Proceedings of the 4th Asian Education Symposium (AES 2019)
232 authors
- Aditama, Mint Husen Raya
- Social Interaction and Communication in Multicultural Counseling
- Adriany, Vina
- Low Carbon Education: How Students from Lower Level Education Pertain the Good Environment Practices
- Afif, Muhammad Soleh
- Influence of Organizational Justice and Job Satisfaction on Teacher’s Organizational Citizenship Behavior
- Agung, Anak Agung Gede
- Contribution of School Management Based on Local Values of Tri Hita Karana and Leadership Service
- Agustini, Dewa Ayu Eka
- Promoting Autonomous Learning and 21st Century Skills of English Education Students Through Empowering Their Pedagogical Skills
- Aisyah, Siti
- Problem-Based Learning on Climate Change Theme: Concept Mastery Profile and Problem Solving Skills of Secondary Students
- Aisyah, Siti
- Implementation of Science Writing Heuristic Approach to Develop Chemistry Students’ Argumentation Skill
- Aisyah, Siti
- The Profile of Teachers’ Performance in Designing Practical Chemistry Laboratory Works
- Al-Rawafi, Abdulkhaleq
- Students’ Apologizing in Arabic: A Case Study at an Islamic Boarding School in Indonesia
- Aldhi, Muhamad
- Improving Learning Outcomes on the Subject of Planning and Antenna Installation of Transceiver Systems at Vocational High School
- Alqadri, Zulqifli
- Inclusive Education: How a Student with Special Needs Learns Science
- Amalia, Galuh Rizky
- Improving Students Ability in Problem Solving and Creativity Through Project-Based Learning
- Ana, A
- Should Vocational Schools be Strategically Located with Relevant Industries to Reduce Graduates’ Competency Gaps?
- Andayani, Endah
- Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy: Training, Observation, Internships, and the Business Plans
- Anwar, Sjaeful
- Implementation of STEM Book in Earthquake Themes
- Arfan, Arfan
- Education on Religious Moderation Among Islamic Student Organization Activists
- Armida, Armida
- Sekolah Dayung Jambi: Alternative School-Based Environmental Education Learning
- Artini, Luh Putu
- Cyclic Relective Model for Promoting Prospective English Teachers’ Creativity in Instructional Designing
- Artini, Luh Putu
- Promoting Autonomous Learning and 21st Century Skills of English Education Students Through Empowering Their Pedagogical Skills
- Asyahidda, Fajar Nugraha
- Decrease or Increase: Analysis of the Existence of Local Wisdom as the Core of Education in the Technology Era
- Auliya, K.
- Development of Learning Media of Microscope Portable Auto Design to Increase Student’s Problem-Solving Ability in Light and Optical Tools Topic
- A’in, Nurul
- Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy: Training, Observation, Internships, and the Business Plans
- Bafadlal, Fahmi
- Management Quality Enhancement Based on National Accreditation Standard of Islamic Studies Program
- Bawengan, Jeanette Jeane
- The Effectiveness of ICTs Integration in Enhancing Student Motivation in Learning English
- Binawati, Ni Wayan Sariani
- The Harmony in Instructional Communication to Create a Comfortable Learning Atmosphere
- Buska, Wahyudi
- Islamic Values in Speech Roll Tradition as Humanist Education in Jambi
- Chaer, Hasanuddin
- Academic Lecture: The Learning of Social Media in Youth
- Damai, Wayan
- Application of Multidimensional Scaling in Determining the Competition Position Among Schools in Manado
- Damai, Wayan
- The Effect of Cooperative Learning Model of STAD to the Mathematics Understanding
