Proceedings of the International Conference of Communication Science Research (ICCSR 2018)

237 authors
Muhammadin, Fajri Matahati
Coverage of the ‘Perppu Ormas’ Issue by the Government vs Mainstream Online Media: Defending or Attacking the Pancasila?
Muktiyo, Widodo
Family Relational on Girl Child Marriage Decision: A Study of Communication and Conformity Orientation in Tegaldowo Village, Rembang Regency
Mulyana, Slamet
Political Communication Competence of Women Legislators
Munir, Misnal
The Local Genius Values of Minangkabau Society
Musadad, Akhmad Arif
The Development of Pocketbook as an Accounting Teaching Material
Ndinojuo, Ben-Collins Emeka
Ethical consideration in the reportage of sexual abuse of children: A review of selected Nigerian newspapers
Nugraha, Aat Ruchiat
Family communication in the granting of sexual education for adolescents with mental retardation
Nugroho, Rino Ardhian
Government innovation: The challenges and the best practice of smart city in Indonesia
Nurdin, Ali
The Online Islamic Media Journalism in Indonesia: The Trend Analysis of Political News
Nurfurqonah, Neng Indriwati
Strategy of Government Public Relation in Cyber Era: Twitter as a Tool of Online Public Relation in Directorate General of Taxes
Nurrahmi, Febri
Rejected, Isolated, and Abused: Social Stigma toward The Sinners in Aceh
Nurrahmi, Febri
Self Disclosure of Aceh Facebook-Addicted Users
Nursanti, Siti
VCT Counselor Activities in handling HIV Patients in RSUD Karawang District: Case Study of VCT Counseling Activities in HIV Patient Management at RSUD Karawang
Pamuji, Eko
Social Media and Political Campaign: The Analysis of Instagram Use as the East Java Governor and Deputy Governor Candidates’ Campaign Medium 2018
Pandin, Moses Glorino Rumambo
The Local Genius Values of Minangkabau Society
Paramitha, Nurina Adi
The Uses of Information Communication Technology (ICT) and The Fraud Through ICT on Orange Farmers in Wringinpitu Village
Patricia, Florens Debora
The power of new media Bestnine Instagram in creating a popular culture for creative industry workers: The study of the popular Instagram Bestnine application among the Illustrators
Perdana, Fitri
Communication Behavior of Tasikmalaya Embroidery Craftsmen in Maintaining Sustainability of Local Wisdom-Based Enterprises
Poerbowati, Endang
Flower Symbolism in Chanoyu Spirit
Prabowo, Tyan Ludiana
PolisiKu App as Government’s Media Communication Platform: Case Study in Indonesia National Police
Pradhuka, Briant Nor
Identities of Creativity and Humor on Instagram Style Mimi Peri Rapunchelle
Prasetyo, Iwan Joko
Therapeutic Communication Narcotics in Rehabilitation Institution “Rumah Kita” Surabaya
Pratishara, Gibbran
Tagline Branding: Trading the Products or Cultural Identities?
