Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Contemporary Education, Social Sciences and Humanities (ICCESSH 2018)

Session: Language and Literature

52 articles
Proceedings Article

Understanding and Research of Language Unities as Way of Removal of Barriers of Cross-cultural Communication

Vladimir Mikhailov
This work considers and offers various methods of removing barriers in the cross-cultural communication in the sphere of language based on the development of theories of language origin and development, and the technologies of their studying and translation, not really known in masses. The problems of...
Proceedings Article

Some Aspects of the Paradigm of Sanskrit Learning

Nataliya Kanaeva
The main issue of this article is the verification of the thesis on existence in Indian culture of a special paradigm of learning - the paradigm of Sanskrit learning. The verification is made through the investigation of two aspects of the paradigm, close but not identical with the aspects of paradigm...
Proceedings Article

Ambiguity of the Word 'Road' in Russian Folklore Language

Elena Mikitchenko
This paper considers the ambiguity of meanings of the word 'road’ in Russian folklore, studies the principle of interchangeable relationship in folklore language, based on the similarity of the concepts rather than of the meanings. Through the phenomena of the paradigm of accuracy, synonymous approximation...
Proceedings Article

A Comparative Study of Li Qingzhao’s Ci-lyrics and Sappho’s Monodic Lyrics Remarkable Literary Achievements

Yimei Du
Li Qingzhao and Sappho are poetesses with remarkable artistic creativity and strong individuality, composing lyrics deviant from the dominant literary style of their times. Li Qingzhao prompted the recognition of Ci as an important genre in Chinese literature, inventing a number of "Yi An’s amazing verse...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Inheritance of Digital Education of Mongolian Heroic Epics from the Perspective of Path Dependence Theory

Ying Bao
The path dependence theory emphasizes the understanding of the dynamic process of historical changes and the important role of accidental factors in path creation. This view provides theoretical guidance for the study of the educational inheritance of Mongolian heroic epic. The Mongolian heroic epic...
Proceedings Article

A Discourse Analysis of Deliberate Metaphors in President Xi’s New Year Speeches from 2015-2017

Yuchen Li, Di Wu
Deliberate metaphors (Steen 2008, 2010, 2011, 2013) are a valuable tool because they always trigger a conceptual change by the speaker inviting the addressee to look at the target domain from the perspective of the source domain. This paper explores deliberate metaphors in three speeches delivered from...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of the Film Dialogue in the View of the Pragmatic Principles -- A Case Study of Love in the 1980s

Jiahui Jiang
The film Love in the 1980s shows the changing process of love between the protagonists, Guan Yubo and Cheng Liwen, through dialogue and narrator. The dialogue in different situations conforms to not only the identity of characters, but also the language rule. From the angle of the cooperative principle...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Syntactic and Semantic Meaning of the Epistemic Modal Adverb "Meizhunr"

Chengnan Jia
Meizhunr is mainly used as an adverbial with flexible syntactic position. It belongs to the outside-proposition element. And it has the syntactic function of epistemic modal adverb. "Meizhunr" can be in front of the subject. And it has the highest frequency of co-occurrence with the epistemic modal verbs....
Proceedings Article

A Brief Talk on the Origin and Diachronic Evolution of the Chinese Sentence Pattern "Although p, q"

Xiaoyan Cao
The Chinese sentence pattern "Although p, q" is originated from the sentence pattern "though p, q" in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. After long-term development and change, the sentence patterns such as "though p, q", "although p, q" and "p, but q" have appeared successively....
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Structural Relationship of Natsume Soseki’s Novel "Heart"

Yunqi Feng
The novel "Heart" is one of the most important representative works of Natsume Soseki. The work is divided into three parts to unfold the story, through the confession of "Teacher’s last words, the lonely inner world of the intellectuals in Meiji period is described. In order to better understand the...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Lexicography Value of "Juyan Xinjian"

Hongli Ge
The value of unearthed documents is reflected in the addition of missing words or words in dictionaries. Also, it would investigate the derivation of lexical meaning and the way of differentiation of the words and the order of the words. The arrangement of the sequence of meanings provides strong evidence....
Proceedings Article

Analysis and Reference for Chinese International Transmission from a Historical Perspective

Gan Huang, Lin Zhu
From the perspective of language spread, the author analyzes the language transmission path in "Empires of the Word". This paper analyzes the differences between "Farmer’s Approach" and "Hunter's Way" and "Land Language" and "Ocean language". All types of languages have their advantages and disadvantages....
Proceedings Article

Taboo and Cultural Psychology in Cantonese

Xiaoyan Cao
Guangdong province has a well-developed commercial economy with a large population. In the long-term development of Cantonese, there have many taboos. Taboos are linguistic customs that have local dialects or social dialects. Many taboo words in Cantonese are often ignored by the public because of their...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Lexicographical Value of "Juyan Xinjian"

