Proceedings of the International Conference of Communication Science Research (ICCSR 2018)
237 authors
- Muhammadin, Fajri Matahati
- Coverage of the ‘Perppu Ormas’ Issue by the Government vs Mainstream Online Media: Defending or Attacking the Pancasila?
- Muktiyo, Widodo
- Family Relational on Girl Child Marriage Decision: A Study of Communication and Conformity Orientation in Tegaldowo Village, Rembang Regency
- Mulyana, Slamet
- Political Communication Competence of Women Legislators
- Munir, Misnal
- The Local Genius Values of Minangkabau Society
- Musadad, Akhmad Arif
- The Development of Pocketbook as an Accounting Teaching Material
- Ndinojuo, Ben-Collins Emeka
- Ethical consideration in the reportage of sexual abuse of children: A review of selected Nigerian newspapers
- Nugraha, Aat Ruchiat
- Family communication in the granting of sexual education for adolescents with mental retardation
- Nugroho, Rino Ardhian
- Government innovation: The challenges and the best practice of smart city in Indonesia
- Nurdin, Ali
- The Online Islamic Media Journalism in Indonesia: The Trend Analysis of Political News
- Nurfurqonah, Neng Indriwati
- Strategy of Government Public Relation in Cyber Era: Twitter as a Tool of Online Public Relation in Directorate General of Taxes
- Nurrahmi, Febri
- Rejected, Isolated, and Abused: Social Stigma toward The Sinners in Aceh
- Nurrahmi, Febri
- Self Disclosure of Aceh Facebook-Addicted Users
- Nursanti, Siti
- VCT Counselor Activities in handling HIV Patients in RSUD Karawang District: Case Study of VCT Counseling Activities in HIV Patient Management at RSUD Karawang
- Pamuji, Eko
- Social Media and Political Campaign: The Analysis of Instagram Use as the East Java Governor and Deputy Governor Candidates’ Campaign Medium 2018
- Pandin, Moses Glorino Rumambo
- The Local Genius Values of Minangkabau Society
- Paramitha, Nurina Adi
- The Uses of Information Communication Technology (ICT) and The Fraud Through ICT on Orange Farmers in Wringinpitu Village
- Patricia, Florens Debora
- The power of new media Bestnine Instagram in creating a popular culture for creative industry workers: The study of the popular Instagram Bestnine application among the Illustrators
- Perdana, Fitri
- Communication Behavior of Tasikmalaya Embroidery Craftsmen in Maintaining Sustainability of Local Wisdom-Based Enterprises
- Poerbowati, Endang
- Flower Symbolism in Chanoyu Spirit
- Prabowo, Tyan Ludiana
- PolisiKu App as Government’s Media Communication Platform: Case Study in Indonesia National Police
- Pradhuka, Briant Nor
- Identities of Creativity and Humor on Instagram Style Mimi Peri Rapunchelle
- Prasetyo, Iwan Joko
- Therapeutic Communication Narcotics in Rehabilitation Institution “Rumah Kita” Surabaya
- Pratishara, Gibbran
- Tagline Branding: Trading the Products or Cultural Identities?
