Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Technology and Educational Science (ICTES 2020)

205 authors
Educated Spoken Arabic (ESA) in the Teaching of Arabic in Indonesia
Nugraha, Supriyadi Hasta
Classical Javanese Dance Learning with Blended Learning
Padmawati, Ni Kadek Arum
Development of Problem-Oriented Mathematics Learning Videos on Scale Material for the Fifth-Grade Elementary School Students
Paramartha, A. A. Gede Yudha
How Integrated is the 2013 Primary School Curriculum?
Paramartha, A.A. Gede Yudha
Authentic Assessment Practice
Paramita, Made Vina Arie
Level of the Child’s Motor Ability of Group B at the Kindergarten in Buleleng District Bali
Parmiti, Desak Putu
Development of E-Content Using Segmentation Principles with E-Assessment in the Development of Teaching Materials Course
Parmiti, Desak Putu
Improving Student Arithmetic Ability Through Interactive Multimedia Development on Mathematics Competencies of Third Grade Elementary School Students
Pawitra, Gusti Ayu Dewi Anggunita
The Contribution of Parental Assistance and Learning Interest to Mathematic Learning Outcomes of Grade V in Elementary School Students
Prabawa, Dewa Gede Agus Putra
The Development of Multiple Intelligence-Oriented Thematic Multimedia in Elementary Schools
Pradnyaswari, Ni Putu Dian
Supporting and Inhibiting Factors for Online Learning in the Covid-19 Period in Elementary School Teachers
Pratiwi, Rossy
Development of Cheerful Interactive Multimedia on the Content of Class 5 Social Studies Materials in Elementary Schools
Pudjawan, Ketut
Development of Learning Materials in E-Learning Courses with the Principles of Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (CTML)
Pudjawan, Ketut
The Effect of Guest Lecturers and Online Discussion Forum Towards Students’ Communication Competencies on English for Educational Technologist Course
Pudjawan, Ketut
Improving Student Arithmetic Ability Through Interactive Multimedia Development on Mathematics Competencies of Third Grade Elementary School Students
Purwanta, Edi
Analysis of Career Information Knowledge for Mild Intellectual Disability in Transition Class (Grade 6 SDLB)
Puspawati, Luh Putu
The Play of Cupak Gerantang in Wayang Kulit and Traditional Dramas and Values in Balinese and Sasak Society in Lombok
Puspitasari, Putu Indah
Boomers’ Perception Towards the Implementation of Online Learning Amidst Covid-19 Outbreak
Putra, D. B. Kt. Ngr. Semara
Developing Learning Video with Addie Model on Science Class For 4th Grade Elementary School Students
Putra, I Nyoman Adi Jaya
Student-Teacher’s Reflective Thinking and Teaching Practice
Putra, I Nyoman Tri Anindia
Politeness-Based Indonesian Teaching as Social Skill for Preparing Competitive Human Resources in Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
Putra, I Putu Agus Ari Satria
Validity of Biographical Text Learning Kit in E-Learning
Ramly, Umithayyibah
Parental Involvement in Speech Activities of Speech Delayed Child at Home
Rasna, Wayan
Politeness-Based Indonesian Teaching as Social Skill for Preparing Competitive Human Resources in Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
Rati, Ni Wayan
The Effect of the Think Pair Share (TPS) Cooperative Learning Model Assisted with the Sociodrama Method on IPS Learning Outcomes
Rati, Ni Wayan
Take and Give Learning Model Assisted by Non Projection Media Affecting Positive Towards Civics Learning Results
Ratnasari, Dwi Ayu
Development of Mathematics Interactive Multimedia on Third Grade Elementary School Students
Relin, Raden Ayu
Politeness-Based Indonesian Teaching as Social Skill for Preparing Competitive Human Resources in Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
Renda, Ndara Tanggu
The Relationship of Strengthening Character Education (PPK) Towards Mathematics Learning Outcomes in Class IV
Rismawan, Kade Sathya Gita
The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior Group Counseling to Improve Career Decision Making Self-Efficacy of Senior High School Students
Roeminingsih, Erny
Implementation of Curriculum 2013 Through the Department Development Program at SDIT Daarul Muttaqien
Rusnalasari, Zulidyana Dwi
Patriarchal Binary Oppositions in Narrative Texts Included in English Textbook for Senior High School in Indonesia
Sadyana, I Wayan
The Development of Educational Videos to Deliver Topics in Japanese Sociolinguistics Course
Sandra, Lidia
Ki Hajar Dewantara’s Educational Philosophy: Among and Student’s Academic Performance
Sandra, Lidia
Prepared Environment as the Key Success Factor in Building Clean and Healthy Habit in Early Childhood Education
Sandra, Lidia
Resilience Models for Children and Teenagers in Learning During the Pandemic
Sapitri, Desak Ketut Eni
The Effect of the Think Pair Share (TPS) Cooperative Learning Model Assisted with the Sociodrama Method on IPS Learning Outcomes
Saputi, Viga
Analysis of Career Information Knowledge for Mild Intellectual Disability in Transition Class (Grade 6 SDLB)
Level of the Child’s Motor Ability of Group B at the Kindergarten in Buleleng District Bali
Senmay, Ketut
Effectiveness Quantum Teaching Model in Elementary School Students’ Civics Learning
Septyarini, Yassinta Dwi Ayu
Validity and Reliability: Early Childhood’s Locomotor Capability Assessment Instruments
Simamora, Alexander
Development of E-Content Using Segmentation Principles with E-Assessment in the Development of Teaching Materials Course
Simamora, Alexander H.
