Proceedings of the International Conference on Islamic and Muhammadiyah Studies (ICIMS 2023)

208 authors
Abdussalam, Aufa
Implementation of Learning Arabic for Islamic Boarding Schools for International Students K.H. Mas Mansur Surakarta Muhammadiyah University
Abidin, Zaenal
The Tajdid Movement from Haedar Nashir’s Perspective
Abidin, Zaenal
Learning Innovation in Islamic Religious Education Using Information and Communication Technology Amid Science and Technology Transformation According to the Association for Educational Communications and Technology
Abubakar, Nur Setia
Pancasila Student Profile as an Interpretation of Contemporary Islamic Religious Education Values
Adhistia, Eky
The Concept of Da’wah Objects According to Tafsir Al-Mishbah
Adiwibowo, Syahril Hidayat Beno
Islamic Science Paradigm and Islamic Science Paradigm in the Format of Progressive Education
Afifah, Siti Nur
The Concept of Da’wah Objects According to Tafsir Al-Mishbah
Ainiyah, Faidatul
Analyzing the Behavioral Control Perception and Financial Inclusion on Investment’s Interest with Financial Literacy as Moderating Variables
Akbar, Sholahudin Muhammad
Learning Innovation in Islamic Religious Education Using Information and Communication Technology Amid Science and Technology Transformation According to the Association for Educational Communications and Technology
Alamsyah, Firman Dwi
Implementation of Leadership in Education According to Al-Mawardi’s Perspective
Ali, Mohamad
The Sekolah Penggerak Program in Improving the Quality of Education at SMP Muhammadiyah 8 Surakarta
Ali, Mohamad
Islamic Education Teachers’ Strategy in Optimizing Students Moral and Religious
Ali, Mohamad
Educational Pattern of Islamic Boarding Schools in the Contemporary Era (Case Study: Al-Mukmin Ngruki Islamic Boarding School)
Ali, Mohamad
Efforts of Islamic Education Teachers in Improving Learning Discipline at SMP Muhammadiyah 11 Sukodadi
Ali, Mohammad
Implementation of Learning Arabic for Islamic Boarding Schools for International Students K.H. Mas Mansur Surakarta Muhammadiyah University
Ali, Mohammad
The Modernization Concepts of Islamic Education, According to Azyumardi Azra
Ali, Mohammad
Values of Character Education in Surah Al-Isra Verses 23–38
Ali, Mohammad
Prevention of Verbal Bullying Through Education on Ethics Toward Fault
Ali, Mohammad
Analysis of Pedagogical and Professional Competence in Utilizing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) of Islamic Education Teachers
Amal, Muhammad Muchlasul
The Tajdid Movement from Haedar Nashir’s Perspective
Andhim, Muk
Values of Character Education in Surah Al-Isra Verses 23–38
Andri Nirwana, A. N.
Characteristics of Da’wah According to Buya Hamka’s Perspective in Commentary Book of Al-Azhar
Andri Nirwana, A. N.
The Concept of Da’wah Objects According to Tafsir Al-Mishbah
Andri Nirwana, A. N.
The Meaning of the Esoteric Interpretation of Syamsuddin as Sumatrani on the Verse of Aqidah in Surah Al-Hadid Verse Three
Apriantoro, Muhamad Subhi
A Review on Literature of Islamic Insurance
Apriliano, Moza
Internalization of Islamic Religious Education in Forming the Religious Humanist Character of Students at SMP Negeri 2 Colomadu
Ardhani, Vanesa Rohmah
Strengthening Pancasila Student Profiles through Window Shopping on Musthalah Hadith at Muhammadiyah Imam Syuhodo High School
Ardiyanto, Syifa Fahmi
Burhani’s Reason on Scientific Interpretation Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia in Scientific Interpretion of the Qur’an Surat.Az-Zumar Verse 6
Asy’arie, Musa
The Practice of Polygamy Between Black and White Movements in the Perspective of Islam
Auliya, Nila Qonita
The Qur’anic Perspective on the Role of Parenting in Alleviating LGBT: An Analytical Study
Azani, Mohammad Zakki
Peer-Review Statements
Azani, Mohammad Zakki
Religious Guidance and Behavior of Escort Lady on Mount Kemukus
Azani, Mohammad Zakki
Javanese Marriage from the Perspective of Islam in Asemrudung Village, Grobogan
Azani, Mohammad Zakki
Implementation of Leadership in Education According to Al-Mawardi’s Perspective
Azani, Mohammad Zakki
