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188265 articles

Sentiment Analysis on Indonesian Political Hoaxes

Aghnia Salsabila, Totok Suhardijanto
Distinguishing between hoaxes and real news from a linguistic perspective requires further identification than can be provided by structural analysis. The study of emotions and sentiments contained in the text is also important, since these can indicate the author’s mental state, rhetorical position,...

Implementation of School Health Unit in a Elementary School

Ali Umar, Ivan Adhi Purbaya
This research aims to examine the implementation of the school health program in North Padang Elementary School. This type of research is descriptive, involving 18 schools. The research instrument used a questionnaire. The analysis technique used frequency distribution techniques or techniques percentage,...

Pride and Prejudice during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Misfortune of Inappropriate Clinical Trial Design

Shahrukh K. Hashmi, Edward De Vol, Fazal Hussain
Pages: 15 - 19
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a rapidly evolving global pandemic for which more than a thousand clinical trials have been registered to secure therapeutic effectiveness, expeditiously. Most of these are single-center non-randomized studies rather than multi-center, randomized controlled trials....

Inclusive-Dialogic Religious Education: A Model for Cultivating Multi-Religious Character in Early Childhood Education (ECE)

Aan Arizandy
This paper offers the concept of inclusive-dialogic religious education model that can be used as an alternative to contrive mutual understanding and respect among pupils in early childhood education. This model is developed on the basis of experience-based learning which puts emphasis on the reflection...

Special Service for Gifted and Talented Students

Fatmawati, Suci Ramadhani
This research discusses special education services for gifted and talented children. The purpose of this research is to describe the special service of regular school. This research uses a qualitative approach that focused on special service given to gifted and talented children. The subject of this...

Reflections on the Accounting Treatment of Lessees in the New Lease Standard: Methods and Examples Based on New Lease Standards 21

Yingting Liu
The new lease standard no longer makes distinguishes between operating leases and financial leases for accounting treatment of lessees, and uniformly uses the “right-of-use model” to separately list an asset and a liability in the balance sheet. The accounting treatment has undergone a disruptive change...
Research Article

Agricultural Imports, Agriculture Productivity and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa

Esther N. Mwangi, Fuzhong Chen, Daniel M. Njoroge
Pages: 15 - 28
This study investigates the causal links among agricultural imports, agriculture productivity, and economic growth in 40 sub-Saharan African countries over the period 1990–2015. Granger causality tests are applied to infer direction of causality, and the generalized two-stage least squares instrumental...

Research on Construction of Knowledge Graph of Intestinal Cells

Fengfeng He, Ling Zhang, Wei Qu, Chong Teng, Dan Xie
Pages: 15 - 22
Intestinal cells play a significant role in human physiological metabolism, immune protection, and development and control of nervous system diseases. With the flourishing development of artificial intelligence technology and arrival of intestinal cellular research enthusiasm, how to obtain knowledge...

Remuneration for Welfare Distribution - Evidence From Indonesia

Gugus Irianto, Ayudia Sokarina, Firman R. Risky
This study aims to reveal the welfare distribution after the implementation of remuneration policy at X Health Polytechnic in Indonesia. Claims that remuneration policy will establish internal and external justice in an organization encourage the researcher to employ Political Economy of Accounting theory...

Research on College English Teaching Based on POA in the Context of Big Data and Oriented at Cultivating Critical Thinking Ability

Linyang Yuan
Critical thinking ability is an important goal put forward for training students in the new era of big data. For this goal, different education experts and scholars have given different corresponding theories and coping strategies. College English teaching often emphasizes on the explanation of English...

