Proceedings of the 5th Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics, Business and Management, Accounting and Entrepreneurship (PICEEBA-5 2020)
279 authors
- Abror
- How Customers Continue to Use Digital Innovation on e-Commerce Platforms?
- Abror
- Customer Forgiveness: Can Decrease Customer Dissatisfaction?
- Abror
- The Influence of Service Quality, Satisfaction, and Trust Towards Customer Loyalty of Bank Nagari Air Haji Subsidiary Branch
- Abror
- The Effect of Work Environment and Job Burnout on Job Satisfaction With Perceived Organization Support as Moderating to Employees at the secretariat Staff of the Regional Parliament of West Sumatra Province
- Abror
- The Effect of Compensation and Emotional Intelligence Concerning Organization Citizenship Behavior is Mediated Job Satisfaction and Employee Engagement in Bukittinggi Town Government
- Abror
- Self-Efficacy, Employee Engagement and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Ocb)
- Abror
- The Influence of Psychological Capital, Employee Engagement, Organizational Commitment to Creativity of Civil Servants in the Government of Bukittinggi City
- Adhika, Rismana
- Could Economic Growth Moderate Population, Education and Unemployment to Poverty in Indonesia?
- Afandi, Maharani
- The Influence of Student Creativity, Learning Independence, Student Personality, Work Experience (Prakerin) and Work World Information on Readiness to Enter theWorkforce on Students
- Afridedy
- Determinant Analysis of Savings and Consumptions of Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Khatib Sulaiman Branch in Padang City
- Afridita, Yetni
- Analysis of Social Capital on Participation of Cooperative Members in West Sumatera
- Agdestiadi, Mahardika
- Analysis of Kerinci District Development Sectors
- Agusmal
- Effects of Service Quality, Halal Tourism, Brand Image, Tourist Satisfaction and E-WOM on Muslim Tourist Loyalty in West Sumatra
- Agustin, Henri
- Effectiveness of Revenue, Growth Rate and Contribution of Local Retribution on the Local Own-Source Revenue of Pariaman City
- Agustina, Yuli
- Learning Commercial Letters App to Improve Students’ Learning Outcomes
- Aimon, Hasdi
- Stability of Money Supply, E-money, Interest Rate, and Inflation in Indonesia
- Aimon, Hasdi
- Determinant Analysis of Savings and Consumptions of Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Khatib Sulaiman Branch in Padang City
- Aimon, Hasdi
- Inflation Analysis in West Sumatera
- Aimon, Hasdi
- Macroeconomic Shocks to Non-Oil and Gas Exports to ASEAN Countries Amid Global Uncertainty
- Alkautsar, Sinatrya
- The Effect of Religiosity Factors on Regional Heads in Choosing a Spin-Off or Conversion Option for Regional Development Banks
- Amar, Syamsul
- Determinants of Economic Growth in Developing Countries of G20 Members
- Amar, Syamsul
- Effect of Incentives, Knowledge Management and Environment Work on Performance of Employees in Padang City Trading Service
- Amar, Syamsul
- The Effect of Training, Work Environment and Work Motivation on the Performance of Nursing Staff at RSUD Lubuk Basung
- Amelia, Gisely
- Effects of Islamic Tourism, E-Wom and Satisfaction on Tourism Loyalty Visiting Muaro Lasak Beach in Padang City
- Amril
- Study of Macro Variables in Excogitating Stability of Indonesian Economic Growth as OECD’s Development Center: An Error Correction Model Approach
- Andriani, Chichi
- Review of the Effect of Personal Factors on Organizational Culture Implementation in Sme’s in the City of Padang
- Anggraini, Netty
- Influence Internal Locus of Control, School Environment and Discipline on Student Achievement
- Anindita, Ni Luh Putu Sipta Dewi
- Individual Traits, Risk Perception, Financial Literacy & Investment Decisions
- Anis, Ali
- Determinant of SMEs Credit in Indonesia: Intern vs Extern Factor
- Aprayuda, Riyadi
- Does the Information on the Internet Media Respond to the Stock Market?
