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188759 articles
Proceedings Article

An Improved Anonymous Communication Forwarding Strategy

Jie Ling, Daxiang Zheng
Tor is one of the most widely used anonymous communication systems and has been studied by many researchers in recently years. Aiming at the disadvantages of the entry node and exit node of Tor anonymous communication circuit, this paper proposed a pseudo sender and pseudo receiver forwarding strategy...

A Brief Discussion on the Cultivation Approaches of Civilized Values in Yunnan Higher Vocational College Student

Wen Zhou, Boru Yang
On May 5, 2014, general secretary Xi Jinping called on the youth to conscientiously practice the socialist core values in his speech at the symposium of teachers and students of Peking University. As Yunnan province is located in the southwest of China, the unique geographical conditions and national...

Analyzing Impacts of Renewable Energy Directive (RED) on Crude Palm Oil (CPO) Export and Forecasting CPO Export from Indonesia to European Union (EU) for 2019-2020 Using ARIMA Intervention Analysis

Anni Syahdia Nasution, Ika Yuni Wulansari
The implementation of Renewable Energy Directive (RED) policy on April 2009 by European Union (EU) received several responses from many countries, due to create nontariff barrier in international trade. RED (2009/28/EC) established an overall policy for the production and promotion of energy from renewable...
Proceedings Article

The differences of conversions in working with target audience at different decision-making funnel levels

Anastasii I. Klimin, Dmitrii V. Tikhonov, Anastasia I. Ryushenkova
The article presents the results of a study analyzing the conversion rate at different levels of the purchase funnel in the educational market. A theoretical model of the purchase funnel and its surrounding environment is shown, assumptions about the reasons for differences in conversion rates are made,...

Research on the Public Participation Mode of Village-level River Chief System—Introduction of “Civilian River Chief”

Chen Yilei, Liu Yixi, Long Yang
River chief system is a new innovative system in the field of environmental administration in China. In the process of the practice, the innovation was implemented to set the village-level system under the provincial, municipal, county and town levels in many areas. The village-level river chief system...

Problems in Law Ofmortgage Right (Law Number 4 of 1997)

M. Husein Ahmadi, I.G.A.K. Rachmi Handayani, Lego Karjoko
Mortgage Law disregarding a number of civil problems, the rights of the parties in the relationship of mortgage rights cannot be fulfilled equitably, because procedural practices so far have not proceeded properly. Law Number 4 of 1997 does not provide clear rules, therefore creditor tends to dominate...
Proceedings Article

Assessment Of Worker Posture In Herbicides Production And Break Time Determination Using OCRA Index Method

Cahyaning Wulan Dhadhari, Wiediartini, Haidar Natsir Amrullah
Workers in the packaging process of pesticide factories constantly do repetitive jobs on belt conveyors, eight hours per shift. Results of preliminary observations used Nordic Body Map (NBM) questionnaire shown that there was the severity of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) on the upper body of the workers....
Proceedings Article

Compatibility and the ability to work together in tourist sports teams

Evgenia Kulagina, Svetlana Esipova, Igor Karasev
Compatibility is determined by researchers as a significant phenomenon of team activity that affect the effectiveness of the educational, training, and competitive process. However, the combination of the individual characteristics of athletes is not universal and is determined by the specifics of the...

Maternal Factors and Their Effects on Stunting in Indonesia

Angger Wiji Rahayu
Stunting is one of several health indicators that contribute to the quality of future generations of human resources. This is a very serious problem, considering the impact it can cause on the future. One of the causes of stunting is the maternal condition of the mother prior to and during pregnancy....
Proceedings Article

Isolation of Actinomycetes from Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) Rhizosphere and the Ability to Produce Antibiotic.

Nina Nur Aini, Nanik Sulistyani
Actinomycetes are well-known microorganism as secondary metabolites producers which serve as antibiotics. In this study, sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum) rhizosphere soil samples were collected from Piyungan, Bantul, Yogyakarta. The aims of this study were to obtain Actinomycetes isolates from sugar...

Interactive Media Design based on Inquiry for Early Age Children

Abna Hidayati, Alwen Bentri
Learning in early childhood requires a variety of media, one of which is the existence of interactive media. Phenomenon in the field shows a lot of interactive media that are not in accordance with the needs of early childhood. The purpose of this study was to find inquiry-based interactive media designs...

The practical application of the course " debate competition " in the education and teaching of the Introduction on the Basic Principles of Marxism

Leifeng Wang
First of all, this paper analyzes what is the "introduction of basic Principles of Marxism" course " debate competition ", and then explains why the curriculum debate competition into the "Basic principles of Marxism" education and teaching, and finally explore the curriculum debate competition into...