Light and Shadow in Hate-Speech Cases: A Forensic Linguistics

Agustina, Nurizzati, Siti Ainim, Muhammad Adek, Awliya Rahmi
Digital democracy has produced a wave of political activism led by a number of Key Opinion Leaders (KOL). However, this activity began to face a serious challenges following the issuance of the Information and Electronic Transaction Law (ITE) which is considered a silencing weapon for freedom of expression...
Proceedings Article

Brown Analysis Model for Measuring the Performance of Local Governments with Related to Budget Management: Jambi City Government Revenue and Expenditure

Rita Friyan, Netty Herawaty, Yuliana Yuliana
The purpose of this study was to assess the financial performance of the Jambi City Government using the Brown analysis method. The data used in this study is quantitative data sourced from the BPK RI Audit Result Report Jambi representatives for the period 2016 to 2019. Measurement of the financial...

Study on the Phenomenon of Domestic Religion: The Implication in a Human’s Identity and Consequences

Mariya Bicharova, Anna Romanova
The paper is devoted to the study of the “Domestic religion” phenomenon in modern real and virtual spaces, the role it plays in a modern human’s identity development, and the consequences it may lead to. The term “Domestic religion/church” is far from new. The first mentions of the domestic church are...

Factors’ Influencing Users’ Perceptions on Workplace-Based Formative Assessment

A Grounded Theory Study

Vasiliki Andreou, Sanne Peters, Jan Eggermont, Birgitte Schoenmakers
Workplace-based formative assessment (WBA) has met with mixed reactions from users in postgraduate medical education. Users’ perceptions about WBA tend to be negative. Consequently, its learning value has yet to reach its full capacity. In this study, we explored which factors influence users’ perceptions...

First-Principles Study of Adsorption of Hazardous Atoms on the Silica Surface

Ankhzaya Ganbaatar, Namsrai Tsogbadrakh, Ochirkhuyag Baynjargal, Tamiraa Ganbold
In this study, the adsorption of hazardous atoms including lead on the silica surface (SiO2 [001]) was investigated using the first-principles method within the framework of density functional theory (DFT). We performed the full structural optimization and found the most stable configuration. Four different...
Proceedings Article

The Differences of Sleepping Quality of the Elderly People Between Progressive Muscle Relaxation Interventions and Spiritual Therapy (Zikir)

Suhaimi, Delima
Sleeping quality of the oldest people is often disturbed, 60.1% of the old people experience insomnia. The aim of this research is to analyze the quality difference of sleeping for the oldest people between the progressive muscle relaxation intervention and spiritual therapy (zikir) at Public Health...

Value Chain Analysis on SMEs Chips Product in Pematang Serai Village

Fitri Yani Panggabean, Muhammad Bukhori Dalimunthe, Surya Asih, Ika Devi Perwitasari, Reza Aditia, Raudah Zaimah Dalimunthe
This paper aims to analyze the value chain and to identify activities that have the highest economic value-added to the chips that are owned by the Small and Micro Enterprises (SMEs) of Pematang Serai Village, Langkat District. Value chain activities analyzed include: 1) supply of raw materials; 2) production...

Research on Ideological and Political Education of College Students From the Perspective of College Network Public Opinion

Wen Ren
In the era of new media, the online public opinion of colleges and universities is more complex and diverse. Formulating scientific and effective online public opinion management strategies is of great significance to maintaining the harmony and stability of colleges and universities. Through the analysis...
Proceedings Article

The Benefits of Prenatal Aromatherapy Massage and Prenatal Yoga in Improving Beta Endorphin and Alleviating Back Pain for Pregnant Women

Sylvi Wafda Nur Amellia, Riadini Wahyu Utami
Aggravating back pain during pregnancy can cause stress for pregnant women and hinder the growth of fetus. Yoga and aromatherapy back massage can help alleviate physiological back pain during pregnancy. The research determines the effectiveness of combined methods of aromatherapy back massage and prenatal...

Building Performance and Academic Performance of University Campuses

Post Occupation Evaluation of Projects With Foreign Loan Financing

M. Syaom Barliana, Budi Kudwadi, Dedy Suryadi, Fauzi Rahmanullah
Amidst the limited state budget, one of the efforts to improve the quality of higher education facilities and infrastructure is obtaining through foreign loan and grant financing (PPHLN). The problem, does physical transformation has a balanced impact on improving the quality of higher education, namely,...

