Proceedings of the 1st UMGESHIC International Seminar on Health, Social Science and Humanities (UMGESHIC-ISHSSH 2020)

384 authors
Hasibuan, Batara Mulia
Legal Subject Interpretation of Law Number 18 of 2013 Concerning the Prevention and Eradication of Forest Destruction
Hendra, Edwin
The Effect of Book-Tax Conformity, Investment Opportunity Set, and Audit Quality on Earnings Response Coefficient
Modification of the PJBL Learning Model to Become HBL as an Alternative to Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Science Subjects for Grade 3 Elementary School at Indonesian Nature School Cibinong
Herawati, Erni
Regulation of Private Land Banking During the Agrarian Reform in Indonesia
Herman, T
Problem-solving Abilities Through Integrated Learning Nested Models in Terms of the Initial Abilities of the Pre-service Elementary School Teacher
Comparison of Agricultural Mantra From the West Sakerta Kuningan With Agriculture Mantra Sri Baduga Museum Collection Bandung
Analysis of Andragogy Theory and Practice
Hidayat, Aang
Analysis of Constructivism Learning Theory
Hidayatullah, Kholid
The Utilization of Village-Based Participation in Community Empowerment in East Lampung District
Hidayatullah, Kholid
The Role of Roudlotur Ridwan Islamic Boarding School in Empowerment of Islamic Communities Through Life Skills in the Child Social Welfare Institution (CSWI) Program in East Lampung District
Hidayatullah, Kholid
Curative Da’wah and the Implication Towards the Changes of Convict Religious Conduct in Penitentiary Class I Bandar Lampung
Huda, Choirul
Determining Factors in the Development of Religious Tourism Destination Marketing Strategy (A Case Study in Greater Malang)
Huda, Choirul
Perceptions of Satisfaction That Motivate Tourists to Visit Religious Tourism Destinations During COVID-19 Pandemic
Hutagalung, A S
Regulation of Private Land Banking During the Agrarian Reform in Indonesia
Imansyah, Haifa
Campaigning Environmental Conservation During the Pandemic: A Social Media Reception Analysis
Inayah, Zufra
Mine Workers’ Psychology
Indriyani, Diyan
Community Empowerment Through Independent Family Health Evaluation (IFHE)-based Healthy Villages
Insani, Taqiyah Dinda
Asian Zakat Management Organization (ZMO) Productivity Analysis: Evidence in Indonesia
Irawati, S
Sustaining Local Culture Through Development Model of Realistic Culture of Madura (RE-MADU)
Irman, Ode
Psychological Conditions of Medical Personnel in Facing the Pandemic of Covid 19: Systematic Review
Iskandar, Emelinny
Implementation of Andragogy Theory in Arabic Learning Class XII at Islamic Senior High School Azzhahiriyah
Iskandar, Hardian
The Force Majeure Clause Amid New Normal Covid 19
Ismanto, Hadi
Business Sustainability of Local Consumption Products in Village Owned Enterprises from Gresik Regency, Indonesia
The Role of Roudlotur Ridwan Islamic Boarding School in Empowerment of Islamic Communities Through Life Skills in the Child Social Welfare Institution (CSWI) Program in East Lampung District
Kariko, A A T
In the Loop of Meaning Making: Exploring the Impacts of Drama Strategies to Students’ Reading Comprehension
Karim, Edwin
Community Communication Network in Preserving Culture: A Case Study in Betawi Setu Babakan Cultural Village
Modification of the PJBL Learning Model to Become HBL as an Alternative to Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Science Subjects for Grade 3 Elementary School at Indonesian Nature School Cibinong
Analysis of Behaviorism Learning Theory, STEM Learning Model and Gamification
Keumalasari, Rosyidah
Influence of Ability, Experience, and Independence of Investigative Auditors on Effectiveness Implementation of Audit Procedures to Uncover Fraud
Keytimu, Yosephina Maria Hawa
Psychological Conditions of Medical Personnel in Facing the Pandemic of Covid 19: Systematic Review
Khairani, Ani
Study of Aggressive Behavior Teenager in Bogor
