Proceedings of the Social Sciences, Humanities and Education Conference (SoSHEC 2019)

176 authors
Nuraini Arief, Rizka
Building Youth Awareness toward Indonesian Culture through Ballet Performance
Nurhadi, Didik
Learning Problems in Basic Japanese Language Writing Course: An Analysis of Language Errors
Nurhadi, Didik
Quasi-Final Particle in Japanese Language: A Case Study of Nanchatte and Various-Nanteitteshimatte
Nurhadi, Didik
Ambiguity and Communicative Strategy in Japanese Story Retelling
Nurhadi, Didik
The Usage of Popular Japanese Words: Surabaya Case Study
In-Group Concept of the Apology Dialogue Statement in Business Comics
A View of Indonesian Anti Corruption Class for Academic Students
Parnaningroem, Rr. Dyah Woroharsi
Teaching Material Development Based on German Literature for Lesen Course in German Literature Study Program
Pujosusanto, Ari
The Correlation between Tracer  Study and Curriculum Relevance
Purnomo, Bambang
Beauty Myth in Novels by Tiwiek S.A
Purwaning Hartanti, Lina
Promoting Counterargument in Student’s Argumentative Writing: A Dialogic Approach
Pusparini, Ririn
Implementing “4C’s” in Teaching Writing in Senior High School
Puspasari, Ririn
Creative Learning Model to Support Senior High Students in Reading Comprehension
Raynox Mael, Masilva
Learning Problems in Basic Japanese Language Writing Course: An Analysis of Language Errors
Raynox Mael, Masilva
The Usage of Popular Japanese Words: Surabaya Case Study
Learning Problems in Basic Japanese Language Writing Course: An Analysis of Language Errors
The Usage of Popular Japanese Words: Surabaya Case Study
Retnaningdyah, Pratiwi
The Representation of Spirituality in Rumi’s Selected Poems: An Ecocriticism Analysis
Ridwan, Agus
The Correlation between Tracer  Study and Curriculum Relevance
Rika Ayu, Hujuala
Promoting Counterargument in Student’s Argumentative Writing: A Dialogic Approach
Risma Nurhikmawati, Agita
Applying Screencast and Google Classroom Application for EPT Online Course
Rizki Sintyani, Kiki
Leech Politeness Maxim in Hitam Putih TV Program
Rofiah, Khofidotur
Mr. Mustache and Friends: A Song Animation Video Development Based on Signalong Indonesia
Rohmawati, Ratih
Student Admission through Hafidz Path Program: A Case Study of an Indonesian University
Rokib, Muhammad
The Polemics of Digital Literature in Indonesia: Trends, Patterns, and Approaches within Academic Discussion
In-Group Concept of the Apology Dialogue Statement in Business Comics
Roro Maha Kalyana Mitta Anggoro, Raden
Patrol Music as an Interaction Bond in Pandalunganese People: A Functional-Structural and Consensus Study
Rosita Sari, Dwi
Teaching Speaking Using Sainstagram: Its Implementation to Collegian
Research Theme Identification by Japanese Education Department Lecturers
Saksono, Lutfi
Teaching Material Development Based on German Literature for Lesen Course in German Literature Study Program
Salam, Aprinus
Hermione Granger’s Act of Equality in Harry Potter Saga Movies
Samudra Sasanti, Nise
Developing Student Worksheet to Support Kanji Teaching
Saraswati, Marini
Translation Shift in George Orwell’s Animal Farm as Assessing Readability in Indonesian Translation
Sari Sukardani, Puspita
Visual Storytelling of Infographic Design in News Media: A Comparative Study on Online Media Platforms in Indonesia
Sari Sukardani, Puspita
Local Films as an Effort to Optimize Character Education
Sarjoko, Moh
Gunungkidul Community as an Agent of Resistance in the “Rasulan” Tradition towards Mass Cultural Domination
Septiana, Hespi
The Usage of Popular Japanese Words: Surabaya Case Study
Setyowati, Yulis
Promoting University Students’ Critical Thinking Skills through Implementation of the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy in Language Assessment: A Theoretical Prespective
Soepardjo, Djodjok
