Proceedings of the Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC 2018)

422 authors
Hadi, Nur
Promoting Social Justice through Philantropy: Women`s Activism as Civil Society (A Reflection on the Emergence of Yayasan Sahabat Ibu in Yogyakarta)
Hadi, Nur
The Meaning of Modernization and Education in Tambora Village Tradition Community, in Tambora Mountain Slope, Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara
Hakim, Suparlan Al
Us, The Society, and Our Pancasila: A Nowadays Service-Learning Program to Prepare the Good Citizen
Halimi, Muhammad
Values of Indigenous Meeting (Sangkep) Bali Indigenous Peoples in the Establishment of Civic Disposition
Halimi, Muhammad
Improve the Competence of Citizenship through Peace Education for Victims of the Aceh Conflict
Handoyo, Arintowati H.
Agenda Setting of the Religious Issues News in National Print Media (Content Analysis of News of the Islamic Defense Action III December 2, 2016)
Hanum, Fathikah Fauziah
The Need of Instructional Media Online for Senior High School Students in Civic Education
Hardyanto, Wahyu
Human Rights Education Establishment for Elementary School in Kendal Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Hariyadi, Hariyadi
Ex-Prisoners, Correctional System, and National Resilience
Hariyanti, Hariyanti
The Role of Political Parties in Building Loyalty Women Cadres through Political Education
Hartanto, Rima Vien Permata
Indigenous Peoples and Their Struggle for Citizenship and Collective Identity in Indonesia
Hartanto, Rima Vien Permata
Citizenship: Review from Feminist Perspectives
Haryono, B
The effect of the Learning Process on the increasing of the level of understanding of the student on State Ideological issues
Hasanah, Uswatun
Perspective of Community Knowledge and Attitude about Human Trafficking
Hasyim, Ridwan
Preservation of Bancakan Tradition in Strengthening Indonesia’s National Identity
Hayati, Auliya Aenul
Civic Education through a Traditional Dance Namely “Tari Topeng”
Hayati, Erna
The Procession and Meaning of Sengen Tradition in Gayo Lues Society
Hemafitria, Hemafitria
Strengthening Nation’s Character through Saprahan Local Wisdom as Civic Culture of Malay Sambas Society in Kalimantan Barat
Hendrawan, Jajang H.
Character Values in the Superflex Learning Model
Heru Nurgiansah, T
Development of Student Awareness through Student Learning Model Jurisprudential in Citizenship Education
Hijran, Muhamad
The Role of Political Parties in the Political Education of Party Cadres to Form Responsible Characters: Case study on the DPD Party Gerindra West Java
Hood, Hardi Selamat
Strengthening Students' Character as Authentic Learners: Effects of Advanced School Leadership and Boost Learning
Huda, Nurul
Urgency of Civic Education in the Formation of Civic Competence of Students with Visual Impairment in SLB Fajar Harapan
Hufad, Achmad
The implication of Baduy Dalam tribe’s closure on Indonesia’s rank in the World Economic Forum
Husna, Asmaul
Government's Efforts in Developing Civic Culture : The Malays Palembang Provided Through Palembang Emas 2018 Programs
Iasha, Vina
Development Media Interactive Learning in Education Pancasila and Citizenship Education to Improve Tolerance of Students in Elementary School
Imran, Imran
Uventira as A Symbol of Environmental Movement
Indrawadi, Junaidi
Verbal Violence in Character Education High-Risk Students at Coastal Elementary Schools
Indrawadi, Junaidi
Breaking the Chain of Social Injustice Through Gender Responsive Civic Education
Indrawadi, Junaidi
Generating Value within Learning Activity: Integrating Storytelling with Reflective Practice in Civics and Character Education Class at College of Education
Irawan, Irawan
Promoting Social Justice through Philantropy: Women`s Activism as Civil Society (A Reflection on the Emergence of Yayasan Sahabat Ibu in Yogyakarta)
Isnarmi, Isnarmi
Breaking the Chain of Social Injustice Through Gender Responsive Civic Education
Iswandi, Dede
Analysis on the Impact of Citizen’s Miss Behavior on Democratic Praxis Based on the Pancasila Values
Iswandi, Dede
Implementation of Teaching Model of Jurisprudential Inquiry Analysis as Prevention Effort from Hoax Among Students
Iswandi, Dede
The Paradigm of Value Ideology of Pancasila as the Basis of Citizenship Education in the Global Perspective
Ito, A I
The Conception of Building an Independent Soul Citizen according to Ki Ageng Suryomentaram
Jamaludin, Jamaludin
Uventira as A Symbol of Environmental Movement
Jamilah, Jamilah
Understanding Values ​​of Democracy through Student Moral Movement to Achieve a Good Governance in Garut Regency
Janatti, Misbahul
History of Local Wisdom of Ikan Larangan Lubuak Landua as Environmental Conservations
Japar, Muhammad
Strengthening Democracy for Women in Brebes
Jayadi, Suparman
Local Wisdom as the Representation of Social Integration between Religions in Lombok Indonesia
Jayadiputra, Eka
The Implementation of Project Citizen in Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach
Kamarubiani, Nike
Comparison between Education and Tradition
Kania, Delila
The Right of a Child to Choose a Citizenship in Accordance with Indonesian Legislation Number 12, 2006 on Indonesian Citizenship
Kania, Delila
Role of Civic Education Teachers in Shaping the Character of Environmental Awareness of Learners
Karliani, Eli
Huma Betang Philosophy as the Solidarity Prototype and Ethnic Conflict Prevention in Dayak Communities of Central Kalimantan
Kartono, Drajat Tri
Local Wisdom as the Representation of Social Integration between Religions in Lombok Indonesia
Kartono, Drajat Tri