Hongli Ge
The value of unearthed literature is reflected in the addition of missing words in dictionaries. Also, it would sort out historical inheritance and changes between certain words and written records. It provides the reference for writing the complete lexicography. And it can also provide some reference...
Proceedings Article

Study on "Ego" in Kafka on the Shore

Wanlong Zhu
Haruki Murakami's literary works mostly focus on the themes such as magic, prophecy, life and death, good and evil. And the novel "Kafka on the Shore" embodies this feature. The struggle between ego and power is hidden in the work. The protagonist struggles in the good and evil of human nature outlines...
Proceedings Article

A Comparative Study of "The Lady of Musashino" and "Red and Black"

Yangyang Han
The "Red and Black" written by French great writer Stendhal in the 19th century opened up a precedent for "Psychological Novel". More than a hundred years later, in the 1940s, "The lady of Musashino" written by a Japanese post-war writer Shohei Ooka, illuminated the post-war Japanese literary world with...
Proceedings Article

Study on Classification of Interrogative Words and Interrogative Pronouns -- The Excavated and Transmitted Warring States Literature

Weiming Peng, Jianya Zhang, Yujin Zhang
In order to deepen the description and analysis of the Chinese interrogative words and their sentence patterns in the warring states period, We carry out the story on the basis of unearthed literature corpus of the warring stats period, and literatures handed down from then as circumstantial evidence....
Proceedings Article

An Analysis on Pragmatic Presupposition in Cosmetic Advertising Language of Lancome

Jin Wang, Xiaoxiao Chen
Beauty is an eternal theme in a woman’s life. With the high-speed development of information technology, all kinds of cosmetic products spring up like mushrooms. Advertisers also spare no effort in perfecting their cosmetic advertisements. Pragmatic presupposition makes the cosmetic advertisements more...
Proceedings Article

Language Conditions in Central Asian Countries and the Development of Chinese Language Education

Ziqiu Wei
The language policies of Central Asian countries are characterized by text Latinization, language localization, and diversification of foreign language teaching. Against the background of the rising status of Chinese, it’s necessary for Chinese teaching to establish and spread correct concepts, promote...
Proceedings Article

Differences between Translation of Chinese Compound Nouns into English Compound Constructions ‘Deverbal Noun - Noun’ and ‘V.-ing - Noun’

Rou Yang, Dongjie Li
Chinese compound nouns consisted of a modifier based on a verb meaning and of a head noun may be translated into English ‘deverbal noun (dn.)-noun (n.)’ compound construction or ‘v.-ing-noun (n.)’ compound construction. Under the perspective of cognitive linguistics, the two constructions possess cognitive,...
Proceedings Article

The Taihe Literary Style of the Northern Wei Dynasty under the Influence of Confucianism

Chenchen Gao
Taihe period was an important historical stage in the Northern Wei Dynasty. Before the Taihe Period, the Northern Wei regime only used the Confucianism inherited by the Han scholars as a political means, which limited the development of the literature of the Northern Wei Dynasty. After the Taihe Period,...
Proceedings Article

Owls in Harry Potter: a Functional Stylistic Study in Children's Literature

Wenxiao Zhao, Yong Wang
Harry Potter was supposed to be a series of children's literature whose author J.K. Rowling narrated a year's experience and personalities of the characters in ever-changing circumstances. As an encyclopedia consisting of world experience, the novel included a wide range of human activities of most transitivity...
Proceedings Article

A Comparative Study of the Objects Used in Chinese and Japanese Color Languages

Xiaohang Liu
Color language is a powerful field to prove the diversity of language, and the use of color language is a reflection of a country's life culture. The Chinese color language and the Japanese color language use the same Chinese characters, but the use of the object is not necessarily the same. This paper...
Proceedings Article

The Significance of Study on Dialects Contact in Zhan-Mao Area in West Guangdong of China

Jianya Zhang, Weiming Peng
As two local central cities, Zhanjiang and Maoming are in the west of Guangdong, wherethere are various and different dialects, mainly including Cantonese, Min dialect and Hakka. And in many areas there people communicate in bi-dialects or multi-dialects in a mixed way, typically representing the local...
Proceedings Article

Characteristics Study of Language Education Center in Korea University

Meiping He, Mingzi Huang
The Korean Language Education Center, also known as the Korean Language School in Korea, is a branch of the International Language Institute at Korea University, which is one of the highest in the country, both in terms of teachers and hardware equipment. This thesis is mainly aimed at the historical...
Proceedings Article

A Study of EFL Learners’ Oral English Development in Light of Dynamic Systems Theory

