Proceedings of the 3rd Universitas Lampung International Conference on Social Sciences (ULICoSS 2022)
376 authors
- Abiezzart Marga H., M. D.
- Government Policy Design to Improve Taxpayer Compliance in Paying Local Taxes in Bandar Lampung
- Achmad, Deni
- Lampung Polda Effort in Management Spread of Hoax News Related to the Prevention and Transmission of the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Actiani, Thalatin
- The Implication of the Job Creation Law on Local Government Basic Service Affairs
- Adishakti, Gheandaru Ghifary
- The Implication of the Job Creation Law on Local Government Basic Service Affairs
- Adistya, Diang
- Shrimp Farming Business Ecology: Internet of People (IOP)-Based Digital Marketing
- Aditia, Dimas
- Educational Problems on Legundi Island in Pesawaran Regency, Lampung
- Adzan, Nabilla Kurnia
- Development of Dance Learning Media - Based on Interactive Video for Children with Special Needs
- Agustina, Wenti
- Potential Development of Village Tourism Industry Based on Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
- Agustina, Yenni
- Error Correction Model on Determinants of LQ-45 Index
- Agustino, Muhammad Farhan
- Dynamic Governance: Educational Transformation Through the Merdeka Belajar Policy “Sekolah Penggerak” in Lampung Province
- Ahmad, Aripin
- Development of Tanggamus Robusta Coffee (Socio-ecological Approach)
- Ahmad, Deni
- Law Enforcement of Corruption in the Misuse of Village Fund Allocations (Study in the Legal Area of the North Lampung Resort Police)
- Aida, Melly
- Ecocide in the International Law: Integration Between Environmental Rights and International Crime and Its Implementation in Indonesia
- Aini, Desy Churul
- Russia’s Conflict with Ukraine: In the Perspective of International Law and Its Influence on Indonesia’s Development Policy Strategy
- Akuan, Muhammad Reinaldi
- The Implication of the Job Creation Law on Local Government Basic Service Affairs
- Alfian, Muhammad Faizal
- Burden Sharing as the Effort in Bridging Locality and Internationalization: The Penetration of Kampung Batik Laweyan into Global Market
- Alfian, Muhammad Faizal
- Good Governance in International Relations: Integrity Management and Locality in Nasrafa Painting Fabric, Jebres, Solo
- Almira, Afiliani
- The Implication of the Job Creation Law on Local Government Basic Service Affairs
- Amalia, Riza
- Legal Protection of Online Loan Customers
- Amanah, Firma Pradesta
- Students’ Perspectives on Digital Communication in Online Learning During Covid-19
- Ambarwati, Dewi
- Strengthening Sustainable Economic Concept Through Village-Owned Enterprises
- Amelia, Yunia
- Analysis of the Impact of the Latest Use E-Form Policy for Individual Taxpayers (Experimental Study)
- Andi, Kiagus
- Rational Choice Theory as a Concept for Optimizing Financial Software Empowerment and Digital Marketing for MSMEs in Bandar Lampung City
- Andrian, Thomas
- Error Correction Model on Determinants of LQ-45 Index
- Andriani, Lis
- Post-purchase Experience During the Covid-19 Pandemic on Consumer Behavior in the New Normal Era
- Andrisman, Tri
- Implementation of Restorative Justice on Criminal Acts of Parent Abuse Against Birst Children
- Andriyanto, Weddie
- Analysis of the Impact of the Latest Use E-Form Policy for Individual Taxpayers (Experimental Study)
- Anggun, Hardini
- Analysis of Student’s Learning Style in Online Learning
- Anjar, Febra
- Utilizing Book Creator as a Digital Module to Improve Student Listening Skills in Elementary School
- Apriansyah, Yudi
- Significance of Independent Graduation for Beneficiary Families in Conditional Cash Transfers (CCT) Program in Indonesia
- Aprilianti
- Card Legal Review of Social Security Providing Agency Health (BPJS Kesehatan) is a Mandatory Requirement for Administration in Notarial Buying Agreement
- Ardhani, R Reynal
- The Role of Ppkn Students in Disseminating the Values of Nationalism Through Social Media in the Globalization Era
- Ariani, Nenny Dwi
- Legal Framework of Inventory Policy of Lampung Indigenous Culture as a Traditional Cultural Expression
