Proceedings of the International Conference of Communication Science Research (ICCSR 2018)

237 authors
Abdullah, Abdullah
Implementation of Digital Literacy Through E-learning in Learning Process at Pesantren University
Adnjani, Made Dwi
The Audience Habit of Media Consumption in The Transition of Digitalization Broadcasting in Central Java
Afini, Farah Nur
Foreignisation of Proper Nouns in Babad Wedyadiningratan Translations
Agustin, Herlina
Modeling the Communications of Dayak Meratus Ethnic in Producing Forest Myths in Hulu Sungai Tengah and Balangan District
Aini, Nurul
Critical Discourse Analysis of the Bombing Attack News: An Analysis of Teun A. van Dijk’s Model
Akbar, Zarina
Engagement and the spread of fake news: Personality Trait as moderator
Akhyar, Muhammad
Development of Motion Graphic Animation Video in Elementary School
Akhyar, Muhammad
Developing Powtoon-Based Video Learning Media for Five Grade Students of Elementary School
Al-Akbar, Nuruddin
Coverage of the ‘Perppu Ormas’ Issue by the Government vs Mainstream Online Media: Defending or Attacking the Pancasila?
Alfarabi, Alfarabi
Cultural Identity Discourse Management By Riau Malay Elites
Alkomari, Alkomari
Journalist Independence as the Supervisor of 2018 Regional Election in Central Java
Amani, Husnaeni Fauziah
Women on Article about Infidelity in Online News Media: Case Study of “Mrs. Dendy” on
Amani, Sakina
Consumer Protection of the Standardised Clause E-Commerce Agreement on the Retail Shopping Site
Amrullah, Indriati
E-Government-based Bureaucratic Reform in Public Service
Andari, Novi
Motifs of Narrative Structure of Sacred Tombs in Surabaya
Andreas, Rino
Discourse of Islam on the Online Forum: Discourse Analysis of Users’ Postings in Subforum News and Politics Kaskus
Andung, Petrus Ana
Mass Media and Community’s Communication Sovereignty
Anindyaputri, Arlieza
An Integrated Information System for Selection of Areas Tourist Sites Using Clustering and Electre Methods
Arianto, Arianto
Education Access Barriers for Girls in South Sulawesi’s Coastal Area
Ariska, Yuliana Ria
The Correlation between Adversity Quotient with Geography Learning Outcomes of Students in Class X at SMAN 1 Kasihan Yogyakarta
Ashfaq, Asia
Impact of Overseas Migration of Male children on the Health of Left behind Parents : A study of selected cities of Pakistan & Azad Jammu & Kashmir
Asroriyah, Atik Muhimatun
The Use of Cohesive Devices in the Writing of Senior High School Students in Kebumen
Asrowi, Asrowi
Developing Interactive E-Book as a Learning Resource for Seventh-Grade Junior High School Students
Atmojo, Tutug Bolet
Communication and Occupational Health Training Programs for Traditional Market Traders in Karanganyar
Azis, Abdul
E-Government-based Bureaucratic Reform in Public Service
Bahfiarti, Tuti
Analysis of Symbolic Meaning of Shipping Technique and Navigation: Case Study of Sandeq Boat of the Mandar Tribe
Bahfiarti, Tuti
Pattern of Buginese Ethnic Family Communication in an Effort to Maintain The Sustainability of Cocoa Farmers Children Regeneration in South Sulawesi
Bahruddin, Muh.
Arena of Islamic Identity Battles in Films by Nurman Hakim
Budianto, Suhartawan
The Pro and Con of Written Corrective Feedback
Christantyawati, Nevrettia
Juxtaposing the Culture of Flood Disaster in Java Estuarine: Is It Political Commodification or Culture Naturalization?