Juan Zuo, Huiqin Tu
Based on Dynamic Systems Theory, this study investigated the developmental trajectories of four Chinese EFL learners’ oral proficiency and explored the dynamic correlation among complexity, accuracy and fluency used for measuring oral proficiency. The four EFL learner’s speaking performance was traced...
Proceedings Article

Non-prototypical Uses of Personal Pronouns in Chinese

Tunan Hu
Helmbrecht (2015) presents an interesting typological study on the non-prototypical uses of personal pronouns, demonstrating that the form-meaning mismatch involving personal pronouns is essentially discourse-based, in the sense that the referents of personal pronouns dynamically vary with a particular...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on the Strategies for English Vocabulary Development

Xueyun Zang
This paper explains vocabulary development from two aspects of strategy and understanding. In order to enlarge vocabulary and strengthen learning effects, students must have a clear understanding of necessity of learning vocabulary and mastery of words which attract our attention. Then we can form effective...
Proceedings Article

The Herculean Echoes in Frankenstein

Han Ji, Jiezhen Niu
Many critics have discussed the echoes of Faust and Prometheus in Mary Shelley’s masterpiece Frankenstein, the Modern Prometheus, exploring the limits of ambition and rebelliousness and their moral implications. However, there is a mythological resemblance in this novel that has received almost no critical...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Successful Elements of the Fantasy Network Novel Coiling Dragon's International Communication

Qi Chen
Chinese fantasy network works have been loved by ordinary foreign readers in recent years, which supplies a true and effective channel to touch the common people in their daily life and help them understand China and Chinese culture in a natural way. It is significant to China which has always sought...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of "Red Rose and White Rose" from the Perspective of Psychoanalytic Criticism

Min Yang
Zhang Ailing, as a legendary modern female writer in the history of 20th century Chinese literature, her writing features mainly the romantic story of the decline period of Shanghai, through the depiction and rendering of art, she gives humanity reflection and summary. "Red Rose and White Rose" is a...
Proceedings Article

The Separation of Spirit and Flesh -- Analysis of Ah Q from the Perspective of Scientific Subject's Aesthetics System

Dongxu Wang
Ah Q is the character of Lu Xun’s novel "the true story of Ah Q". Different people have different analyses of it in different times. This paper, guided by the theory of scientific ontology aesthetics system, from the identity of Ah Q, the spiritual victory law of Ah Q and his character, as well as his...
Proceedings Article

Post-modern Tendency: The Uncertainty in The Rainbow

Xinyu Yang
Research on D.H. Lawrence’s works has mainly been focusing on his depiction of sexual love so far, but few turns to his post-modern tendency--uncertain and ambiguous attitudes to sex, if not none. With regard to this point, the paper is to propose this in one of his representative works, The Rainbow....
Proceedings Article

The Application of Prototype Category Theory in College English Teaching

Bo Gao
Prototype category theory is one of the theoretical foundations of cognitive linguistics. As a new concept construction model, it provides a new perspective for language research and teaching, and constructs a new theoretical platform for foreign language teaching. Since the end of the last century,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Introduction of Greek Mythology in College English Teaching

Xinhui Fu
As the origin of Western literature and art, Greek mythology has brought profound influence to humankind in terms of thought, philosophy, literature, values and language use. This paper analyzes the deep and profound influence of Greek mythology on college English vocabulary teaching, pragmatic teaching...
Proceedings Article

A Study of the Chinese Image of American Writer Peter Hessler, Starting from "Pathfinding in China"

Min Zhang
In American literature, there are many works that depict China or Chinese, and the image of China is diversified with the development of American national literature. At present, the research of China or the Chinese image in American literature is productive, most of which concentrated on the study of...
Proceedings Article

The Contemporary Chinese Writing in the Eyes of Peter Hessler

Ping Yin, Guojiang Qi
Peter Hessler, Chinese name He Wei, has been praised as one of the most thoughtful western writers concerned about modern China by the Wall Street Journal. In the more than ten years of his life in China, he traveled more than half of China. With the elegance of the traveler, he described the Great Wall...
Proceedings Article

A Visualized Analysis of Literary Translation in China (2000-2017)

Lu Zhou, Yue Zhao, Yuanyuan Xie
This article presents an analysis of articles from 2000 to 2017 on the studies of literary translation from CNKI (China National Knowledge Internet) database of the three major journals related to translation studies in China. Statistical analysis of document and information visualization software tool...
Proceedings Article

Translation Types and Type of Audience of Shijing

Hao Zhang
No statement of the principles of correspondence in translating can be complete without recognizing the many different types of translations (Herbert P. Philips, 1959)According to Nida, differences in translations can generally be accounted for by three basic factors in translating: (1) the nature of...
Proceedings Article

