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188759 articles

Impact of the Integration of OERs on Learning Outcomes: Case of Engineering Students in Morocco

F. Z. Alami Talbi
This paper attempts to assess the impact of integrating Open Educational Resources (OERs) on the learning outcomes of the finance course taught to students of a Moroccan engineering school. For that purpose, an event methodology is used to compare students’ learning outcomes before the use of OERs (i.e.,...

The Fınancıal Performance of Telecommunıcatıons Companıes Jakarta Islamıc Index Before and Durıng the Covid-19 Pandemıc

Ahmad Zuliansyah, Nur Wahyu Ningsih, Ahmad Habibi, Destin Fitria Anjayani
Since the outbreak of the covid-19 virus that was first discovered in Wuhan in China in 2019. Forcing people to do all activities at home. Moreover, large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) were imposed until the implementation of community activity restrictions (PPKM) caused almost all community activities...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Cylinder Type I-65° Staggered Upstream Convex Blade on the Aerodynamic Performance of the Savonius Turbine

Gunawan Sakti, Triyogi Yuwono, Wawan Aries Widodo
The Savonius turbine has advantages, including a simple design, unfettered incoming wind direction, can spin at low wind speeds, and start rotation without additional equipment. However, this turbine design has low efficiency, so many researchers have tried to improve it. The primary research in this...
Proceedings Article

Modeling and Optimization of Location Selection of Fuel Terminal Considering Vessels and Pipeline Operations

F. Qudsi, R. T. Cahyono, N. F. Sa’idah
This study discusses mathematical modeling using the mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) technique for selecting the optimal fuel terminal location which considers not only aspects of ship and pipeline transportation, but also marine technical aspects. In addition, coverage days are also included...

The Role of Regiocentric Small Medium Business Advantage in Increasing Regional Revenue of Brebes Regency

Ahmad Hanfan, Sari Wiyanti, Gunistyo, Mahben Jalil, Niken Wahyu, Arif Zainudin, Siti Hartinah
This study investigates regiocentric SMEs and the impact of their products on Brebes Regency’s regional revenue. The outcomes of this investigation were evaluated utilizing the AMOS 22 analytic software and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The theoretical implication of this study is that product...

Establishing Elections With Integrity In Indonesia: Purposes, Problems, and Solutions

Firman Noor, Lina Marlina
The General Election, a cornerstone of any democratic system, plays a pivotal role in nations across the spectrum of development. Serving as the mechanism to select leaders, elections also serve as a tangible arena for the expression of political engagement, the exercise of political rights, and the...

The Effect of the Usage of Interactive Multimedia on the Students’ Concept Mastery and Critical Thinking Skill

I Ketut Suja, I Gusti Agung Sadnyana Putra, Ni Luh Eka Armoni, Ni Luh Ayu Kartika Yuniastari Sarja
This study aims to determine the influence of the use of interactive multimedia on the mastery of concepts and critical thinking skills of students in courses. Some of the most important findings expected in this study are (1) the influence of this model can improve students’ learning competence in the...

Tracking and Safety Control for Car-Trailer System with Optimization

Boshen Yang, Tianyi Zhang
This Study aims to develop an automatic car-trailer system tracking and safety control model and optimize every parameter related to improve traffic safety. The authors proposed a car-trailer system tracking and safe control model. Kinetics, dynamics, and simulation code are established for both tractor...

Social Mechanisms of Influence on the Sociocultural Practices of Migrants

E. V. Chumak, D. N. Yadransky
The article deals with the issue of sociocultural distance arising between migrants and the sociocultural the environment of the host city. It has been found that at the present there is a negative tendency connected with incorporation of migrants from the urban environment into ethnic communities where...
Proceedings Article

Factor Influencing Consumer’s Purchase Intention on E-Commerce in Indonesia During Pandemic Covid-19 Based on Gender Moderation

Riski Arifin, Andriansyah, Rizki Agam Syahputra, Awal Aflizal Zubir
The development of a new technology shifts conventional shopping behaviours from offline shopping to online shopping. The rise of e-commerce market and effect of the COVID-19 pandemic accelerate an expansion of e-commerce integration, this condition provided customers with access to variety of product...


