Proceedings of the Social Sciences, Humanities and Education Conference (SoSHEC 2019)
176 authors
- Nuraini Arief, Rizka
- Building Youth Awareness toward Indonesian Culture through Ballet Performance
- Nurhadi, Didik
- Learning Problems in Basic Japanese Language Writing Course: An Analysis of Language Errors
- Nurhadi, Didik
- Quasi-Final Particle in Japanese Language: A Case Study of Nanchatte and Various-Nanteitteshimatte
- Nurhadi, Didik
- Ambiguity and Communicative Strategy in Japanese Story Retelling
- Nurhadi, Didik
- The Usage of Popular Japanese Words: Surabaya Case Study
- Parastuti
- In-Group Concept of the Apology Dialogue Statement in Business Comics
- Parji
- A View of Indonesian Anti Corruption Class for Academic Students
- Parnaningroem, Rr. Dyah Woroharsi
- Teaching Material Development Based on German Literature for Lesen Course in German Literature Study Program
- Pujosusanto, Ari
- The Correlation between Tracer Study and Curriculum Relevance
- Purnomo, Bambang
- Beauty Myth in Novels by Tiwiek S.A
- Purwaning Hartanti, Lina
- Promoting Counterargument in Student’s Argumentative Writing: A Dialogic Approach
- Pusparini, Ririn
- Implementing “4C’s” in Teaching Writing in Senior High School
- Puspasari, Ririn
- Creative Learning Model to Support Senior High Students in Reading Comprehension
- Raynox Mael, Masilva
- Learning Problems in Basic Japanese Language Writing Course: An Analysis of Language Errors
- Raynox Mael, Masilva
- The Usage of Popular Japanese Words: Surabaya Case Study
- Retnani
- Learning Problems in Basic Japanese Language Writing Course: An Analysis of Language Errors
- Retnani
- The Usage of Popular Japanese Words: Surabaya Case Study
- Retnaningdyah, Pratiwi
- The Representation of Spirituality in Rumi’s Selected Poems: An Ecocriticism Analysis
- Ridwan, Agus
- The Correlation between Tracer Study and Curriculum Relevance
- Rika Ayu, Hujuala
- Promoting Counterargument in Student’s Argumentative Writing: A Dialogic Approach
- Risma Nurhikmawati, Agita
- Applying Screencast and Google Classroom Application for EPT Online Course
- Rizki Sintyani, Kiki
- Leech Politeness Maxim in Hitam Putih TV Program
- Rofiah, Khofidotur
- Mr. Mustache and Friends: A Song Animation Video Development Based on Signalong Indonesia
- Rohmawati, Ratih
- Student Admission through Hafidz Path Program: A Case Study of an Indonesian University
- Rokib, Muhammad
- The Polemics of Digital Literature in Indonesia: Trends, Patterns, and Approaches within Academic Discussion
- Roni
- In-Group Concept of the Apology Dialogue Statement in Business Comics
- Roro Maha Kalyana Mitta Anggoro, Raden
- Patrol Music as an Interaction Bond in Pandalunganese People: A Functional-Structural and Consensus Study
- Rosita Sari, Dwi
- Teaching Speaking Using Sainstagram: Its Implementation to Collegian
- Rusmiyati
- Research Theme Identification by Japanese Education Department Lecturers
- Saksono, Lutfi
- Teaching Material Development Based on German Literature for Lesen Course in German Literature Study Program
- Salam, Aprinus
- Hermione Granger’s Act of Equality in Harry Potter Saga Movies
- Samudra Sasanti, Nise
- Developing Student Worksheet to Support Kanji Teaching
- Saraswati, Marini
- Translation Shift in George Orwell’s Animal Farm as Assessing Readability in Indonesian Translation
- Sari Sukardani, Puspita
- Visual Storytelling of Infographic Design in News Media: A Comparative Study on Online Media Platforms in Indonesia
- Sari Sukardani, Puspita
- Local Films as an Effort to Optimize Character Education
- Sarjoko, Moh
- Gunungkidul Community as an Agent of Resistance in the “Rasulan” Tradition towards Mass Cultural Domination
- Septiana, Hespi
- The Usage of Popular Japanese Words: Surabaya Case Study
- Setyowati, Yulis
- Promoting University Students’ Critical Thinking Skills through Implementation of the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy in Language Assessment: A Theoretical Prespective
- Soepardjo, Djodjok
- Research Theme Identification by Japanese Education Department Lecturers