- Doyan, Aris
- Quantum Phenomenon Learning Media Used in Think Pair Share Models of Learning for Critical Thinking Skills
- Doyan, Aris
- Development of Learning Media of Microscope Portable Auto Design to Increase Student’s Problem-Solving Ability in Light and Optical Tools Topic
- Eddraoui, Bouchra
- Speaking Anxiety of EFL High School Students: Indonesian and Moroccan Cases
- Ervina, Dina
- Personal-Social Guidance as an Effective Student Emotional Intelligence Development
- Fahruddin, Fahruddin
- How to Improve Principal Leadership Effectivity
- Fahruddin, Fahruddin
- Academic Lecture: The Learning of Social Media in Youth
- Fattah, Nanang
- Calculating the Unit Costs by the Learning Activity- Based Costing in Technology and Engineering Vocational School
- Febtiani, Dian Anggraini
- The Realization of the Principles of Conversation in the Teachers and Students’ Speech in Indonesian Classroom Interaction
- Fitri, Syawal
- Performance Appraisal of Educational Personnel: A Case Study on MTs Negeri Dua in Jambi
- Fitriana, Eka
- Subject Teacher Conference as a Catalyst for Transformative Learning
- Gunadi, I Gede Aris
- Towards Ubiquitous Learning of Balinese-to-Latin Script Transliteration as Part of Balinese Language Education
- Gunawan, Arwan
- Improving Organizational Citizenship Behavior Through Development of Transformational Leadership and Work Satisfaction
- Gunawan, Gunawan
- Quantum Phenomenon Learning Media Used in Think Pair Share Models of Learning for Critical Thinking Skills
- Hafina, Anne
- Fostering Cognitive Ability Through Game-Based Aquatic Learning in Early Childhood
- Hakim, Arif Rahman
- The Impact of School Culture in Mediating Teachers Innovation and Emotional Intelligence on School Effectiveness
- Hakim, Mansur
- How to Improve Principal Leadership Effectivity
- Hakim, S.
- Quantum Phenomenon Learning Media Used in Think Pair Share Models of Learning for Critical Thinking Skills
- Hakim, S.
- Development of Learning Media of Microscope Portable Auto Design to Increase Student’s Problem-Solving Ability in Light and Optical Tools Topic
- Halimatul, Heli Siti
- The Profile of Teachers’ Performance in Designing Practical Chemistry Laboratory Works
- Hamidah, Ida
- Low Carbon Education: How Students from Lower Level Education Pertain the Good Environment Practices
- Handayani, Sri
- Should Vocational Schools be Strategically Located with Relevant Industries to Reduce Graduates’ Competency Gaps?
- Hardiyansyah, A.
- Development of Learning Media of Microscope Portable Auto Design to Increase Student’s Problem-Solving Ability in Light and Optical Tools Topic
- Hariani, Lilik Sri
- Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy: Training, Observation, Internships, and the Business Plans
- Hariyadi, Tommi
- Improving Learning Outcomes on the Subject of Planning and Antenna Installation of Transceiver Systems at Vocational High School
- Hatasura, Indra Nusantoro
- Educational Board Game Development to Increase the Knowledge of Local Wisdom
- Hendayana, Sumar
- The Quality of Level of Inquiry-Based Lesson Design Through Lesson Study
- Hendayana, Sumar
- Pattern of Analysis Students’ Knowledge Construction Using Transcript-Based Lesson Analysis
- Hernani, Hernani
- Simple, Portable, and Inexpensive Spectrophotometers for High Schools Lab Activity
- Hernani, Hernani
- How the Profile of Student’s Views on the Nature of Science and Technology?
