Proceedings of the Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC 2018)

422 authors
Sapriya, Sapriya
The Integration of Prince Antasari's Character Values into Indonesian Civics Education Learning
Sapriya, Sapriya
Development of Values Transformation Modes of Local Wisdom of Baduy Culture to Form Student Character through Civic Learning in Elementary School: A study of Attitude of Elementary School Students in Kasepuhan Citorek Adat Area, Lebak Regency, Banten Province
Sapriya, Sapriya
Traditional Boy-Boyan Games to Improve Civic Competence of Students
Sapriya, Sapriya
Improve the Competence of Citizenship through Peace Education for Victims of the Aceh Conflict
Sari, Beti Indah
How to Build Political Knowledge in School? A Pedagogical Effort through Civic Education
Sarkadi, Sarkadi
Development Media Interactive Learning in Education Pancasila and Citizenship Education to Improve Tolerance of Students in Elementary School
Sauri, Sofyan
Students Entrepreneurial Character Building : Through Lembaga Dakwah Kampus (LDK)
Sauri, Sofyan
Hospitality Character Education: A Study of Character Education in the Study Program of Pastry Management of the Bandung Tourism College
Saylendra, Nadya Putri
Civic Education as Empowerment of Civic Activism
Setiajid, Setiajid
Developing Character of Nationality Participants of SM -3T PPG Program through the Educational Model in Semarang University
Setiawan, Sandi
Development of The Abandoned Children in Building The Nation Character in Orphanages Ulul Azmi
Setyowati, Kristina
Inclusive Health Care Access of Shackling-Free Program
Sholikah, Miftachus
Character Building Methods Elementary School Teacher in Jakarta Region
Siregar, Yulia Elfrida Yanty
Moral Literacy and Social Climate with Perception Teacher’s Character Education in Elementary School
Siregar, Yulia Elfrida Yanty
Self Regulation, Emotional Intelligence With Character Building In Elementary School
Sjamsulbachri, Asep
Reflective Core Values the Life of the Sundanese
Sjamsulbachri, Asep
Reflective Core Values of Sundanese Life: An Integration Inculcates the Value of Delays in the Environment of Pasundan University
Slamet, Achmad
The Teacher’s Improvement of Organizational Citizenship Behavior through Principal Leadership Empowerment
Soemanto, R B
The Change of Former Female Migrants Lifestyle in Sragen Indonesia
Soemanto, R B
Peer Group in Social Control of Juvenile Delinquency of Students at Sma Al-Muayyad Surakarta Year 2017/2018
Solikhah, Badingatus
Perception towards Accounting Profession and Parental Influence to Predict Students Career Choices
Solikhah, Badingatus
An Exploratory Study of Performance-Based Budgeting Practices in Indonesian Private School
Sugiharto, Sugiharto
The Teachers’ Competence in the Implementation of Physical Education Learning Program in Elementary Schools of Sawang South Aceh
Sugiyo, Sugiyo
Human Rights Education Establishment for Elementary School in Kendal Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Suhardiyanto, Andi
Implementation of Local Cultural Values in the Habituation Process of Character Education in the School of the Semarang City
Sukarliana, Lili
Role of Civic Education Teachers in Shaping the Character of Environmental Awareness of Learners
Sukmayadi, Trisna
Study of Civic Disposition Based on the Way of Life of Kuta Traditional Society in Keeping the Balance of Nature
Sulaiman, Sulaiman
The Teachers’ Competence in the Implementation of Physical Education Learning Program in Elementary Schools of Sawang South Aceh
Sulkipani, Sulkipani
The Existence of Local Wisdom Values of South Sumatra Community in Strengthening National Integration
Sumantri, Mohamad Syarif
Development of Interactive Learning Media on Civic Education Subjects in Elementary School
Sumantri, Mohamad Syarif
Development Media Interactive Learning in Education Pancasila and Citizenship Education to Improve Tolerance of Students in Elementary School
Sumantri, Mohamad Syarif
Meaningfulness of Civic Education in Elementary Students with Models Contextual Problem Based
Sumaryati, Sumaryati
Relevance of Anti-corruption Education Values with Pancasila Basic Values and its Strengthening Efforts
Sunarso, Sunarso
Patriarchy Culture and Injustice for Women in Politics
Sunarto, Sunarto
Development of Assessment Instrument for Social Care Character in Civic Education Course at Universitas Negeri Semarang
Sunarya, Nanang
Discovery Learning Model’s for the Development of Honest Character and Student Responsibility
Sunaryo, Hari
Social Engineering of a Civic Virtue and Local Wisdom Values : A Model to Character Education in Higher Education
Sundawa, Dadang
Authentic Assessment to Enhance Students’social Responsibilty Character
Sundawa, Dadang
Enhancing Social Cohesion where Festival as a Media, is it Possible?
