Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Education and Management (COEMA 2019)

177 authors
Adib Ahsan, Muh
The Role of the Curriculum in Teaching Tolerance among Students
Agung Pambudi, Bahtiar
Instructional Leadership as an Effort to Increase Teacher Professionalism in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
Agus Firawati, Anjar
The Role and Function of Teachers in Improving Effective Learning in Classes
Agus Firawati, Anjar
The Optimization of Library Services in the Elementary School
Agus Firawati, Anjar
The Cooperation of Senior High School with the Business and Industry Sector
Agus Firawati, Anjar
Strategic Planning of Education in Total Quality Management State Vocational
Agus Firawati, Anjar
Integrated Quality Management Implementation Through Benchmarking
Akbar, Sa’dun
Development of Electronic Teaching Material with Metacognitive Skill Oriented: Main Material for Blended Learning
Alfarina, Mutya
Training on the Implementation of Cooperative Learning Models as an Effort to Improve Teacher’s Performance
Amaliyah Hanum, Nur
Determining the IT-Based Islamic School Strategy (Case Study in Junior High School Plus Al Kautsar Malang, Indonesia)
Amirul Adha, Maulana
Tips for Principal in Managing One Roof School (SATAP) in Underdeveloped Area
Amirul Adha, Maulana
Parents Communication Pattern for Schools in the Management of Students with Special Needs
Angga Rini, Titis
Development of Electronic Teaching Material with Metacognitive Skill Oriented: Main Material for Blended Learning
Aniqoh, Wajihatul
The Role of Curriculum: Conservative, Critical and Evaluative, and Creative
Argadinata, Hasan
The Leadership of Pancasila in Education: Foundation for Strengthening Student Characters in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
Ariesta Dewi, Vina
Implementation of Long-Life Education in Indonesian Medical Education
Ariesta Dewi, Vina
Lecturer Development Competency Management in Improving the Quality of Education and Teaching
Arif Dewantoro, Dimas
Development of Adaptive Sports Models in Improving Motor Ability and Embedding Cultural Values in Children with Special Needs
Arifin, Imron
Determining the IT-Based Islamic School Strategy (Case Study in Junior High School Plus Al Kautsar Malang, Indonesia)
Arifin, Imron
Curriculum as a System and Influence on Curriculum Renewal at Primary School (SDN) Bareng 03 Malang, Indonesia
Aryani Asfianti Dewi, Febby
Implementation of Curriculum in Multicultural Communities of BIPA Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Lecturer Development Competency Management in Improving the Quality of Education and Teaching
Aslamiah, Aslamiah
Implementation of Long-Life Education in Indonesian Medical Education
Bafadal, Ibrahim
Efforts to Improve the Integrity of the Principal with the Moral Debate Model
Bafadal, Ibrahim
Validity and Reliability of Questionnaire Problematics Leadership Beginner School Principals
Bambang Sumarsono, Raden
Visionary Leadership in Total Quality Management: Efforts to Improve the Quality of Education in the Industrial Revolution 4.0
Bambang Sumarsono, Raden
Investigation of Principal Leadership Based on Pesantren: Descriptive Study about Implementation of Human Resources Empowerment Models Based on Soft System Methodology
Bambang Sumarsono, Raden
Training on the Implementation of Cooperative Learning Models as an Effort to Improve Teacher’s Performance
Bayu Firdaus, Dandy
Vark Questionnaire Online Platform as a Spearhead for the Effectiveness of Styles and Methods of Teaching Teachers
Ben, Francisco
RRETRACTED: Key Factors that Could Influence Tertiary Students’ Overall Satisfaction of Their Educational Experience: What University Leaders and Administrators Should Consider
Budi Santoso, Firman
Development of Human Resources in the Globalization Era
Implementation of Situational Leadership in Educational Organizations
Cahyaningtyas, Anggraeni
The Role and Function of Teachers in Improving Effective Learning in Classes
Cahyaningtyas, Anggraeni
The Optimization of Library Services in the Elementary School
Cahyaningtyas, Anggraeni
The Cooperation of Senior High School with the Business and Industry Sector
Cahyaningtyas, Anggraeni
Strategic Planning of Education in Total Quality Management State Vocational
Cahyaningtyas, Anggraeni
Integrated Quality Management Implementation Through Benchmarking
Choirotun Nisa, Andisah
The Implementation of Curriculum 2013 at Primary School of Kauman 1 Malang, Indonesia
Chulashotud Diana, Risma
Model Design of Adaptive Learning Analytics Management System (ALAMS) Using AID Model
Teacher’s Personalities, Performances, and Professionalism: A Descriptive Study
Determining the IT-Based Islamic School Strategy (Case Study in Junior High School Plus Al Kautsar Malang, Indonesia)
Darmaji, Darmaji
Parents Communication Pattern for Schools in the Management of Students with Special Needs
Diat Prasojo, Lantip
Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Globalization on National Education Policy
Dimaukom Kulidtod, Zainal
Role of Educational Institutions in Countering Radicalization / Violent Extremism of the Youth in Southeast Asia
Djum Noor Benty, Djum
Internalisation of Character Values in Learning at Institution of English Course
Djum Noor Benty, Djum
Kaizen: Quality Improvement Innovation Higher Education in the Industrial Revolution 4.0
Eka Oktarina, Raditya
Case Study of Implementation 2013 Curriculum in Elementary School Kauman 1 Malang, Indonesia
Erfan, Desi
Supervision of Teachers and Leadership of the School Head in the 4.0 Industrial Revolution
Eri Kusumaningrum, Desi
Implementation of Transformational Leadership Style in Improving the Quality of Institutions
