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188734 articles

The Present Situation and Development Trend of China’s Sports Industry Policy Research in Recent Years

Based on Content Analysis of CSSCI Source Journal of Sports Science

Ze Zhang, Wei Li
By using the content analysis method and selecting the CSSCI source journals of sports science from 2010 to 2016, the relevant literature on sports industry policy is counted and analyzed by computer. The data results show that sports CSSCI-source journals pay more attention to sports industry policy...

The Construction of Double Network Simulation Training System for College Students Based on Cloud Platform

Hua Xie
In order to promote the innovation and entrepreneurship reform of college students in national construction, this paper designs college students’ double-innovation training system based on cloud learning platform and realizes the development of related application platforms. The system adopts java technology...
Proceedings Article

Internet Marketing Applications for Green Products: Based on Regulatory Focus Theory

Yihui Qu
The rapid development of the Internet has made “Internet marketing” a popular marketing method for various enterprises. In order to better promote green products through internet marketing, this paper empirically examines the effect of regulatory focus (RF) on the purchase of green products by conducting...

The System of State Programming and Project Planning as a Way to Minimize Territorial Differences in the Social and Economic Development in the Territorial Entities of the Russian Federation

Natalya Pasmurtseva
The modern state economic policy of the Russian Federation is aimed at reducing social and economic inequalities and developing regions and territories. An important role in solving this issue is played by state programs and national projects implemented within the framework of the state strategic planning...

Politics, Media, and Sports in Indonesia

Meistra Budiasa
Sports related to the state and media in Indonesia have experienced significant development. The process is inseparable from the context of power, especially in modern Indonesia, since the era of Soekarno, Suharto, Reformasi and Digitalization of media where sports are close to the state and government...

Early Detection of the Risk of Injury in Fairrunning Club in Padang City Using Functional Movement Screening Method (FMS)

Zulhasniati Zulhasniati, Donal Syafrianto, Alimmudin Alimuddin
The increased risk of injury in running athletes is related to inadequate flexibility, muscle imbalance, and lack of neuromuscular coordination in athletes. One method of checking the ability of athletes who see from the functional motion approach is the Functional Movement Screening (FMS) method. The...

The Impact of Technology Expenditure on the Commercial Banks’ Profitability in Canada

Zijun Lin, Yunan Wang
The growing cyber threat has created an uncontrollable financial mess for the global banking industry. This paper presents a case study that reviews Canada's largest financial data breach and investigates the spillover effects of cyber attack. To test the cyber investment efficiency of banks in...

The Study of Hadith in the Philosophy of Scientific Perspective

Ahmad Suganda, Ridhawati, Aramdhan Kodrat Permana, M. Ridwan Fauzi, Cece Abdulwaly
As part of Islamic studies, hadith studies have an important role, especially in ensuring the authenticity of hadith and providing a proportional understanding of hadith. Therefore, this article will focus on deciphering the study of hadith from the perspective of the philosophy of science. By using...
Proceedings Article

Smart Trash Box Technology of Computer Vision to Support Ecogreen Campus

Husnawati Husnawati, Ahmad Bahri Joni Malyan, Rian Rahmanda Putra, Suzan Agustri
Waste from daily human activities which is one of the causes of natural disasters such as floods. Research on the environment, especially on technology and environmental waste management systems, is still ongoing. Waste management includes organic waste and non-organic waste. The problem that occurs...
Proceedings Article

Decision Analysis of Farmers for Local Corn in Madura (Case Study of Local Corn Farmers in Sumenep Regency)

Heri Susanto, Teguh Soedarto, Hamidah Hendrarini
Madura has excellent potential for corn cultivation because it has land reserves based on agroecosystem potential. The problem is the trend of corn production in Madura in the last five years is fluctuating and tends to decrease; this is because in local corn farming in Madura, especially in Sumenep...
Proceedings Article

Material Substitution for Flexible Pavement Using Waste Material Fly Ash and Bottom Ash from Bukit Asam Electric Steam Power Plant

Mirka Pataras, Joni Arliansyah, Edi Kadarsa, Nyayu Sitti Fatimah, Nindya Adha Kurnia Diningrum
Indonesia is one of the largest coal producers in the world. In 2019, based on Indonesia’s coal production, it reached 565.81 million tons with domestic consumption of 128.38 million tons. South Sumatra Province is one of the provinces that produces the largest coal production in Indonesia through one...

