient
Wahyono, Nanang Dwi
The Business Development of Beef Cattle through Regional Approach in Jember East Java
Wahyono, Nanang Dwi
Supply Chain Management Efficiency of Sheep
Walker, Stuart Anthony
Reframing Language Education in the Light of Ecological Linguistics
Werdiharini, Agustina Endah
The lady Escort Vulnerabilities at Work
Wibowo, Afrizal Mukti
Legal Protection of Consumer Freedom of Opinion in Indonesia
Wibowo, Nugroho Setyo
Design Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) in Electronic Health Record to Early Detection of Stroke Disease, Diabetes Mellitus and to Prevent Interaction of Drug Content
Wicaksono, Andri Permana
Assessing the Accuracy of Information and User Ease of the Expert Application System Based on User Satisfaction
Wijayanti, Fitri
Revealing Gender Bias on ELT Textbook: A Critical Discourse Analysis
Wijayanti, Fitri
Students’ View of the Use of TELL (Technology Enhanced Language Learning) in Remote Teaching
Wijayanti, Rahma Rina
Evaluation of Development Planning in Kemuning Lor Village, Arjasa District, Jember Regency
Wiryawan, I Gede
Development of Malnutrition Early Detection Application in Toddlers based on Geographic Information System
Wiryawan, I Gede
Eye Tracking Usability Testing Using User-Centered Design Analysis Method
Wiyono, Luluk Cahyo
Local Economic Development Strategies to Accelerate Sustainable Economic Growth
Yudartha, I Putu Dharmanu
Analysis of e-service in Public Complaints through Pro Denpasar Plus Application
Yunus, Muhammad
The Design of Maternal Health Status Report System to Decrease Maternal Mortality in Jember Regency
Yunus, Muhammad
The Effect of Training on Improving the Knowledge of Cadres in Using E-Posyandu
Zuhro, Cholimatus
An Analysis of Forms and Effects of Workplace Harassments on the Female Students’ during the Industrial Internship Program in the Hotel