Proceedings of the SEMANTIK Conference of Mathematics Education (SEMANTIK 2019)

90 authors
Abidin, Taufiq
Improvement of Students’ Ability With Mathematics Learning Innovation Based on Handphone Technology
Agustito, Denik
Using the Set Theory Module in Think Pair Share Learning, Is It Effective?
Ahmad, Deni Nasir
Community Service: Processing Data Statistically
Aprilliana, Anugrah Sandra
K-Affinity Propagation Clustering and GIS on Instagram Accounts of Tourist Destinations in Java
Arief, Zainal Abidin
The Enhancement of Students’ Mathematics Critical Thinking Ability Through Videoscribe Learning Multimedia
Ashari, Novi
Development of Android-Based Mathematics Learning Media
As’ari, Abdur Rahman
Critical Thinking Disposition: The Persistence of Skeptical Students in Completing Mathematical Problems
As’ari, Abdur Rahman
The Teacher’s Critical Thinking Skills in Solving Mathematical Problems
Chandra, Tjang Daniel
Commognitive Analysis of Students Difficulty In Solving Fractional Problems
Fitroh, Mohamad Imam
Pre-service Mathematics Teacher’s Ability to Diagnose Mathematics Learning Difficulties
Gunawan, Gun Gun
The Enhancement of Students’ Mathematics Critical Thinking Ability Through Videoscribe Learning Multimedia
Hakim, Luthfi
The Teacher’s Critical Thinking Skills in Solving Mathematical Problems
Handayani, Ratih
Critical Thinking Disposition: The Persistence of Skeptical Students in Completing Mathematical Problems
Hidayah, Nur
k-Metric Dimension of Generalized Fan Graph and Cm ∗2 Kn Graph
Ikram, Muhammad
Did Undergraduate Students Really Establish Reversible Reasoning When Faced With Inverse Function Problem Situations?
Inayah, Sarah
GeoGebra-Assisted Problem Based Learning to Improve Mathematical Problem Solving Ability
Indrawatiningsih, Nonik
The Teacher’s Critical Thinking Skills in Solving Mathematical Problems
Irfan, Muhammad
Commognitive Analysis of Students Difficulty In Solving Fractional Problems
Ishartono, Naufal
Profile of Students’ Error in Solving Mathematics Word Problems Based on PISA Frameworks
Using the Set Theory Module in Think Pair Share Learning, Is It Effective?
The Enhancement of Students’ Mathematics Critical Thinking Ability Through Videoscribe Learning Multimedia
Kurniawan, Agus Prasetyo
Errors of High School Students Solve Double Discount Problems
Kurniawan, Haris
Development of M-Learning Media With Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education’s Approach
Kusmayadi, Tri Atmojo
The k-Metric Dimension of Nk + Pn Graph and Starbarbell Graph
Kusmayadi, Tri Atmojo
On the k-Metric Dimension of a Barbell Graph and a t-fold Wheel Graph
Kusmayadi, Tri Atmojo
k-Metric Dimension of Generalized Fan Graph and Cm ∗2 Kn Graph
Kusumaningrum, Betty
Can Kahoot Enchance Mathematic Disposition?
Kusumawati, Elli
Critical Thinking Skills of Students in Teaching Mathematics Using Model Problem-Based Learning
Development of Android-Based Mathematics Learning Media
Lestari, Andika Setyo Budi
Commognitive Analysis of Students Difficulty In Solving Fractional Problems
Machromah, Isnaeni Umi
Developing Circle Module Based on Van Hiele Theory
Maharani, Swasti
Mathematics Communication of Middle School Students in Solving Geometry Problems Based on Spatial Intelligence
Profile Reflective Thinking Ability of Vocational High School
Masfingatin, Titin
Mathematics Communication of Middle School Students in Solving Geometry Problems Based on Spatial Intelligence
Mawaddah, Siti
Critical Thinking Skills of Students in Teaching Mathematics Using Model Problem-Based Learning
Muanifah, Mahmudah Titi
Self-Assessment Through Diary Book for Elementary Students
Muhajir, Muhammad
K-Affinity Propagation Clustering and GIS on Instagram Accounts of Tourist Destinations in Java
Mulyatna, Fauzi
Look Same but Different: Misconceptions in Linear Combinations
Murtiyasa, Budi
Profile of Students’ Error in Solving Mathematics Word Problems Based on PISA Frameworks
Mutianingsih, Ninik
Errors of High School Students Solve Double Discount Problems
Ningsih, Eka Fitria
Prior Knowledge in Mathematics Learning
Nugraha, Rendi
GeoGebra-Assisted Problem Based Learning to Improve Mathematical Problem Solving Ability
Nugroho, Purna Bayu
Critical Thinking Disposition: The Persistence of Skeptical Students in Completing Mathematical Problems
Nurfitriyanti, Maya
Emotional Intelligence and Positive Thingking in Mathematics Learning Achievement
Development of Android-Based Mathematics Learning Media
Nurrahmah, Arfatin
Look Same but Different: Misconceptions in Linear Combinations
Nusantara, Toto
Critical Thinking Disposition: The Persistence of Skeptical Students in Completing Mathematical Problems
Nusantara, Toto
Commognitive Analysis of Students Difficulty In Solving Fractional Problems
Nusantari, Diah Oga
Community Service: Processing Data Statistically
Parta, I Nengah
Did Undergraduate Students Really Establish Reversible Reasoning When Faced With Inverse Function Problem Situations?
