Proceedings of the Social Sciences, Humanities and Education Conference (SoSHEC 2019)

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76 articles
Proceedings Article

Developing Student Worksheet to Support Kanji Teaching

Nise Samudra Sasanti, Miftachul Amri, Suwarno Imam Samsul
Every language learners are necessary to master four language skills, such as listening, speaking, and reading. This study focus on writing skill. Writing skill in Higher Education is given in the early semester of lectures, with the hope that learners will soon master writing and eventually will be...
Proceedings Article

A Re-Turn to Place-based Practice of the Arts for Lifelong Learning and Creativity

Diane Butler
Every day we face familiar and new situations that require us to make a choice about the direction one wants to take. But, if one does not know where one is coming from or needs to go, too many turns can lead to disorientation. These days, we also face the predicament of choosing whether to make a decision...
Proceedings Article

Teaching Speaking Using Sainstagram: Its Implementation to Collegian

Samsul Arifin, Dwi Rosita Sari
This research aims at describing the implementation, advantages, and disadvantages of Sainstagram in teaching speaking for university students. Sainstagram is a blended-learning model combining scientific approach and instagram as its learning tools. The research is conducted in a descriptive qualitative...
Proceedings Article

Hermione Granger’s Act of Equality in Harry Potter Saga Movies

Aprinus Salam, Ninies Aini Fitria Dewi
The present research tries to describe the distribution of the sensible based on Jacques Ranciere’s perspectives in Harry Potter Saga. The term distribution of the sensible is firsly proposed by Ranciere which gives attention to how the subject is placed in a certain position of the social structure....
Proceedings Article

A View of Indonesian Anti Corruption Class for Academic Students

Parji, Fida Chasanatun
This article purposes in examining the appication of anti-corruption education model through hero biography recension, its effectiveness as the instructional effect and the nurturrant effect. The research conducted in PGRI madiun University, especially Counseling Teaching Departmment. It has 31 students...
Proceedings Article

Leech Politeness Maxim in Hitam Putih TV Program

Kiki Rizki Sintyani, Mardiningsih
This study aims to describe the form and function of politeness in speaking in Hitam Putih program airing March 2019. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative. The subjects of this study were all the presenters and guest stars who attended the Hitam Putih program on Trans 7. The object of...
Proceedings Article

Applying Screencast and Google Classroom Application for EPT Online Course

Agita Risma Nurhikmawati, Sri Lestari
English is a two-credit subject that offered to non-English Department students in Universitas PGRI Madiun for the whole four years. Furthermore, taking the English Proficiency Test is one of the requirements for students before they graduate from university. Unfortunately, most students are not familiar...
Proceedings Article

News Coverage of Romahurmuzy Arrest: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Three National Online Media

Mohammad Isa Gautama
Romahurmuziy, Chairman of the United Development Party (PPP) was arrested during a sting operation (Operasi Tangkap Tangan/OTT) on March 15, 2019 by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in Surabaya. He is suspected of committing corruption in form of bribery in buying and selling position at the...
Proceedings Article

Film Literacy Culture and Identity Expression of Madurese Women in Pesantren (Santriwati) in Madura

Zakiyatul Mufidah, Afiifah Al Rosyiidah
Literacy culture of film and other literary works such as novel or drama among santriwati (muslim women living and studying in pesantren) is interesting to discuss since they have unique characteristics. They are living and learning religiosity in pesantren and at the same time they are studying sciences...
Proceedings Article

Discourse on Indonesian Piano Composition for Music Education

Hendrik Leonard Simanjuntak, Lono Lastoro Simatupang, Victor Ganap
Indonesia is an archipelago consisting of various tribes, cultures, and rich in diverse musical traditions, spreading from Sabang to Merauke. This archipelago music wealth must be maintained and developed continuously through various creativity and education as part of building national identity. The...
Proceedings Article

Vocabulary Profile of the Abstracts Written by Students Majoring in Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies: A Comparative Analysis

Imamatul Khair, Ahmad Faris Firdaws S, Risky Amalia Ramdhani
Vocabulary profile can be used to identify the uniqueness of certain texts among sub-genres. In this study, some types of vocabularies are examined. The study aimed at identifying vocabulary profile consisting of General Service List (GSL) and Academic Word List (AWL) in three different sub-genres of...
Proceedings Article