Characteristics of Educators Based on the Book of Rasulullah Sang Guru by Abdul Fattah Abu Ghuddah and Its Relevance to Teacher Personality Competency in Indonesia
Azani, Mohammad Zakki
Transformation of Non-formal Islamic Education in Responding to Modernism
Azani, Mohammad Zakki
The Innovative Leadership Style of the School Principal in Developing Student’s Religiosity Program at SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Program Khusus Boyolali
Azani, Mohammad Zakki
Analysis of the Civilizational Aspect of Islamic Education in the Time of Rashidun Khulafaur and Its Relevance to Contemporary Islamic Education
Azani, Mohammad Zakki
Implementation of Moral Education Methods on the Daily Activities at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Muhammadiyah 6 Bayat
Azani, Mohammad Zakki
Prevention of Verbal Bullying Through Education on Ethics Toward Fault
Azani, Mohammad Zakki
40 Years of Pondok “Hajjah Nuriyah Shabran”: Producing Qualified Muhammadiyah Cadres
Azizah, Alfiyatul
Burhani’s Reason on Scientific Interpretation Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia in Scientific Interpretion of the Qur’an Surat.Az-Zumar Verse 6
Azizi, Muhammad
The Meaning of the Esoteric Interpretation of Syamsuddin as Sumatrani on the Verse of Aqidah in Surah Al-Hadid Verse Three
A’dzham, Qo’idul
Analysis of Arabic Phonological Errors in Javanese Speakers
Cahyani, Siti Nur
The Sekolah Penggerak Program in Improving the Quality of Education at SMP Muhammadiyah 8 Surakarta
Cahyo, Erlan Dwi
Internalization of Wasaṭiyyah Educational Values in the Guidelines for Islamic Life of Muhammadiyah Citizens at Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta
Churohman, Taufiq
An Examination of the Historical and Psychological Perspectives on Physical Punishment in Islamic Boarding School (Pesantren) Education
Chusaini, Hanif Azzam
A Review on Literature of Islamic Insurance
The Practice of Polygamy Between Black and White Movements in the Perspective of Islam
Internalization of Islamic Religious Education in Forming the Religious Humanist Character of Students at SMP Negeri 2 Colomadu
Dahliana, Yeti
Study of the Living Quran: Religious Moderation in the Quran (Role of the Lingkar Perdamaian Foundation in Deradicalization Efforts)
An Ontological Analysis of Rububiyah Educational Values in the Qur’an Surah An-Nur Verse 35
The Inculcation of Aqidah Values Using the Book of Aqidatul Awam
Fadhilah, Asa Nur
Characteristics of Da’wah According to Buya Hamka’s Perspective in Commentary Book of Al-Azhar
Fadhilah, Asa Nur
Egalitarianism and Nationality in Surah Al-Hujurat Verse 13
Fattah, Faruq Damar
Burhani’s Reason on Scientific Interpretation Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia in Scientific Interpretion of the Qur’an Surat.Az-Zumar Verse 6
Fikri, Demes Ilham
Islamic Education Teachers’ Strategy in Optimizing Students Moral and Religious
Firdayanti, Novia
Gender Equality in the Perspective of the Qur’an
The Negative Impact of Instagram on Generation Z from the Perspective of Islamic Psychology
The Effect of Parental Education on Children in Overcoming LGBTQ+
Halima, Raden Ayu
The Impact of Al-Murabbithun Movement Arrival on Islamic Education in Al-Andalus
Hamida, Nuswa Salis
The Modernization Concepts of Islamic Education, According to Azyumardi Azra
Hamisan, Nur Saadah bt
Javanese Marriage from the Perspective of Islam in Asemrudung Village, Grobogan
Hamzah, Muhammad
The Existence of Islamic Religious Education in Religious Practice at Syiah Kuala University Banda Aceh
Hartafan, Azmil Iman
Characteristics of Da’wah According to Buya Hamka’s Perspective in Commentary Book of Al-Azhar
Haryanti, Masruroh
An Ontological Analysis of Rububiyah Educational Values in the Qur’an Surah An-Nur Verse 35
Hidayat, Syamsul
Peer-Review Statements
Hidayat, Syamsul
Study of the Living Quran: Religious Moderation in the Quran (Role of the Lingkar Perdamaian Foundation in Deradicalization Efforts)
Hidayat, Syamsul
Internalization of Wasaṭiyyah Educational Values in the Guidelines for Islamic Life of Muhammadiyah Citizens at Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta
