Proceedings of the 4th Asian Education Symposium (AES 2019)
81 articles
Proceedings Article
Cyclic Relective Model for Promoting Prospective English Teachers’ Creativity in Instructional Designing
Luh Putu Artini, Ni Nyoman Padmadewi
Educational research so far has been scattered around the efforts to optimize students’ academic achievement rather than real life literacy skills. To anticipate this, the effort for insertion of the 21st century skills has been underway. Studies found that one of the obstacles for satisfactory results...
Proceedings Article
Learning Interest on Student Centered Learning Approach in Disruptive Era
Jeane Marie Tulung, Mercy W. K. Waney, Yunita Sumakul
Student Centered Learning is one of learning approaches focused on students. The aim of this study was to describe and explain student learning interest using student-centered learning approach. This study was a qualitative research with descriptive case study method. Data was collected from observations,...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Suitability Between Professions and Educational Backgrounds (Preliminary Study of Professional Identity)
Amalina Khairunnisa
Professional identity is a description of how individuals refer to themselves as a professional, and consists of a set of expectations developed by individuals about themselves and their abilities, based on their experience and personal background. Personal abilities and background are related to the...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Revision Behavior in EFL Writing Project Assignment
Mister Gidion Maru, Nihta Liando
Writing is a result of a process involving idea development and language competence. This study reports the investigation of the pattern of students’ effort of revising a writing project. This qualitative study used in-depth interviews to collect the data from two classes of advanced level students in...
Proceedings Article
Influence of Organizational Justice and Job Satisfaction on Teacher’s Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Yuyun Elizabeth Patras, Entis Sutisna, Muhammad Soleh Afif
Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is an important behavior possessed by teachers. This research aims to analyses the impact of organizational justice and job satisfaction on teacher’s OCB. This study was conducted using a sequential explanatory method. The population and sample of this research...
Proceedings Article
Subak Local Wisdom as Social Studies Learning Source in Junior High School
I Putu Sriartha, I Wayan Kertih
Subak local wisdom is the Balinese agricultural culture that has been declared by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage. Subak which is based on the philosophy of Tri Hita Karana has social, religious and ecological values and serves as the basis for a harmonious community life. This study aims to determine:...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Phonic Method for Enhancing Very Young Learners’ Vocabulary
Getruida Nita Mozes, Nihta V. F. Liando
Teaching a foreign language especially vocabulary for very young learners are more challenging than teaching an adult. Interesting and fun activities are needed for very young learners to enhance their abilities to learn new foreign language vocabulary. If teachers do not use appropriate teaching methods...
Proceedings Article
Subject Teacher Conference as a Catalyst for Transformative Learning
Henny Soepriyanti, Eka Fitriana, Udin Udin
The West Nusa Tenggara Ministry of Education and Culture has made substantial efforts to revitalize the Subject Teachers Conference (STC) through various types of professional development programs, but these efforts are not well documented yet. Thus, its impact is not widely known among educators in...
Proceedings Article
Teachers’ Understanding in Constructing Higher Order Thinking-Based Assessments: Voice from English Teachers’ Experience
Sri Setyarini
Determining instructions of higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) in the Curriculum 2013, teachers so far still meet some difficulties. One of the constraints is due to teachers’ knowledge of designing HOTS assessments appropriately. As a result, this paper presents research findings on teachers’ understanding...
Proceedings Article
Performance Evaluation of the Head Master of Madrasah Tsanawiyah State Jambi City
Risnita Risnita, Rulitawati Rulitawati, Ifa Pohan
The study aims to find out and evaluate the performance of the headmaster of the State Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTsN) in the city of Jambi. This is evaluative research which using a quantitative approach. The evaluation model used is the discrepancy evaluation model. Data collection instruments using the...
Proceedings Article
Personal-Social Guidance as an Effective Student Emotional Intelligence Development
Mamat Supriatna, Dina Ervina
Humans experience emotional development since childhood. Even the ability to react emotionally already exists in infant period with the basic form of emotional behavior is a general stimulation of a strong stimulus. However, as we get older, one’s emotional reactions will become less extensive. Emotional...