- Prawiradiredja, Sanhari
- Therapeutic Communication Narcotics in Rehabilitation Institution “Rumah Kita” Surabaya
- Pricahyo, Eko Wahyu
- Development of Motion Graphic Animation Video in Elementary School
- Prihantoro, Edy
- Implementation of Digital Literacy Through E-learning in Learning Process at Pesantren University
- Primatama, Mega
- Tipping points on transport and behaviour: Examining Bus Rapid Transit system in Jakarta, Indonesia
- Priyana, Joko
- Exploring Ways of Using Facebook and Instagram in Teaching English
- Pujimahanani, Cahyaningsih
- Local Wisdom of Religious Tourism in East Java
- Pulubuhu, Dwia Aries Tina
- Education Access Barriers for Girls in South Sulawesi’s Coastal Area
- Purba, Norita
- WAR Metaphors in Indonesian-English Political Discourse
- Purbani, Widyastuti
- English Language Practices: Reflecting on Teachers’ and Students’ Belief
- Purbani, Widyastuti
- Fostering Language Skills Development through Fairy Tales: A Literature Study
- Purnomo, Bambang Raditya
- Phenomenological Study: Determinants of Success of Women Entrepreneurs in Surabaya
- Puspitarini, Yanuari Dwi
- Developing Powtoon-Based Video Learning Media for Five Grade Students of Elementary School
- Puspitasari, Aprilia Hening
- Family Relational on Girl Child Marriage Decision: A Study of Communication and Conformity Orientation in Tegaldowo Village, Rembang Regency
- Putra, Chandra Anugerah
- Efforts to Improve Indonesian Language Learning Outcomes Using 4-D Model
- Putranto, Hendar
- Creating Digital Anti-Corruption Message Based on Pancasila Values through Documentary Films: Learning from Students' Experience
- Putri, Astri Wibawanti
- Corruption And Discourse Renewal in the Ministry of Agriculture: A Study of Crisis Communications
- Putri, Kinkin Yuliaty Subarsa
- Representation of Media Literacy of Health Communication Dimensions in Indonesia
- Putro, Hartopo Eko
- The Effect of Culture in the Madura Trading System
- Qodrijati, Isna
- Communication and Occupational Health Training Programs for Traditional Market Traders in Karanganyar
- Rachman, Anne Abdul
- E-Government-based Bureaucratic Reform in Public Service
- Rachmaniar, Rachmaniar
- Communication Behavior of Tasikmalaya Embroidery Craftsmen in Maintaining Sustainability of Local Wisdom-Based Enterprises
- Rahayu, Anik Cahyaning
- Motifs of Narrative Structure of Sacred Tombs in Surabaya
- Rahmanto, Andre
- Maintaining Reputation through Media Relations: A Qualitative Analysis in Local Government of Madiun City
- Rahmanto, Andre
- Strategy of Government Public Relation in Cyber Era: Twitter as a Tool of Online Public Relation in Directorate General of Taxes
- Rahmanto, Andre N
- Corruption And Discourse Renewal in the Ministry of Agriculture: A Study of Crisis Communications
- Reynaldi, Bramasta
- An Analysis of Sustainable Tourism Development Collaboration: Case: Tourist Puppets Village of Kepuhsari, Wonogiri District
- Rijal, Edwin
- Political Communication Competence of Women Legislators
- Rinawati, Seviana
- Communication and Occupational Health Training Programs for Traditional Market Traders in Karanganyar
- Rini, Amalia Puspha
- Development of the Predict Observe Explain (POE)-based on Thematic Teaching Materials for IV Grade Students of Elementary School
- Rizal, Edwin
- Modeling the Communications of Dayak Meratus Ethnic in Producing Forest Myths in Hulu Sungai Tengah and Balangan District
- Roesfandi, Prakrisno Satrio
- The phenomenon of MSM behavior of students in Surabaya
- Roosinda, Fitria Widiyani
- Social Media and Political Campaign: The Analysis of Instagram Use as the East Java Governor and Deputy Governor Candidates’ Campaign Medium 2018
- Rumata, Vience Mutiara
- Net-attack 2.0: Digital Post-Truth and its Regulatory Challenges in Indonesia
- Rusadi, Udi
- Women on Article about Infidelity in Online News Media: Case Study of “Mrs. Dendy” on
- Rusman, Januari Rizki Pratama
- The Analysis of Grammatical Shifts in Harry Potter “The Chamber of Secrets” Novel: A comparative Translational Study
- Sahid, Abdul
- E-Government-based Bureaucratic Reform in Public Service
- Saiful, Jepri Ali
- Indonesian English Teachers’ Language Attitude towards the English Language
- Santoso, Nobertus Ribut
- Improving self-esteem of muscular men by posting shirtless photos on Instagram
- Sari, Afrina
- Muslim Woman's Description in Printed Media Industry in Indonesia: Case: Muslimah Magazine "Noor And Laiqa” Issued in 2015-2016
- Sari, Dewi Kartika
- Media Role in the Civic Engagement Patterning of Indonesian Civil Society
- Sastrosubroto, Ashwin Sasongko
- Net-attack 2.0: Digital Post-Truth and its Regulatory Challenges in Indonesia
- Saud, Muhammad
- Impact of Overseas Migration of Male children on the Health of Left behind Parents : A study of selected cities of Pakistan & Azad Jammu & Kashmir
- Say, Naw Paw Lar
- Social Inequality and Structural Violence: Narrative Study of “Widows Issue” at Mawchi Mine in Myanmar
- Setianti, Yanti
- Family communication in the granting of sexual education for adolescents with mental retardation
- Setiawan, Teguh
- Classroom Interaction Features in EFL: What happens if Obstruction is More Excessive than Construction?
