Proceedings of the 2022 3rd International Conference on Big Data and Informatization Education (ICBDIE 2022)

298 authors
Bai, Yuhong
Development of Ideological and Political Practice Research and Analysis System Based on Big Data Technology
Bao, Xiuwen
Research on Dynamic Fitting of Internet Enterprise Financial Statement Analysis Using BP Neural Network in the Era of Big Data
Baoli, Ning
Visual Analysis of Information Education Innovation Hotspots and Trends Based on Citespace
Binyan, Chen
A Study on Student-Centered Evaluation of Ideological and Political Education in Professional Curriculums
Bo, Jue
Research on LSTM-Based Industrial Added Value Prediction Under the Framework of Federated Learning
Cai, Yu
The Application of Information Technology in the Course Teaching of ‘Picture Recognition and Reinforcement Calculation’
Cao, Zhihao
Research on 3D Virtual Simulation Experiment Teaching of Principles of Computer Organization
Chang, Guoyan
IPAI: Innovation and Practical Ability Improvement Method Based on Data Analysis of Science and Technology Competition
Che, Chuanxun
Using Origin Correlation Analysis to Study the Training Mode of Applied Talents Under the Background of “New Engineering”
Chen, Chengxiang
Scheme Design of Health Management Course in Metaverse
Chen, Jiaqi
Intelligent Wearable Elderly Service Platform Design Based on Big Data
Chen, Jimin
Application of DNA Molecular Model Printed by 3D Printing Technology in Biology Class of Senior High School
Chen, Kai-ying
A Study on the Application of a Corpus-Based Data-Driven Learning Method Utilizing an Online and Offline Blended Teaching Model in a College English Reading Course
Chen, Kehong
Intelligent Wearable Elderly Service Platform Design Based on Big Data
Chen, Le
Evaluation of Informatization Teaching Effect by SPSS Under the Background of “Internet+” Big Data
Chen, Le
Research on the Application of Informatization Teaching Mode Based on Computer Live Broadcast Technology Under the Background of Internet Big Data
Chen, Li
Evaluation on the Operational Efficiency of Health Institutions in China
Chen, Qi
Design and Application of Distance Art Education Platform Based on J2EE and XML
Chen, Shuzhen
Sentiment Analysis of Cultural Heritage Landscape Elements Using Big Data of Online Comments: A Case Study of the Humble Administrator’s Garden in China
Chen, Sini
Evaluation of Higher Education System by TOPSIS Based on Entropy Weight Method
Chen, Wei
Application of Virtual Simulation Technology in Biotechnology Experiment Teaching
Chen, Xinxin
Comparative Study of Pragmatic Failures in English-Chinese Communicative Interaction Based on Data Analysis
Chen, Yan
Research on the Influence of Information Technology on China’s Higher Education in the Post-epidemic Era
Chen, Yanfa
Construction of the Evaluation Model of Independent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Activity Driven by Big Data
Cheng, Liying
Application of DNA Molecular Model Printed by 3D Printing Technology in Biology Class of Senior High School
Cheng, Qianguang
Comparative Study of Pragmatic Failures in English-Chinese Communicative Interaction Based on Data Analysis
Cui, Yaqin
Research on New Media Communication Strategy of PanYao Culture in Northern Guangxi Based on Big Data
Dai, Hang
Comparative Study of Pragmatic Failures in English-Chinese Communicative Interaction Based on Data Analysis
Deng, Dihui
Research on Higher Education Based on Factor Analysis
Deng, Kun
Research on Higher Education Based on Factor Analysis
Deng, Ziyu
Consumers’ Preference Factors for Choosing Homestays: A Study on Coping Strategies Based on Big Data
Ding, Hao
Research on Big Data Analysis of Passenger-Oriented Railway Service Quality Based on LDA Model
Ding, Yu
Research on the Influence of Postgraduate’s Big Data Capability on Their Innovation Performance
Dong, Yumeng