N. Shivasankaran, P. Senthil Kumar, G. Nallakumarasamy, K. Venkatesh Raja
Pages: 223 - 233
Scheduling problems are generally treated as NP – complete combinatorial optimization problems which is a multi-objective and multi constraint one. Repair shop Job sequencing and operator allocation is one such NP – complete problem. For such problems, an efficient technique is required that...

Searching for CAC-maps

Jarmo Hietarinta
Pages: 223 - 230
For two-dimensional lattice equations the standard definition of integrability is that it should be possible to extend the map consistently to three dimensions, i.e., that it is "consistent around a cube" (CAC). Recently Adler, Bobenko and Suris conducted a search based on this principle, together with...

Applications of Nambu Mechanics to Systems of Hydrodynamical Type II

Partha Guha
Pages: 223 - 232
In this paper we further investigate some applications of Nambu mechanics in hydrdynamical systems. Using the Euler equations for a rotating rigid body Névir and Blender [J. Phys. A 26 (1993), L1189­L1193] had demonstrated the connection btween Nambu mechanics and noncanonical Hamiltonian mechanics....

Lax Matrices for Yang-Baxter Maps

Yuri B. Suris, Alexander P. Veselov
Pages: 223 - 230
It is shown that for a certain class of Yang-Baxter maps (or set-theoretical solutions to the quantum Yang-Baxter equation) the Lax representation can be derived straight from the map itself. A similar phenomenon for 3D consistent equations on quagraphs has been recently discovered by A. Bobenko and...

Computational intelligence and soft computing: some thoughts on already explored and not yet explored paths

Janusz Kacprzyk
Pages: 223 - 236
We comment upon the very essence, roots, potentials, and applicability of computational intelligence and soft computing. We followed a different path than those traditionally employed, and which are so well and in a deep and comprehensive way documented in other papers in this special issue. First, we...

A New Approach for Contingency Determination in a Portfolio of Construction Projects

Payam Bakhshi, Ali Touran
Pages: 223 - 232
In this paper, a new approach for contingency determination in a portfolio of construction projects is proposed. The model proposed helps an agency find the level of confidence needed for individual projects to ensure that the portfolio budget will meet the minimum level of confidence based on available...
Proceedings Article

Visual Thinking Profile of Deaf Students in Calculation

The purpose of this study was to obtain a visual thinking profile of deaf students in counting. The research method used is qualitative research. The research subjects were students of SLBN Karangrejo Wungu Madiun. Data were collected through a task-based interviews in a semi-structured manner. Time...

An Approach for Evolving Transformation Sequences Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithms

Ahmed Maghawry, Mohamed Kholief, Yasser Omar, Rania Hodhod
Pages: 223 - 233
The digital transformation revolution has been crawling toward almost all aspects of our lives. One form of the digital transformation revolution appears in the transformation of our routine everyday tasks into computer executable programs in the form of web, desktop and mobile applications. The vast...

Election of State Officials with Suspect Criminal Offense Status in Progressive Legal Perspective

Bayu Dwiwiddy Jatmiko
Legislative policies in the form of legislation in the Reformation Era, on the one hand, must formally contain ethical and moral values, but on the other hand, legislative policies sometimes seem to ignore ethical and moral values. This can be seen from the absence of strict rules governing whether or...

The Practice of Mekubari (Watchfulness) and Kikubari (Attentiveness) in Japanese Companies Communication

Dina Dwi Astartia
Japanese are known to have a very unique work culture. One of the characteristics of Japanese work culture is detail oriented, paying attention even to small things and details. This study aims to clarify how the practice of Mekubari (Watchfulness) and Kikubari (Attentiveness) between superiors to subordinates...