- Hidayah, Dwi Nurul
- Implementation of STEM Book in Earthquake Themes
- Huda, Syamsul
- Performance Appraisal of Educational Personnel: A Case Study on MTs Negeri Dua in Jambi
- Ibrahim, Duski
- Management Quality Enhancement Based on National Accreditation Standard of Islamic Studies Program
- Indrawan, Gede
- Towards Ubiquitous Learning of Balinese-to-Latin Script Transliteration as Part of Balinese Language Education
- Istiadi, Yossa
- Educational Board Game Development to Increase the Knowledge of Local Wisdom
- Istiana, Rita
- Educational Board Game Development to Increase the Knowledge of Local Wisdom
- Jaenudin, Dadang
- Improving Students Ability in Problem Solving and Creativity Through Project-Based Learning
- Jalaludin, Jalaludin
- The Role of University-Based Entrepreneurship Ecosystems in Facing the Challenges of the Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Jatmika, Surya
- Development of the Academic Achievement Test for Undergraduate Students
- Jufri, A. Wahab
- Development of Learning Media of Microscope Portable Auto Design to Increase Student’s Problem-Solving Ability in Light and Optical Tools Topic
- Junaedi, Yusup
- Improving Student’s Reflective Thinking Skills Through Realistic Mathematics Education Approach
- Juwita, Lita
- Problem-Based Learning on Climate Change Theme: Concept Mastery Profile and Problem Solving Skills of Secondary Students
- Kaniawati, Ida
- Implementation of STEM Book in Earthquake Themes
- Karta, I Wayan
- School Principals’ Strategic Leadership to Optimize the Strengthening of Character Education Movement
- Kaunang, Rolina A.E
- The Resilience of Early Childhood Parenting Style in the Disruptive Era
- Kaunang, Rolina A.E
- The Resilience of Kindergarten Teacher in the Disruptive Era
- Kaunang, Rolina Anggereany Ester
- The Dialogue of Christian Education and Minahasa Traditional Community in “Rumamba” Tradition in Disruptive Era: A Reconciliation or Disaster?
- Kertih, I Wayan
- Subak Local Wisdom as Social Studies Learning Source in Junior High School
- Khairunnisa, Amalina
- Analysis of Suitability Between Professions and Educational Backgrounds (Preliminary Study of Professional Identity)
- Khasanah, B. U.
- Quantum Phenomenon Learning Media Used in Think Pair Share Models of Learning for Critical Thinking Skills
- Khoerunnisa, Indah
- Should Vocational Schools be Strategically Located with Relevant Industries to Reduce Graduates’ Competency Gaps?
- Kholik, Abdul
- Performance Appraisal of Educational Personnel: A Case Study on MTs Negeri Dua in Jambi
- Kholiq, Abdul
- The Use of Facebook as a Media for Career Guidance and Counseling Services in Junior High School
- Komariah, Siti
- Decrease or Increase: Analysis of the Existence of Local Wisdom as the Core of Education in the Technology Era
- Kurniasih, Surti
- Improving Students Ability in Problem Solving and Creativity Through Project-Based Learning
- Kustiawan, Iwan
- Improving Learning Outcomes on the Subject of Planning and Antenna Installation of Transceiver Systems at Vocational High School
- Ladamay, Iskandar
- The Impact of School Culture in Mediating Teachers Innovation and Emotional Intelligence on School Effectiveness
- Laihad, Griet Helena
- Model of School Principal Leadership Shaping Pedagogic Competence and Teacher Digital Literacy
- Lasut, Elizabeth Meiske Maythy
- The Effectiveness of ICTs Integration in Enhancing Student Motivation in Learning English
- Lengkanawati, Nenden Sri
- Exploring the Motivation of English Language Learning Students in Indonesia
- Lengkong, Jeffry S.
- Projecting a Good Image of School: How can a Principal Achieve This Goal?
- Lensun, Sherly F.
- Projecting a Good Image of School: How can a Principal Achieve This Goal?
- Liando, Mayske Rinny
- Teaching Performance: An Education-Based Anthropolinguistics
- Liando, Nihta
- Students’ Revision Behavior in EFL Writing Project Assignment
- Liando, Nihta V. F.
- The Implementation of Phonic Method for Enhancing Very Young Learners’ Vocabulary
- Londa, Treesje Katrina
- Environmental Learning with Inquiry Method in Tondano Lake
- Lukmana, Iwa
- Students’ Apologizing in Arabic: A Case Study at an Islamic Boarding School in Indonesia
- Lumi, Deflita R. N.
- The Resilience of Early Childhood Parenting Style in the Disruptive Era
- Maapanawang, Deisi Natalia
- Application of Multidimensional Scaling in Determining the Competition Position Among Schools in Manado
- Maisah, Maisah
- The Influence of Women Education Level Toward Community Scientific Literacy Improvement in Seberang Kota Jambi
- Malik, Arief Abdul
- Fostering Cognitive Ability Through Game-Based Aquatic Learning in Early Childhood
- Mamang, Latifa
- Development of Science Teaching Materials Based on the Scientific Approach to Improve Student Learning Results