Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and Management (ICREAM 2018)

229 authors
Kurniady, Dedy Achmad
Quality of Vocational School Education in Bandung City
Kurniatun, Taufani C
Characteristics of the Principal Time Proportion in Basic Education and Learning Quality Improvement
Kurniatun, Taufani C.
Vocational Schools Based on Regional Potential in Indonesia
Kurniatun, Taufani C.
Service Ethics Index Higher Education in Banjarmasin City
Kurniatun, Taufani Chusnul
Strategic Plan in Improving Students' Science Competency
Kusmiati, Kusmiati
Leadership of School Heads in Developing Potentials of Teacher Performance in Basic School
Legistia, Yulan Tiarni
Strategy of Islamic Boarding School Based State Islamic Secondary School Development
Lestari, Ambar Sri
Aspects of Islamic Boarding School Financing Based on Social Agribusiness Entrepreneurship of Al Ittifak Ciwidey Bandung
Lilianti, Lilianti
Analysis of Teacher Professional Education Policy and its Relation to the Development of Teacher Professionalism
Mahmud, Hilal
Strategy in Developing Teachers' Performance at Senior High School
Malihah, Elly
Pahuwathanatham: A Learning Process Strategy of Ethnic and Religious Conflict Resolution
Marjuki, Asep Kiki
The Effect of Authentic Leadership of Service Quality in Education Quality Assurance Institution DKI Jakarta
Masaong, Abd. Kadim
Nature School Management Based on Religious Culture
Maulani, Hikmah
Pre-Service Teachers’-Based Lesson Study: An Effort to Improve the Professionalism of Arabic Teacher Candidate
Mayya, Mayya
Key Factors on Implementing Inclusion Policy in Schools
Mirfani, A. M.
School Based Management of Information Technology for Quality Improvement of Junior Secondary Academic Service in Bandung
Mirfani, Aceng Muhtaram
Build Teacher Leadership Capacity and Application of Learning Organization (Field study in Vocational School 8 Bandung)
Mirfani, Aceng Muhtaram
Quality Assurance of Classroom Management for Spiritual Values-Oriented Learning
Muazza, Muazza
The Recruitment Policy for Non-Civil Servant (Non-PNS) Teachers at Public Senior High School in Sarolangun Regency
Muhammad, Arief Syauqi
Development of Early Childhood Education Teachers in the Teaching and Learning Process by Inspectors in an Attempt of Improving Teacher Performance
Mukminin, Amirul
The Recruitment Policy for Non-Civil Servant (Non-PNS) Teachers at Public Senior High School in Sarolangun Regency
Mulyasa, E.
Strengthening of Department Governance through Implementation of an Internal Quality Assurance System
Munawar, Asep
Self Efficacy and Problem Solving Ability of Economics Students in Indonesia
Munggaran, Rengga Akbar
Pahuwathanatham: A Learning Process Strategy of Ethnic and Religious Conflict Resolution
Munir, Munir
School Management Based on ICT to Improve the Quality of Education in Indonesia
Noviany, Ranny
Transformational Leadership, Behavioral Habituation to Build the Character of a Leader
Nur'Aeni, Nur'Aeni
Public Relations Strategy in Improving Museum Image as Public Education Vehicle and Tourist Attraction
Nurazizah, Nurazizah
Implementation Character Education through School Culture
Nurbayani, Siti
Women's Leadership as Top Management in Educational Institution: Society Construction and Cultural Dilemma
Nurdin, Diding
Development Management of Teachers’ Competence based on School Need (A case study of development management of teachers’ competence in elementary school and junior high school)
Nurdin, Diding
The Effectiveness of Spiritual Leadership in Public Primary Schools
Nurhizkhy, D.
Women's Leadership as Top Management in Educational Institution: Society Construction and Cultural Dilemma
Nurlatifah, S
How Professional Learning Community Based Academic Supervision Model Improves Teachers’ Performance
Nurlatifah, Siti
The 21st Century Leadership for Productive School in Indonesian Education
Nurlatifah, Siti
Quality of Vocational School Education in Bandung City
Nurohim, S.
Women's Leadership as Top Management in Educational Institution: Society Construction and Cultural Dilemma
Nuryani, Lilis Kholisoh
Independence of Santri in Commemoration of Industrial Era Revolution 4.0
Octaviany, Amalia
Continuous Quality Improvement Management Models at Private Higher Education
Ohno, Rika
Study on Regional Disparity of Academic Achievement in Indonesia
Patonah, Desti
Reducing Unemployment of the Vocational School Graduates
Patras, Yuyun Elizabeth
Algorithm Implementations Naïve Bayes, Random Forest. C4.5 on Online Gaming for Learning Achievement Predictions
Patras, Yuyun Elizabeth
Prediction of Teachers' Lateness Factors Coming to School Using C4.5, Random Tree, Random Forest Algorithm
Pepriyeni, Pepriyeni
Managerial Skills of Principal in Private Secondary School Categorized Islamic Characteristic
Perceka, Dea Putri
Influence of Leadership Style and Motivation to Teachers’ Performance in BPI 1 Bandung Senior High School
Permana, Johar
Building Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) through Personality and Work Perception of Teachers
Permana, Johar
Vocational Schools Based on Regional Potential in Indonesia
Permana, Johar
Life Skill Educational Management Based on Vocational for Students with Disabilities to be Ready for Work
Permana, Johar
The Influence of Internal Quality Assurance and Quality Culture on Performance of Higher Education Institution
Permana, Johar
Effective Leadership in the Implementation of Academic Program at Private Higher Education
Permanasari, Anna
Characteristics of the Principal Time Proportion in Basic Education and Learning Quality Improvement
Prihatin, Eka
Life Skill Educational Management Based on Vocational for Students with Disabilities to be Ready for Work
Prihatin, Eka
The Effect of Authentic Leadership of Service Quality in Education Quality Assurance Institution DKI Jakarta
Pujiyati, Wresni
Effective Leadership in the Implementation of Academic Program at Private Higher Education
Purwanto, Purwanto
Leadership Participation Models for Implementing Student Character at Primary Education
Rahman, K. A.