Research on Hybrid Teaching of Curriculums Based on the ADDIE Model

Yating Liu, Lingyan Fan
To introduce the hybrid teaching model based on the ADDIE model into the teaching of design visualization and explore its application effect, taking students of 2020 majoring in environmental design as the experimental group and students of 2019 as the control group, a two-year teaching practice research...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Educational Interventions and Stretching Practices on Musculoskeletal System Complaints (Case Study on Rice Portes at the Warehouse Department of Bulog GBB Kebonagung)

Yuannisa Garneta, Moch. Yunus, Anita Sulistyorini, Anindya Hapsari
Occupational Diseases as written in Presidential Regulation Number 7 of 2019 is a diseases caused by work and/or work environment. One of the diseases that can occur in the work environment is musculoskeletal disorders. According to data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2018, based on a doctor’s...
Proceedings Article

The Prevalence of Combined Three Markers of Hepatitis B in Indonesia: Further Analysis of National Basic Health Research, 2013

Sarwo Handayani, Frans Dany
Hepatitis B is still a health problem in the world and Indonesia. A combination of three markers, HBsAg, anti-HBc, and anti-HBs, provides further information on the hepatitis B active infection and immunity status. Therefore, the objective of this study is to identify the prevalence of combined three...

Personal Data Protection in Digital Communications During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Nani Nurani Muksin, Wichitra Yasya, Tria Patrianti, Donny Kurniawan
Life in the cyber era during the COVID-19 pandemic is marked by digital communication. When doing digital communication, personal data is stored on the internet. The importance of this study because it presents the experience of the audience about the importance of personal data protection in digital...
Proceedings Article

Productivity of Different Types of Grass That is Produced on Ex Coal Mining Land

Harmini Harmini, Sajimin Sajimin, Achmad Fanindi
This study aims to determine the productivity of cut and carry grass in ex-coal mining land. Samples of soils for analysis at the Soil Research Institute were taken at three points. The design used was a Randomized Block Design (RBD), with plant varieties as treatment, namely Brachiaria brizantha cv....
Proceedings Article

Performance Improvement of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells Through Numerical Investigation of a Tapered Flow Field Configuration

Binyamin, Ocktaeck Lim
Tapered flow field configurations (FFCs) improve oxygen transport, water removal, and proton exchange membrane fuel cell performance. A three-dimensional multi-phase fuel cell model is used to quantify how the tapered FFC affects the internal physicochemical process and cell performance. The tapered...

Features in Smartphone Games Encouraging Physical Exercise: A Review of Gamification Trends

Aoran Li, Ian Chai, Kok-Why Ng
As smartphones become increasingly useful, people are incorporating them into their daily lives, resulting in lifestyle changes. Moreover, smartphones can serve as a means to promote a healthy lifestyle. In today’s fast-paced world, where pressure is pervasive, it is crucial for individuals to prioritise...
Proceedings Article

Study on Evaluation of Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure System Roadside Facilities based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process

RuiQi Luo, Yan Wu
In this study, we established a fuzzy evaluation model for the deployment of vehicle road collaborative roadside equipment based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process. By selecting evaluation indicators, determining the weights of each indicator, and establishing an evaluation set, we established a multi-level...
Proceedings Article

Mobile Application Design for Online Physiotherapy Services

Nizirwan Anwar, Jerry Maratis, Dewanto Rosian Adhy, Rudi Hermawan, Muhammad Abdullah Hadi
Type disease and disorder health the more many and varied. Dynamics Public as well as technology and change method life influence condition health society. Appearance The covid pandemic is also one development of disease and health. Need anticipation to condition that. Consider the need to lower disease...

The Linguistic Landscape of Tourism Destination Signage in Banyumas Regency

Chusni Hadiati
Linguistic landscape is the realization of language in public space which serves two basic function as an informational function and a symbolic function because it gives relevant information to the public and it also shows the social and cultural status of those who use the language. It is the language...
Proceedings Article

An Exploration of Project-Based Learning Supported by Artificial Intelligence

Xiaoqi Tang, Xu Ding, Xinyan Ma, Siman Zhang, Junfeng Diao
Considering the influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education and its potential to improve the Project Based Learning (PBL) method, this study aims to construct an AI-supported PBL implementation process, including six stages: identifying a project, developing a plan, activity exploration, work...

Spread and Distribute Ferrofluid Materials as Expanded Printmaking

Adi Sundoro, Willy Himawan, Dikdik Sayahdikumullah
There is one distinct stage that can only be found in the working process of the lithography printing technique among other printmaking techniques, which is when an image that has been chemically treated on a stone surface is erased until it is clean but in the end, the image can reappear due to the...

State and Legal Policy for the Protection of Children in the Digital Environment

Yuliia Hradova, Oleksandr Zhytnyi, Sergei Tereshchuk
Digital technology and the Internet have made our lives much easier by providing opportunities to work, study, and shop online. Today half of humanity uses the Internet and social networks, which have brought risks and dangers despite significant benefits. In the digital environment the most vulnerable...