Research Theme Identification by Japanese Education Department Lecturers
Soleha, Jamiatus
The Representation of Spirituality in Rumi’s Selected Poems: An Ecocriticism Analysis
Implementing Direct Instruction in the Teaching and Learning Instrument Development Course
The Effectiveness of Direct Instructional Learning Model in Assessment Process Course and Learning Outcomes
Subandiyah, Heny
The Importance of Developing Indonesian Language Learning Materials Based on Local Culture for BIPA Students
Promoting Counterargument in Student’s Argumentative Writing: A Dialogic Approach
Sulistiani, Sri
Biosemiotics in Tulus S. Novel Artworks
Surya Patria, Asidigisianti
Comedy Film Posters in the 70’s Era: Content Analysis of Changing Trends
Suryandoko, Welly
Jaranan Turonggo Bimo in Nganjuk: Development and Representation of Identity
Promoting University Students’ Critical Thinking Skills through Implementation of the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy in Language Assessment: A Theoretical Prespective
Suwahyono, Agus
Jaranan Turonggo Bimo in Nganjuk: Development and Representation of Identity
Tandyonomanu, Danang
“It’s Pre-Service Teacher’s Time”: Shifting the Focus of Communication Apprehension (CA) Research
Tri Wedawati, Mamik
Hyperreal Identity in William Gibson’s Neuromancer
Musicality Development on the Teaching of Musical Arts to Children of 6 to 9 Years Old
Local Films as an Effort to Optimize Character Education
“It’s Pre-Service Teacher’s Time”: Shifting the Focus of Communication Apprehension (CA) Research
Ulfa, Mariam
The Elicitation of Madurese Language in the Disruption Era
Ulfa Nistiti, Nurul
Maintaining Confessional Discourse through Presupposition in Feminist Speech
Vidya Asteria, Prima
Developing Intercultural Competence for Prospective TISOL Teachers through Flipped Learning
Wahyu Widayati, Sri
Educational Values in a Script “Ngelmi Karoyalan” - A Local Wisdom of Javanese Community
Wahyudin Rohaedi, Diding
Developing Problem-Based Blended Learning Model for Syntax Course in Industrial Era 4.0
Wahyuningsih, Fahmi
Teaching Material Development Based on German Literature for Lesen Course in German Literature Study Program
Wibisono, Galih
The Effectiveness of Direct Instructional Learning Model in Assessment Process Course and Learning Outcomes
The Translation Quality of Modality Markers in Riordan’s The Blood of Olympus
Wijoyanto, Danang
Transposition of Meaning in Wangsalan
Yanuarti, Setyo
Musicality Development on the Teaching of Musical Arts to Children of 6 to 9 Years Old
Yohanes, Budinuryanta
Creative Writing, Behaviour, and Behavioral Psychology: Descriptive Study in the Indonesian Language and Literature Department
Yosef Tandra Dasion, Hans
Hate Speech: Forensic Linguistics Study
Yuanita, Arie
Language Impoliteness in Stand-up Comedy Academy (SUCA) II on Indosiar
Yudha Karyawanto, Harpang
Patrol Music as an Interaction Bond in Pandalunganese People: A Functional-Structural and Consensus Study
Yulianto, Bambang
The Importance of Developing Indonesian Language Learning Materials Based on Local Culture for BIPA Students
Musicality Development on the Teaching of Musical Arts to Children of 6 to 9 Years Old
Yunisda, Prafina
Political Discourse: The Modality in Donald J. Trumph’s Speech in Riyadh Summit 2017
Yusuf Firmansyah, Ahmad
Political Discourse: The Modality in Donald J. Trumph’s Speech in Riyadh Summit 2017
Yuwana Sudikan, Setya
Creative Writing, Behaviour, and Behavioral Psychology: Descriptive Study in the Indonesian Language and Literature Department
Zaenal Fanani, Urip
The Development of Mandarin Hanzi Instructional Videos to Increase Writing Skills
Zein, Susmita
The Language Attitude of Adolescence: A Case Study of an Indonesian-American Mixed Marriage Family
Zuraidah, Farda
Quasi-Final Particle in Japanese Language: A Case Study of Nanchatte and Various-Nanteitteshimatte