Hidayat, Syamsul
The Concept of Humans in the Qur’an and Its Implementation in Education
Hidayat, Syamsul
Hasan Langgulung’s Paradigm on Human Mental Health in Islamic Education
Hidayat, Syamsul
40 Years of Pondok “Hajjah Nuriyah Shabran”: Producing Qualified Muhammadiyah Cadres
Hidayat, Wahidin Nur
E-Learning Based Teaching Revolution of the Quran Interpretation at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Himmaturosyidah, Alfi
Efforts of Islamic Education Teachers in Improving Learning Discipline at SMP Muhammadiyah 11 Sukodadi
Husein, Saddam
The Contribution of the Digital Era in the Social Life of Adolescent Millennials with Integrity: From the Perspective of the Quran Surah Al-Mujadilah Verse 11
Husein, Saddam
Characteristics of Educators Based on the Book of Rasulullah Sang Guru by Abdul Fattah Abu Ghuddah and Its Relevance to Teacher Personality Competency in Indonesia
Husein, Saddam
Implementation of Moral Education Methods on the Daily Activities at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Muhammadiyah 6 Bayat
Ihsan, Prima Maulana
The Role of Islamic Mentoring in Developing Students’ Character in the Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Inayati, Nurul Latifatul
Learning Innovation in Islamic Religious Education Using Information and Communication Technology Amid Science and Technology Transformation According to the Association for Educational Communications and Technology
Inayati, Nurul Latifatul
Leadership of School Principal in Improving Learning, Achievement, and Quality of Muhammadiyah 2 Gemolong High School in Post Covid-19
Inayati, Nurul Latifatul
Internalization of Islamic Religious Education in Forming the Religious Humanist Character of Students at SMP Negeri 2 Colomadu
Inayati, Nurul Latifatul
Super QC Curriculum as an Innovation in Developing Students’ Interests and Talents at Al Azhar IIBS
Inayati, Nurul Latifatul
The Concept of Distance Learning in Arabic Learning
Inayati, Nurul Latifatul
Efforts of Islamic Education Teachers in Improving Learning Discipline at SMP Muhammadiyah 11 Sukodadi
Inayati, Nurul Latifatul
The Influence of Panca Jiwa Values in Forming the Character of International Boarding School KH Mas Mansur Mahasanri, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Inayati, Nurul Latifatul
Analysis of Pedagogical and Professional Competence in Utilizing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) of Islamic Education Teachers
Insyirah, Yeni
The Contribution of the Digital Era in the Social Life of Adolescent Millennials with Integrity: From the Perspective of the Quran Surah Al-Mujadilah Verse 11
Leadership of School Principal in Improving Learning, Achievement, and Quality of Muhammadiyah 2 Gemolong High School in Post Covid-19
Izuddin, Faiz Rizal
Study of the Living Quran: Religious Moderation in the Quran (Role of the Lingkar Perdamaian Foundation in Deradicalization Efforts)
Jamuin, Ma’arif
Strategy for Planting Santri Morals at Pondok Muttaqien Laweyan Surakarta in 2022
Jinan, Mutohharun
The Tajdid Movement from Haedar Nashir’s Perspective
Jinan, Mutohharun
The Contribution of the Digital Era in the Social Life of Adolescent Millennials with Integrity: From the Perspective of the Quran Surah Al-Mujadilah Verse 11
Jinan, Mutohharun
Internalization of Religiosity Values in the Novel “Merasa Pintar, Bodoh Saja Tak Punya” by Rusdi Mathari
Jinan, Mutohharun
Implantation of Tauhid Values Nasih Ulwan’s Perspective
Jinan, Mutohharun
Problems of Learning Tahfidz Al-Qurán at Muhammadiyah Al-Kautsar Pk Kartasura Senior High School
Jinan, Mutohharun
Integration of Islamic Religious Education and General Science at SMA IT Nur Hidayah Sukoharjo
Kartika, Ardyta Prima
Characteristics of Da’wah According to Buya Hamka’s Perspective in Commentary Book of Al-Azhar
Khair, Nur Saadah Hamisan
Gender Equality in the Perspective of the Qur’an
Khoiriyah, Tri Era
Internalization of Religiosity Values in the Novel “Merasa Pintar, Bodoh Saja Tak Punya” by Rusdi Mathari
Kisdayani, Aisyah Novita
Implantation of Tauhid Values Nasih Ulwan’s Perspective