An Appreciation for "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud"

Suqin Liu
William Wordsworth, the representative poet of the early romanticism, is regarded as a "worshipper of nature", who can penetrate to the heart of things and give the reader the very life of nature. He wrote a lot of poems on nature. "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" is one of his famous short lyrics to show...

Discussion on Education Management for College Students under New Situation

Qiuju Zeng
Education management for college students is an important part of the overall work of the school. The enrollment expansion of colleges for years makes students' overall quality uneven. Under the influence by various factors such as overall social environment and the rapid development of higher education,...

Discussion of Talents Training Mode of Environmental Protection Equipment Engineering Majors Based on OBE Concept

Xiangyang Wu, Hong Liu, Xiaohong Zhou, Rujin Zhao
Outcome-based Education (OBE) is an education mode taken teaching achievement as an oriented and is the central concept of engineering education certification. Environmental protection equipment engineering was opened in 2010 as for the new undergraduate professional. On the basis of "OBE" concept, the...

Discussion on strengthening laboratory management and improve laboratory efficiency

Yining Liu
Laboratory is the main component of the national science and technology innovation system, and it plays a more and more important role in the discipline, teaching, scientific research and personnel training in universities. Based on the analysis of the connotation and system of laboratory management,...

The Operation Mode of Network Education of Socialist Core Values in Higher Vocational Colleges

Jing Zhang
Every day in the Internet emerged a large number of page about Study the Party Constitution and rules, become qualified Party members ,the socialist core value concept, through the network of micro channel and micro Bo forwarding, socialist core values has been deeply teachers and students in Higher...

An Empirical Research on Dynamic Relationship Between Yield Rate and Trading Volume in China's Stock Markets

Tingting Qian, Yizhen Qiu
Based on the econometric methods such as Vector Autoregressive model (VAR), Impulse Response Function (IRF) and Granger Causality Test, this paper investigates the dynamic relationships between yield rate and trading volume in Shenzhen and Shanghai stock markets. The study indicates that there is a strong...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of fretting fatigue of late-model flat in the engineering application and research

Yongyan Wang, Chunlei Zeng, Yang Wu
Applying the ANSYS, the three-dimensional finite element analysis is made on the late-model flat plane-to-plane contact. It also verifies the correctness of the flat fretting fatigue of the finite element analysis by comparing with Mindlin theory. It analyzes the factors such as stiffness coefficient...

The Research and Practice of Applied Undergraduate Professional Tutorial System

Xin Zhao, Jing Wang
Teaching management is according to the teaching characteristics and rules to manage various aspects of teaching process. As a teaching method, tutorial system for undergraduates combine teaching and education together, adhere to the people-oriented as the center, with emphasis on the individual education....
Proceedings Article

Research on Fault Diagnosis of Fin Stabilizer System Based on Optimum Searching Strategy

Li jun Yu, Jin Zhang, Hui Wang
As the composition, working principle and failure data recorded in the process of actual operation, in the non-retractable valve controlled anti-rolling fin system are in-depth analyzed. FTA method is used to set up the fault tree model, and the model is analyzed to determine the failure modes and the...
Proceedings Article

The research on Business Process Reengineer internal influencing factors

Xuemin Sun, Li Zuo, Jing Zhu, Kuo Zhang
In the worldwide, the actual effect of BPR project is not satisfactory. The internal influencing factors can not be ignored. So, through literature review and basic analysis based on the implementation pattern of four stage model, the model of enterprise internal factors which influence the effect of...
Proceedings Article

Applying Pareto meta-analysis in location selection for photovoltaic plant

Daymi Morales Vega, María Teresa Lamata Jiménez, Alejandro Rosete Suárez, Juan M. Sánchez-Lozano
In decision-making situations, it is common to have a set of alternatives and to choose the best among them or to estab-lish a ranking. Multi-criteria decision methods can be ap-plied to obtain different rankings, even though the set of al-ternatives and criteria are the same. Considering this, the idea...
Proceedings Article

The Investigation and Analysis of Self-esteem and Coping Style of High Vocational Students

Zhili Bi, Tongjun Wang, Shubai Chen
We adopt the Self-esteem Scale (SES) and the Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire, to make a random investigation among the Binzhou Polytechnic students in 6 professionals of grade 2012. As a result, the Self-esteem Scale score was 32.59 ± 3.40. Positive coping style score was 2.14 ± 0.38, negative...
Proceedings Article

Research on Global Positioning System in Mobile Communication Equipment Based on Android Platform

Yi Huang, Qian He, Yubin Wang, Zhiyong Xie, Tao Wang
Global Positioning System in Android mobile communication equipment has been widely applied for its good performance in smart phone. Hence, to improve the precision of GPS navigation in Android platform attaches great importance to the development of modern high-tech products. The paper presents a new...
Proceedings Article

Function of the United States Federal Government in Hydroelectric Development and its Inspiration for China

Li Zhi
At present, the hydroelectric development shall consider both economic benefit and ecological efficiency, and the United States Federal Government has its unique experience in balancing the two. Chinese government can refer to the administration mode of Tennessee Valley Authority and establish integrated...