Development of Learning Materials in E-Learning Courses with the Principles of Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (CTML)
Suandi, I Nengah
Balinesse Language Elucidation as an Attempt to Preserve Balineese Language in Bali Province
Suandi, I Nengah
Teacher Evaluation on Students’ Knowledge of Writing and the Texts Produced
Suarjana, I Made
The Exploration of Kolok Students’ of Mathematics Ability in Inclusive Education at SD Negeri 2 Bengkala Kubutambahan District
Suarjana, I Made
The Relationship of Strengthening Character Education (PPK) Towards Mathematics Learning Outcomes in Class IV
Suastika, I Made
The Play of Cupak Gerantang in Wayang Kulit and Traditional Dramas and Values in Balinese and Sasak Society in Lombok
Sudarma, I Komang
The Development of Multiple Intelligence-Oriented Thematic Multimedia in Elementary Schools
Sudarma, I Komang
Optimizing Student Photography Skills Through Development of Project Based E-Learning in Photography Courses
Sudatha, I Gde Wawan
Development of Learning Materials in E-Learning Courses with the Principles of Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (CTML)
Sudatha, I Gde Wawan
Reading Literation Strategies Applied by Lecturers in Learning at the Faculty of Education Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Sudatha, I Gde Wawan
The Effect of E-Learning Based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) on Student Characters in Inferential Statistics Course
Sudatha, I Gde Wawan
Development of Mathematics Interactive Multimedia on Third Grade Elementary School Students
Sudiana, I Gusti Ngurah
Politeness-Based Indonesian Teaching as Social Skill for Preparing Competitive Human Resources in Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
Sugihartini, Nyoman
The Core Competencies of Vocational High School Teachers In 21st Century Learning
Sukmana, A. I W. Ilia Yuda
Development of TSTS Cooperative Model Learning Devices in the Science Study Content, Theme 7, Class IV SD
Sukmana, Adrianus I Wayan Ilia Yuda
Improving Student Arithmetic Ability Through Interactive Multimedia Development on Mathematics Competencies of Third Grade Elementary School Students
Sukmana, Adrianus I Wayan Ilia Yuda
Optimizing Student Photography Skills Through Development of Project Based E-Learning in Photography Courses
Sumantri, Made
The Effect of the Think Pair Share (TPS) Cooperative Learning Model Assisted with the Sociodrama Method on IPS Learning Outcomes
Sumantri, Made
Effectiveness Quantum Teaching Model in Elementary School Students’ Civics Learning
Suniasih, Ni Wayan
The Effectiveness of Discovery Learning Model and Problem-Based Learning Using Animated Media to Improve Science Learning Outcomes
Suniasih, Ni Wayan
Development of Learning Videos Based Discovery Learning for Class V Elementary School Temperma Material
Suprianti, G.A.P
Powtoon as the Implementation of Edutainment for Young Learners
Sutama, I Made
Balinesse Language Elucidation as an Attempt to Preserve Balineese Language in Bali Province
Sutama, I Made
Teacher Evaluation on Students’ Knowledge of Writing and the Texts Produced
Suwastini, Ni Komang Arie
Boomers’ Perception Towards the Implementation of Online Learning Amidst Covid-19 Outbreak
Suwastini, Ni Komang Arie
Patriarchal Binary Oppositions in Narrative Texts Included in English Textbook for Senior High School in Indonesia
Suwastini, Ni Komang Arie
YouTube as Digital Learning Resources for Teaching Bilingual Young Learners
Suwatra, I Wayan
The Effectiveness of the Word Square Learning Model on the Social Studies Learning Results of Elementary School Students