Prayitno, Lydia Lia
Errors of High School Students Solve Double Discount Problems
Did Undergraduate Students Really Establish Reversible Reasoning When Faced With Inverse Function Problem Situations?
Errors of High School Students Solve Double Discount Problems
Failure of Interpretation: Semiotic Representations in Fractional Problem Solving
Qurohman, M. Taufik
Improvement of Students’ Ability With Mathematics Learning Innovation Based on Handphone Technology
Rejeki, Sri
Profile of Students’ Error in Solving Mathematics Word Problems Based on PISA Frameworks
Retnowati, Endah
Prior Knowledge in Mathematics Learning
Rhosyida, Nelly
Self-Assessment Through Diary Book for Elementary Students
Rufiana, Intan Sari
Mathematics Communication of Middle School Students in Solving Geometry Problems Based on Spatial Intelligence
Rusmana, Indra Martha
Emotional Intelligence and Positive Thingking in Mathematics Learning Achievement
Saidah, Citra Ayu Ratna
The k-Metric Dimension of Nk + Pn Graph and Starbarbell Graph
Sanwidi, Ardhi
Mathematics Communication of Middle School Students in Solving Geometry Problems Based on Spatial Intelligence
Sari, Christina Kartika
Developing Circle Module Based on Van Hiele Theory
Septian, Ari
GeoGebra-Assisted Problem Based Learning to Improve Mathematical Problem Solving Ability
Look Same but Different: Misconceptions in Linear Combinations
Setiana, Dafid Slamet
The Role of Ethnomathematics in Welcoming the Society 5.0
Setyawan, Eri
On the k-Metric Dimension of a Barbell Graph and a t-fold Wheel Graph
Critical Thinking Disposition: The Persistence of Skeptical Students in Completing Mathematical Problems
Errors of High School Students Solve Double Discount Problems
Failure of Interpretation: Semiotic Representations in Fractional Problem Solving
Suhendri, Huri
Development of Android-Based Mathematics Learning Media
Sungkar, Muchamad Sobri
Improvement of Students’ Ability With Mathematics Learning Innovation Based on Handphone Technology
Suryaningrum, Christine Wulandari
Failure of Interpretation: Semiotic Representations in Fractional Problem Solving
Susanti, Eva
Development of M-Learning Media With Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education’s Approach
Susanto, Hery
Did Undergraduate Students Really Establish Reversible Reasoning When Faced With Inverse Function Problem Situations?
Susanto, Hery
Failure of Interpretation: Semiotic Representations in Fractional Problem Solving
Errors of High School Students Solve Double Discount Problems
Commognitive Analysis of Students Difficulty In Solving Fractional Problems
Suwarman, Ramdhan Fazrianto
GeoGebra-Assisted Problem Based Learning to Improve Mathematical Problem Solving Ability
Syafa’atun, Syafa’atun
Development of Android-Based Mathematics Learning Media
Syarifuddin, Azhar
Pre-service Mathematics Teacher’s Ability to Diagnose Mathematics Learning Difficulties
Triharyati, Nunik
Profile Reflective Thinking Ability of Vocational High School
Self-Assessment Through Diary Book for Elementary Students
Profile Reflective Thinking Ability of Vocational High School
Widodo, Sri Adi
Development of Android-Based Mathematics Learning Media
Wijayanto, Zainnur
Can Kahoot Enchance Mathematic Disposition?
Zahri, Mohammad
Pre-service Mathematics Teacher’s Ability to Diagnose Mathematics Learning Difficulties
Developing Circle Module Based on Van Hiele Theory
Zulkarnain, Ihwan
Community Service: Processing Data Statistically
Zulkarnain, Iskandar
Critical Thinking Skills of Students in Teaching Mathematics Using Model Problem-Based Learning