Damayanti, Trie
Family communication in the granting of sexual education for adolescents with mental retardation
Darmayanti, Indriati Rochmah
The Influence of Subjective Norms and Perceived Behavioural Control Intent to use Electronic Parking
Deliana, Serawanti
Building Teacher Learning Climate through Improvement of Work Engagement
Dewanto, Satryo
The phenomenon of MSM behavior of students in Surabaya
Dida, Susanne
Modeling the Communications of Dayak Meratus Ethnic in Producing Forest Myths in Hulu Sungai Tengah and Balangan District
Divinagracia, Louie A.
Consumers’ Perceived Vulnerability on Food Access under Climate-Induced Disasters
Divinagracia, Maria Rochelle G.
Consumers’ Perceived Vulnerability on Food Access under Climate-Induced Disasters
Djono, Djono
Developing Powtoon-Based Video Learning Media for Five Grade Students of Elementary School
Elias, Stanley
Constructing Stereotypes in Media: A Critical Analysis on the Representation of Women in Tanzanian Newspapers
Elita, Funny Mustika
Political Communication Competence of Women Legislators
Erik, Erik
Engagement and the spread of fake news: Personality Trait as moderator
Eriyanto, Eriyanto
Arena of Islamic Identity Battles in Films by Nurman Hakim
Fadeli, Muhammad
Social Media and Political Campaign: The Analysis of Instagram Use as the East Java Governor and Deputy Governor Candidates’ Campaign Medium 2018
Fadhilah, Siti Sutarmi
Development of the Predict Observe Explain (POE)-based on Thematic Teaching Materials for IV Grade Students of Elementary School
Fahma, Naomi
The Development of Pocketbook as an Accounting Teaching Material
Fahrianoor, Fahrianoor
Modeling the Communications of Dayak Meratus Ethnic in Producing Forest Myths in Hulu Sungai Tengah and Balangan District
Fani, Afnan
Consumer Protection of the Standardised Clause E-Commerce Agreement on the Retail Shopping Site
Farida, Farida
The Effect of Culture in the Madura Trading System
Farisiyah, Umi
Languange Shift and Language Maintenance of Local Languages toward Indonesian
Fatimah, Jeanny Maria
Education Access Barriers for Girls in South Sulawesi’s Coastal Area
Ferdiant, Ahmad Ghufran
Empowering Pamekasan to Become a Child-Friendly Regency through Interpersonal Communication
Fikri, Haidar
Government innovation: The challenges and the best practice of smart city in Indonesia
Fitrah, Andi Nur
Analysis of Symbolic Meaning of Shipping Technique and Navigation: Case Study of Sandeq Boat of the Mandar Tribe
Gumelar, Gumgum
Engagement and the spread of fake news: Personality Trait as moderator
Hadaya, Aufal
Developing Interactive E-Book as a Learning Resource for Seventh-Grade Junior High School Students
Hadisiwi, Purwanti
Mass Media and Community’s Communication Sovereignty
Hafiar, Hanny
Family communication in the granting of sexual education for adolescents with mental retardation
Hakim, Khalid Abdul
The Image of Death: Study Forms of Family Communication about Understanding and Meaning of Diabetes Mellitus in Mekarsari Village, West Java
Hamidah, Hamidah
Consumer Protection of the Standardised Clause E-Commerce Agreement on the Retail Shopping Site
Hanafi, Rizki Eka Widyana
English Language Practices: Reflecting on Teachers’ and Students’ Belief
Handoko, Putut
Local Wisdom of Religious Tourism in East Java
Hardianti, Fitri
Representation of Local Cultures and Female Masculine in the Television Show “Berburu”
Hariyanto, Eerie
Empowering Pamekasan to Become a Child-Friendly Regency through Interpersonal Communication
Hariyono, Hariyono
Local Wisdom of Religious Tourism in East Java
Harnita, Pratiwi Cristin
Communication Education: Experiment Class with Old and New Teaching Style: Digitalization of Ideas and Work