The Recruitment Policy for Non-Civil Servant (Non-PNS) Teachers at Public Senior High School in Sarolangun Regency
Rahyasih, Yayah
Resource Management of Higher Education Personnel
Ramdhany, M Arief
Competitive Advantage and Organizational Effectiveness at Public Universities of Educational Institution of Education Personnel
Rasto, Rasto
The Ideal of Leadership in Primary School
Rasto, Rasto
Resource Management of Higher Education Personnel
Rifa’i, Andi Arif
The Influence of Internal Quality Assurance and Quality Culture on Performance of Higher Education Institution
Rikjan, Riki
The Implementation of Internal Quality Assurance System at Islamic School
Robandi, Babang
Representation of Agency Moral Consciousness as a Teacher: Phenomenology Study among Magister Student of Indonesia University of Education
Rosita, Tita
Implementation of Situational Leadership in the Distance Learning Management Office
Rosita, Tita
Leadership Behavior, Single and Double Loop Model toward Employee Performance at the Learning Distance Unit
Sa'ud, Udin S
Key Factors on Implementing Inclusion Policy in Schools
Santoso, Sigit
Development of E-Learning Material Based on Edmodo in Geography learning
Sarwono, Sarwono
Development of E-Learning Material Based on Edmodo in Geography learning
Satori, D.
Power Divergence Performance Supervisor as Oase Improving Quality of School
Satori, Djam'an
Analysis of Teacher Professional Education Policy and its Relation to the Development of Teacher Professionalism
Satori, Djaman
School Management Based on ICT to Improve the Quality of Education in Indonesia
Satori, Djam’an
Independence of Santri in Commemoration of Industrial Era Revolution 4.0
Satori, Djam’an
The Development of Lecturers’ Performance on Private University
Saud, Udin S.
Power Divergence Performance Supervisor as Oase Improving Quality of School
Sauri, R. Supyan
Strengthening of Department Governance through Implementation of an Internal Quality Assurance System
Sedarmayanti, Sedarmayanti
Influence of Leadership Style and Motivation to Teachers’ Performance in BPI 1 Bandung Senior High School
Seftiani, Rizka Dwi
The Implementation of Internal Quality Assurance System at Islamic School
Setiawan, Iwan
School Management Based on ICT to Improve the Quality of Education in Indonesia
Setyorini, H.P.D
Public Relations Strategy in Improving Museum Image as Public Education Vehicle and Tourist Attraction
Sianipar, GW Wulandari
Computer Based Management Information System towards Employee Performance in Indonesian National Police Educational Headquarters Bandung
Soemarto, Soemarto
Continuous Quality Improvement in Implementation of Equity-based Education
Soemarto, Soemarto
How Professional Learning Community Based Academic Supervision Model Improves Teachers’ Performance
Sopiansah, Veri Aryanto
The level of creativity of vocational school students in 21st century learning
Sudarsyah, Asep
Analysis of Public Relation Management Javadharna in Enhancing Parental Involvement
Sudarsyah, Asep
The Influence of Internal Quality Assurance and Quality Culture on Performance of Higher Education Institution
Suhardan, Dadang
Interpersonal Communication between Principals and Teachers in Elementary Schools
Suharto, Didik G.
Management of International Partnership in the Perspective of Good University Governance
Suharto, Nugraha
The Role of Accreditation in Improving Education Quality
Suhendar, Dadang
Organizational Behavior and Work Disciplines (Their Effect on Work Achievement)
Suherman, Atep
Interpersonal Communication between Principals and Teachers in Elementary Schools
Suherman, Irman
Authentic Leadership and Management of Change towards Implementation of Value at Vocational Schools
Sulhan, Moh.
The Influence of Principal’s Communication and Conflict Management towards the Work Discipline of Teachers at SMA PGRI Tanjungsiang Subang
Sunaengsih, C
How Professional Learning Community Based Academic Supervision Model Improves Teachers’ Performance
Supriatna, Mamat
Representation of Agency Moral Consciousness as a Teacher: Phenomenology Study among Magister Student of Indonesia University of Education
Supriatna, Nono
Self Efficacy and Problem Solving Ability of Economics Students in Indonesia
Suryadi, Suryadi
The Effectiveness of Learning Quality Management of Productive Subject Teachers in Vocational High School
Suryana, A.
Power Divergence Performance Supervisor as Oase Improving Quality of School
Suryana, Asep
Analysis of Public Relation Management Javadharna in Enhancing Parental Involvement
Suryana, Asep
The Ideal of Leadership in Primary School
Suryana, Asep
Managerial Skills of Principal in Private Secondary School Categorized Islamic Characteristic
Suryana, Asep
Model Study "Moyeg" as Efforts to Increase the Ability to Read for Student Beginners (Study on the Disadvantaged Primary School in District Sukaresmi Garut Regency, West Java Province)