Image Analysis of the Characters in The Scarlet Letter

Yanmei Song
The Scarlet Letter is recognized as the authoritative work of Nathaniel Hawthorne who is the most significant romantic writer in American literature in the 19th century. This thesis attempts to take the novel The Scarlet letter as the text, analyses the different images of Hester, Dimmesdale, Chillingworth...
Proceedings Article

Opinion on the Post-modernism

Qiong Liu, Libing Liu, Feng Ma, Xiaying Lv
Post-modernism is one of the most important social trends in contemporary Western society and is also a major trend of thought in the academic and ideological world of our country. Post-modernism is thinking and answering on the negative effect of industrial civilization and originated from it. It is...
Proceedings Article

The Application and Research of Ideational Grammatical Metaphor Theory in College English Writing Teaching

Wencui Gong
Metaphor is considered a form of speech in rhetoric, a way for people to recognize the world in cognitive linguistics, and a grammatical function in functional linguistics. The purpose of this paper is to explore the application of linguistics to the study of grammatical metaphors and to instruct college...
Proceedings Article

Differences of Marital View between China and America in The Joy Luck Club under Cultural Dimensions Theory

Huiqin Guo
The Joy Luck Club is a famous masterpiece made by a Chinese American female writer Amy Tan, which depicts four groups of immigrant mothers and their American-raised daughters, and probes deeply into the psychological and emotional conflicts among four pairs of China-born mothers and American-born daughters...
Proceedings Article

The Characteristics of Chinese Thinking Mode and Its Influence on Language

Yuling Geng
Language determines the way of thinking, and the way of thinking reacts to the language structure. From the perspective of cultural linguistics, the article attempts to reveal that the spiritual culture determines the language psychology, the language psychology determines the way of thinking, and the...
Proceedings Article

Exploring Negative Transfer in Chinese Students’ English Writing at Lexical Level

Jiezhen Niu, Han Ji
This study is aimed at an investigation of Chinese college students’ writing, with focus on the negative transfer of native language at lexical level. The data is collected from essays written by two groups of non-English majors with different English proficiency levels. A classification as well as its...
Proceedings Article

An Investigation on the Creation and Existence of Yuefu Lyric Poetry of the Xianbei Regime during the Northern and Southern Dynasties

Xing Tang
During the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the regimes of northern ethnic minority were everywhere. After the Xianbei nationality began to rise in the northeast, they turned to fight in the east and the west, and established a number of independent regimes. They almost crossed the entire...
Proceedings Article

A Cognitive Poetic Analysis into the Translation of Yi Poetry, Illustrating with Jidi Majia’s Poems in "Words of Fire"

Yujuan Feng
With the development of cognitive science, the discipline of cognitive poetics has been established. And a great deal of research has been done on Chinese and foreign literature works, especially Chinese ancient poems, but little concern is paid to the domain of poetry by Chinese ethnic minorities. Therefore,...
Proceedings Article

A Comparative Study of Uygur and English Translation Methods in "The Story of the Stone"

Zainahan Abuduo, Abuduwaili Keremu
In this paper, the author analyzes the translation methods of words, phrases, sentences, poetry and texts in Uyghur translation and the English translation of "The Story of the Stone" which are translated by David Hawkes, Yang Xianyi and Dai Naidie. And the comparative result is the Uyghur translation...
Proceedings Article

The Use of Symbols in Schindler’s List

Xiaolin Chen
The basic carriers for expressing emotions in movies are symbols, including linguistic signs and non-linguistic signs. The Schindler’s List is a film that full of symbolic elements. In fact, the film itself has its unique metaphorical meanings and specific symbol system. This symbol system will show...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Lack Touch in English Literature Originals Based on Questionnaire

Aitian Zhang, Dapeng Zhou
The influence of original English learning on college students should not be underestimated. In this paper, a questionnaire is conducted to investigate and analyze the original works of non - English majors in a university in Shandong province. The results show that students think the effective way to...
Proceedings Article

The Enlightenment of Corpus-based Translation Studies for Chinese-English Translation of Tourism Texts in Xi’an

Tian’e Cheng, Haixia Bai
Corpus-based translation study is a new research paradigm, which highlights the empirical study of translated texts from a micro level and is an effective way to explore the nature of translation. The present study focuses on translation strategies of tourism texts translation in Xi’an based on an analysis...
Proceedings Article

The Construction of Chinese Image in Hessler's Works, Taking River Town as an Example

Ping Yin, Guojiang Qi
Peter Hessler, Chinese name He Wei, has been praised as one of the most thoughtful western writers that pay close attention to modern China. Hessler's non-fictional literary creation has described the reality of current China. By contacting people around him and feeling the surrounding environment, he...