Learning Problems in Basic Japanese Language Writing Course: An Analysis of Language Errors

Didik Nurhadi, Masilva Raynox Mael, Retnani, Mintarsih
This paper aims to describe the language erros found in the essays made by university freshmen who take Japanese program in Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA). The course of making essay in Japanese Language Learning becomes a benchmark to see students’ writing skill in Japanese Language. The goal of...
Proceedings Article

The Polemics of Digital Literature in Indonesia: Trends, Patterns, and Approaches within Academic Discussion

Muhammad Rokib
The massive use of information technology in some cities in Indonesia has caused the emergence of new phenomenon in the field of literature. Literary medium which previously was dominated by print has gradually shifted to digital media. The emergence of literary works written and published directly in...
Proceedings Article

Language Impoliteness in Stand-up Comedy Academy (SUCA) II on Indosiar

Arie Yuanita
This study aims to describe the impoliteness of the language used by the komika in Stand-up Comedy Academy (Suca) II TV program in Indonesia, which aired on Indosiar. The data in this study are utterances containing language impoliteness conducted by komika in the Stand-up Comedy Academy (Suca) II program,...
Proceedings Article

Jaranan Turonggo Bimo in Nganjuk: Development and Representation of Identity

Welly Suryandoko, Yunita Ernawati, Agus Suwahyono
The development and representation of Jaranan Turonggo Bimo's identity focuses on the Village Tourism Culture Based on Local Wisdom of Banaran Village Nganjuk Regency has a fundamental goal of Community Service namely prospering and elevating the economic level of the people of Banaran Village, Kertosono...
Proceedings Article

The Language Attitude of Adolescence: A Case Study of an Indonesian-American Mixed Marriage Family

Susmita Zein, Adam Damanhuri
Having mixed marriage family background becomes one of the factors to someone become bilingual or multilingual especially for the children. Being bilingual or multilingual adolescence, one language can be dominant one to say which is determined by the situation and language choice of someone and other...
Proceedings Article

Hate Speech: Forensic Linguistics Study

Maria Mintowati, Hans Yosef Tandra Dasion
The article entitled "Hate Speech: Forensic Linguistics Study" aims to describe the hate speech delivered by the speaker to the speech partner. The hate speech analyzed in this article is sourced from videos and Facebook that were viral in the mass media in April 2019. Their content is content insulting...
Proceedings Article

Building Youth Awareness toward Indonesian Culture through Ballet Performance

Rizka Nuraini Arief, Anik Juwariyah
Ballet is one popular foreign culture in Indonesia, especially in metropolitan areas although not as popular as modern dance. Currently, the proud and concern for preserving the arts of traditional culture is less embedded in Indonesian’s young generation. This paper describes a case study at one of...
Proceedings Article

The Representation of Javanese Culture in the “Knight Kris” Animated Movie: Charles Sanders Pierce’s Semiotic Analysis

Arjuna Bangsawan, Anik Juwariyah
Knight Kris is an animated movie released in 2017 in fantasy genre. However, in the setting of the story, the characterization and the theme contain of Javanese cultural elements. The focus in this study is how the signs of Javanese culture were represented in Knight Kris animated movie and what are...
Proceedings Article

Criticism of the Titarubi’s Sculpture Entitled “Hallucinogenic” in the Senyap Exhibition at the Salian Art Gallery in Bandung 2015

Baskara Ardhy Perkasa, Anik Juwariyah
—“Hallucinogenic” is a sculpture created by Titarubi in 2014 and exhibited at the Salian Art Gallery, Bandung in 2015. “Hallucinogenic” is one of Titarubi's works in the latest period. Titarubi is one of the female artists who consistently works in the world of contemporary art in Indonesia. The problems...
Proceedings Article

Translation Shift in George Orwell’s Animal Farm as Assessing Readability in Indonesian Translation

Marini Saraswati, Adam Damanhuri
Translation is a media to transfer one language to another language without shifting the message of a particular text. When translating a particular text, the translators often do shifting in order to get the ease of reading and understanding. Research has shown that shifting is an important skill to...
Proceedings Article