Research on Network Sales Development Plan Based on Big Data Neural Network
Du, Zhenyuan
A Study of Learner Privacy Issues in Information Education Platforms-Based on Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Duan, MeiLing
School-Enterprise Cooperative Teaching Mode Based on Wechat Public Platform
Fang, JinSheng
Research on Tourism Competitiveness Evaluation of the Wanjiang City Belt Based on SPSS Analysis
Feng, Luming
Research on the Relationship Between College Students’ Gender Role Identity and Mental Health from the Perspective of Big Data Analysis
Feng, Luming
Identification and Modeling of College Students’ Loneliness from the Perspective of Big Data a Machine Learning-Based Approach
Feng, Xin
Application of DNA Molecular Model Printed by 3D Printing Technology in Biology Class of Senior High School
Fu, Chunliang
Research on Two-Way Human Resource Recommendation Method Considering User Privacy
Fu, Gaocai
IoT-Based Indoor Robot Simulation Experimental Teaching System
Fu, Xiuli
Rule-Based Cloud System for Performance Appraisal of Staff in Chinese Universities
Gan, Zhikai
Application of Virtual Simulation Technology in Biotechnology Experiment Teaching
Gan, Zhikai
Construction of Virtual Simulation Practice Teaching Platform for New Energy Distributed Generation
Gao, Qiang
A CBR-Based Emergency Plan Generation Method Under the Federated Learning Framework
Gong, Bing
Teacher Attention Analysis Method Based on Face Three-Dimensional Feature Point Coordinate Transformation and Viewpoint Visualization and Applications
Gong, Bing
Quantitative Analysis Technology of Classroom Teaching Based on Facial Expression Recognition Technology and Attention Analysis Technology
Gong, Haoyu
The U.S. Opinion on China’s Climate Issue During the Biden Administration from the Perspective of Big Data Software WordSmith 8.0
Gong, Linhua
Research on Two-Way Human Resource Recommendation Method Considering User Privacy
Gong, Rui
Research on the Application of Network Learning Model Based on CSCW Technology in University Network Teaching
Gu, Xiaoyan
Analysis of the Impact of the Parent-Child Relationship on Adolescents’ Negative Affect Based on SPSS: The Mediating Effect of the Peer Relationship
Guan, Jingjing
Comparative Study of Pragmatic Failures in English-Chinese Communicative Interaction Based on Data Analysis
Guan, Xiaohui
Exploration and Practice of Ideological and Political Teaching in Professional Curriculum
Guan, Yongze
Analysis of Big Data Application in Financial Securities Investment
Guo, Kexin
Research on the Relationship Between Government Governance Efficiency and Urban Resilience in Public Health Emergencies
Guo, Ming
Research on Two-Way Human Resource Recommendation Method Considering User Privacy
Guo, Tao
Decision-Making Analysis of Selected Subjects for Comprehensive Reform of College Entrance Examination Based on SEU Model
Guo, Zhong-zheng
A Study on the Application of a Corpus-Based Data-Driven Learning Method Utilizing an Online and Offline Blended Teaching Model in a College English Reading Course
Hao, Xue
Comparison and Analysis of Airborne Radar Detection Distance and Reconnaissance Distance Based on Big Data Background
He, DianWei
Comparison and Analysis of Airborne Radar Detection Distance and Reconnaissance Distance Based on Big Data Background
He, Feng
Evaluation of Higher Education System by TOPSIS Based on Entropy Weight Method
He, Jinjin
The Construction of an Educational Information Public Service Platform Based on Cloud Computing
He, Yinning
The Construction of Investor Sentiment Index Based on Big Data and Its Impact on Enterprise Investment and Financing
Hou, Hai-Yan
Computer Information Technology Based Digital Mindfulness Intervention on Executive Function of Fourth-Grade Students
Hou, QinZheng
School-Enterprise Cooperative Teaching Mode Based on Wechat Public Platform
Hou, Yue
