Proceedings of the Internation Conference on "Humanities and Social Sciences: Novations, Problems, Prospects" (HSSNPP 2019)

465 authors
Tishchenko, S.V.
Laughter vs Fear: Conceptual Metaphor in the Literary World of Martin Amis
Tolstobrova, L. I.
Proliferation of Neuroscientific Knowledge in Pedagogy and Education
Tolstolutskaya, E.V.
Strategy and Tactics of Communication Arts in the Works of Blanche Staff (1845-1911)
Tomilina, E.P.
Investment Attractiveness of the Company: Definition Approaches and Assessment Methods
Tomilina, E.P.
Improving Financial Planning in the Corporate Governance System
Tomyuk, O.
Legal Culture and Human Rights System in the Era of Globalization
Tomyuk, O.
University Positioning in Modern World
Tomyuk, O.N.
Case Method as a Pedagogical Education Method for Creative Problem Solution
Toropchin, G.Y.
Integrative Approach to Teaching English at University: Sociological Study
Trufanov, A.
Application of the Theory of Complex Networks in Analysis of Tourist Infrastructure
Tsvenger, L.V.
Classifying Combinatorially Conditioned Meanings of Colorative Collocations
Tum, E.
Didactic Principles Underlying the Course of "Fundamentals of Personal and Communicative Culture"
Turkova, V.N.
Effects of Corruption on the National Economy
Turkova, V.N.
Illegal Tree Cutting: Economic and Legal Issues
Turlo, Ye.
Design of Educational Programs within the Framework of the Competence Approach
Udalov, S.R.
Foreign Language E-Learning
Uglitskikh, O.N.
Investment Attractiveness of the Company: Definition Approaches and Assessment Methods
Uglitskikh, O.N.
Improving Financial Planning in the Corporate Governance System
Urazova, N.
Educational Challenges of the Economy of Knowledge
Urazova, N.
Application of the Theory of Complex Networks in Analysis of Tourist Infrastructure
Ustinkin, S.V.
Ideal Female Types in Sociological and Philosophical Understanding
Vasilyeva, M.R.
Visual Research and the Problem of the Visual Object
Velm, M.V.
Improvement of Methods and Forms of Innovative Activity Investment
Vihman, V.
Concept of Advanced Electrical Engineers Education in the Context of Innovative Development
Vihman, V.V.
Concept of "Image" in Scientific Cognition: Explicative Analysis
Vihman, V.V.
Theoretical Image of Education: Network Reflection
Vihman, V.V.
Multiplicity of Interpreting Theoretical Knowledge of the Phenomenon of Education
Vlavatskaya, M.V.
Ethnocultural Collocations in the Context of Combinatorial Linguistics
Vlavatskaya, M.V.
Comparative Analysis of Chess Terms
Vlavatskaya, M.V.
Occasional Collocations in the Artistic Creation of P. B. Shelly (Based on the Poem "Ginevra")
Vlavatskaya, M.V.
Classifying Combinatorially Conditioned Meanings of Colorative Collocations
Vlavatskaya, M.V.
Combinatorial Mechanisms of New Paroimias
Volyansky, G.N.
Socio-Psychological Study of Factors Affecting the Success and Reliability of Professional Activities of Oil Industry Workers
Voronina, O.V.
Foreign Language E-Learning
Vyaznikov, V.E.
Reorganization of Healthcare Facilities and its Economic and Medical Feasibility
Yaklashkin, M.N.
Improvement of the Personnel Adaptation System of Russian Enterprises
Yakobson, A.Ya.
Problems and Prospects of “Green” Energetics Development
Zaeskova, S.
Didactic Principles Underlying the Course of "Fundamentals of Personal and Communicative Culture"
Zagorodniy, N.
Challenges to Leadership Development in Members of Student Communities as a Problem of Social Well-Being and Development of Patriotism in Youth
Zaikina, Z.M.
Combinatorial Mechanisms of New Paroimias
Zaitseva, S.V.
Socio-Psychological Study of Factors Affecting the Success and Reliability of Professional Activities of Oil Industry Workers
Zakharova, A.N.
Self-Sufficient Urban Socio-Economic Space
Zakharova, A.N.
Improvement of the Personnel Adaptation System of Russian Enterprises
Zakharova, A.V.
Specifics of Compound Company Names Perception on the Materials of Association Experiment
Zakharova, L.N.
Intercultural Communication and Personality Enculturation in the Context of Humanities
Zakharova, O.A.
Modern Education in the Context of Innovative Development: New Trends in Personality Development
Zakharova-Sarovskaya, M.V.
Specifics of Compound Company Names Perception on the Materials of Association Experiment
Zavivaev, S.
Impact of Agricultural Climatic Potential on Development of Regional Grain Market
Zaytseva, O.
Ontobilinguology as Socialization Condition in Modern Multiethnic Region: Social and Philosophical Aspect
Zaytseva, T.I.
Russian Cultural Code: A Formula of Synergy
Zhbikovskaya, O.A.
Instructional Principles and Approaches to English Course Design in Continuing Educatio
Zhuravleva, G.P.
Theoretical Views and Social Democratic Activities of G.V. Plekhanov
Zhuravleva, G.P.
Business Development and its Contradictions
Zinevich, O.
Active Regionalism as a Way to Implement a "Third Mission" of Universities
Zinevich, O.V.
Modern Challenges of Inclusive Education in Russian Higher Education
Zintcova, A.S.
Social and Pedagogical Assistance to Younger Schoolchildren from Single-Parent Families in the Development of the Emotional Sphere
Zobnina, T.V.
Training Future Teachers to Develop Conscious Self-Regulation of Voluntary Activities
Zolotilina, A.S.
Use of Electronic Educational and Methodical Complex in Foreign Language Distance Learning
Zott, R.S.
Aspects of Modern Engineering Education
Zott, R.S.
Improving the Methods of Real Estate Operation Based on BIM-Technologies
Zott, R.S.
Standardization as the Main Component of Quality Management Principles
Zott, R.S.
Implementation of the Total Productive Maintenance System at Russian Enterprises
Zott, R.S.
Innovative-Imitative Practice System at an Enterprise
Zott, R.S.
Innovative Development of the Countries of the Asia-Pacific Region
Zykova, N.A.
Personality Orientation to Define General Competence. Psychological and Educational Formation Principles