An improved chaotic firefly algorithm for global numerical optimization

Ivona Brajević, Predrag Stanimirović
Pages: 131 - 148
Firefly algorithm (FA) is a prominent metaheuristc technique. It has been widely studied and hence there are a lot of modified FA variants proposed to solve hard optimization problems from various areas. In this paper an improved chaotic firefly algorithm (ICFA) is proposed for solving global optimization...

Research on the development of film-induced tourism in Heilongjiang Province

Lanlan Liu, Qiang Yu
Heilongjiang Province is rich in film-induced tourism resources, with the unique natural scenery and local customs and practices, Heilongjiang Province attracted a large number of film and television drama creators to come. The flourishing development of film and television has laid a good foundation...

Study on the Social Inclusion of Postgraduate-level Talents in Grass-roots Unit A Case Study of D County of Guizhou Province

Zheng Jianjiong
This paper takes the postgraduate-level talents introduced to D County in Guizhou Province as an example and describes the integration conditions of such group of talents in grass-roots unit and analyzes the factors of their social inclusion from the perspectives including integration on social level,...

Us, The Society, and Our Pancasila: A Nowadays Service-Learning Program to Prepare the Good Citizen

Rista Ayu Mawarti, Yuniastuti Yuniastuti, Suparlan Al Hakim
This article discusses the effort of preparing the good citizen through the learning process in higher education. The method used is qualitative with case study design in “Us, The Society, and Our Pancasila” programs implemented as part of the Pancasila Education course in university. This kind of activity...

The Relevance of Prophetic Perfective of Folklore Based on Values of Characters on Rembang Regency

U'um Qomariyah
Folklore as part of literature plays pivotal role in forming nation’s characters. Likewise, in term of mental formation, the world in folklore is a world built on the dialectics space of the beauty and value. This paper was aimed to reveal the relevance of prophetic perspective of folklore in Rembang....

Media Attention for Jerusalem Declaration: a Comparative Discourse Analysis on International Online Newspapers

Muhammad Rayhan Bustam
This study examines the discourse strategies used in the news headings in representing the public actors related to the case of Donald Trump’s declaration to Jerusalem as Israel Capital. The study employs Critical Discourse Analyze (CDA) to analyze the representation of political social actors in the...

The use of Educational Media and Technology on Book Content Preservation: The Case Study on Wong-Yao Educational Cartoon Series

Perng Jeu Ng, Mohd Fairuz
Nowadays, the exponential growth of media and technology usage in education, through variety type of platform has raise significantly the focus and importance of educational media research. In this paper, the purpose is to find out the impact of using multimedia on transforming and preserving traditional...

A Study on Decent Work and College Students’ Employment

Quanhong Jiang, Kejing He
Employment and decent work is one of the sustainable development goals proposed by the United Nations. Decent work for college students has become an increasingly prominent problem in China's social and economic development because college students’ employment is vital to the students and their families...

Fairly Assessing Students’ Performance in Oral Defense Stage for Graduation Design of Major Civil Engineering

Xiaoshun Wu, Liping Zuo
Graduation design plays an important role in the cultivation of undergraduate students majoring in civil engineering. It aims to train students as skillful as possible by solving a complex project before they begin a new career. In order to improve the quality of graduation design, the oral defense stage...

The Effectiveness of Realistic Mathematics Learning Model Based on Mandailing Culture in Teaching of Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving Ability

Marzuki Ahmad, Yulia Pratiwi Siregar, Nisah Ayu Siregar
The purpose of this research was to know the effectiveness of realistic mathematics learning model implementation based on Mandailing culture by teaching of students’ mathematical problem solving ability in junior high school. The type of research was development research used 4D model, they were define,...

Evolution Mechanism of the Urban System Spatial Structure in Qinba Mountain Area Taking Shanyang County as an Example

Ju Hong
Taking Shanyang County in the south of Qinling Mountains in Shaanxi Province as an example, this paper elaborates the evolution mechanism of the urban system spatial structure in the county. It is found that it has experienced three main development stages: dual core structure, single center structure...
Proceedings Article

Design and Implementation of University Performance Management System based on Cloud Computing Technology

Kechao Wang, Ruijie Zhu, Zongfu Jia, Xiangmin Ren
In recent years, colleges and universities around the world have begun to pay more and more attention to the performance appraisal. Therefore, A scientific, reasonable and universal performance management system has a far-reaching impact and significance on improving teachers' performance and achieving...