- Arif, Suparman
- Pepper Diplomacy: Lampung International Network in the Bargaining Position of the Banten Sultanate
- Aryana, Reka
- Legitimacy and Directions of Student Movement in the Intervention of Hill Land Function Transfer in the City of Bandar Lampung
- Aryaningsih, Astuti
- Development of Problem Based Learning Modules on the Theme of My Country’s Richness to Improve Learners’ Writing Skills Grade 4 Elementary School
- Aryanti, Nina Yudha
- Communication Strategy Through SWOT Analysis as a Solution for the Sustainability of Beggars and Street Children in Bandarlampung City
- Ashaf, Abdul Firman
- Communication Strategy Through SWOT Analysis as a Solution for the Sustainability of Beggars and Street Children in Bandarlampung City
- Asmarawati, Dewi
- Ngediyo Performance: From Oral Literature at the Dance Show
- Asnani
- Coffee Farmer Assistance Intervention in Rural Development in West Lampung, Indonesia
- Asrori, Khozin
- Analysis of the Implementation of the Indonesian Migrant Family Guide Program
- Atika, Dewie Brima
- Analysis of the Implementation of Protection for Domestic Violence (KDRT) Victims in Indonesia
- BR, Aryan Danil Mirza.
- Fostering Harmony Between Religious People: Study on FKUB Bandar Lampung
- Barnawi, Erizal
- Application of the Constructivistic Method in the Lampung Bronze Music Course at the Music Education Study Program, University of Lampung
- Budiarty, Ida
- Spatial Autocorrelation and Convergence of GDRP Per Capita in Java and Kalimatan Island
- Budiono
- Strategic Model for Increasing the Effectiveness of Local Government’s Legal Development in the Establishment of Local Regulations Based on Community Needs
- Cemerlang, Aisyah Muda
- Lampung Polda Effort in Management Spread of Hoax News Related to the Prevention and Transmission of the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Cemerlang, Aisyah Muda
- Implementation of Restorative Justice on Criminal Acts of Parent Abuse Against Birst Children
- Chairunnisa, Siti Maharani
- Analysis of Student Intentions in Using Islamic Bank Products
- Ciptawaty, Ukhti
- Causal Modelling of Economic Growth: A Review of Four Key Variables Using SAS
- Ciptawaty, Ukhti
- Error Correction Model on Determinants of LQ-45 Index
- Damayanti, Khairunnisa Andini
- Burden Sharing as the Effort in Bridging Locality and Internationalization: The Penetration of Kampung Batik Laweyan into Global Market
- Damayanti, Khairunnisa Andini
- Good Governance in International Relations: Integrity Management and Locality in Nasrafa Painting Fabric, Jebres, Solo
- Davey, Orima
- Ecocide in the International Law: Integration Between Environmental Rights and International Crime and Its Implementation in Indonesia
- Davey, Orima Melati
- Toward the Legal Aspect on Developing Academics Intellectual Property Rights in University
- Destiani
- Utilizing Book Creator as a Digital Module to Improve Student Listening Skills in Elementary School
- Drajat, Denden Kurnia
- Potential Development of Village Tourism Industry Based on Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
- Dwijono, Aman Toto
- Achievement of Development Performance in Central Lampung Regency in Achieving the Target of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Efendi, Ahmad
- Shrimp Farming Business Ecology: Internet of People (IOP)-Based Digital Marketing
- Efendi, Ujang
- Reinforcement on Students’ Scientific Literacy: Development of Worksheet Based Lynk
- Efkar, Tasviri
- Development of an Android-Based Color Detector for Chemistry Experiment in the Classroom
- Eka Putri A.T., Marlia
- Government Policy Design to Improve Taxpayer Compliance in Paying Local Taxes in Bandar Lampung
- Ekwandari, Yustina Sri
- The Plantation in Lampongsche District in the XIX–XX Century
- Ekwandari, Yustina Sri
- Initial Requirements for Android Based History Learning Media Development in Australian and Oceania History Courses to Support Distance Learning
- Emalia, Zulfa
- Spatial Autocorrelation and Convergence of GDRP Per Capita in Java and Kalimatan Island