Systematization of Cost Management Problems at Garment Enterprises of Ukraine

Nataliia Y. Radionova, Lidiya V. Synytsia, Svitlana O. Krasniuk
It is noted that the problems of effective cost management exist at macro-, meso-and micro levels. The basic factors at macro-, meso- and micro level factors that negatively affect the cost management of Ukrainian garment enterprises are identified. The degree of influence of the specified factors on...

Improving Functional Safety of Automotive Video Data Transmission and Processing Systems

Mirko Conrad, Frank Langner, Benjamin Axmann, Karlheinz Blankenbach, Jan Bauer, Matthäus Vogelmann, Manfred Wittmeir, Sascha Xu
Pages: 15 - 26
As of today, automotive video data transmission and processing systems are already being developed according to ISO 26262, but safety mechanisms and safety architectures for such systems are individually derived on a case-by-case basis. This approach, i.e., reinventing the wheel, over and over again,...

Functional Features of the Spirit of Fire Among the Altai Peoples of Siberia

Nurgun Vyacheslavovich Afanasev, Vasily Vasilievich Illarionov, Tuyara Vasilievna Illarionova, Olga Ksenofontovna Pavlova, Lyudmila Stepanovna Efimova
The article discusses the functional features of the symbol of fire. The authors analyze the main functions of the symbol of fire in the traditional culture of the Altai peoples. The spirit of fire among the Altai peoples is presented in a female anthropomorphic image, it is called “От эне” ‘Mother Fire’....
Proceedings Article

Analysis and Evaluation of the Political Implementation of Land Against Sustainable Food Security in Indonesia (Islamic Economic Approach)

Hady Sutjipto, Tubagus Ismail
This study aims to analyze and critically evaluate the land policy for food security in Indonesia. This study explains descriptively about the implementation of the management of the policy now practiced in Indonesia. The method used in descriptive and quantitative approaches describes critically evaluating...

The Effectiveness of Village Fund Cash Block Grants (BLT) for the Poor Society Affected by the Covid-19 in Nangapanda District Ende Regency

Hyronimus Se, Lambertus Langga
It has been almost a year that the world has experienced suffering because of the emergence of an infectious disease type, namely the coronavirus (Covid-19). The coronavirus outbreak does not only affect health but also socio-economic conditions. The economic impact of the coronavirus outbreak has caused...

Research on English Translation of Cross-Border E-Commerce Based on Functional Equivalence Theory

Guangtao Cao, Jiaqi Luo
With the development of globalization, it promotes the development of cross-border e-commerce. In the exchange and development of international business, the translation of cross-border e-commerce English plays an irreplaceable role and becomes an important means of international business communication....

Implementation of Environmental-Based Schools in the Adiwiyata Program: A Literature Review

Fairuzzabadi Amrullah, Heru Nurcahyo
Environmental pollution can result in a decrease in environmental quality, resulting in disruption of the balance of the ecosystem and environmental degradation. Human behavior that lacks awareness and responsibility for the environment can result in environmental damage. In this case, to form a character...

Investigation on Schema Theory Through Examining Information Processing

Yuting Chen
This study is to investigate the relationship between relevant information and activation of schema. The participants in this study all come from the school of the author. In order to follow the ethical guideline of keeping the participants anonymous, the author did not mention the name of the school....

Analysis of Industrial Response Mechanism of COVID-19 Risk Impact

Run Chai, Xiaolin Li
In January 2020, COVID-19 suddenly broke out, then Wuhan province had to be isolated and people had to observe home quarantine in China. The epidemic led to instantaneous closure of the business catering, entertainment, tourism and other service industries. Most of the traffic was interrupted, enterprises...