Sundawa, Dadang
Implementation of Teaching Model of Jurisprudential Inquiry Analysis as Prevention Effort from Hoax Among Students
Sundawa, Dadang
Implementation of Pancasila Values in Dayak Hindu-Budha Bumi Segandu Community to Make Good and Smart Citizens
Sundawa, Dsdang
Character Education Model in Family to Create Good Citizen
Supriati, Arie
Optimization of the Civic Education as the Effort to Strengthen National Character in Multicultural Community
Supriyadi, Supriyadi
Study of Civic Disposition Based on the Way of Life of Kuta Traditional Society in Keeping the Balance of Nature
Suriaman, Suriaman
Strengthening Citizenship Socio-Cultural Movement in the Environmental Field Through Lorong Garden Program in Makassar
Suryadi, Ace
Hospitality Character Education: A Study of Character Education in the Study Program of Pastry Management of the Bandung Tourism College
Suryadi, Karim
When Maluku Ethnic Group Says: I am Indonesia
Suryadi, Karim
Youth Pioneering in Sustainable Development
Suryadi, Karim
Government Efforts to Raise Awareness of Palembang City Residents to the Culture of Participation
Suryarini, Trisni
Perception towards Accounting Profession and Parental Influence to Predict Students Career Choices
Susanti, Martien Herna
Developing Character of Nationality Participants of SM -3T PPG Program through the Educational Model in Semarang University
Susanto, Erwin
Civic Education as Empowerment of Civic Activism
Suyanto, A M A
Management Model of Character Education Development In High Education through Dormitory
Syaifuddin, Mohammad
Reconstruction of Character Education Model in Higher Education through Project Netizen I Love Products Indonesian
Syaifullah, Syaifullah
The Waqf Empowerment as an Alternative Solution to Overcome Unemployment in West Java
Syamsi, Atikah
Internalization Of Character Education For Children through Environment Learning Approach: The Value Of Religious, Social Care For And Care For The Environment
Syamsuddin, Helius
Contributions of Sasi to Sustainable Living of Saparua Indigenous Community, Indonesia
Syamsulrizal, Syamsulrizal
The Impact of Scout Couching on the Change of Students’ Behaviour in Muda Senior High Vocational School Aceh Tamiang
Sylvia, Ike
Indonesian Politicians’ Social Media Role in Encouraging Civic Engagement
Tanshzil, Sri Wahyuni
Habituation Model of Discipline Value in Salafi Pesantren's Student as Efforts to Strengthen the Character of the Nation in the Global Era (A study on Citizenship Education Development)
Tarsidi, Deni Zein
Reflective Core Values the Life of the Sundanese
Tarsidi, Deni Zein
Reflective Core Values of Sundanese Life: An Integration Inculcates the Value of Delays in the Environment of Pasundan University
Taufik, Marhan
Reconstruction of Character Education Model in Higher Education through Project Netizen I Love Products Indonesian
Tetep, Tetep
Reorientation of Values of The Indonesian Diversity (ke-Bhineka-an Indonesia) to Reaffirming the National Identity
Tijan, Tijan
Development of Assessment Instrument for Social Care Character in Civic Education Course at Universitas Negeri Semarang
Triana, Igna Juli
Understanding of Geography Teacher towards Geopark as Learning Resources
Trihastuti, Meiwatizal
Understanding of Human Rights through Civic Education in The 21st Century
Triwahyuningsih, Triwahyuningsih
Transcendental Study on Democracy Concept Formulation in Indonesia and Its Implementation Post Reformasi
Triwahyuningsih, Triwahyuningsih
Moral Aspect in the Law Enforcement in Indonesia: Prophetic Perspective