On the Symbolism of the Natural Objects in Tess of the d’Urbervilles

Chunxiao YUE
Tess of the d’Urbervilles is British writer Thomas Hardy’s most renowned novel and his sophisticated attempt on the technique of symbolism. This rural novel has been hailed as a masterpiece, symbolizing Hardy as a giant who achieved the clever combination of critical realism and symbolism. This article...
Proceedings Article

Economic Valuation of Agricultural Land Resources

The Multifunctional Benefit Value Approach of Agricultural Land in the Karangsambung-Karangbolong Geopark Area

Rika Harini, Bowo Susilo, Evita Hanie Pangaribowo, Rina Dwi Ariani
The strategic role of agricultural land faces serious challenges, including the conversion of agricultural land. Agricultural land conversion is related to people’s understanding of multifunctional value concept of agricultural land including economic and environmental value. Agricultural land is considered...

A Prototype of a Constructivist Application for Online Evaluation in Learning Music

Puput Irfansyah, Erlando Doni Sirait, Aan Risdiana
The problem that often occurs in learning music is its assessment and evaluation. This becomes a subjective task for advisors and students in receiving the evaluation results transparently so that it needs a more efficient, transparent, and easy-to-manage mechanism. By utilizing the knowledge management...

The Social Context and Influence of Yamada Yoji’s Films

Qin Wang
Director Yoji Yamada began to direct films in the 1960s. He filmed the series “It’s Tough Being a Man” – starring Kiyoshi Atsumi as “Tora-san”, a kind-hearted vagabond who is always unlucky in love. The series itself is often referred to as “Tora-san” by its fans. Spanning 48 installments released between...

The Grasshopper+Rhino for 3D Modelling in Indonesian’s Education of Biomimetic Architecture

Riri Chairiyah, Aprodita Emma Yetti, Indah Pujiyanti
In the past, humans used nature as building inspiration. Natural inspiration is translated into buildings through a trial and error process that is practically in the field to find the ideal shape that suits the natural conditions. Currently, the use of natural inspiration as an idea for the form of...

The Legal Certainty of Determining State Financial Losses in BUMN

Warkhatun Najidah, I Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi Handayani, Riawan Tjandra
Since outside parties may audit BUMN’s segregated state assets on behalf of BPK and public accountants chosen at the general meeting of shareholders (GMS), State Financial Audit Standards (SPKN) are crucial. Apart from being bound by the SOE Law, State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) are additionally subject...

Social Conflict in a Collection of Short Stories Mata Yang Enak Dipandang by Ahmad Tohari (Study of Literature Sociology)

Reni Oktavia, Yasnur Asri
This study aims to describe the forms of social conflict, the causes of the emergence of social conflicts, and the forms of social conflict resolution contained in the collection of short stories Mata Yang Enak Dipandang by Ahmad Tohari. This type of research is a qualitative research using descriptive...

The Implementation of Limited Direct Learning Method in Madrasah to Support Students’ Literacy

Andarusni Alfansyur, Muhammad R. Hadiyan
After being implemented for more than one year due to the pandemic, educational institutions in Indonesia could switch online learning to the hybrid learning method. The implementation of this transitional learning mode would face several challenges, especially for Islamic boarding schools. This study...

Visual Culture: Reading Digital Collage Art

Zaitun Y. A. Kherid, Zakarias S. Soeteja, Juju Masunah
This article intends to share knowledge in reading digital collage art works from the point of view of visual culture. Digital collage art is created by combining virtual images from multiple sources into a new work of art. For researchers and art education, this article can expand its meaning by reading...
Proceedings Article

Fertilizer placement in circle weeding vs. in interrow: which one is better for oil palm?