- Arief, Mohammad
- Electronic Module Practices Development for Office Technology Course to Produce Advanced Administrative Teachers
- Arief, Mohammad
- Development of Inquiry-Based Practicum Module on Supply Management Course to Strengthening Students Self Regulated
- Arif, Faisal
- The Influence of Learning Motivation on Student Learning Achievement: Comparative study Between Cooperative Learning and Peer Tutoring Model
- Ariska, Boy Priman
- Influence of Inflation Targeting Framework (ITF) Policy In Moderate Monetary Variable: Study of Countries Implementing ITF
- Arita, Sri
- Application of Experience Learning (MECL) Method and Experiential Learning (METL) Method to Increase Interest in Business Students of Universitas Negeri Padang
- Ariusni
- Analysis of Economic Growth, Exports and Savings to Debt in Indonesia
- Arlan, Arina Fadhilah
- The Effect of Price, Service Quality and Promotion of Loyalty With Satisfaction as Intervening Variables in Shaqylla Beauty Clinic Payakumbuh
- Arza, Fefri Indra
- Effectiveness of Revenue, Growth Rate and Contribution of Local Retribution on the Local Own-Source Revenue of Pariaman City
- Asfahani, Fadwa Rhogib
- Participation Study of Developing Countries in Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to Economic Growth: Case Study Developing Countries in Latin America
- Aslam, Javed
- Perceived Effect of Outsourcing on Organizational Performmance in Pakistani Construction Industry
- Asli, Jon
- Self-Efficacy, Employee Engagement and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Ocb)
- Astuti, Mulya
- The Effects of Trust, Shopping Orientation, and Social Media Marketing on Online Purchase Intention: A Literature Review
- Atman, Satria
- The Effect of Compensation and Emotional Intelligence Concerning Organization Citizenship Behavior is Mediated Job Satisfaction and Employee Engagement in Bukittinggi Town Government
- Awaluddin, Murtiadi
- The Role of Understanding the Internet in Moderating Determinants of Taxpayer Compliance Levels
- Azhar, Zul
- Implications of Using E-money and APMK on the Money Supply: The Case of Indonesia
- Azmi, Zoel
- The Effect of Resilient Leadership, Organizational Justice and Organizational Culture on Organizational Commitments at Employees of PT-PN VI Kayu Aro
- Basuki, Andi
- Electronic Module Practices Development for Office Technology Course to Produce Advanced Administrative Teachers
- Budiarti, Astra Prima
- How Customers Continue to Use Digital Innovation on e-Commerce Platforms?
- Budiman, Fajar
- The Influence of Central Bank Interest Rate, Real Exchange Rate, Economic Growth and Foreign Direct Investment on Current Account in G7 Countries
- Candra, Andel Hopi
- Social Media Usage and Firm Performance: An Empirical Study of Small-and Medium-Sized Enterprises
- Cerya, Efni
- Analysis of Social Capital on Participation of Cooperative Members in West Sumatera
- Cerya, Efni
- Analysis of Lecturer Digital Literacy Skills in Entrepreneurship Course
- Cheisviyanny, Charoline
- Fundamental Principles in Spiritualism-Based MCS
- Cheisviyanny, Charoline
- The Determinants of Micro, Small and Medium Enterpeises (Msmes) Financial Performance: A Literature Review
- Churiyah, Madziatul
- Electronic Module Practices Development for Office Technology Course to Produce Advanced Administrative Teachers
- Churiyah, Madziatul
- Development of Inquiry-Based Practicum Module on Supply Management Course to Strengthening Students Self Regulated
- Churiyah, Madziatul
- Learning Commercial Letters App to Improve Students’ Learning Outcomes
- Citrawandi, Niko
- Analysis of Education of Entrepreneurship, Curriculum Implementation, and Lecturer Competence Towards the Interest of Entrepreneurship of Students in Jambi Province
- Dewi, Ranti Septia
- Effect of Incentives, Knowledge Management and Environment Work on Performance of Employees in Padang City Trading Service
- Dharma, Buyung Adi
- Electronic Module Practices Development for Office Technology Course to Produce Advanced Administrative Teachers
- Dharma, Buyung Adi
- Development of Inquiry-Based Practicum Module on Supply Management Course to Strengthening Students Self Regulated
- Dwita, Sany
- Fundamental Principles in Spiritualism-Based MCS
- Dwita, Sany
- The Effect of Attribution Bias and Framing Negative on Commitment Escalation in Investment Decisions
- Dwita, Vidyarini
- Effect of EWOM on Revisit Intention: Attitude and Destination Image as Mediation Variables (Study in Pasaman Regency Tourism Destinations)
- Dwita, Vidyarini
- Business Ethics in Disruption Era: Factors Affecting Gojek E-Loyalty
- Dwita, Vidyarini
- The Effect of Brand Communication, Brand Image and Perceived Social Media on Brand Loyalty With Brand Trust as a Variable of Mediation in Rendang Asese in Padang City
- Dwita, Vidyarini
- The Use of Social Media for Rendang Product Marketing by SMEs in West Sumatera
- Effendi, Z Mawardi
- Analysis of Factor That Employ Country Performance Cooperation in Solok City
- Elvianita, Ulva
- The Effect of Job Insecurity, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment on Turnover Intention at Andalas University Hospital
- Emely, Bamy
- The Mediating Role of Job Performance in the Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention
- Erinaldi
- The Effect Transformational Leadership, Self Efficacy, Intrinsic Motivation and Job Engagement on Proactive Behavior
- ErniMasdupi
- The Effect Transformational Leadership, Self Efficacy, Intrinsic Motivation and Job Engagement on Proactive Behavior
- Evanita, Susi
- Does Smartphone Use, Ruangguru Application, and Learning Motivation Affect Learning Achievement in Economic Subjects?