Proceedings Article
Fostering Cognitive Ability Through Game-Based Aquatic Learning in Early Childhood
Anne Hafina, Lutfi Nur, Nandang Rusmana, Arief Abdul Malik
This study aims to determine the effect of providing aquatic learning on cognitive abilities in early childhood. Ten children from UPI Pilot Laboratory Kindergarten, Tasikmalaya Campus, Indonesia, aged 5-6 years, were involved in this study. The instruments used in this study were structured observation,...
Proceedings Article
Application of Multidimensional Scaling in Determining the Competition Position Among Schools in Manado
Deisi Natalia Maapanawang, Santje Salajang, Wayan Damai
Senior High School are in charge of education and teaching for human resource development. There are 57 senior high school in Manado. However, there are still many new private senior high school. This causes more intens competition among senior high school in Manado to win over consumers (students)....
Proceedings Article
Bring Back the Nature of Transdisciplinarity in Social Studies Learning 4.0
Sari Pratiwi, Nana Supriatna
This paper aims to conceptualize the basic value of transdisciplinary learning in social studies to prepare students with the skills they need to face the industrial revolution 4.0, which has been largely forgotten by educators in developing Social Studies learning in the classroom. Referring to the...
Proceedings Article
Contribution of School Management Based on Local Values of Tri Hita Karana and Leadership Service
Anak Agung Gede Agung, Ni Made Sugihartini
Symptoms of the low organizational commitment of teachers at Singaraja-Bali City Middle School encouraged this research. Therefore, this study aims to determine the contribution of school management implementation based on local wisdom values tri hita karana and servant leadership on teacher organizational...
Proceedings Article
Management Quality Enhancement Based on National Accreditation Standard of Islamic Studies Program
Ahmad Zainuri, Duski Ibrahim, Fahmi Bafadlal
Improving the quality of education by accreditation-based is a necessity. The quality of education in Indonesia is measured by the BAN-PT which already has a standardized reference standard with a good level of quality. This article aims to describe the quality management and accreditation of Islamic...
Proceedings Article
Problem-Based Learning on Climate Change Theme: Concept Mastery Profile and Problem Solving Skills of Secondary Students
Bibin Rubini, Lita Juwita, Siti Aisyah
Problem solving is one of 21st century skills should be pertained by young generation. The research aims to profile the problem based learning (PBL) implementation on climate change in one of secondary school at rural area in Indonesia. The increase of concept mastery and problem solving skills after...
Proceedings Article
Intertextual-Based Learning Strategy in Salt Hydrolysis Concept to Promote Students’ Concept Mastery and Scientific Process Skills
Silvia Anggraini Pohan, Tuszie Widhiyanti, Sri Mulyani, Wiji Wiji
This study aims to obtain information to improve students’ mastery of concepts and Science Process Skills with intertextual-based learning using the POE model (Predict, Observe, Explain). The method used is a quantitative method with pre-experimental one group pretest posttest research design. Research...
Proceedings Article
Developing of Problem-Based Learning Devices to Teach Numbers Pattern Materials
Felni Gemma Nucifera Womboiang, Santje Salajang, Aaltje Pangemanan
The purpose of this research is to produce a Mathematical Learning Devices Model Problem based learning to Teach Numbers Pattern Material, which fulfills valid, practical, and effective criteria. This research method is categorized as development research. The sample in this study was an eighth grade...
Proceedings Article
Educational Board Game Development to Increase the Knowledge of Local Wisdom
Yossa Istiadi, Rita Istiana, Indra Nusantoro Hatasura
The purpose of this research is to develop educational board games as well as learning initiatives in the environmental education approach. The research and development approach is used to be applied in the Kasepuhan traditional community around the Mount Halimun Salak National Park, West Java from January...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Women Education Level Toward Community Scientific Literacy Improvement in Seberang Kota Jambi
Maisah Maisah, Sukarno Sukarno, Ahmad Husein Ritong
In the 70s, the Education level of women in Seberang Kota Jambi City were relatively low. Women tended to study only the religious education and did not consider general education as an important subject. This tendency resulted in the low science literacy of women in the community. Recently, the education...