Suwatra, Ign. Wayan
The Development of Multiple Intelligence-Oriented Thematic Multimedia in Elementary Schools
Suwatra, Ignatius I Wayan
The Effect of Tri Hita Karana Oriented Blended Learning Model on Students Character and Learning Outcomes at the Faculty of Education, Undiksha
Suyadnya, I Wayan
Reaffirmation of Identity Through Ritual Practices in Tenganan Balinese Old Village, Bali
Tantra, Dewa Komang
Politeness-Based Indonesian Teaching as Social Skill for Preparing Competitive Human Resources in Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
Tegeh, I Made
Reading Literation Strategies Applied by Lecturers in Learning at the Faculty of Education Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Tegeh, I Made
The Effect of Tri Hita Karana Oriented Blended Learning Model on Students Character and Learning Outcomes at the Faculty of Education, Undiksha
Tegeh, I Made
Social Skills Training Influence of Children’s Cooperation Group B
Tirtayani, Luh Ayu
Fatherhood & Children’s Remote Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic:
Tirtayani, Luh Ayu
Panca Pramana Cycle-Based Science Learning Model for Promoting 21st Century Skills Learning
Tirtayani, Luh Ayu
The Correlation of Social Support and Self-Efficacy on Early Childhood Inclusive Teachers’ Performances
Tohamba, Citra Prasiska Puspita
The Challenges That Indonesian Students Faced in Academic Writing: A Cross-Disciplinary Study of Academic Literacies
Tuerah, Ignatius Javier Couturier
Boomers’ Perception Towards the Implementation of Online Learning Amidst Covid-19 Outbreak
Ujianti, Putu Rahayu
The Implementation of Inclusive Education Program for Early Childhood
Ujianti, Putu Rahayu
Developing Instrument for Speaking Ability of Children in the Age Group of 5-6 (Group B)
Ujianti, Putu Rahayu
The Appropriateness of the Instrument in Assessing Children’s Early Mathematical Abilities
Veriani, Ni Luh
The Effectiveness of the Word Square Learning Model on the Social Studies Learning Results of Elementary School Students
Wahyuni, Dessy Seri
The Core Competencies of Vocational High School Teachers In 21st Century Learning
Wahyuni, Luh Gede Eka
Student-Teacher’s Reflective Thinking and Teaching Practice
Wahyuni, Luh Gede Eka
Authentic Assessment Practice
Wahyuni, Ni Wayan Intan
The Appropriateness of the Instrument in Assessing Children’s Early Mathematical Abilities
Wardani, Made Kusuma
The Relationship of Strengthening Character Education (PPK) Towards Mathematics Learning Outcomes in Class IV
Wedhanti, Nyoman Karina
Science-Based Individual Competitive Research: Analysis of Jargon Used in the Hotel
Wiarta, I Wayan
The Contribution of Adversity Quotient dan Working Motivation to Teachers’ Performance
Wibawa, I Made Citra
The Development of E-Learning in the Philosophy of Tri Hita Karana Concept on the Natural Science Course in PGSD Study Program, FIP UNDIKSHA
Widiana, I Wayan
The Educational Animation as the Instructional Material Gives Positive Effects Towards the Early Childhood Development
Wirabrata, Dewa Gede Firstia
Adversity Quotients Towards Achievement Motivation of Early Childhood Teacher Education (PG PAUD) Students in Bali
Wirabrata, Dewa Gede Firstia
Accept, Respect, or Appreciate Diversity?
Wiradika, I Nyoman Indhi
Level of the Child’s Motor Ability of Group B at the Kindergarten in Buleleng District Bali
Wisudariani, Ni Made Rai
Validity of Biographical Text Learning Kit in E-Learning
Witari, I. A. Kt. Yuni Brahmi
Correlation Between Pedagogical Competence and Personality to Teacher Performance