- Setiawan, Teguh
- Critical Discourse Analysis of Translation Techniques on Text of Webtoon
- Setiawan, Teguh
- Translation Assisted Language Learning: Translation as A Media in Language Teaching
- Setyaningsih, Rila
- Implementation of Digital Literacy Through E-learning in Learning Process at Pesantren University
- Setyawan, Haris
- Communication and Occupational Health Training Programs for Traditional Market Traders in Karanganyar
- Sharah, Ibrahim
- The perception of the Dumagat teachers on the influence of KPJPL to the enrichment of their mother tongue
- Sholichah, Iva Riyadhus
- Fostering Language Skills Development through Fairy Tales: A Literature Study
- Siahaan, Rony Agustino
- Creating Digital Anti-Corruption Message Based on Pancasila Values through Documentary Films: Learning from Students' Experience
- Simanjuntak, Nensy Megawati
- Etnographie-Semiotic of Sigale-Gale’s Legend in Samosir Lake, North Sumatera, Indonesia
- Sjuchro, Dian Wardiana
- Mass Media and Community’s Communication Sovereignty
- Soewarno, Noorlaelie
- The Influence of Subjective Norms and Perceived Behavioural Control Intent to use Electronic Parking
- Soewarno, Noorlaelie
- Online Shop Customers’ Behaviour: E-Service Quality, Attitude and Actual Use
- Soewarno, Noorlaelie
- Determinant Factors of Using E-Election in Indonesia
- Suciati, Pijar
- Viral Message in the World of Cyber Marketing and Public Relations
- Sudarwati, Sudarwati
- Motifs of Narrative Structure of Sacred Tombs in Surabaya
- Sugeng, Bambang
- The Use of Cohesive Devices in the Writing of Senior High School Students in Kebumen
- Suharno, Suharno
- Development of Motion Graphic Animation Video in Elementary School
- Suharto, Didik G
- Government innovation: The challenges and the best practice of smart city in Indonesia
- Sukasah, Tony
- Juxtaposing the Culture of Flood Disaster in Java Estuarine: Is It Political Commodification or Culture Naturalization?
- Sulistiobudi, Rezki Ashriyana
- Building Teacher Learning Climate through Improvement of Work Engagement
- Sumari, Binti Aisiah Daning
- Classroom Interaction Features in EFL: What happens if Obstruction is More Excessive than Construction?
- Sumunar, Dyah Respati Suryo
- The Correlation between Adversity Quotient with Geography Learning Outcomes of Students in Class X at SMAN 1 Kasihan Yogyakarta
- Sunardi, Sunardi
- Developing Interactive E-Book as a Learning Resource for Seventh-Grade Junior High School Students
- Supraptiningsih, Umi
- Empowering Pamekasan to Become a Child-Friendly Regency through Interpersonal Communication
- Supriyadi, Supriyadi
- The Uses of Information Communication Technology (ICT) and The Fraud Through ICT on Orange Farmers in Wringinpitu Village
- Suryani, Nunuk
- Development of the Predict Observe Explain (POE)-based on Thematic Teaching Materials for IV Grade Students of Elementary School
- Suryani, Nunuk
- The Development of Pocketbook as an Accounting Teaching Material
- Suryantari, Hadna
- Exploring Ways of Using Facebook and Instagram in Teaching English
- Suryawati, Cicilia Tantri
- Flower Symbolism in Chanoyu Spirit
- Susanti, Desti Erma
- Maintaining Reputation through Media Relations: A Qualitative Analysis in Local Government of Madiun City
- Susanti, Santi
- Communication Behavior of Tasikmalaya Embroidery Craftsmen in Maintaining Sustainability of Local Wisdom-Based Enterprises
- Susanto, Rochmat
- Current Insights on Translation Studies
- Suseno, Jatmiko Endro
- Information System for Culinary Product Selection Using Clustering K-Means and Weighted Product Method