Proceedings Article
Relationship Between the Principal’s Performance and Organizational Climate: A Case Study on Manado
Helena Vonny Opit, Felly Ferol Warouw
One of the determinants of school principal performance is the organizational climate. This study aims to determine the relationship between the principal’s performances with the organizational climate through studies in the city of Manado. The research method is descriptive and justified by the correlational...
Proceedings Article
The Harmony in Instructional Communication to Create a Comfortable Learning Atmosphere
I Wayan Rasna, Ni Wayan Sariani Binawati, I Nyoman Tri Anindia Putra
The main purpose of teaching is to optimally create a comfortable learning atmosphere through a harmony in instructional communication to obtain an optimal learning achievement. An optimal learning achievement is determined among others by the increasingly fluent language ability of the learner. The...
Proceedings Article
Promoting Autonomous Learning and 21st Century Skills of English Education Students Through Empowering Their Pedagogical Skills
Ni Nyoman Padmadewi, Luh Putu Artini, Dewa Ayu Eka Agustini
Autonomous learning skill is one of the skills demanded to survive in the 21st century. Students need to self-direct themselves and show how their skills can match 21st Century learning needs. However, the results of observations in several departments of education universities in North Bali reveals...
Proceedings Article
Towards Ubiquitous Learning of Balinese-to-Latin Script Transliteration as Part of Balinese Language Education
Gede Indrawan, I Gede Aris Gunadi, I Ketut Paramarta
As part of the Balinese culture in Indonesia, the Balinese script has rarely been used today. Its Balinese-to-Latin script transliteration knowledge is also affected by that condition and has caused concern over the threat of extinction. This study is aimed to preserve that knowledge through a technological...
Proceedings Article
Exploring the Motivation of English Language Learning Students in Indonesia
Zakir Hussain Radfar, Nenden Sri Lengkanawati
Motivation is an essential part of the learning process especially learning a language to achieve the desired goals. This study aims to examine the English major first-year students’ motivation for learning English. The method employed in this study is a case study method. The participants were 50 students...
Proceedings Article
Inclusive Education: How a Student with Special Needs Learns Science
Zulqifli Alqadri, Munawwarah Munawwarah
This descriptive study aims to describe a student with special needs learning science in one of the inclusive junior high school of Bandung. The investigation was done since preparation stage, learning process, to evaluation stage. Observation was carried out during science learning on heat transfer...
Proceedings Article
How Does Teacher’s TPACK Affect Student’s Activity?
Meili Yanti, Riandi Riandi, Andi Suhandi
The ability of teachers to integrate technology into learning is quite important in facing the rapid technological progress in the era of industrial revolution 4.0. These technological advances need to be followed by the development of learning that can support these changes. Therefore, science teacher...
Proceedings Article
How Do Students Understand the Material of Animal Kingdom? (Development Invertebrate Learning Material Based on Students’ Prior Knowledge)
Susanti Wulandari, Ari Widodo
Learning the materials about Animal Kingdom tends to be memorizing activities. Students assume that the materials are difficult to be understood because the characteristics of this materials are descriptive and full of anatomy and morphological terms in order to eliminate the students’ difficulties regarding...
Proceedings Article
Teaching Performance: An Education-Based Anthropolinguistics
Robert Sibarani, Mayske Rinny Liando
This paper discusses types of performance to transfer of knowledge in teaching-learning process. It aims at (1) describing the pattern of the teacher’s speech performance in classroom, (2) describing the pattern of the teacher’s behavior in classroom, (3) describing the teacher’s dressing appearance...
Proceedings Article
The Quality of Level of Inquiry-Based Lesson Design Through Lesson Study
Setia Rahmawan, Dea Santika Rahayu, Parsaoran Siahaan, Sumar Hendayana, Stevida Sendi
The purpose of this research is to investigate the quality of Level of Inquiry (LoI)-based lesson design. This was developed and implemented on science learning in Junior High School through lesson study. The Level of Inquiry learning model is a further development of inquiry learning with the purpose...