The Approach to Integration of Yimeng Spirit into College Ideological and Political Course

Meng Xianhua
As an excellent red culture, Yimeng spirit should play its role in the current ideological and political education in colleges and universities, which certainly requires an appropriate approach as an opportunity to integrate the Yimeng spirit into the ideological and political education in colleges and...

The Socio-Economic Impacts of Tourism on the Agricultural Development in Sawarna Banten

Riswanda, Abdul Hamid, Yeni Widyastuti
Diverse research on food security have given differing attentions to issues of perception and local knowledge in food outcomes. A critical systemic discussion of paradigm shifting within society in particular local context has not yet addressed issues of the social, especially as social structures relate...

Postmodern Philosophy and Contemporary Art

Olga Chistyakova
The author of the article reviews the major ideas of the postmodern philosophy that have found a visual embodiment in the artistic forms of contemporary art. In this context, the author analyzes the conceptual understanding of modern society, the position and tasks of an individual, included in the postmodern...

Analysis of Social Harmonization Process in the Inter-religion Relation from the Perspective of Inter-Cultural Communication An Approach using Relational Dialectics and Structural Functionalism Theories

Nanang Fahrudin, Sri Hastjarjo
Until now, intercultural communication researches have been focused on motivation, behavior, and skills involved in the intercultural relation as well as on the efforts of mediating intercultural and inter-religion conflicts. Few researches have been done in the matters of how social harmonization in...

Research on the measures of regulating the order of tourism market in Yunnan province from the perspective of government regulation

Hong Haozhong
government regulation is an important measure to protect consumers' basic rights and interests and the quality of consumption products. Since April 2017, Yunnan Province has effectively dealt with outstanding problems in the tourism market and regulated market behavior through 22 measures in seven aspects aimed...

Optimization for Line of Cars Manufacturing Plant using Constrained Genetic Algorithm

Keiji Kamei, Takafumi Arai
Pages: 131 - 134
Recently, improvement of production efficiency on cars manufacturers is required. However, that improvements under existing circumstances are depending on experience and intuition by workers. We propose to objectively and efficiently improve a production line based on a GA. The difficulty of applying...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Method of Prevention and Control of Dynamic Disasters in Isolated Island Face

Jian Hao, Jun Chen, Yongkui Shi
In order to study the safe mining method of isolated island coal face, the stratum movement and stress condition of the island's working area are analyzed theoretically, and the criterion of safe mining in isolated island coal face was put forward. The paper holds that rational mining parameters can...
Proceedings Article

Student Perceptions About Veterans Service In Fighting Indonesia's Independence at State Junior High School 2 Samarinda

Wingkolatin Wingkolatin, Jamil Jamil
Problems that often occur in students lack of knowledge about veteran services so as to cause the soul of student nationalism becomes less so the purpose of this study is to know the students' perceptions about the services of veterans in fighting for independence of Indonesia in SMPN 2 Samarinda. This...

Lightning Disaster Risk Identification and Risk Management Measures

Jun Wang, Hailing Ma, Zhifeng Huang, Xiuying Wang, Xiaoyan Liu, Jihong Zhang, Xinjian Zhu
The risk identification of lightning disaster is the work of discovering and identifying the risk of lightning disaster in the system. This is a very important work, which is the basis of risk control and management of lightning disaster and can help to think purposefully about how to take action to...

Psychological and pedagogical support for children's and teenager’s self-development and education globalization

Arpentieva Mariam, Zalavina Tatiana, G. Stepanova, Krasnoschechenko Irina, Kirichkova Margarita
The article deals with the psychological and pedagogical support of children's and teenager’s self-development in the context of solving the individual self-development problem, acting as one of the leaders in the context of the globalization of modern education. The article deals with the psychological...

Principal’s Leadership in Developing Critical Thinking Ability to Improve Work Productivity

I Made Sudana, Delta Apriyani
School is a place used to gain knowledge. A good school will also be able to produce good graduates. To make it real, the school must have staffs that are professional in their respective fields such as principal, teachers as well as employees to create such school. Principal is the leader key who will...

On the Core Value and Realization Path of People-oriented Management in Personnel Management in Colleges and Universities

Xiaojun Dai
People-oriented management is the core of personnel management in colleges and universities. It emphasizes care for people and aims at respecting people and arousing their enthusiasm. The particularity of the main body in colleges and universities and the new features of competition in colleges and universities...