Analysis, Design and Application of Micro Multi Rotor UAV Teaching and Training System
Hu, Fei
A CBR-Based Emergency Plan Generation Method Under the Federated Learning Framework
Hu, Lingyan
Research on Network Sales Development Plan Based on Big Data Neural Network
Hu, Pan
Research on LSTM-Based Industrial Added Value Prediction Under the Framework of Federated Learning
Hu, Yang
IPAI: Innovation and Practical Ability Improvement Method Based on Data Analysis of Science and Technology Competition
Huang, Meng-Tong
Research on LSTM-Based Industrial Added Value Prediction Under the Framework of Federated Learning
Huang, Meng-Ya
Construction of Scientific Research Training System and Investigate Its Efficiency on Teaching Reform in the Medical Big Data Mining Course
Huang, Qilong
China’s Ganyue Canal Construction: Forecast and Analysis of Its Transport Demand Based on Large Data
Huang, Shu-yi
A Study on the Application of a Corpus-Based Data-Driven Learning Method Utilizing an Online and Offline Blended Teaching Model in a College English Reading Course
Huang, Xiqing
Traffic Sign Detection Based on Deep Learning Methods
Huang, Yuzhe
IoT-Based Indoor Robot Simulation Experimental Teaching System
Huang, Zhikun
Influence of Big Data Technology on Management Accounting
Jia, Ning
Research on Personalized Resource Recommendation of Artificial Intelligence Specialty Based on Big Data
Jia, Yue
The Design and Implementation of Kinect-Based College Sports Auxiliary Evaluation Training System
Jiang, Lingyue
The Influence of the Attributes of Interest-Based Virtual Community on Consumers’ Purchase Intention in the Context of the Internet—An Empirical Study Based on SIT Theory
Jiang, Yun
Influencing Factors Analysis of Birth Rate Spatial Distribution in China’s Provinces
Jiao, Chuan-Ming
Research on LSTM-Based Industrial Added Value Prediction Under the Framework of Federated Learning
Jie, Li
Visualization Analysis of Chinese Traditional Music Literature Based on CNKI in the Past Four Decades (1979–2019)
Jie, Yang
A Study on Student-Centered Evaluation of Ideological and Political Education in Professional Curriculums
Jie, Zeng
Design of Multimodal English Vocabulary Acquisition Mode Based on Cloud Computing Technology
Jingqian, Tang
Themes, Trends, and Influence: A Preliminary Study of the International Academic Discourse Power of Big Data Research in the Field of Chinese Social Sciences
Jun, Shen
A Study on Student-Centered Evaluation of Ideological and Political Education in Professional Curriculums
Ke, Jingjing
Visualization Analysis of Chinese Traditional Music Literature Based on CNKI in the Past Four Decades (1979–2019)
Lang, Yi
School-Enterprise Cooperative Teaching Mode Based on Wechat Public Platform
Lee, Chun-Te
Analysis of the Correlation Between Crime Rate and Housing Price in Washington, D.C., USA Based on Big Data
Lei, Zhu
Research on Optimization of Marketing Model Under Big Data Technology
Li, Dashan
Research on Informatization of Classroom Teaching Based on Learning Data Analysis
Li, Fanbo
Research on Government Informatization: A Crisp-Set Qualitative and Comparative Analysis (csQCA) Based on 31 Province Government APP in Mainland of China
Li, Fenglan
Influencing Factors Analysis of Birth Rate Spatial Distribution in China’s Provinces
Li, GuiQing
Analysis of the Current Situation and Countermeasures of UGC Model Agricultural Product Marketing Under the Background of the Internet Era—Based on the Analysis Perspective of Big Data
Li, Hui-Jie
Computer Information Technology Based Digital Mindfulness Intervention on Executive Function of Fourth-Grade Students
Li, Jianbo
Towards Query Performance Improvement in Big Data Environment
Li, Li
Model Essay Recommendation Method Based on Constant Evaluation of Writing Ability and Preference
Li, Qiang
Research on Informatization of Classroom Teaching Based on Learning Data Analysis