Proceedings Article
Pattern of Analysis Students’ Knowledge Construction Using Transcript-Based Lesson Analysis
Dea Santika Rahayu, Setia Rahmawan, Sumar Hendayana, Muslim Muslim, Stevida Sendi
Constructivism approach is one of the student-centered learning approaches, students actively build their own knowledge. Social constructivism views that students build new knowledge through their interactions and activities in the classroom, as well as the mediation role of cultural settings and discussion...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Science Writing Heuristic Approach to Develop Chemistry Students’ Argumentation Skill
Heli Siti Halimatul Munawaroh, Galuh Yuliani, Siti Aisyah
The important challenge in science education is improving students’ scientific literacy, including argumentation skill. Argumentation skill was crucial to address the problem related to scientific issues that occurs in every aspect of lives. The Science Writing Heuristic (SWH) approach has been used...
Proceedings Article
Simple, Portable, and Inexpensive Spectrophotometers for High Schools Lab Activity
Ari Syahidul Shidiq, Anna Permanasari, Hernani Hernani
A simple, portable and inexpensive spectrophotometer for chemical analysis and laboratory activities is a growing topic of research in chemical education. The purpose of this study was to investigate how academics develop simple, portable and inexpensive spectrophotometers in the chemistry classes. This...
Proceedings Article
How the Profile of Student’s Views on the Nature of Science and Technology?
Atep Rian Nurhadi, Hernani Hernani, Iqbal Musthapa, Raden Devita Feliyanthi Somadipraja
This study aims to provide a profile of students’ views on the nature of Science and Technology or VNOST as a basis for the development of didactic designs that can teach aspects of technology in high school chemistry learning. This study involved 196 students who were randomly selected from grades XI...
Proceedings Article
Islamic Values in Speech Roll Tradition as Humanist Education in Jambi
Wahyudi Buska, Yogia Prihartini, Muhamad Yusuf, Ridha D. S. Muhammad, Syamsarina Syamsarina
This research aims to reveal one of the traditions of people in Tanjung Hilir Kerinci, the recitation of the Khutbah Gulung (lit: speech roll) every Idul Fitri and Idul Adha. This tradition have lasted for decades. The text was written in Arab Melayu using connected pieces of paper and then rolled on...
Proceedings Article
Low Carbon Education: How Students from Lower Level Education Pertain the Good Environment Practices
Anna Permanasari, Ida Hamidah, Vina Adriany
The discussion pertaining environmental issues is closely related with the notion of low carbon. The research has been done to investigate how the students in elementary schools understand how to practice the environmental issues. The descriptive analysis method is carried out to capture students’ views...
Proceedings Article
Environmental Learning with Inquiry Method in Tondano Lake
Treesje Katrina Londa, Felly Ferol Warouw, J.G.N. Nusa
Learning Environment by using the Inquiry method can bring students into problems directly, so they can develop capabilities in terms of solving environmental problems that will be faced. In addition, the Inquiry method will train students to communicate well between fellow students and teachers (lecturers)....
Proceedings Article
Implementation of STEM Book in Earthquake Themes
Dwi Nurul Hidayah, Ida Kaniawati, Sjaeful Anwar
STEM learning in Indonesia has been implemented in several schools. But the fact show that STEM learning is still done once in a semester with the constraints of the unavailability of teaching materials. STEM learning with the activity of making products will make meaningful learning. The purpose of...
Proceedings Article
Mathematical Construction Through Conceptualization of Natural and Socio-Cultural Objects in the NKRI Border Area
Sam M. Salajang, Patricia Vivi J. Runtu
This article presents the results of research on the construction of mathematical study objects through the conceptualization of natural and social-crocodile objects in elementary mathematics learning in Makalehi Island and Marore Island, which are included in the border regions of the Republic of Indonesia....
