Proceedings of the International Conference on Education 2022 (ICE 2022)

66 authors
Agustina, Yuli
Improving Vocational High School Students’ Learning Outcomes by Using Android-Based Problem Based Learning E-Student Worksheet
Ahmad, Norkhairi
The Impact of Assessing Tertiary Students’ Speaking via E-Portfolios Within Blended Learning
Atawuwur, Elnast Agatha Yadha
Educator Efforts in Character Development Responsibility of Students in the Digital Era
Atok, Rosyid Al
The Urgency of Character Education in the Life of Society 5.0
Cahyono, Fajar Dwi
Improving Vocational High School Students’ Learning Outcomes by Using Android-Based Problem Based Learning E-Student Worksheet
Elfina, Hetty
The Effectiveness of Quizizz Application as a Learning Evaluation Instrument Towards 5.0 Society Era in the Set and Logic Course
Developing EFL Students’ 21st Century Skills Through Flipped Learning and Field Study
Fajaryani, Nunung
Developing EFL Students’ 21st Century Skills Through Flipped Learning and Field Study
Firdaus, Laras
Investigating Socio-scientific Reasoning of Biology Prospective Teacher: Focus on Genetic Modified Organism (GMO)
Development of e-Book Based on Self Regulated Learning Enhancing Self Efficacy
Hadi, Syamsul
Improving Prospective Authors’ Writing and Publication Quality Through Publication-Based Training Framework
Developing EFL Students’ 21st Century Skills Through Flipped Learning and Field Study
Validity and Practicality: Application of Mathematics Learning in the Context of Local Wisdom of Palembang
Hariyanto, Febri Dwi
Improving Prospective Authors’ Writing and Publication Quality Through Publication-Based Training Framework
Hariyati, Nuria Reny
E-Team Study and E-Teaching Group Learning Strategies to Enhance Pharmacy Student’s Reading Comprehension
Herdianto, Roni
Peer-Review Statements
Herdianto, Roni
Improving Prospective Authors’ Writing and Publication Quality Through Publication-Based Training Framework
Herlina, Heni
Challenges for Special Education Teachers in Limited Face-to-Face Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Survey Research
Investigating Socio-scientific Reasoning of Biology Prospective Teacher: Focus on Genetic Modified Organism (GMO)
Indrawan, I Putu Oktap
Correlation of Learning Difficulties with Anxiety: A Concurrent Embedded Mixed Methods Study
Irvan, Muchamad
Effectiveness of the TEACCH Method to Improve the Executive Function Ability of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Irvan, Muchamad
The Effect of Interactive Hand Puppet on Joint Attention Ability in Children with Autism
Karimah, Azzahrotul
The Urgency of Character Education in the Life of Society 5.0
E-Team Study and E-Teaching Group Learning Strategies to Enhance Pharmacy Student’s Reading Comprehension
Komalasari, Kokom
Educator Efforts in Character Development Responsibility of Students in the Digital Era
Komar, Samsul
Validity and Practicality: Application of Mathematics Learning in the Context of Local Wisdom of Palembang
Kurubacak, Gulsun
Peer-Review Statements
Kuswandi, Dedi
Peer-Review Statements
Kuswandi, Dedi
Improving Prospective Authors’ Writing and Publication Quality Through Publication-Based Training Framework
Lestari, Sri Rahayu
Investigating Socio-scientific Reasoning of Biology Prospective Teacher: Focus on Genetic Modified Organism (GMO)
Li-ping, Qiao
The Impact of Assessing Tertiary Students’ Speaking via E-Portfolios Within Blended Learning
Investigating Socio-scientific Reasoning of Biology Prospective Teacher: Focus on Genetic Modified Organism (GMO)
Muchtarom, M.
Development of e-Book Based on Self Regulated Learning Enhancing Self Efficacy
Mulyono, Budi
Validity and Practicality: Application of Mathematics Learning in the Context of Local Wisdom of Palembang
Murtadho, Nurul
Improving Prospective Authors’ Writing and Publication Quality Through Publication-Based Training Framework
Muslim, Fajriana
Effectiveness of the TEACCH Method to Improve the Executive Function Ability of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Mustakim, Siti Salina
Peer-Review Statements
Narpila, Suci Dahlya
The Effectiveness of Quizizz Application as a Learning Evaluation Instrument Towards 5.0 Society Era in the Set and Logic Course
Nasution, Salimah Angreiny
The Effectiveness of Quizizz Application as a Learning Evaluation Instrument Towards 5.0 Society Era in the Set and Logic Course
Analyzing Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) in Teaching Reading Comprehension in Fifth-Grade Elementary Schools
Pradana, Ilham Mulya Putra
Improving Prospective Authors’ Writing and Publication Quality Through Publication-Based Training Framework
Primawari, Sri Nopita
Investigating Socio-scientific Reasoning of Biology Prospective Teacher: Focus on Genetic Modified Organism (GMO)
Pristiani, Riska
Peer-Review Statements
Putri, Kharisma Eka
Meta-analysis of IT-Based Learning Media for Elementary School Students
Rahmawati, A. J.
Development of e-Book Based on Self Regulated Learning Enhancing Self Efficacy
Do Community Members Harmonize in Face-to-Face Classrooms: Integrated Literacy Activities Implementation to Young Students
Romansyah, Romdah
Do Community Members Harmonize in Face-to-Face Classrooms: Integrated Literacy Activities Implementation to Young Students
Analyzing Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) in Teaching Reading Comprehension in Fifth-Grade Elementary Schools
Salam, Haerul
Stem Education: Its Effects on the Quality of Teachers and Students in the 21st Century
Sesanti, Nyamik Rahayu
Students’ Critical Thinking on Integer Operations Material Based on Students’ Metacognition
Sopandi, Agus Tatang
Correlation of Learning Difficulties with Anxiety: A Concurrent Embedded Mixed Methods Study
E-Team Study and E-Teaching Group Learning Strategies to Enhance Pharmacy Student’s Reading Comprehension
Analyzing Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) in Teaching Reading Comprehension in Fifth-Grade Elementary Schools
Sulthoni, Achmad
The Urgency of Character Education in the Life of Society 5.0
Suryadi, Didi
Students’ Learning Obstacles on Fractions in Elementary School
Suwardika, Gede
Correlation of Learning Difficulties with Anxiety: A Concurrent Embedded Mixed Methods Study
Syabila, Hafifatus
The Effect of Interactive Hand Puppet on Joint Attention Ability in Children with Autism
Taufik, Indra Nugrahayu
Development of Augmented Reality-Based Pocket Book Pantun (Poketun) Media for Elementary School Students
Students’ Learning Obstacles on Fractions in Elementary School
Unaenah, Een
Students’ Learning Obstacles on Fractions in Elementary School
Volya, Duti
Developing EFL Students’ 21st Century Skills Through Flipped Learning and Field Study
Wahyuni, Sri
The Effectiveness of Quizizz Application as a Learning Evaluation Instrument Towards 5.0 Society Era in the Set and Logic Course
Wardany, Ossy Firstanti
Challenges for Special Education Teachers in Limited Face-to-Face Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Survey Research
Wibawa, Aji Prasetya
Peer-Review Statements
Wibawa, Aji Prasetya
Improving Prospective Authors’ Writing and Publication Quality Through Publication-Based Training Framework
Wulandari, Bunga Ayu
Developing EFL Students’ 21st Century Skills Through Flipped Learning and Field Study