Proceedings of the 2nd  International Seminar on Guidance and Counseling 2019 (ISGC 2019)

195 authors
Mawarni, Anisa
Application of the Rasch Model to the Development of Healthy Sexual Behavior Scale Indigenous Based on Students in Indonesia
Muis, Tamsil
Creative Problem Solving Training to Enhance Students Problem Solving Skills on Career Issues
Mulawarman, Mulawarman
Applying Mind-Skills Training to Improve Academic Hardiness on Guidance and Counseling Students with Academic Burnout
Mulawarman, Mulawarman
Application of RASCH Models to Validate Emotional Intelligence Inventory (EII) in High School Students
Mumpuniarti, Mumpuniarti
The Need of Functional Academic Learning Resources for Teacher in Developing Metacognition of Student with Intellectual Disability
Mumpuniarti, Mumpuniarti
The Needs of Functional Academic Teaching Materials for Special Education Teachers With Visual Impairment
Munawaroh, Eem
Social Network Sites Usage and Fear of Missing Out among Female Instagram User
Muqodas, Idat
The Development of Multiple Intelligence and Self Efficacy in Primary School Students
Developing the Material Guidebook on Parents Gathering to Improve Parents and Teachers’ Knowledge of Children Care
Nadya, Aisha
Digital Literacy and Innovation for Guidance and Counseling Program
Nelissa, Zahra
Peumulia Jamee Culture and the Stage of Building Rapport in Individual Counseling Process
Nopembri, Soni
Children Psychological Preparedness for Disaster
Nopembri, Soni
School Counselor and Non-Governmental Organization Collaboration for Disaster Preparedness in School
Normawati, Yeni Irma
The Need of Functional Academic Learning Resources for Teacher in Developing Metacognition of Student with Intellectual Disability
Novitasari, Zeti
The Success Story From Inclusive School: A Case Study
Nurhayati, Siti Rohmah
Value Transmission From Parents With Different Religion Towards the Children
Gender Differences in Predicting Adolescent Autonomy
Parents’ Perceptions on Adolescent’s Romantic Relationships
Nurihsan, Juntika
The Student’s Perspective of Peace in Senior High School in Yogyakarta
Skill Assessment of Sixth Semester Counseling Students in Cross-Cultural Counseling Practices
Nurmalasari, Yuli
Social Network Sites Usage and Fear of Missing Out among Female Instagram User
Oktavianda, Mifta
Peumulia Jamee Culture and the Stage of Building Rapport in Individual Counseling Process
Development of Spinning Media as an Information Service to Enhance Students Career Planning
Prakoso, Muhammad Rizky Nur
Contribution of Emotional Intelligence to Peer Acceptance on Students at Public Junior High School 14 Surakarta
Pratiwi, Aulia Diah
Android-Based Intervention Model for Developing the Religious Identity Status of Late Adolescent
Pratiwi, Lia Rizqi
Study Habits of Underachievers at Palembang State High School 3
Purnama, Diana Septi
Children Psychological Preparedness for Disaster
Purnama, Diana Septi
School Counselor and Non-Governmental Organization Collaboration for Disaster Preparedness in School
Purnama, Diana Septi
Identification of Guidance and Counseling Service Needs for Higher Education Students at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Purnamasari, Veni
Development of Spinning Media as an Information Service to Enhance Students Career Planning
Purwandika, Riszal
The Influence of Self-Efficacy on Career Maturity of High School Students in Pacitan Regency
Purwanti, Isti Yuni
Self-Efficacy and Academic Anxiety of College Students
Purwasih, Retno
Psychoeducational Groups With Simulation Game Technique to Improve Student’s Self-Control
Putra, Bela Janare
Skill Assessment of Sixth Semester Counseling Students in Cross-Cultural Counseling Practices
Putri, Hafiziani Eka
The Development of Multiple Intelligence and Self Efficacy in Primary School Students
Putri, Rani Mega
Website-Based Interactive Media to Expand Guidance and Counseling Services for Adolescent
Rahmadhina, Alifa S.