The Correlation between Tracer  Study and Curriculum Relevance

Ajeng Dianing Kartika, Suwarno Imam Samsul, Ari Pujosusanto, Agus Ridwan
Agricultural’s graduate works in a bank, a graduate majoring in economics became a journalist, and a law graduate into a credit analyst; this fact leads us to the question of what causes a gap between the world of higher education and the labor market. Rapid changes in the working world as a result of...
Proceedings Article

Mr. Mustache and Friends: A Song Animation Video Development Based on Signalong Indonesia

Mudjito, Citra Fitri Kholidya, Khofidotur Rofiah
This research aims to produce a prototype of Signalong Indonesia based children's song animation video media for children with special needs as a solution for children with special needs in delays or communication constraints. Signalong media as a medium to facilitate the communication style of each...
Proceedings Article

Beauty Myth in Novels by Tiwiek S.A

Yunita Ernawati, Bambang Purnomo
This research is motivated by the issue of women that is reproduced and revised continuously up to this day. This thing can be seen is seen in literary works. In this case, the author of Javanese literature, namely Tiwiek S.A, also consistently discussed the issue of women in each of her literary works....
Proceedings Article

The Actantial and Functional Structure Analysis of Fairytale Beauty and The Beast

Dwi Nur Cahyani Sri K.
This study is aimed to find how structural narrative which is in Beauty and The Beast fairytale by using structuralism narratology A.J. Greimas. The purpose of this study is to obtain, examine, understand and describe the actantial and functional structure of Beauty and The Beast. The result of the study...
Proceedings Article

Developing Teaching Module of Visual Perception Course

Meirina Lani Anggapuspa, Arjuna Bangsawan
The changing in curriculum is in line with the changing of KKNI concept in Design study program to fulfill the quality of the alumnae. This is still cannot be implemented due to the lack of appropriate teaching aids. One of them is Visual Perception course subject whish is on of the compulsory subject...
Proceedings Article

Quasi-Final Particle in Japanese Language: A Case Study of Nanchatte and Various-Nanteitteshimatte

Farda Zuraidah, Tri Edliani Lestari, Didik Nurhadi
This paper tries to formulate ideas on requirement of a word that possibly can change its function into quasi-final particle. This research is a descriptive qualitative study with the following steps described. First, the researcher tries to proceed, rewrite, and observe the previous research’s findings...
Proceedings Article

Political Discourse: The Modality in Donald J. Trumph’s Speech in Riyadh Summit 2017

Prafina Yunisda, Ahmad Yusuf Firmansyah
In search of the use of Modality in supporting a political speech and for revealing the tendencies behind it, therefore it examines Donald Trump’s speeches using Types of Modality (Deontic and Epistemic modal) theory [26]; [15]; [12]; [18]; [7] and Power, Identification and Manipulation (PIMI) model...
Proceedings Article

Developing Problem-Based Blended Learning Model for Syntax Course in Industrial Era 4.0

Mulyono, Mukhzamilah Mrs., Diding Wahyudin Rohaedi
In this era, there are so many developed universities that provides Communication and Information Technology Based learning. The programs can be joined via online so that there is no longer a time and space limit for its users. Therefore, the lecture services are directed at implementing CIT online in...
Proceedings Article

Promoting Counterargument in Student’s Argumentative Writing: A Dialogic Approach

Sueb, Lina Purwaning Hartanti, Hujuala Rika Ayu
It is important for students to integrate both argument and counterargument to construct effective argumentative writing. One strategy believed to improve the effectiveness of student’s argumentative writing is through the employment of Bakhtinian dialogism. This action research was intended to observe...
Proceedings Article

Patrol Music as an Interaction Bond in Pandalunganese People: A Functional-Structural and Consensus Study

Raden Roro Maha Kalyana Mitta Anggoro, Harpang Yudha Karyawanto
Patrol music comes from the Pandalungan area, East Java, which combines two dominant cultures, namely Javanese culture and Maduranese culture. Patrol activity itself is based on a sense of mutual cooperation among the community which is manifested in one of them by maintaining security in the neighborhood...
Proceedings Article

Idiom Structure with Plan Lexicon in German Language

Tri Edliani Lestari
The research study entitled "Idiom Structure with Plan Lexicon in German Language". The purposes of this study is to describe the structure of the German language idioms that use the lexicon of plants. The research uses qualitative research. The data used in this study is the idiom of German dictionary...
Proceedings Article