- Evendia, Malicia
- The Implication of the Job Creation Law on Local Government Basic Service Affairs
- Evendia, Malicia
- Construction of Regional Law in the Development of Village-Owned Enterprises Based on Reinventing Government
- Evendia, Malicia
- Retrospecting the Legal Implications of Omnibus Law on Job Creation to the Decentralization
- Fardiyan, A. Rudy
- Service Performance Analysis of Halal Tourism Based on CHSE Protocol in New Normal Era in Lampung Province
- Farid, Muhammad
- Regulatory Mechanism for Enforcement of Sanctions for Criminal Offenses for Children Under the Age
- Febrianto, Dita
- The Effectiveness of Mediation as an Alternative of Civil Dispute Settlement
- Febrianto, Dita
- The Implication of the Job Creation Law on Local Government Basic Service Affairs
- Fihartini, Yuniarti
- Post-purchase Experience During the Covid-19 Pandemic on Consumer Behavior in the New Normal Era
- Firmansyah, Ade Arif
- The Implication of the Job Creation Law on Local Government Basic Service Affairs
- Firmansyah, Ade Arif
- Retrospecting the Legal Implications of Omnibus Law on Job Creation to the Decentralization
- Firmansyah, Hendri
- Didactic Value in the Tradition of Excise as a Lampung Folklor Inventory Strategy
- Fitriadi
- Developing Problem-Based Learning Models to Build Critical Thinking Skills for Grade Five Students of Elementary School
- Frimayanti, Ade Imelda
- Fostering Harmony Between Religious People: Study on FKUB Bandar Lampung
- Ginting, Davin Nael Alexander
- Tourism Potential of Water Catchment Areas Against Work Force Absorption in Bandar Lampung City
- Gunawan, Andre
- The Implication of the Job Creation Law on Local Government Basic Service Affairs
- Gurmilang, M. Shafa Abighail
- The Implication of the Job Creation Law on Local Government Basic Service Affairs
- Gustiana, Rozi
- Teachers’ and Students’ Perception Toward Competency of Undergraduate Medical Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Gustiara, Nisa
- The Implication of the Job Creation Law on Local Government Basic Service Affairs
- Haerudin, Nandi
- Needs Analysis of Disaster Mitigation Learning Design Based on Information Literacy in Efforts to Increase Disaster Self-awareness of Early Childhood
- Halim, Abdul
- The Role of Ppkn Students in Disseminating the Values of Nationalism Through Social Media in the Globalization Era
- Hamidah, Siti
- Strengthening Sustainable Economic Concept Through Village-Owned Enterprises
- Hariri, Hasan
- Development of Management Information System and Web-Based Village Education Center in East Lampung
- Harori, Iqbal
- Shrimp Farming Business Ecology: Internet of People (IOP)-Based Digital Marketing
- Hartawan, Diaz Muh
- The Implication of the Job Creation Law on Local Government Basic Service Affairs
- Haryono, Dwi
- Impact of Covid 19 Towards the Sustanaibility of Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Bandar Lampung City
- Hasnunidah, Neni
- Senior High School Students’ Argumentation Skills: Implementation of the Scientific Approach at Different Levels of Accreditation
- Hasnunidah, Neni
- Developing a Project-Argumentative Learning Model with Blended Learning Approach for Junior High School Students
- Hasyimkan
- Relationships of Laya Civilization, South Sumatra with Gamolan Lampung
- Hendrawaty, Ernie
- Development of Tanggamus Robusta Coffee (Socio-ecological Approach)
- Heriyanto
- Speaking Learning Based on Local Cultural Wisdom
- Hernanda, Agung Hero
- Application of the Constructivistic Method in the Lampung Bronze Music Course at the Music Education Study Program, University of Lampung
- Hernanda, Agung Hero
- Relationships of Laya Civilization, South Sumatra with Gamolan Lampung
- Herpratiwi
- Developing Problem-Based Learning Models to Build Critical Thinking Skills for Grade Five Students of Elementary School
- Hidayati, Dewi Ayu
- Coffee Farmer Assistance Intervention in Rural Development in West Lampung, Indonesia
- Hilal, Iqbal
- Didactic Value in the Tradition of Excise as a Lampung Folklor Inventory Strategy