The Effect of Authentic Problem – Based Learning in Enhancing Reading Comprehension
Khoirunnisa, FN
Influence of Environmental Setting on Maternal Comfort and Satisfaction
The Utilization of Village-Based Participation in Community Empowerment in East Lampung District
The Empowerment Model for the Poor Based on Spiritual Skills and Life Skills in Productive Age of the Youth at Rumah Gemilang Indonesia
The Role of Roudlotur Ridwan Islamic Boarding School in Empowerment of Islamic Communities Through Life Skills in the Child Social Welfare Institution (CSWI) Program in East Lampung District
Curative Da’wah and the Implication Towards the Changes of Convict Religious Conduct in Penitentiary Class I Bandar Lampung
The Empowerment Model for the Poor Based on Spiritual Skills and Life Skills in Productive Age of the Youth at Rumah Gemilang Indonesia
Kholis, Nur
Woman’s Representation and Shifting Value in Koplo Dangdut Song
Kirono, Indro
Bridging Supply Chain Concept in Healthcare Services
Komara, Beni Dwi
Implementation of Theory Z William Ouchi in Pesantrenprenur: Study on Organizational Culture
Komara, Beni Dwi
Tourism Village Development Strategy to Increasing Tourist Visits
Komara, Beni Dwi
Village Community Business in Maintaining Traditional Food “Opak Ladu” Based in Creative Economics
Krisnawati, W
Overview of the Oportunistic Claiming Credit Card: Consumer Versus Company
Kurniasari, Lilis
Customers’ Satisfaction and Preferences Using Sentiment Analysis on Traveloka: The Case of Yogyakarta Special Region Hotels
Kurniasih, Eka
Theory and Practice of the Constructivism Approach in Learning in Smart Exelensia SMP in the Pandemic Era
Kurniawan, Aries
Implementation of Theory Z William Ouchi in Pesantrenprenur: Study on Organizational Culture
Kurniawan, Aries
Tourism Village Development Strategy to Increasing Tourist Visits
Kurniawan, Aries
Village Community Business in Maintaining Traditional Food “Opak Ladu” Based in Creative Economics
Kurniawati, Reni
Analysis of Behaviorism Learning Theory, STEM Learning Model and Gamification
Kusuma, Nur Makkie Perdana
Analysis of Women Participation in Improving Family Income in Sade Lombok Tourism Village
The Role of Sensing Capability in Enhancing Small Business Performance
Lee, J
Ways with Words: Exploring Children Author’s Voices in Indonesia’s Children Book Series (KKPK)
Lestari, L
Influence of Environmental Setting on Maternal Comfort and Satisfaction
Lestari, Mega Dewi
The Influence of Ring Cards on the Knowledge and Attitude of Mother With Toddler 0-24 Month in the Prevention of Stunting
Lestarini, R
Regulation of Private Land Banking During the Agrarian Reform in Indonesia
Linarsih, Y
The Form of Culture in Parébhâsan (a Genre of Oral Literature) Madura
Linarsih, Yanti
A Case Study on Indonesia EFL Learners Acquisition of Inflectional Morpheme –S in the Third Person Singular Present
Luke, JY
VBL Implementation of Flipped Learning at Binus University: Failures Experienced by Students
Lukiyanto, Kukuh
Determining Factors in the Development of Religious Tourism Destination Marketing Strategy (A Case Study in Greater Malang)
Lukiyanto, Kukuh
Perceptions of Satisfaction That Motivate Tourists to Visit Religious Tourism Destinations During COVID-19 Pandemic
Maghfiroh, Laily
Village Community Business in Maintaining Traditional Food “Opak Ladu” Based in Creative Economics
Maharani, Astrid
Community Empowerment Through Independent Family Health Evaluation (IFHE)-based Healthy Villages
Manurung, Adler Haymans
The Effect of Charismatic Leadership on the Sustainability of Tourism Destination with Entrepreneurship Orientation and Community Empowerment as a Mediator
Manurung, Catarina.
The Improvement of Understanding and Tolerant Attitude of Bina Nusantara University Students Through Character Education
Many, Nirmala
Marine Casualty Caused by Ever Judger in Balikpapan Bay: Human Error or Technical Factors?