Representation of Language Awareness in Jokowi’s Terms

Tatik Muflihah
The era of information and communication technology has many challenges faced by many people, including the language awareness of Indonesian users. Lack of awareness of respecting the language of the nation itself is a big problem. It should be noted, the use of the Indonesian language now does not govern...
Proceedings Article

Building Professionalism of Lecturers through the Development of Blended Learning

Warih Handayaningrum, Autar Abdillah
Unesa takes the role of a tertiary institution that provides digital learning by opening websites providing e-books, e-learning, journals and libraries to facilitate campus residents accessing information. Lecturers in the millennial era must really be the center of change and become professional figures...
Proceedings Article

Father's Image in Digital Short Stories in September 2018 Edition

Nensy Megawati Simanjuntak, Cholis Mawanti
Digital literature is literature that involves actors, perceptions, and technology as the main components. One of the digital literature that is currently in trend is a digital short story. Digital short stories are packaged in various forms, one of which is a digital application. Digital applications...
Proceedings Article

Implementing Direct Instruction in the Teaching and Learning Instrument Development Course

Subandi, Muhammad Farhan Masrur, Cicik Arista, Rendy Aditya
Student’s competence formation in the world of education is a common problem that occurs at every level and all education promoters. The direct instruction can be used as an alternative solution in the learning process to overcome these problems. The direct instruction is proven to be able to help students...
Proceedings Article

Promoting University Students’ Critical Thinking Skills through Implementation of the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy in Language Assessment: A Theoretical Prespective

Yulis Setyowati, Susanto, Ahmad Munir
Some studies showed that critical thinking, particularly in Indonesia still is rarely promoted in a classroom even though many experts noted that critical thinking is a crucial concern in the education field. Thus this paper aimed at proposing the use of the revised Bloom taxonomy to explore critical...
Proceedings Article

Art and Fun Digital Learning for Children with Special Needs: A Case Study on Applying Art as a Learning Technology

Muchammad Bayu Tejo Sampurno, Ika Anggun Camelia
Special education always offers a new perspective on the learning method. This is because when working with them, special learning methods are needed to improve the quality of life for children with special needs. Therefore, it requires interdisciplinary exploration in learning activities of children...
Proceedings Article

Comedy Film Posters in the 70’s Era: Content Analysis of Changing Trends

Asidigisianti Surya Patria, Nova Kristiana, Hendro Aryanto
The film poster specifically aims to promote the film contents. As publicity tools, the film poster has been playing a significant role along with the other outdoor publicity tools. Film posters have been the reflection of changing time, technology, techniques and an array of ideas and designs of different...
Proceedings Article

Improving Anaerobic Capacity using Speed Agility and Quickness Training

N.W Kusnanik, K. Azmi, S.P Bird
The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of speed agility and quickness (SAQ) training in improving anaerobic capacity. This research was conducted at 26 male soccer sub elite players and divided into 2 groups with 13 players each groups. Group 1 was given SAQ training program, Group...
Proceedings Article

Maintaining Confessional Discourse through Presupposition in Feminist Speech

Lisetyo Ariyanti, Nurul Ulfa Nistiti
This research took an online media provided by the TEDxEuston annual events that feature new thinking about Africa and African leadership. This research completed the two research questions that analyzed the types of presupposition used in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s speech “We should all be feminist”...
Proceedings Article

In-Group Concept of the Apology Dialogue Statement in Business Comics

Parastuti, Ina Ika Pratita, Roni
Language as an introduction to the communication of a society, is a means of socialization and inheritance of a country's cultural values. And the service sector is good and orderly, it does not escape the emphasis of the use of several expressions. For example, how to express apology statements stated...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Mandarin Hanzi Instructional Videos to Increase Writing Skills

Urip Zaenal Fanani, Rendy Aditya, Dwi Didik Santoso
As Mandarin learners, understanding Hanzi is difficult because there are rules in writing it. Therefore, in order to facilitate learners in getting materials on Hanzi writing and to attract learners’ interests in Hanzi, a Hanzi writing instructional videos are made. The Hanzi writing instructional videos...
Proceedings Article

Online Knowledge Sharing Behavior: A Review on the Social Capital Theory and Individual Motivation