The Main Melody Movie and TV Drama Participate in Ways of Innovation to Ideological and Political Education for College Students under New Situation Conditions

Feng Qin, Ning Yang
As the film and television works which reflect society specific values and character of people in social history and practice under the leadership of the party, the main melody movie and TV drama makes the audiences to get an education subliminally when they are enjoying sensual pleasure. From the angle...
Proceedings Article

Environmental aspects of media scenarios for the future ICT society

Malin Picha Edwardsson
During the past 50 years, the media channels, the media consumption patterns and the entire influence of media in society have changed dramatically. Looking into the future, the pace of change is not likely to decrease. In order to prepare for the future, it is important to increase our understanding...

Practice and Exploration of Creative Thinking Training in Environmental Design Teaching

Jiao Zhang, Jingjing Zhang
Based on the theoretical platform of creative thinking research, this paper starts from the relationship between creative thinking and environmental design, and uses methods like empirical research, case study and experience summary to discuss the connotation, logical relationship and thinking characteristic...
Proceedings Article

Organic Light Emitting Devices with Nano-ZnO Thin Films as Cathode Buffer Layer

Yinglian Wang, Junyao Ye
Organic light emitting devices (OLED) with the structure of ITO / TPD / Alq3 / ZnO / Al were prepared by vacuum thermal evaporation method. By establishing multi-layer structure model, we discussed the influence of Alq3 deposition thickness and ZnO buffer layer on the photoelectric performance of the...
Proceedings Article

DOA estimation with synthetic nested array using moving sensor

Zhan Shi, Xiaofei Zhang, You Sun
The synthetic aperture methods are widely used to extend array aperture by exploiting platform motion. In this paper, a synthetic nested array using moving sensor for DOA estimation is proposed. With the moving sensor, we can construct a longer nested array which is equivalent to the real array. Then...
Proceedings Article

Statistic Characteristics Analysis of Railway Hazard Causation based on Complex Network

Jintao Liu, Keping Li, Wei Zheng, Chenling Li
Quantitative analysis of the potential causes of railway accidents is essential for ensuring the safety of railway. In this context, this paper proposes a directed railway hazard causation network (DRHCN) based on the complex network theory. According to the characteristic of the DRHCN, four statistical...
Proceedings Article

On Cultivating Innovative Entrepreneurship Education of Local Agricultural University Students

Hua Li, Lina Zhou, Yueming Yuan
This paper analyzes the connotation and characteristics of college students' innovation and entrepreneurship education, and puts forward that the training methods of innovation and entrepreneurship education of local agricultural colleges and universities mainly include the following aspects: strengthening...

The Semiology Connotation in the Chinese Ancient Dresses

Juan Yang
China's ancient skirt culture embodies not only the material and cultural value of clothing, but also the thoughts of Chinese traditional philosophy and aesthetics. As a cultural symbol, there is a specific signifier and signified in the skirt, which has a rich symbolic meaning. This article obtains...
Proceedings Article

Design of Intelligent Humidity Sensing Watering System Based on MCU

Chengjie ZHANG
In order to solve the problem of watering flowers timely in family, an intelligent automatic watering systems is designed, which can realize intelligent watering for different soil moisture needs of different kinds of flowers. It adopts FC-28 soil moisture sensor to detect soil humidity and uses the...

Personal Values and Social Skills Student MTS and its Development in Curriculum and School Program

Nurul Nurul Ulfatin, Amat Amat Mukhadis
Personal and social skills are two types of dimensions of life skills that are often overlooked in the school curriculum. For MTs students, both are key skills to facilitate the formation of rational and balanced behavior between inside and outside the classroom. The results showed: (1) personal values...
Proceedings Article

Research on Two - Way Interactive Communication and Information System Design Analysis

Dong Xu
With the rapid development of social economy, China's urbanization and industrial construction process is accelerating, people's living standards and quality has also been significantly improved in the daily life of the use of electrical equipment also increased, which is to a certain extent on the increase...

Theoretical Research on the Import and Export of Iron Ore and Harmful Element Detection Method based on Microwave Digestion Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry Approach

Wu Nan
In this paper, we conduct research on the import and export of iron ore and harmful element detection method based on microwave digestion inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry approach. Our country gradually increased demand for iron ore, iron ore trade, in order to ensure that the quality of...