- Soleha, Jamiatus
- The Representation of Spirituality in Rumi’s Selected Poems: An Ecocriticism Analysis
- Subandi
- Implementing Direct Instruction in the Teaching and Learning Instrument Development Course
- Subandi
- The Effectiveness of Direct Instructional Learning Model in Assessment Process Course and Learning Outcomes
- Subandiyah, Heny
- The Importance of Developing Indonesian Language Learning Materials Based on Local Culture for BIPA Students
- Sueb
- Promoting Counterargument in Student’s Argumentative Writing: A Dialogic Approach
- Sulistiani, Sri
- Biosemiotics in Tulus S. Novel Artworks
- Surya Patria, Asidigisianti
- Comedy Film Posters in the 70’s Era: Content Analysis of Changing Trends
- Suryandoko, Welly
- Jaranan Turonggo Bimo in Nganjuk: Development and Representation of Identity
- Susanto
- Promoting University Students’ Critical Thinking Skills through Implementation of the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy in Language Assessment: A Theoretical Prespective
- Suwahyono, Agus
- Jaranan Turonggo Bimo in Nganjuk: Development and Representation of Identity
- Tandyonomanu, Danang
- “It’s Pre-Service Teacher’s Time”: Shifting the Focus of Communication Apprehension (CA) Research
- Tri Wedawati, Mamik
- Hyperreal Identity in William Gibson’s Neuromancer
- Trisakti
- Musicality Development on the Teaching of Musical Arts to Children of 6 to 9 Years Old
- Tsuroyya
- Local Films as an Effort to Optimize Character Education
- Tsuroyya
- “It’s Pre-Service Teacher’s Time”: Shifting the Focus of Communication Apprehension (CA) Research
- Ulfa, Mariam
- The Elicitation of Madurese Language in the Disruption Era
- Ulfa Nistiti, Nurul
- Maintaining Confessional Discourse through Presupposition in Feminist Speech
- Vidya Asteria, Prima
- Developing Intercultural Competence for Prospective TISOL Teachers through Flipped Learning
- Wahyu Widayati, Sri
- Educational Values in a Script “Ngelmi Karoyalan” - A Local Wisdom of Javanese Community
- Wahyudin Rohaedi, Diding
- Developing Problem-Based Blended Learning Model for Syntax Course in Industrial Era 4.0
- Wahyuningsih, Fahmi
- Teaching Material Development Based on German Literature for Lesen Course in German Literature Study Program
- Wibisono, Galih
- The Effectiveness of Direct Instructional Learning Model in Assessment Process Course and Learning Outcomes
- Widyastuti
- The Translation Quality of Modality Markers in Riordan’s The Blood of Olympus
- Wijoyanto, Danang
- Transposition of Meaning in Wangsalan
- Yanuarti, Setyo
- Musicality Development on the Teaching of Musical Arts to Children of 6 to 9 Years Old
- Yohanes, Budinuryanta
- Creative Writing, Behaviour, and Behavioral Psychology: Descriptive Study in the Indonesian Language and Literature Department
- Yosef Tandra Dasion, Hans
- Hate Speech: Forensic Linguistics Study
- Yuanita, Arie
- Language Impoliteness in Stand-up Comedy Academy (SUCA) II on Indosiar
- Yudha Karyawanto, Harpang
- Patrol Music as an Interaction Bond in Pandalunganese People: A Functional-Structural and Consensus Study
- Yulianto, Bambang
- The Importance of Developing Indonesian Language Learning Materials Based on Local Culture for BIPA Students
- Yulisetiana
- Musicality Development on the Teaching of Musical Arts to Children of 6 to 9 Years Old
- Yunisda, Prafina
- Political Discourse: The Modality in Donald J. Trumph’s Speech in Riyadh Summit 2017
- Yusuf Firmansyah, Ahmad
- Political Discourse: The Modality in Donald J. Trumph’s Speech in Riyadh Summit 2017
- Yuwana Sudikan, Setya
- Creative Writing, Behaviour, and Behavioral Psychology: Descriptive Study in the Indonesian Language and Literature Department
- Zaenal Fanani, Urip
- The Development of Mandarin Hanzi Instructional Videos to Increase Writing Skills
- Zein, Susmita
- The Language Attitude of Adolescence: A Case Study of an Indonesian-American Mixed Marriage Family
- Zuraidah, Farda
- Quasi-Final Particle in Japanese Language: A Case Study of Nanchatte and Various-Nanteitteshimatte