Yessy Artanti
Knowledge sharing behavior between people (between individuals, groups, departments, and organizations / two way information) are actively included in the concept of knowledge sharing behavior (KSB). To comprehensively understand the processes and determinants of consumer involvement in sharing knowledge,...
Proceedings Article

Students’ Perception on Note-taking Skill and Strategy

Wiwiet Eva Savitri, Asrori, Nur Chakim
Note-taking is an important skill that should be acquired by university students. However, it is not easy to do. The preliminary study indicates that many students are poor in note-taking. They do not know what to note. The preliminary also indicates that the advance of technology like smartphones makes...
Proceedings Article

Construing Masculinity in Men’s Perfume Advertisement: A Systemic Functional Multimodal Discourse Analysis (SF-MDA)

Laily Maulida Septiana Harti
This qualitative research examines the construction of masculinity in men’s perfume advertisements through the employment of visual images and verbal elements. Fifteen advertisements from Cosmopolitan, ELLE, Men’s Health and Men’s Fitness magazines 2015-2016 edition were collected online and analysed...
Proceedings Article

Banking Literacy for New College Students in Digital Era

College student as the future generation of the nation must be equipped with a variety of literacy, one of which is financial literacy. This research is a preliminary study of new college students who have just graduated from senior high school or equivalent so that they only take from the side of banking...
Proceedings Article

The Elicitation of Madurese Language in the Disruption Era

Mariam Ulfa, Kisyani Laksono, Mintowati
Minority languages are significant ​​to note for its existence in the era of disruption. The development of the era led to cultural transition and transformation that were not limited to space and time. Minority languages ​​in the context of this paper are regional languages. Indonesia has regional languagessince...
Proceedings Article

Developing Intercultural Competence for Prospective TISOL Teachers through Flipped Learning

Prima Vidya Asteria
The Quality TISOL teachers are the most important needs in realizing the success of TISOL learning. TISOL teachers are required to have a variety of competencies (professional, pedagogical, personality, and socio-cultural). For this reason, these competencies need to be presented either explicitly or...
Proceedings Article

The Potential of "Ojhung" Tradition Art as Sports Tourism in Sumenep District

Febryansah Gilang Aris Pradana, Nurul Hidayat, Asha, Dwi Lorry Juniarisca, Ali Imron
This research aims to describe the potential of the Ojhung tradition arts in Sumenep District. The benefits that could be taken were to preserve and develop the potential of Ojhung tradition arts as sport tourism. This research used a qualitative method. The data were obtained through data collection...
Proceedings Article

The Representation of Spirituality in Rumi’s Selected Poems: An Ecocriticism Analysis

Jamiatus Soleha, Pratiwi Retnaningdyah
This study investigates the idea of spirituality in the selected poems of Jalaluddin Rumi, one of the Persian poets who also known as a great Sufi in the world. The objective of this study is to reveal the representation of spirituality through the pastoral images that Rumi employs in his selected poems....
Proceedings Article

Visual Storytelling of Infographic Design in News Media: A Comparative Study on Online Media Platforms in Indonesia

Puspita Sari Sukardani, Vinda Maya Setianingrum
One of the most emerging methods employed by news media platform to present interesting information is through infographic design. Infographic is a form of storytelling which contains graphs, images and/or illustrations that can be accompanied with narration. In the context of visual or pictorial news,...
Proceedings Article

Local Films as an Effort to Optimize Character Education

Vinda Maya Setianingrum, Tsuroyya, Puspita Sari Sukardani
Phenomenon is very clear now that millennial children hunt a lot of films in theaters. Not only as a lifestyle, but also as a necessity. While the reality in the Indonesian film industry is found the fact that more and more western films from Hollywood, Korean films, Indian films, and others. So the...
Proceedings Article

Creative Learning Model to Support Senior High Students in Reading Comprehension

Ririn Puspasari, Esti Kurniasih
Although many approaches and learning models have been implemented in teaching English, the learning objectives of teaching English have not been achieved maximally. One of the causes is the inappropriateness of models/methods/techniques implemented. It happens in teaching and learning process, especially...
Proceedings Article

Soap Opera Actors’ Social Climbing in the Digital Media: A Study of Digital Traces in Social Media