Proceedings Article
Social Interaction and Communication in Multicultural Counseling
Marssel Michael Sengkey, Mint Husen Raya Aditama, Tellma Mona Tiwa
This paper discusses the relevance of social interaction and student communication theories with a culture inherent to the student’s personal. An idealism born from an early culture affects how communication and interaction of one person is. The problems in cultural bias that arise in student interaction...
Proceedings Article
Improving Organizational Citizenship Behavior Through Development of Transformational Leadership and Work Satisfaction
Hari Muharam, Widodo Sunaryo, Arwan Gunawan
This study aims to find an effort to improve Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) through research on the relationship between transformational leadership and job satisfaction with OCB. The method used in this study is a descriptive correlational method using a quantitative approach. The population...
Proceedings Article
Development of the Academic Achievement Test for Undergraduate Students
Alfrits Roul Sinadia, Surya Jatmika
This study was conducted due to the in availability of a lecture-made test developed through a scientific process used to measure undergraduate students ‘achievement. It aimed to develop a good quality test which could be used from semester to semester. As a developmental quantitative descriptive study,...
Proceedings Article
Improving Student’s Reflective Thinking Skills Through Realistic Mathematics Education Approach
Yusup Junaedi, Wahyudin Wahyudin
This research is motivated by the importance of reflective thinking skills by applying the Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach. The purpose of this research to improve reflective thinking skills through the Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach and determine students’ mistakes in...
Proceedings Article
The Realization of the Principles of Conversation in the Teachers and Students’ Speech in Indonesian Classroom Interaction
Andoyo Sastromiharjo, Dian Anggraini Febtiani
The educative communication is essential to be noted since it is one of the components of teaching and learning activities in relation to the quality of educative communication constructed between the teacher and the student. The failure of achieving the learning objectives can be caused by the infringement...
Proceedings Article
Decrease or Increase: Analysis of the Existence of Local Wisdom as the Core of Education in the Technology Era
Siti Komariah, Fajar Nugraha Asyahidda
Local wisdom is an element that is very important for human life which contains values, norms, and customs that are valid and have been around for a long time. The existence of local wisdom is a necessity because it was born and developed along with the birth of life and culture and is used as one of...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of ICTs Integration in Enhancing Student Motivation in Learning English
Elizabeth Meiske Maythy Lasut, Jeanette Jeane Bawengan
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) integration in the classroom in order to make the learning process interesting and meaningful to students is inevitable. It is a challenge for elementary teachers to engage their students in various activities in classroom and to cultivate their willingness...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Implementation of Internal Quality Assurance System in Private Islamic High Schools in Mataram-Lombok
Sudirman Wilian, Dadi Setiadi, Nyoman Sridana
The internal quality assurance system (IQAS) of the secondary education unit is a quality assurance system which involves all components in the education unit. However, IQAS seemed to be scarcely heard in many private schools, including that of the Islamic private high schools in Mataram – West Nusa...
Proceedings Article
The Role of University-Based Entrepreneurship Ecosystems in Facing the Challenges of the Industrial Revolution 4.0
Mona Novita, Ahmad Husein Ritonga, Jalaludin Jalaludin
The deliberation underlying this research was the launching of the Making Indonesia 4.0 by President Joko Widodo as a roadmap for entering the IR 4.0. In the university environment, there is a growing thought about various strategies in preparing students for the 4IR, such as dynamism, diversity of developed...
Proceedings Article
The Use of Facebook as a Media for Career Guidance and Counseling Services in Junior High School
Abdul Kholiq, M. Solehuddin
There were many students who did not know their potencies and many others who did not continue to higher education after graduated. These problems were happening until a guidance and counseling teacher used Facebook in her services. She used Facebook to give information and help the students in preparing...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Apologizing in Arabic: A Case Study at an Islamic Boarding School in Indonesia
Abdulkhaleq Al-Rawafi, Dadang Sudana, Iwa Lukmana
Apologies are the most fundamental strategies for remedying offences and reflecting the degree of the speakers’ politeness. This study aims to investigate the language of apologizing in the Arabic language as used by students of an Islamic boarding school in Indonesia. The study follows a descriptive...