Prawiradiredja, Sanhari
Therapeutic Communication Narcotics in Rehabilitation Institution “Rumah Kita” Surabaya
Pricahyo, Eko Wahyu
Development of Motion Graphic Animation Video in Elementary School
Prihantoro, Edy
Implementation of Digital Literacy Through E-learning in Learning Process at Pesantren University
Primatama, Mega
Tipping points on transport and behaviour: Examining Bus Rapid Transit system in Jakarta, Indonesia
Priyana, Joko
Exploring Ways of Using Facebook and Instagram in Teaching English
Pujimahanani, Cahyaningsih
Local Wisdom of Religious Tourism in East Java
Pulubuhu, Dwia Aries Tina
Education Access Barriers for Girls in South Sulawesi’s Coastal Area
Purba, Norita
WAR Metaphors in Indonesian-English Political Discourse
Purbani, Widyastuti
English Language Practices: Reflecting on Teachers’ and Students’ Belief
Purbani, Widyastuti
Fostering Language Skills Development through Fairy Tales: A Literature Study
Purnomo, Bambang Raditya
Phenomenological Study: Determinants of Success of Women Entrepreneurs in Surabaya
Puspitarini, Yanuari Dwi
Developing Powtoon-Based Video Learning Media for Five Grade Students of Elementary School
Puspitasari, Aprilia Hening
Family Relational on Girl Child Marriage Decision: A Study of Communication and Conformity Orientation in Tegaldowo Village, Rembang Regency
Putra, Chandra Anugerah
Efforts to Improve Indonesian Language Learning Outcomes Using 4-D Model
Putranto, Hendar
Creating Digital Anti-Corruption Message Based on Pancasila Values through Documentary Films: Learning from Students' Experience
Putri, Astri Wibawanti
Corruption And Discourse Renewal in the Ministry of Agriculture: A Study of Crisis Communications
Putri, Kinkin Yuliaty Subarsa
Representation of Media Literacy of Health Communication Dimensions in Indonesia
Putro, Hartopo Eko
The Effect of Culture in the Madura Trading System
Qodrijati, Isna
Communication and Occupational Health Training Programs for Traditional Market Traders in Karanganyar
Rachman, Anne Abdul
E-Government-based Bureaucratic Reform in Public Service
Rachmaniar, Rachmaniar
Communication Behavior of Tasikmalaya Embroidery Craftsmen in Maintaining Sustainability of Local Wisdom-Based Enterprises
Rahayu, Anik Cahyaning
Motifs of Narrative Structure of Sacred Tombs in Surabaya
Rahmanto, Andre
Maintaining Reputation through Media Relations: A Qualitative Analysis in Local Government of Madiun City
Rahmanto, Andre
Strategy of Government Public Relation in Cyber Era: Twitter as a Tool of Online Public Relation in Directorate General of Taxes
Rahmanto, Andre N
Corruption And Discourse Renewal in the Ministry of Agriculture: A Study of Crisis Communications
Reynaldi, Bramasta
An Analysis of Sustainable Tourism Development Collaboration: Case: Tourist Puppets Village of Kepuhsari, Wonogiri District
Rijal, Edwin
Political Communication Competence of Women Legislators
Rinawati, Seviana
Communication and Occupational Health Training Programs for Traditional Market Traders in Karanganyar
Rini, Amalia Puspha
Development of the Predict Observe Explain (POE)-based on Thematic Teaching Materials for IV Grade Students of Elementary School
Rizal, Edwin
Modeling the Communications of Dayak Meratus Ethnic in Producing Forest Myths in Hulu Sungai Tengah and Balangan District
Roesfandi, Prakrisno Satrio
The phenomenon of MSM behavior of students in Surabaya
Roosinda, Fitria Widiyani
Social Media and Political Campaign: The Analysis of Instagram Use as the East Java Governor and Deputy Governor Candidates’ Campaign Medium 2018
Rumata, Vience Mutiara
Net-attack 2.0: Digital Post-Truth and its Regulatory Challenges in Indonesia
Rusadi, Udi
Women on Article about Infidelity in Online News Media: Case Study of “Mrs. Dendy” on
Rusman, Januari Rizki Pratama
The Analysis of Grammatical Shifts in Harry Potter “The Chamber of Secrets” Novel: A comparative Translational Study
Sahid, Abdul
E-Government-based Bureaucratic Reform in Public Service
Saiful, Jepri Ali
Indonesian English Teachers’ Language Attitude towards the English Language
Santoso, Nobertus Ribut
Improving self-esteem of muscular men by posting shirtless photos on Instagram
Sari, Afrina
Muslim Woman's Description in Printed Media Industry in Indonesia: Case: Muslimah Magazine "Noor And Laiqa” Issued in 2015-2016
Sari, Dewi Kartika
Media Role in the Civic Engagement Patterning of Indonesian Civil Society
Sastrosubroto, Ashwin Sasongko
Net-attack 2.0: Digital Post-Truth and its Regulatory Challenges in Indonesia
Saud, Muhammad
Impact of Overseas Migration of Male children on the Health of Left behind Parents : A study of selected cities of Pakistan & Azad Jammu & Kashmir
Say, Naw Paw Lar
Social Inequality and Structural Violence: Narrative Study of “Widows Issue” at Mawchi Mine in Myanmar
Setianti, Yanti
Family communication in the granting of sexual education for adolescents with mental retardation
Setiawan, Teguh
Classroom Interaction Features in EFL: What happens if Obstruction is More Excessive than Construction?