- Evanita, Susi
- Business Ethics in Disruption Era: Factors Affecting Gojek E-Loyalty
- Evanita, Susi
- Analysis of Factor That Employ Country Performance Cooperation in Solok City
- Evanita, Susi
- Self-Efficacy, Employee Engagement and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Ocb)
- Fasyni, Awisal
- How Customers Continue to Use Digital Innovation on e-Commerce Platforms?
- Fauzi, Ahmad
- The Effect of Parents’ Social Economic Condition, Way of Learning and Learning Motivation to the Learning Outcome of Economy Subject
- Fitra, Halkadri
- Effectiveness of Revenue, Growth Rate and Contribution of Local Retribution on the Local Own-Source Revenue of Pariaman City
- Fitria, Yuki
- Review of the Effect of Personal Factors on Organizational Culture Implementation in Sme’s in the City of Padang
- Fitrialdi
- The Influence of Psychological Capital, Employee Engagement, Organizational Commitment to Creativity of Civil Servants in the Government of Bukittinggi City
- Friyatmi
- Attributes of Students’ Critical Thinking Skills on Economics : A Rasch Model Analysis
- Ghazanfer, Mirza Hammad
- Integration of Risk Management in Development of Restaurant in Coastal Area ‘Do Darya’ Karachi
- Gusrita
- Effect of Affective Commitment on Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Emotional Performance with Emotional Intelligence as a Moderation Variable on Nurse Handling of COVID-19 RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang
- Haeny, Fitri Cynthia
- Effectiveness of Revenue, Growth Rate and Contribution of Local Retribution on the Local Own-Source Revenue of Pariaman City
- Handayani, Dian Fitria
- Flexible Working Arrangement and Job Satisfaction in Mitigating Burnout: A Literature Review
- Harahap, M. Syukri
- Effect of EWOM on Revisit Intention: Attitude and Destination Image as Mediation Variables (Study in Pasaman Regency Tourism Destinations)
- Hariandi, Devi
- The Effect of Transformational Leadership and Dimensions Organizational Commitment as Moderate Variable Towards the Performance of e-government Government of Pariaman City
- Harman, Antoni
- Analysis of Factor That Employ Country Performance Cooperation in Solok City
- Helmi, Muhammad Hamiril
- Does Smartphone Use, Ruangguru Application, and Learning Motivation Affect Learning Achievement in Economic Subjects?
- Helmy, Herlina
- Fundamental Principles in Spiritualism-Based MCS
- Hidayat, Muhammad Rauf
- Analysis of the City Branding Process ‘Taste of Padang’ as the West Sumatera Tourism Destination Brand
- Hsb, Khoirun Nisa
- The Effect of Corporate Debt Maturity on Performance Volatility in Manufacturing Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2014-2018
- Huljannah, Mutia
- Implications of Using E-money and APMK on the Money Supply: The Case of Indonesia
- Husein, Farid
- Macroeconomic Shocks to Non-Oil and Gas Exports to ASEAN Countries Amid Global Uncertainty
- Husodo, Zaafri Ananto
- Twitter Sentiment on Mispricing in Indonesia Stock Market
- Husodo, Zaafri Ananto
- Liquidity Premium Foreign and Domestic Investor in Indonesian Stock Market
- Idris
- Analysis of the Impact of Labor, Governments Expenditure Per Capita, Be Literate (Education) and Life Expectancy (Health) on Human Development In Jambi Province
- Idris
- Migration Analysis of Labor Commuters in the City of Padang
- Idris
- Analysis of Health Causality, Participation of Work Force, Education and Economic Growth in Asean Countries