Iput Pradiko, Eko N. Ginting, Sumaryanto, Arsyad D. Koedadiri, Nuzul H. Darlan, Rizki D. P. Pane, Fadilla Sapalina
Oil palm fertilizers are located in circle weeding because it is usually “cleaner” than interrow. However, many planters assumed that this method is inadequate. This is because the density of feeding roots, which play an essential role in nutrient absorption, continues to decrease due to intensive fertilizer...
Proceedings Article

A Cross-Chain Scheme Combining Notary with Linkable Ring Signature and Hash Time Lock Contract

Yukun Zheng, Yahui Guo, Yinyan Dou, Yuanzhe Liu, Zhiming Cai
Cross-chain technology is essential for achieving blockchain scalability and interoperability. This paper presents a cross-chain scheme combining notary with linkable ring signatures and the hash time lock contract. The scheme uses linkable ring signatures to act in the notary election process, which...
Proceedings Article

Identification of Adolescent Needs in Sex Education

Ema Waliyanti, Rusdi Halim
Background: Lack of reproductive health education and sexual knowledge impacts the increasing number of sexual violence cases. From 2000–2018, in 161 countries and territories worldwide, nearly 30% of women were victims of sexual violence. Specifically, one of the sexual deviation behaviors is premarital...

Developing Multimedia Tutorial in Vocational High School Teacher Training

Yerry Soepriyanto, Fikri Aulia, Sulthoni, Sri Juniarti Utami
The purpose of community service activities is to provide training for teachers in vocational high schools to develop multimedia tutorials independently. In accordance with the findings of the needs analysis, it is rare for teachers to be trained to develop interactive multimedia tutorial software Implementation...

Buddhism and Political Rule Rethinking on Ashoka’s Attempt to Reshape India

Hang Jin
In the 3rd century BC, facing the problems of caste system caused by Brahmanism, emperor Ashoka who was the most famous ruler of ancient India tried to use Buddhism and tolerance to reshape Indian society. However, his attempt failed because of fragile politics and immature agricultural economic, thus...

Common Wish and Continuation: A Study on the Protection and Activation of Ancient Dwellings in the Context of Rural Revitalization—Taking Tongxingli, Tantian Village, Zhejiang Province as an example

Lingling Chen, Jinglin Dong, Hua Wang, Bo Wang
As an important part of cultural heritage, cultural relics are non renewable resource. Protecting and utilizing these precious historical and cultural heritage is of great significance for inheriting and promoting the excellent cultural traditions of the nation and promoting the construction of socialist...

The impact of regional integration on inter-governmental tax competition- An empirical analysis based on the expansion of the Yangtze River Delta

Mengyuan Zhou
Based on the panel data of cities in East China from 2005 to 2021 and from the perspective of gradual expansion of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomerations, this paper constructs a differentially differential model to empiricly study the impact of regional integration on tax competition among local...

Organizational Reputation Management in Response to Social Issues

Xiaoxin Xiong, Xiaoyu Li, Chenyang Cui, Xuan Yin, Zhuoma Lazong
In today’s complex and interconnected world, organizations face a multitude of social issues that can impact their reputation and relationships with stakeholders. This paper explores how organizations can effectively respond to social issues to safeguard their reputation and enhance their relationships...
Proceedings Article

Modeling the Characteristics of an Electric Propulsion System for a Small Vehicle

Alexandru-Adrian Ancuța, Ștefan Voloacă, Grigore Danciu, Gheorghe Frățilă
The paper propose the modeling and simulate the characteristics of an electric propulsion system that equips a small vehicle that can be used in crowded areas of the cityes in order to reduce the pollution and for this we will use the parameters of Renault ZOE model. Also, in the first part, the paper...

Swear Words as a Cultural Construct: How the F-Word is Not an F-Word

Thalia Qaulan Tsaqiila, Kamaludin Yusra
The relationship between language and culture has long been an interesting object of study in the field of sociolinguistics. On one hand, culture is said to be shaped by language. On the other hand, language is stated to be constructed by culture. According to Sapir (1921), as a capability that man acquires...