Eri Kusumaningrum, Desi
Investigation of Principal Leadership Based on Pesantren: Descriptive Study about Implementation of Human Resources Empowerment Models Based on Soft System Methodology
Eri Kusumaningrum, Desi
Training on the Implementation of Cooperative Learning Models as an Effort to Improve Teacher’s Performance
Es Shabarina, Shella
The Role of Curriculum: Conservative, Critical and Evaluative, and Creative
Fajar Pradipta, Rizqi
Development of Adaptive Sports Models in Improving Motor Ability and Embedding Cultural Values in Children with Special Needs
Analysis of Increasing the Three Pillars of Higher Education Development in Human Resources Behavior
Febrianti, Riska
Implementation of Planning, Assessment, and Award Service Systems in Higher Education
Fidayati, Rizki
Curriculum as a System and Influence on Curriculum Renewal at Primary School (SDN) Bareng 03 Malang, Indonesia
Fitriana Dewi, Karimatul
Role of the Head of School in Conflict Management in the Industrial 4.0 Revolution
Fransisca Fortunata, Sheila
Quality Culture Leadership in the Industrial Revolution 4.0
Gunawan, Imam
The Leadership of Pancasila in Education: Foundation for Strengthening Student Characters in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
Gunawan, Imam
Tips for Principal in Managing One Roof School (SATAP) in Underdeveloped Area
Gunawan, Imam
The Application of Informal Supervision to Improve the Quality of Learning in Laboratory Schools
Gunawan, Imam
Instructional Leadership as an Effort to Increase Teacher Professionalism in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
Gunawan, Imam
Validity and Reliability of Character Education Internalization Instruments
Gunawan, Imam
Validity and Reliability of Questionnaire Problematics Leadership Beginner School Principals
Gunawan, Imam
Investigation of Principal Leadership Based on Pesantren: Descriptive Study about Implementation of Human Resources Empowerment Models Based on Soft System Methodology
Gunawan, Imam
Training on the Implementation of Cooperative Learning Models as an Effort to Improve Teacher’s Performance
Habiburrahman, Lalu
Implementation of Curriculum in Multicultural Communities of BIPA Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Hayashi, Yusuke
Open Information Structure Approach to Learning Support and Management with Kit-build Concept Map
Herlambang Ahmad Ja’far, Ricky
Development of Human Resources in the Globalization Era
Ile Wulogening, Hiyasintus
Implementation of Curriculum Components at Primary School (SDN) Ketawanggede Malang, Indonesia
Ilma Fararisti, Rifqi
Case Study of Implementation 2013 Curriculum in Elementary School Kauman 1 Malang, Indonesia
Imron, Ali
The Model of University Autonomy in Indonesia
Imron, Ali
Implementation of Long-Life Education in Indonesian Medical Education
Imron, Ali
Implementation of Situational Leadership in Educational Organizations
Imron, Ali
Lecturer Development Competency Management in Improving the Quality of Education and Teaching
Imron, Ali
Teacher Awareness of Multiculturalism in Curriculum Management and Instructional Development in Senior High School
Indri Octaviani, Rusma
Implementation of Planning, Assessment, and Award Service Systems in Higher Education
Irah Larasati, Quma
The Role and Function of Teachers in Improving Effective Learning in Classes
Irah Larasati, Quma
The Optimization of Library Services in the Elementary School
Irah Larasati, Quma
The Cooperation of Senior High School with the Business and Industry Sector
Irah Larasati, Quma
Strategic Planning of Education in Total Quality Management State Vocational
Irah Larasati, Quma
Integrated Quality Management Implementation Through Benchmarking
Irvan, Muchamad
Executive Function Patterns in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Irwina Savitri, Okky
Teacher’s Personalities, Performances, and Professionalism: A Descriptive Study
Efforts to Improve the Integrity of the Principal with the Moral Debate Model
Implementation of Situational Leadership in Educational Organizations
K. Dilangalen, Ali
State of Religious Beliefs and Observance of Five Pillars of Islam Among the Muslim School Heads of the Department of Education (DepEd)
K. Dilangalen, Emraida
State of Religious Beliefs and Observance of Five Pillars of Islam Among the Muslim School Heads of the Department of Education (DepEd)
Kadek Ariana, Yohanes
Teacher Awareness of Multiculturalism in Curriculum Management and Instructional Development in Senior High School
Kurnia Robby, Dimas
Supervision of Teachers and Leadership of the School Head in the 4.0 Industrial Revolution
Kusuma Pertiwi, Adhe
Quality Culture Leadership in the Industrial Revolution 4.0
Kuswandi, Dedi
Model Design of Adaptive Learning Analytics Management System (ALAMS) Using AID Model
Lesmana, Indra
The Role and Function of Teachers in Improving Effective Learning in Classes
Lesmana, Indra
The Implementation of Quality Management Integrated in Improving the Quality of Learning in the Classroom
Lulita Sari, Yuyik
The Application of Informal Supervision to Improve the Quality of Learning in Laboratory Schools
Lulita Sari, Yuyik
Internalisation of Character Values in Learning at Institution of English Course
M. Bachtiar
The Needs for Developing Clinical Supervision Model for Headmaster of Primary School in Gowa, Indonesia
Implementation of Situational Leadership in Educational Organizations
Teacher Awareness of Multiculturalism in Curriculum Management and Instructional Development in Senior High School
Mangzila, Asfi
The Role and Function of Teachers in Improving Effective Learning in Classes