Reality Counseling Approach in Understanding Homosexual Awareness
Rahman, Fathur
Analysis of Student Developmental Tasks and Teacher Counselors Performance: A Preliminary Study
Rahmatika Nur Aisyah, W.P
The Role of Baitul Arqom in Developing Islamic Character Education
Rahmawati, Dila
School Counselor and Non-Governmental Organization Collaboration for Disaster Preparedness in School
Rakhmawati, Dini
The Effect of Sexual Violence on Children
Ramadhoni, Sri Rahmah
Using Ekphrasis of Emotional Writing for Improving Emotional Regulation Skills
Ranni Rahmayanthi, Z
Gender Differences in Predicting Adolescent Autonomy
The Effect of Blended Learning on Reading Interest Through Group Counseling
Application of Tutoring Based on Principles of Learning in Islam Through Strengthening Application Services for Learning Ethics
Rini, Maya Puspa
Effectiveness of Group Counseling Role Playing Techniques to Reduce Student Bullying Behavior
Risnasari, Z
Urgency of Career Understanding of High School Students in Making Career Decisions
Riyanto, Kris Bawa
Multicultural Social Peaceful Education through Social Guidance and Counseling Services in Development of Industrial Revolution 4.0
Romadhani, Rahmatika Kurnia
Perceptions of Death and Recommendations for Suicide Prevention Policies: A Case Study of Suicide Case in Gunung Kidul
Romadhon, Arif Fajar
Implementation of Gestalt Therapy in Counseling to Overcome Parental Divorce Trauma in Adolescents
Rusmana, Nandang
Improvements of Pre-Service Counselor Skill in Building Therapeutic Alliance Using Peer Coaching Method
Sakti, Bayu Purbha
Thematic Learning Implementation in Used Areas from Earthquake in Gantiwarno Sub-District Klaten Regency
Santoso, Agus
Using Ekphrasis of Emotional Writing for Improving Emotional Regulation Skills
Sanyata, Sigit
Psychoeducational Groups With Simulation Game Technique to Improve Student’s Self-Control
Sanyata, Sigit
Implementation of Gestalt Therapy in Counseling to Overcome Parental Divorce Trauma in Adolescents
Sanyata, Sigit
The Intervention-Task Model Based on the Miscrosystem Layer of Families as the Effort in Developing Late Adolescent’s Dating Identity Status
Sanyata, Sigit
Getting to Know the Characteristics of the Z-Generation Career Options as the Industrial Revolution Activator 4.0 in Indonesia
Sanyata, Sigit
The Effectiveness Gender Role Analysis Technique to Increase Self Esteem of Bullying Victims in Adolescent
Saputra, Andika Ari
The Role of Self Confidence Towards Gender-Based Career Planning
Saputri, Nur Sholehah Dian
The Effectiveness Gender Role Analysis Technique to Increase Self Esteem of Bullying Victims in Adolescent
Sari, Kurnia
Burnout in Completing Undergraduate Thesis and Its Implications to Guidance and Counseling Program
Sari, Syska Purnama
Burnout in Completing Undergraduate Thesis and Its Implications to Guidance and Counseling Program
Sartinah, Endang Pudjiastuti
Creative Problem Solving Training to Enhance Students Problem Solving Skills on Career Issues
Sartinah, Endang Pudjiasuti
The Implementation of Assertive Training to Reduce Aggressive Behaviors of Students With Mild Intellectual Disability
Children Psychological Preparedness for Disaster
School Counselor and Non-Governmental Organization Collaboration for Disaster Preparedness in School
Simon, Irene Maya
Coping Self-Talk Training Using Blended Learning to Develop Counselors’ Competence
Sofyan, Afriyadi
Social Network Sites Usage and Fear of Missing Out among Female Instagram User
Sofyan, Afriyadi
Application of RASCH Models to Validate Emotional Intelligence Inventory (EII) in High School Students
Srianturi, Yanuari
Analysis of Career Maturity on High School Students
Sugiharto, DYP
Students’ Career Decision Making Self-Efficacy in Islamic Boarding School-Based School
Parents’ Perceptions on Adolescent’s Romantic Relationships
Supriatna, Mamat
Analysis of Career Maturity on High School Students
Supriatna, Mamat
Parents’ Perceptions on Adolescent’s Romantic Relationships
Suryahadikusumah, Ahmad Rofi
Digital Literacy and Innovation for Guidance and Counseling Program
Susanti, Wenny Arie Puji
Creative Problem Solving Training to Enhance Students Problem Solving Skills on Career Issues
Android Application for Z-Generation as A Guidance and Counseling Media
Android-Based Intervention Model for Developing the Religious Identity Status of Late Adolescent
Syamsu Yusuf, L.N
Gender Differences in Predicting Adolescent Autonomy
Syamsu Yusuf, LN
Parents’ Perceptions on Adolescent’s Romantic Relationships
Utami, Nugraheni Warih
Coping Self-Talk Training Using Blended Learning to Develop Counselors’ Competence
Viranti, Triska Aulia
A Study of Smartphone Using on Students at Public Junior High School 55 Palembang
Wahyudi, Chalida Ghrya
Getting to Know the Characteristics of the Z-Generation Career Options as the Industrial Revolution Activator 4.0 in Indonesia
Wangid, Muh Nur
Self-Efficacy and Academic Anxiety of College Students
Widiharto, Chr. Argo
The Effect of Sexual Violence on Children
Widodo, Suwarno
The Effect of Sexual Violence on Children
Wulandari, Rina
Developing the Material Guidebook on Parents Gathering to Improve Parents and Teachers’ Knowledge of Children Care
Yuliyanto, Aan
The Development of Multiple Intelligence and Self Efficacy in Primary School Students
Yusoff, Lenny Shafinaz Md
The STEM Career Education Intervention Module Through Career Exploration Activities
Yusra, Affan
The Effect of Blended Learning on Reading Interest Through Group Counseling
Yusra, Affan
Application of Tutoring Based on Principles of Learning in Islam Through Strengthening Application Services for Learning Ethics
Yusuf, Munawir
An Analysis of the Needs for Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Services for Senior High School Students
Zuhriyah, Luluk Fikri
Using Ekphrasis of Emotional Writing for Improving Emotional Regulation Skills
Zulfah, Rischa Hudzaimi
The Implementation of Assertive Training to Reduce Aggressive Behaviors of Students With Mild Intellectual Disability
Students’ Empowerment Through the Drug Prevention Education Program