Proceedings Article
Developing Inquiry-Based Learning Materials Through Integrated Lesson Study with 4-D Model to Enhance Junior High School Students’ Critical Thinking Skill
Agus Ramdani
Critical thinking is an important skill that needs to be developed for the future of the students. However, this has not been facilitated properly in the learning process of science at junior high school. This study aims to develop inquiry-based science learning materials that are valid, practical, and...
Proceedings Article
Should Vocational Schools be Strategically Located with Relevant Industries to Reduce Graduates’ Competency Gaps?
Indah Khoerunnisa, Didin Wahyudin, Sri Handayani, A Ana
The shrinkage of employment opportunities due to the rapid development of technology requires responsive vocational education in adjusting graduates’ competencies needed. This research was conducted to describe the availability of Agroindustry vocational schools with relevant food industries based on...
Proceedings Article
Performance Appraisal of Educational Personnel: A Case Study on MTs Negeri Dua in Jambi
Syamsul Huda, Syawal Fitri, Abdul Kholik
Educational Personnel was one of the most important elements in improving the quality of education. This study aimed to determine the assessment process of educational personnel, to describe the obstructions during the assessment and to formulate the solutions to manage the obstructions in Madrasah Tsanawiyah...
Proceedings Article
Quantum Phenomenon Learning Media Used in Think Pair Share Models of Learning for Critical Thinking Skills
Aris Doyan, Gunawan Gunawan, Susilawati Susilawati, B. U. Khasanah, S. Hakim
This study aims to analyze the effect of the use of quantum phenomenon learning media implemented in Think Pair Share (TPS) learning models on improving student’s critical thinking skills. The quasi-experimental research methods was used with nonequivalent control group design. The research subject were...
Proceedings Article
Education on Religious Moderation Among Islamic Student Organization Activists
Sayid Sagap, Sya’roni Sya’roni, Arfan Arfan
One of religious thought transmission media among Islamic student organizations activists was cadre education and inter-forum discussions between fellow activists. The increasing demographic of young people accompanied by open political structures and narrow job opportunities making transmission of radicalism...
Proceedings Article
Calculating the Unit Costs by the Learning Activity- Based Costing in Technology and Engineering Vocational School
Yayat Yayat, Nanang Fattah, Danny Meirawan
The aim of this study is at obtaining information about the amount of operational costs needed by a student to complete vocational education in a Vocational High School. Learning Activity-Based Costing (LABC) is a new method in calculating costs in the education sector. Calculation the education costs...
Proceedings Article
Improving Students Ability in Problem Solving and Creativity Through Project-Based Learning
Dadang Jaenudin, Surti Kurniasih, Galuh Rizky Amalia
The aim of this research is to improve students’ ability in problem solving and creativity through project-based learning (PBL) under biotechnology subject. This research is conducted in twelfth grade of SMA Yapida Gunung Putri Bogor. Quasi experiment with non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group...
Proceedings Article
Sekolah Dayung Jambi: Alternative School-Based Environmental Education Learning
Aris Dwi Nugroho, Armida Armida, Diandara Oryza, Sri Yulia Sari
Economic factors are often being the reason for lack of education in community, including for people in Jambi city. The low economy status influences their awareness on education, such as less children go to school, lack of environmental awareness and drug trafficking. The establishment of Sekolah Dayung...
Proceedings Article
Problem Based Learning in Mathematics: From the Higher Into the Lower Level of Students
Rio Ferke Rindengan, Robby Wenas
Teacher-oriented learning and lack of teachers’ understanding on how to teach mathematics is presumably resulting in a lack of student mathematics understanding. Problem Based Learning (PBL) model places students as a center in learning activities where creativity, challenging conditions, contextual...