Ali Mustofa
This paper discusses social climbing which is regarded as an attempt as self and public branding to gain attention and recognition in social media. This activity is the behavior of actors in getting social capital. By using Bordieu’s critical discourse analysis, this paper aims at describing several...
Proceedings Article

Implementing “4C’s” in Teaching Writing in Senior High School

Esti Kurniasih, Ririn Pusparini
21st century skills or known as “4C” (i.e. communication skills, collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving, as well as creativity and innovation) are the skills that senior high school graduates should possess in order to achieve the national education goal, i.e. developing students’ potentials...
Proceedings Article

“It’s Pre-Service Teacher’s Time”: Shifting the Focus of Communication Apprehension (CA) Research

Danang Tandyonomanu, Tsuroyya, Damajanti Kusuma Dewi
Anxiety to communicate in front of public is significantly associated with how individuals cope with and adjust to the stress of apprehension. Studies across multiple disciplines have investigated connections among Communication Apprehension (CA), instructional communication (e.g. language and various...
Proceedings Article

Musicality Development on the Teaching of Musical Arts to Children of 6 to 9 Years Old

Trisakti, Setyo Yanuarti, Yulisetiana
The teaching and learning process of music arts for children from ages 6 to 9 years old needs a careful strategy in its implementation. A case in a course Accento Music Education Centre Surabaya shows the lack of musicality of children that causes their learning outcomes to be less optimal. In its teaching...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Direct Instructional Learning Model in Assessment Process Course and Learning Outcomes

Subandi, Galih Wibisono, Cicik Arista, Muhammad Farhan Masrur
Pedagogical competence supports successful learning, however, the ability to arrange the assessment tools as one of the learning materials that be implemented by teacher and pre-service Mandarin Language teacher still becomes underlying issues today. The reality shows the expertise of material substance...
Proceedings Article

The Translation Quality of Modality Markers in Riordan’s The Blood of Olympus

This paper attempts to examine the quality of translation by two out of three components of equivalance, that is, accuracy and acceptability through the novel. The text depicted a phenomenon of social engagement through the modality markers that are used by interactants in stating an opinion. Modality...
Proceedings Article

Hyperreal Identity in William Gibson’s Neuromancer

Dea Anugrah Santoso, Mamik Tri Wedawati
This study focuses on the case of hyperreal identity issue about what is real and not according to the character’s identity that appeared and depicted in the main character, Case, perceive reality and thus he become confused in distinguish between realities and also beliefs of his own identity which...
Proceedings Article

Student Admission through Hafidz Path Program: A Case Study of an Indonesian University

Agus Machfud Fauzi, Ayu Mega Diarti, Ratih Rohmawati
This study aims to look at educational policies that are beneficial to the nation's generation by realizing the vision and mission or ideals of education. Education has so far only been in the process of teaching humans to understand the academic world and society. Surabaya State University as one of...
Proceedings Article

Transposition of Meaning in Wangsalan

Danang Wijoyanto
Wangsalan is one of the unique and complex language styles in Javanese language. The uniqueness of wangsalan can be seen from its structure and way of producing. The structure of wangsalan consists of bebuka or opening and content. The opening of wangsalan is in the form of cangkriman or riddle while...
Proceedings Article

The Sandur of Bangkalan Nowadays: Performing Arts in the Prestige and Social Status

Anik Juwariyah, Darni, Ali Mustofa
Sandur Bangkalan Madura art is one of the arts that has undergone a change. Sandur performing nowadays is no longer dominated by elements of the show, but rather leads to social functions. The researchers’ reason for taking this topic is that the existence of Sandur which is still well-maintained, even...
Proceedings Article

The Importance of Developing Indonesian Language Learning Materials Based on Local Culture for BIPA Students

Heny Subandiyah, Bambang Yulianto, Kisyani Laksono
There are many factors to determine the successful learning. One of the factor is the appropriate learning material. The foreign university students of Bahasa Indonesia in Unesa need the appropriate learning material that suit with their learning target. That are, skilfull in Bahasa (Indonesian language)...
Proceedings Article

Gunungkidul Community as an Agent of Resistance in the “Rasulan” Tradition towards Mass Cultural Domination