Mardhiyah, Dien
Rural Tourism Sustainable Business Performance: Dynamic Capability Perspective
Maryati, Sri
The Influence of Posyandu Cadre Training on Knowledge and Attitudes in Efforts to Prevent Stunting in Karawang
Masduki, Damayanti
Community Communication Network in Preserving Culture: A Case Study in Betawi Setu Babakan Cultural Village
Masrukhin, A
Relationship Between PPKN Subjects and Increasing the Spirit of Nationalism of Indonesian Students in Saudi Arabia
Masrukhin, A
Construction of Indonesian Values in the Culture of Indonesian Student Education in Makkah
Masrukhin, A
Strengthening the Character of the Nation of NU Students Through PPKN Learning at International Indonesian Schools
Masrukhin, Agus
Nationalism Education Based on International Indonesian Schools
Maulana, Irfan
Analysis of Constructivism Learning Theory
Mawardi, Imron
Efficiency Analysis of Islamic Microfinance Institutions: Case of East Java
Ma’mun, Sukron
The Improvement of Understanding and Tolerant Attitude of Bina Nusantara University Students Through Character Education
Meilani, Irwina
Analysis of Women Participation in Improving Family Income in Sade Lombok Tourism Village
Meiranny, A
Influence of Environmental Setting on Maternal Comfort and Satisfaction
Mudlikah, Siti
Internal and External Factors That Influence Development of Childrens Independence
Muhammad, Ribeh Najb
Lecturers’ Resistance to Implementing Distance Learning
A Corpus-Based Model for Successful Computer Science Research Rhetoric
Mukmin, Hasan
Curative Da’wah and the Implication Towards the Changes of Convict Religious Conduct in Penitentiary Class I Bandar Lampung
Mulyani, Endah
Internal and External Factors That Influence Development of Childrens Independence
Munaf, Yusri
The Effectiveness of the Implementation on Parate Execution of Mortgage Right as Alternative in Resolving Problematic Loans at Banking Institutions in Pekanbaru
Internal and External Factors That Influence Development of Childrens Independence
Murad, Suryani
Retailer’s Strategy in Reshaping Consumers’ Satisfaction and Wellbeing During a Pandemic
Mursitama, Tirta Nugraha
The Role of Sensing Capability in Enhancing Small Business Performance
Critical Review of Social Safety Net in COVID Era Based on Maqashid Sharia Framework: Indonesia Case
Nagara, Aurellia Cintana Satya
Creativity Enhancement of Studio Workspace by Using Sensory-Based Ambience-Maker in 24 Slides Office Relaxation Room
Legal Protection for Child Victims of Violence in Primary School in Palembang City
Nasor, M.
Curative Da’wah and the Implication Towards the Changes of Convict Religious Conduct in Penitentiary Class I Bandar Lampung
Natakusumah, Junadhitya KP
Analysis of the Effect of Third Party Funds, Capital Adequacy Ratio, Non Performing Financing, Operational Expenses and Operational Income (BOPO) on the Profitability of Sharia Banks (Evidence from Indonesia)
Nathania, Lila
Campaigning Environmental Conservation During the Pandemic: A Social Media Reception Analysis
Nazalatus, Evha
A Case Study on Indonesia EFL Learners Acquisition of Inflectional Morpheme –S in the Third Person Singular Present
Nelista, Yosefina
Psychological Conditions of Medical Personnel in Facing the Pandemic of Covid 19: Systematic Review
Ningrum, NP
Determinant Factors Affecting Influencing Eligible Women with the Selection of Contraceptive Intrauterine Devices (IUDs)
Ningsih, Sri
Efficiency Analysis of Islamic Microfinance Institutions: Case of East Java
Novianti, Vera
Legal Protection for Child Victims of Violence in Primary School in Palembang City
Noviarita, Heni
The Utilization of Village-Based Participation in Community Empowerment in East Lampung District
Nur, Triasesiarta
The Day of the Week Effect in Return of the Five Cryptocurrencies Market