Social Engineering Design for Food Security Study on Apple Farming in Kota Batu, East Java
Katuuk, Deitje Adolfien
Effectiveness of School-Based Management Practices in Increasing Community Participation and Implementing School Programs
Kertih, I Wayan
Local wisdom of Bali as a foundation to strengthen the nation's character building
Kiptiah, Mariatul
The Implementing of Adat Badamai Value in Strengthening National Commitment in Banjarmasin People
Koce Matitaputty, Jenny
Contributions of Sasi to Sustainable Living of Saparua Indigenous Community, Indonesia
Kodir, Abdul
Women and Nature: From Social Construction towards Environmental Protection
Kokom, Komalasari
Reflective Experiences of Students to the Integration of Role Playing Model with Multimedia in Citizenship Education
Kollo, Fredik Lambertus
Patriarchy Culture and Injustice for Women in Politics
Komala, Paijah
Meaningfulness of Civic Education in Elementary Students with Models Contextual Problem Based
Komalasari, Kokom
Characteristics of Young Indonesian Citizenship in the Digital Era
Komalasari, Kokom
Living Values Education in Civic Education Learning to Develop Students’ Civic Disposition
Komalasari, Kokom
The Need of Instructional Media Online for Senior High School Students in Civic Education
Komalasari, Kokom
Civic Education and Student Responses to Global Issue
Komalasari, Kokom
The Integration of Prince Antasari's Character Values into Indonesian Civics Education Learning
Komalasari, Kokom
The Local Wisdom Values of Custom Society in Cisitu Lebak Banten in Effort to Build Nation Character
Kumalasari, Ina
Role of Civic Education Teachers in Shaping the Character of Environmental Awareness of Learners
Kurnisar, Kurnisar
Utilization of Multimedia-Based Learning Materials on Civic Education Courses in Shaping the Character of College Students
Kusnadi, Edi
Strengthening the Political Ethics of Pancasila in Making Good Governance
Latief, Abdul
Lifestyle Transformation in the Society
Lazzavietamsi, F A
The Conception of Building an Independent Soul Citizen according to Ki Ageng Suryomentaram
Lestari, Eta Yuni
Development of Assessment Instrument for Social Care Character in Civic Education Course at Universitas Negeri Semarang
Lestari, Puji
Implementation of Local Cultural Values in the Habituation Process of Character Education in the School of the Semarang City
Liestyasari, Siany Indria
Citizenship: Review from Feminist Perspectives
Lion, Eddy
Huma Betang Philosophy as the Solidarity Prototype and Ethnic Conflict Prevention in Dayak Communities of Central Kalimantan
Logayah, Dina Siti
Multicultural Education: Between Freedom and Tolerance
Lonto, Apeles Lexi
The Efforts of Civic Education Teachers in Strengthening Students’ Civic Disposition
Lonto, Apeles Lexi
Emotional Quotient, Family Environment and Their Influences on Teacher Performance
Machfiroh, Runik
Characteristics of Young Indonesian Citizenship in the Digital Era
Machfiroh, Runik
Management Model of Character Education Development In High Education through Dormitory
Maftuh, Bunyamin
The Implementing of Adat Badamai Value in Strengthening National Commitment in Banjarmasin People
Maharani, Siti Dewi
Internalization Of Character Education For Children through Environment Learning Approach: The Value Of Religious, Social Care For And Care For The Environment
Mahmud, Mahmud
Strengthening the Political Ethics of Pancasila in Making Good Governance
Maimun, Maimun
Actualization of Separatist Ideology in Aceh Post Peace Agreement through on Social Media
Malihah, Elly
Values of Indigenous Meeting (Sangkep) Bali Indigenous Peoples in the Establishment of Civic Disposition
Malihah, Elly
Authentic Assessment to Enhance Students’social Responsibilty Character
Malihah, Elly
The Implementing of Adat Badamai Value in Strengthening National Commitment in Banjarmasin People
Malihah, Elly
Youth Pioneering in Sustainable Development
Manguntaruno, Supriyanto Jumadi
The Teacher’s Improvement of Organizational Citizenship Behavior through Principal Leadership Empowerment
Mardhiah, Desy
Indonesian Politicians’ Social Media Role in Encouraging Civic Engagement
Martini, Eneng
Understanding of Human Rights through Civic Education in The 21st Century
Martini, Eneng
Strengthening the Political Ethics of Pancasila in Making Good Governance
Martono, S.
The Teacher’s Improvement of Organizational Citizenship Behavior through Principal Leadership Empowerment
Maryani, Enok
Contributions of Sasi to Sustainable Living of Saparua Indigenous Community, Indonesia
Masyitoh, Iim Siti
The Need of Instructional Media Online for Senior High School Students in Civic Education
Masyitoh, Iim Siti
The Impacts Social Mobility of Dayak Segandu Tribe Children on Technology Utilization in Relation to the Empowerment of Good Citizens
Masyitoh, Iim Siti
The Implementing of Adat Badamai Value in Strengthening National Commitment in Banjarmasin People
Masyitoh, Iim Siti
The Role of Political Parties in Building Loyalty Women Cadres through Political Education
Masyitoh, Iim Siti
The Local Wisdom Values of Custom Society in Cisitu Lebak Banten in Effort to Build Nation Character
Matang, Matang
How is the Use of Social Media in the Student Activist
Matnuh, Harpani
The Legal Protection of Teacher Professionalism
Mawarti, Rista Ayu
Us, The Society, and Our Pancasila: A Nowadays Service-Learning Program to Prepare the Good Citizen
Meinarno, Eko Aditiya
Constructing Assesment Model for Pancasila Education Design
Moeis, Isnarmi
Verbal Violence in Character Education High-Risk Students at Coastal Elementary Schools