The Effect of CSR on Company Reputation Using Intellectual Capital as a Mediating Variable

Yuniep Mujati Suaidah, Omi Pramiana, Dwi Ermayanti Susilo, Hadi Sucipto, Rachyu Purbowati
This research aimed to analyze the effect of corporate social responsibility in improving the company’s reputation, both directly and through the company’s intellectual capital. The population of this study were the annual reports of banking sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The...

Analysis on the Different Response of Fast Fashion Brands and Luxury Brands to the Epidemic

Wen Peiyu
The fashion industry is one of the most important industries in the world economy, and it has always had strong competitiveness in trade exchanges. The outbreak of the epidemic triggered great turmoil in the global financial market, which had varying degrees of negative impact on fashion brands of all...

Parent’s Involvement Through Play Materials Selection for Toddlers in Family Setting

Fidesrinur, Eva Riza
The objectives of the research is study parents’ involvement through children’s play materials in family setting. The qualitative research was carried out at “JABODETABEK” with a respondents 106 parents. The research conclude that (1) most play materials used by toddlers are machine made with 41 % functioned...

The Influence of Management Knowledge on Principal Performance and School Performance Quality in Senior High Schools West Sumatra

Hibban, Mukhaiyar, Rusdinal
This research is a quantitative study, describing how much management knowledge has influenced the performance of school principals and the quality of school performance in SMA Negeri Sumatra Barat. The research method was a survey with a quantitative approach. The data were analysed by using path analysis....

The Urgency of Government Regulations in Substitute of Law About the Drone Usage Regulation

Yuwono Prianto, Paksi Yudha Sasmita, Agata A. Mourin
The development of drones, makes it very easy to obtain and important because it can be used for a variety of purposes ranging from positive to negative things. However, Indonesia constitution are not sufficient to overcome the problems that is caused by drone. Seeing the numerous problems that have...

Secular or Religious State and the Impact on the Acceptance and Resistance of Sharia Perda in Indonesia

Akhmad Khalimy
This paper wants to know the various views among Indonesian and foreign scholars on the existence of sharia perda in Indonesia. Their various views traced from their works on books, dissertations/thesis, or papers written on the topic of sharia perda from 2000-2020. The following studies will compare...

Factors Affecting Reading Interest of Elementary School Students

Ali Mustadi, Faisal Amri
The purpose of this research is to determine factors affecting reading interest of fifth graders. The study applied a qualitative survey research. The data were analyzed using factor analysis. The research population was 590 students. The research sample was 238 students. The results show internal factors...

Impact of Firm-Created Content and User-Generated Content on Consumer Perception in Grab-and-Go Coffee Brands

Adhityo Negoro, M. Gunawan Alif
Social media platforms nowadays are numerous and have many different features to aid the communication conducted by individuals or groups. At the same time, it has an implication on how marketing communications are conducted and how consumers perceive brands, thus determining purchase intentions. The...

Archive and Bureaucratic Reform: The Abandoned Public Service

Swani Sona Saragih
As a record of information of all organizational activities, archive functions as a center of memory, decision-making aid, and evidence of the organization’s existence, as well as serves other organizational interests. Without archive to record organizational activities, an organization will encounter...
Proceedings Article

Classical Enterotoxin Genes of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from the Raw Milk of Cows and Goats in Yogyakarta Indonesia

Desy Cahya Widianingrum, Sarasati Windria, Fatkhanuddin Aziz, Siti Isrina Oktavia Salasia
Milk is a highly nutritious food containing several essential nutrients. Consequently, it can be contaminated by pathogenic bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus. This study aimed to analyze the genes encoding nine classical enterotoxins of S. aureus isolated from cow and goat raw milk. A total of...

Android Based English Learning Media and Quiz Using Augmented Reality

Dias Agata, Heny Yuniarti, Ahmelia Ayu Pratiwi Adison
The pandemic hits the world today has made educators and parents moved to develop attractive English learning media for young learners to keep them excited while learning from home. Android smartphone devices are currently popularly used for interaction media between young learners and teachers during...