Democratic Participation of Blitar Regency Citizens Perception and Motivation of Blitar Regency Voters in 2020 Regional Head Election

Minto Santoso
Democratic participation is a must and an important part for every citizen as the holder of sovereignty of a republic. The high level of democratic participation shows that the community is sensitive to any existing political problems and has a desire to be involved in decision making. The high participation...

Research on the System Technology and Integration Path of Smart Education

Yongming Hong
Smart education is the product of the integration of technology and education, and is a new form of education in the context of the internet of everything. Taking educational technology as theoretical basis, on the basis of analysing the definitions and functions of smart education, education and technology,...

Challenges of Indonesia Digitalization Government in Disruptive Era

Nita Aribah Hanif, Muhammad Eko Atmojo, Faizatur Rochmah, Muhammad Lukman Hakim, Silviana Wahyu Nur Cahyani  Putri
This research is aimed at examining the challenges faced by the Government of Indonesia to digitizing government and public services in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The data source for this research comes from secondary data taken from official government...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Network Fraud and Network Security Awareness: The Mediation Role of Network Social Self-efficacy

Shaohong Chen, Yanping Yang, Lingling Dai
This To explore how college students’ awareness of network security affects the possibility of network fraud, and the mechanism of network social self-efficacy. A survey was conducted among 387 college students using the College Students’ Network Fraud Scale, the Network Security Awareness Scale and...

Legal Protection of Song Copyright Works from Music Covers on Youtube with Fair Use Principles

Melisa Kusherawati, C. S. A. Teddy Lesmana
The music trend of cover versions, remakes, cover songs, revivals, or simply called covers is a new recording or performance of a song that has previously been released commercially. Video of music covers is currently rampant on Youtube social media. This is inseparable from the moral and economic benefits...

Investigation Process of Child Suspect in Narcotics Crime in the National Narcotics Agency (Bnn) Central Java Province

The National Narcotics Agency is tasked with coordinating the formulation of policies and implementation in the field of availability, prevention and eradication of abuse and illicit trafficking of narcotics, psychotropics, precursors and other addictive substances. The purpose of this study is as follows:...

Preparing Public Administration Graduates: Enhancing Public Speaking Competence

Dian Rahma Santoso, Sri Rachmajanti, Johannes Ananto Prayogo, Lailul Mursyidah, Jalilova Lola Jalilovna
This study aimed to explore the needs of Public Administration students in relation to public speaking competence and to prepare them for future job performance. Data were collected through Focus Group Discussions (FGD) and semi-structured interviews with sixth-semester students of the PA Study Program....
Proceedings Article

Research on the Relationship Between Government Subsidies, Innovation Investment Intensity and Enterprise Value of Military Companies

Wei Wang, Yabo Tao
Based on the panel data of listed companies in the Military-civilian integration board of Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges from 2015 to 2019, this paper uses entropy weight method to optimize indicators and constructs a new enterprise value comprehensive evaluation index. From the perspective of...

Analysis of Chinese Animation Movies and Its Impact on Cultural Identity

Yuan Wei, Vimala Perumal, Roopesh Sitharan
In this era of globalization and rapidly evolving technologies, the Chinese animation industry is facing profound cultural anxiety in its development. The impact of this rapid development of Japanese and American animation has threatened the very core of its national cultural identity and the Chinese...

Visual Communication Elements and Meaning of Hatten Wines Bali Label

Made Arini Hanindharputri, I Wayan Mudra, Ni Putu Emilika Budi Lestari, A. A. Sagung Intan Pradnyanita
Hatten Wines is a wine producer based in Bali and is also one of the pioneers in the wine industry in the Asian region. Hatten Wines’s label is unique in terms of visuals, making it interesting to study. In addition, research on wine labels in Bali has never been studied in depth with a visual communication...

Environmental Uncertainty, Financial Investment and Corporate Innovation

Jiamin Lei, Rong Men
Innovation is the core driving force for national development. However, with the increasingly prominent issue of corporate financialization in recent years, especially after the US financial crisis, the corporate innovation system is more open than universities and research institutions and more sensitive...