Heidrysbang, Firzalia
Consumer Protection of the Standardised Clause E-Commerce Agreement on the Retail Shopping Site
Herawati, Erna
The Image of Death: Study Forms of Family Communication about Understanding and Meaning of Diabetes Mellitus in Mekarsari Village, West Java
Hustinawaty, Hustinawaty
Implementation of Digital Literacy Through E-learning in Learning Process at Pesantren University
Ida, Rachmah
Impact of Overseas Migration of Male children on the Health of Left behind Parents : A study of selected cities of Pakistan & Azad Jammu & Kashmir
Idris, Nurhamdani
Analysis of Symbolic Meaning of Shipping Technique and Navigation: Case Study of Sandeq Boat of the Mandar Tribe
Indrasari, Meithiana
Phenomenological Study: Determinants of Success of Women Entrepreneurs in Surabaya
Insani, Amalia Hasta
Online Shop Customers’ Behaviour: E-Service Quality, Attitude and Actual Use
Irwansyah, Irwansyah
PolisiKu App as Government’s Media Communication Platform: Case Study in Indonesia National Police
Isnalita, Isnalita
Trust and Purchasing Intention in E-Commerce: Lazada Indonesia
Isnalita, Isnalita
The Influence of Subjective Norms and Perceived Behavioural Control Intent to use Electronic Parking
Isnalita, Isnalita
Online Shop Customers’ Behaviour: E-Service Quality, Attitude and Actual Use
Isnalita, Isnalita
Determinant Factors of Using E-Election in Indonesia
Istiqomah, Sari Ratih Nur
Determinant Factors of Using E-Election in Indonesia
Iswara, Ida Bagus Ary Indra
Hoax and its Mechanism in Indonesia
Isyanto, S Bekti
Representation of Media Literacy of Health Communication Dimensions in Indonesia
Jarernpanit, Thannapat
The Moral Community and The Contestations of Politics in Thailand
Joyce, Villareal Ariza
The perception of the Dumagat teachers on the influence of KPJPL to the enrichment of their mother tongue
Jusnita, R. Ayu Erni
Therapeutic Communication Narcotics in Rehabilitation Institution “Rumah Kita” Surabaya
Kadiyono, Anissa Lestari
Building Teacher Learning Climate through Improvement of Work Engagement
Kanatham, Suthira
The Construction of Nan Identity in the Context of Globalization through Festival Long Boat Race
Kartini, Ida Ayu Nuh
Phenomenological Study: Determinants of Success of Women Entrepreneurs in Surabaya
Khumsupa, Malinee
Divided Virtual Politics: Micro-Counter Transcripts in Thailand
Kustiwi, Irda Agustin
Trust and Purchasing Intention in E-Commerce: Lazada Indonesia
Kusumaningtyas, Dyan Pratiwi
Critical Discourse Analysis of Translation Techniques on Text of Webtoon
Liambo, Eka Yunita
Ideology in Translating News Headline: A Critical Discourse Analysis Point of Vie
Liliweri, Aloysius
Mass Media and Community’s Communication Sovereignty
Lokananta, Arbi Cristional
ANTV Corporate Social Responsibility Activities Review to Enhance Corporate Images in 2015 - 2017
Maella, Nurannafi Farni Syam
Political Communication Competence of Women Legislators
Martinicio, Dhonel
Indigenous Re-Emergence: A Research on the Current Market Status and Advertising Appeal of "Pasiking” To Millenials
Marwiyah, Siti
Information Transparency Model of Regional Financial Management as Efforts to Clean Up National and Regional Government
Maulidiyanti, Mareta
Viral Message in the World of Cyber Marketing and Public Relations
May, Venturina Fiella
The perception of the Dumagat teachers on the influence of KPJPL to the enrichment of their mother tongue
Meinarni, Ni Putu Suci
Hoax and its Mechanism in Indonesia
Mubarok, Mubarok
The Audience Habit of Media Consumption in The Transition of Digitalization Broadcasting in Central Java
Muhammad, Fachri Mirza
Instagram Effects as Social Media toward Adolescence and Young Adult Users: Uses and Gratification Approach