Setiawan, Teguh
Critical Discourse Analysis of Translation Techniques on Text of Webtoon
Setiawan, Teguh
Translation Assisted Language Learning: Translation as A Media in Language Teaching
Setyaningsih, Rila
Implementation of Digital Literacy Through E-learning in Learning Process at Pesantren University
Setyawan, Haris
Communication and Occupational Health Training Programs for Traditional Market Traders in Karanganyar
Sharah, Ibrahim
The perception of the Dumagat teachers on the influence of KPJPL to the enrichment of their mother tongue
Sholichah, Iva Riyadhus
Fostering Language Skills Development through Fairy Tales: A Literature Study
Siahaan, Rony Agustino
Creating Digital Anti-Corruption Message Based on Pancasila Values through Documentary Films: Learning from Students' Experience
Simanjuntak, Nensy Megawati
Etnographie-Semiotic of Sigale-Gale’s Legend in Samosir Lake, North Sumatera, Indonesia
Sjuchro, Dian Wardiana
Mass Media and Community’s Communication Sovereignty
Soewarno, Noorlaelie
The Influence of Subjective Norms and Perceived Behavioural Control Intent to use Electronic Parking
Soewarno, Noorlaelie
Online Shop Customers’ Behaviour: E-Service Quality, Attitude and Actual Use
Soewarno, Noorlaelie
Determinant Factors of Using E-Election in Indonesia
Suciati, Pijar
Viral Message in the World of Cyber Marketing and Public Relations
Sudarwati, Sudarwati
Motifs of Narrative Structure of Sacred Tombs in Surabaya
Sugeng, Bambang
The Use of Cohesive Devices in the Writing of Senior High School Students in Kebumen
Suharno, Suharno
Development of Motion Graphic Animation Video in Elementary School
Suharto, Didik G
Government innovation: The challenges and the best practice of smart city in Indonesia
Sukasah, Tony
Juxtaposing the Culture of Flood Disaster in Java Estuarine: Is It Political Commodification or Culture Naturalization?
Sulistiobudi, Rezki Ashriyana
Building Teacher Learning Climate through Improvement of Work Engagement
Sumari, Binti Aisiah Daning
Classroom Interaction Features in EFL: What happens if Obstruction is More Excessive than Construction?
Sumunar, Dyah Respati Suryo
The Correlation between Adversity Quotient with Geography Learning Outcomes of Students in Class X at SMAN 1 Kasihan Yogyakarta
Sunardi, Sunardi
Developing Interactive E-Book as a Learning Resource for Seventh-Grade Junior High School Students
Supraptiningsih, Umi
Empowering Pamekasan to Become a Child-Friendly Regency through Interpersonal Communication
Supriyadi, Supriyadi
The Uses of Information Communication Technology (ICT) and The Fraud Through ICT on Orange Farmers in Wringinpitu Village
Suryani, Nunuk
Development of the Predict Observe Explain (POE)-based on Thematic Teaching Materials for IV Grade Students of Elementary School
Suryani, Nunuk
The Development of Pocketbook as an Accounting Teaching Material
Suryantari, Hadna
Exploring Ways of Using Facebook and Instagram in Teaching English
Suryawati, Cicilia Tantri
Flower Symbolism in Chanoyu Spirit
Susanti, Desti Erma
Maintaining Reputation through Media Relations: A Qualitative Analysis in Local Government of Madiun City
Susanti, Santi
Communication Behavior of Tasikmalaya Embroidery Craftsmen in Maintaining Sustainability of Local Wisdom-Based Enterprises
Susanto, Rochmat
Current Insights on Translation Studies
Suseno, Jatmiko Endro
Information System for Culinary Product Selection Using Clustering K-Means and Weighted Product Method