Triyanto, Triyanto
Indigenous Peoples and Their Struggle for Citizenship and Collective Identity in Indonesia
Tutuarima, Fricean
When Maluku Ethnic Group Says: I am Indonesia
Umar, Mardan
Optimization of the Civic Education as the Effort to Strengthen National Character in Multicultural Community
Umasih, Umasih
Pancasila Education : Jargon for its Improvement New Order Government
Urip, Sri Rejeki
Intercultural Competence to Maintain the Nation’s Identity
W, Prayuningtyas A
Self Regulation, Emotional Intelligence With Character Building In Elementary School
Wahab, Abdul Azis
Analysis on the Impact of Citizen’s Miss Behavior on Democratic Praxis Based on the Pancasila Values
Wahono, Margi
Implementation of Local Cultural Values in the Habituation Process of Character Education in the School of the Semarang City
Wahyu Widyastuti, Weni
Actualization of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a Form of Civic Responsibility Case Study of “Decofresh Warnai Jodipan” Program
Wahyudin, Agus
An Exploratory Study of Performance-Based Budgeting Practices in Indonesian Private School
Wahyunengseh, Rutiana D
Inclusive Health Care Access of Shackling-Free Program
Waluyati, Sri Artati
Utilization of Multimedia-Based Learning Materials on Civic Education Courses in Shaping the Character of College Students
Wanidison, Eko
Comparison between Education and Tradition
Wardhani, Novia Wahyu
Implementation of Local Cultural Values in the Habituation Process of Character Education in the School of the Semarang City
Wardhani, Novia Wahyu
Strength of the Tolerance in the Country Through the Tepaslira Directed to the Community Java in Surakarta
Wardhani, Prayuningtyas Angger
Moral Literacy and Social Climate with Perception Teacher’s Character Education in Elementary School
Wati, Lisna
Character Education Model in Family to Create Good Citizen
Wibowo, Arif Prasetyo
Women and Nature: From Social Construction towards Environmental Protection
Widawati, Rika
Ethical Values in Indonesian Proverbs as Character Education Investments
Widayanti, Diah Vitri
Intercultural Competence to Maintain the Nation’s Identity
Widayanti, Esti Yuli
Exploring the Students’ Critical Reflection Ability in Elementary School Place-Based Education Program
Widia Nengsi, Heni
Government Efforts to Raise Awareness of Palembang City Residents to the Culture of Participation
Widianto, Ahmad Arif
Promoting Social Justice through Philantropy: Women`s Activism as Civil Society (A Reflection on the Emergence of Yayasan Sahabat Ibu in Yogyakarta)
Wijaya, Apriyanda Kusuma
Reflective Experiences of Students to the Integration of Role Playing Model with Multimedia in Citizenship Education
Wijayanti, Tutik
Development of Assessment Instrument for Social Care Character in Civic Education Course at Universitas Negeri Semarang
Wijianto, Wijianto
Teacher's Strategy in Student Deradicalization Efforts through Enforcement of the Pancasila Ideology within Civic Education Materials in Indonesia
Winarno, Winarno
Teacher's Strategy in Student Deradicalization Efforts through Enforcement of the Pancasila Ideology within Civic Education Materials in Indonesia
Winataputra, Udin
Strengthening Nation’s Character through Saprahan Local Wisdom as Civic Culture of Malay Sambas Society in Kalimantan Barat
Winataputra, Udin S
Civic Education and Student Responses to Global Issue
Windiasih, Rili
Ex-Prisoners, Correctional System, and National Resilience
Wita, Ilva Maidia
Comparison between Education and Tradition