Vivi Ervina Dewi, Moh Sarjoko, Dhani Kristiandri
Rasulan tradition is a form of traditional culture that is still maintained and preserved by the people of Gunungkidul towards the domination of mass culture that exists today. The efforts of Gunungkidul community maintain the tradition was carried out through various forms of resistance. The forms of...
Proceedings Article

Ojigi: The Ethics of Japanese Community's Nonverbal Language

Miftachul Amri
This paper discusses about Ojigi: the ethics of Japanese community nonverbal language. Bowing (Ojigi) is the ethics to greet each other Japanese culture which is part of nonverbal communication by respecting the other person during the interaction. The interaction can be mean directly facing the interlucotor...
Proceedings Article

Ambiguity and Communicative Strategy in Japanese Story Retelling

Mintarsih, Didik Nurhadi
The purpose of this study is to describe and explain the trigger of ambiguity factors in Japanese story retell toward 5 students in the third and fourth semesters. It also aims to find out the communicative strategy which is used during the communication. The data was gathered through semi-structured...
Proceedings Article

Developing Teaching Materials for Three Dimensional Basic Fine Arts Subjects

As the growing demands on the quality of nationally standardized graduates, the curriculum needs to be aligned with Department of Design KKNI concept. The curriculum changes consider the profile of graduates, learning achievement, and the study material. The curriculum changes have not been implemented...
Proceedings Article

Educational Values in a Script “Ngelmi Karoyalan” - A Local Wisdom of Javanese Community

Sri Wahyu Widayati, Sukarman Mr.
This study aims to reveal the educational values in “Ngelmi Karoyalan” script to be actualized to the community through journals or textbooks. The method used in this study is analytic descriptive for the old literature. The theories which are used include philology, semiotics, and hermeneutics. Based...
Proceedings Article

Research Theme Identification by Japanese Education Department Lecturers

Amira Agustin Kocimaheni, Djodjok Soepardjo, Rusmiyati
The aim of this research is to investigate the research theme and focus that have been conducted by lecturers, and the theme development of the future research. It is a descriptive research using purposive sampling methods. The sampling is in the form of the research results or reports done by lecturers...
Proceedings Article

Teaching Material Development Based on German Literature for Lesen Course in German Literature Study Program

Lutfi Saksono, Fahmi Wahyuningsih, Rr. Dyah Woroharsi Parnaningroem
The purpose of teaching a foreign language is to help students in improving their skill in oral and written communication. One of language skills that needs to be improved is reading skill. In German Literature study program, reading skill is gained in Lesen course. Lesen 1 course is a basic skill course...
Proceedings Article

The Usage of Popular Japanese Words: Surabaya Case Study

Masilva Raynox Mael, Retnani, Didik Nurhadi, Hespi Septiana
Indonesians’ interest towards Japan has been increasing lately. Many have gone to Japan to travel and some even conduct a study there. Due to the increased interest of the Japanese language, there are many Indonesians that start learning the Japanese language. Because of that, the knowledge of the Japanese...
Proceedings Article

Biosemiotics in Tulus S. Novel Artworks

Octo Dendy Andriyanto, Sri Sulistiani
A community who is divided into various ethnic groups has diverse customs and cultures. The process of exchanging messages or semiosis is an indispensable characteristic of all worldly life forms. Biosemiotics are the integration of developing fields of semiotics and biology that study the production...
Proceedings Article

Creative Writing, Behaviour, and Behavioral Psychology: Descriptive Study in the Indonesian Language and Literature Department

Anas Ahmadi, Setya Yuwana Sudikan, Budinuryanta Yohanes
The purpose of this research is to explore the student behavior in creative writing using behavioral psychology prospective. The research are using qualitative approach that been strengthen with narrative texts. The subject of the research is the 36 students from language and literature of Indonesia....
Proceedings Article

Vocabulary Learning on Junior High School Students’ Textbook

Kisyani, Mukhzamilah, Maria Mintowati, Fafi Inayatillah
Indonesian language vocabulary has improved. This case is testified by the increasing number of word entries in Indonesian Big Dictionary or the so-called Kamus-Besar-Bahasa-Indonesia (KBBI): 62,100 entries (edition I, 1998); 72,000 (edition II, 1991); 78,000 (edition III, 2005); 90,000 (IV edition,...