Virtual Tourists’ Motivation During COVID-19 Pandemic

Muhamad Muhamad
The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic affects greatly all aspects of life, including the tourism sector. The pandemic affects traveler’s motivation in planning their canceled trip on a chosen destination. This paper aims to give alternatives in tourism using a virtual-based tourist destination in Indonesia....

Indonesian New Normal Mathematics Education - Seeking Certainty in Uncertain Times

Allan Leslie White
Humanity has dealt with pandemics or plagues throughout history. History also demonstrates that in periods of uncertainty there are always guides that remain certain. In response to Covid-19, the Indonesian government’s ‘New Normal’ provided a list of challenges for all educators, who must then adapt...

Analysis on the Causes and Solutions of Teenagers’ Excessive and Impulse Consumption

Ruohan Qin
Impulse consumption refers to the unplanned and unconscious purchase behavior of customers under the impetus of external factors. At the same time, it will also cause excessive consumption to a certain extent, which is not compatible with national conditions and the level of economic development. Thus,...

Enhancing Vocational Teachers’ Professionalism in Teaching Government Accounting

Vita Fitria Sari, Dewi Pebriyani, Mayar Afriyenti
The implementation of the 2013 curriculum in Vocational High Schools has introduced the field of government accounting in the vocational curriculum with the subject “accounting practicum for government institutions / agencies”. The 2013 curriculum introduces the terms remedial and enrichment in the learning...

A Model for Enhancing the Competitiveness of MSMEs Through E-Commerce

Study at MSMEs in Garut Region

Abdul Rahman, Ervina
In theory, the competitiveness of a business unit is influenced by, among other things, the use of e- commerce in marketing activities. This study was conducted to determine the competitiveness of MSMEs and how E- Commerce affects this competitiveness. Based on Akhmedova’s theory, the study was carried...

The Greatly Affect of Leadership, Encouragement and Discipline in Teacher Success

Madyahya, Happy Fitria, Syaiful Eddy
The objective of this analysis was to evaluate the impact of the Headmaster Leadership Style, Teacher Work Motivation and Teacher Discipline on Teacher Success in partial and simultaneous tests. The total population of teachers in the Babat Supat District of Musi Banyuasin Regency is 294 teachers. Removing...

Factors Influencing Decision-Making Process in Relation to Public Service Delivery (PSD) in Malaysia

Rozaina Ali, Ahmad Shaharudin Abdul Latiff, Sazali Abdul Wahab
Efficient public service delivery is a main objective for every government. An important aspect of public service delivery is ensuring services provided fulfil the changing needs of the citizens and benefiting the public. However, the challenge on how best the government can serve the public continues...

Sharia Stock Performance Behavior in the Covid-19 Situation

Arfeni Nabila, Pitri Yandri
The Covid-19 condition with various government policies that focus on rules for limiting the scope of human activity also impacts the capital market, which is experiencing contraction. Sharia shares in the mining sector, trade and investment services sector, and the essential and chemical industry sectors...

The Influence of Lifestyle and Product Attractiveness on Purchasing Decisions at Coffee Shop in Blora Regency

Devita Rizky Aprillia, Rochman Hadi Mustofa
The coffee shop business in Blora Regency has been growing into promisingly business as it attracts many coffee consumers to purchase coffee products at the coffee shop frequently. This study means to decide the impact of way of life and engaging quality of the item on buying choices at cafe in Blora...
Proceedings Article

Observations of Bali Cattle Carcass Size Based on Different Body Condition Scores at Kendari Slaughter House

Harapin Hafid
This study aims to assess the influence of the score on the body condition of Bali cattle that shall be slaughtered at Kendari city especially on a linear measure of the body and the percentage of the carcass. The study is done in four months from January to April 2021 at the slaughterhouse Kendari city...