Viral Message in the World of Cyber Marketing and Public Relations

Pijar Suciati, Mareta Maulidiyanti
Since the development of the Internet (Interconnection Networking) aspects of space and time as if it was not a barrier to communication. In addition to offering the ease of sharing information, the Internet (virtual world) also offers various advantages, such as, the absence of hierarchy (one to many,...
Proceedings Article

A Study of Combined Peak-Searching Method for Symmetric Zero Area and Gaussian Product Function Based on γ-ray Spectrum

Jianfeng He, Sheng Huang, Zhixiang Ye, Xueyuan Wang, Xiang Li, Shirong Zhou
The peak position of each peak is determined accurately in the spectra, which is a key problem in the analysis of γ-ray spectrum. In this paper, basis of comparing the Gaussian product function method and the symmetrical zero area method, the IAEA-approved G-1200 is selected as the peak-searching test...

Study on the Teaching Mode of Scientific Foreign Language Course under MOOC Background

Huanhuan Ren, Chi Ma
According to the problem that the intelligence is not high of the soccer robot, using the mechanical theory as a guide, making some mechanical analyses and calculations on the pressure and transmutation states of chip kick mechanics, and conducting optimal design too, then making the structure of chip...
Proceedings Article

Research of reasonable Ophthalmic Hospital Bed Arrangement Problem based on the Mathematical Model

Xiaoying Sun
How to reasonably arrange the limited beds in hospital to reduce patient queuing time as much as possible, and make full use of the resources have important significance to improve the quality of hospital services and reduce hospital operating costs. Optimize beds management based on queuing theory is...
Proceedings Article

A Novel Solving Ambiguity Algorithm for Uniform Circular Phase Interferometer

Kaiqiang Ren, Zhengbo Sun
The direction finding accuracy of phase interferometer is severely impaired in the presence of phase ambiguity. In this paper, a novel solving ambiguity algorithm is proposed to solve this problem, which is suitable for uniform circular array with arbitrary number of sensors without the need of unambiguous...
Proceedings Article

Finite element analysis of flexural behavior of different fiber reinforced ultra-high-strength concrete beam under different environments

Yu Quan, ChangChun Pei
In this paper,finite element simulation of AnSYS was carried out to study initial crack load,ultimate load and load-deflection relationship of ultra-high-strength concrete beam with different ratio of steel fiber and PVA fiberunder general environment and corrosive environment respectively.The results...

Engaging Literary Competencethrough Critical Literacy in an EFL Setting

Muzakki Afifuddin
In the process of developing students' literary competence especially in the aspect of the ability to respond appropriately to all literature in a target language, students' literacy in the target language becomes a challenge that teacher must face. This paper then proposes the initiation of literary...
Proceedings Article

Application Research of Ensemble Learning Algorithm in Image Annotation

Zhenxiang Lin, Jinlin Guo, Songyang Lao
Automatic image annotation is a fundamental and challenging task in the field of image retrieval. This paper introduces the concept and process of random forest algorithm. According to the characteristics of the current annotation model, the random forest algorithm is applied in image annotation field....

College Students' Political Identity: Connotation,Crisis and Countermeasure

Na Cao
Political identity is an important manifestation of political socialization of college students, but also an important content of ideological and political education in colleges. This paper uses Marxist political theory to examine the connotation and process of political identity of college students....

How to Develop Discourse-based Approach in Second Language Teaching

Yun Deng
This article intends to tell us how students can benefit from discourse-based language teaching through two carefully designed tasks. Due to the two listening and writing activities which are based on discourse approaches, students' listening, speaking, reading and writing competence will be strengthened...

Evaluation Input of Early Childhood Teacher Education Curriculum Faculty of Education Universitas Negeri Padang

Alwen Bentri
The purpose of this article is to describe the evaluation input of early childhood teacher education study program curriculum. Input evaluation is intended to find alternative strategies for curriculum implementation. The quality and quantity of inputs as raw materials have a major effect on the transformation...

The Effect of Using Role Playing Strategy to the Students of Science Education

Fitria Eka Wulandari
This study aims to find out the influence of using role playing as the learning strategies for science education student in understanding scientific concept. This research is a quantitative descriptive research by using one group pretest and posttes research design. The data collection technique used...


Sahiron Syamsuddin
Q. 51:5 has been very famous and widely discussed not only by Indonesian Muslims but also by non-Muslims since September 2016. This debate was caused by the case of the former Governor of Jakarta, Basuki Cahya Purnama who has widely been known as Ahok. However, I would not like to discuss this case in...

The teaching of Suryomentaram as the sources of parenting practice in cultivating empathy among children to reduce bullying

Berta Esti Ari Prasetya
Bullying has been considered as one problem in children's social behavior. Promoting empathy among children has been recorded as one effort to reduce bullying act. Empathy is considered as important factor in pro social behavior, it moderates aggressive behavior, establishes and maintains friendships,...