Proceedings Article
Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy: Training, Observation, Internships, and the Business Plans
Endah Andayani, Lilik Sri Hariani, Nurul A’in
A person’s confidence to succeed in running a business that will be carried out is called Entrepreneurial self-efficacy Entrepreneurial self-efficacy is not an innate ability, but can be generated by motivating students to become entrepreneurs. The effort to grow self-efficacy for entrepreneurship was...
Proceedings Article
The Profile of Teachers’ Performance in Designing Practical Chemistry Laboratory Works
Galuh Yuliani, Heli Siti Halimatul, Siti Aisyah, Tuszie Widhiyanti
In chemistry, laboratory works are ideal media for students to understand the connection between the unseen microscopic world and the observable macroscopic world. Laboratory experiences provide opportunities for team building, inquiry-based learning, hands-on activities, and exposure to standard laboratory...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Cooperative Learning Model of STAD to the Mathematics Understanding
Deiby Tiwow, Santje Salajang, Wayan Damai
This study aims to explore the differences in math understanding of students taught using Student Achievement Divisions (STAD) and classical learning models and the student interest to mathematics learning on using cooperative learning with STAD and classical models. This research method includes the...
Proceedings Article
Pesantren Managerial Competence
Marwazi Marwazi
Modern education management theory needs additional tools to evaluate the performance of leaders managerial of pesantren or Islamic boarding school. The management of pesantren uses both modern theories and also uses management concepts based on religious beliefs such as sincerity and generosity, even...
Proceedings Article
School Principals’ Strategic Leadership to Optimize the Strengthening of Character Education Movement
Untung Waluyo, Sudirnan Wilian, Muntari Muntari, I Wayan Karta
Based on the Presidential Decree No. 87 of 2017 on the so-called Mental Revolution, the Ministry of Education and Culture introduces the Strengthening of Character Education Movement (SCEM) that catalyzes character building among school children. Although this movement has been disseminated and trained...
Proceedings Article
Relationship Between Teacher’s Content Knowledge, Pedagogical Content Knowledge, and Self-Efficacy and Its Impact on Student’s Mathematics Learning Achievement
I Gusti Putu Suharta, Ni Nyoman Parwati
Teacher’s content knowledge (CK), pedagogic content knowledge (PCK), and self-efficacy (SE) are factors that can affect the effectiveness of learning process. This study aims to determine the relationship between CK, PCK, and SE and their impact on students’ mathematics learning achievement. This type...
Proceedings Article
Projecting a Good Image of School: How can a Principal Achieve This Goal?
Elni Jeini Usoh, Jeffry S. Lengkong, Henny N. Tambingon, Sherly F. Lensun
There has been a tendency in most schools to become increasingly aware of their image in the community. The school principals are realising the need to work positively with community to ensure a good image of the school. It is conceivable that the leadership of the principal plays a significant role...
Proceedings Article
Development of Learning Media of Microscope Portable Auto Design to Increase Student’s Problem-Solving Ability in Light and Optical Tools Topic
Aris Doyan, A. Wahab Jufri, Susilawati, A. Hardiyansyah, K. Auliya, S. Hakim, L. Muliyadi
This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of developed learning media in the form of digital portable auto design microscopes to improve student’s problem-solving abilities. This research used a research and development method. The subjects of this study were students of grade VIII at one of private...
Proceedings Article
Development of Motion-Theme Teaching Materials for Science Learning in Junior High School
Indarini Dwi Pursitasari, Eka Suhardi, Vera Yulistiani
This study aims to produce motion theme teaching materials with webbed integration using the 4STMD method (Four-Step Teaching Materials Development). This development research involved 29 students of grade VII at junior high school. Data were collected using tests of validation, text comprehension, feasibility,...
Proceedings Article
Development of Science Teaching Materials Based on the Scientific Approach to Improve Student Learning Results
Tiene M.B. Turangan, Meytij Jeanne Rampe, Ferny M. Tumbel, Latifa Mamang
This study aims to develop teaching materials using a scientific approach to improve student’s learning outcomes in the static electricity concepts. This study refers to Research and Development method following the stages of implementation according to Borg and Gall. The trial subjects consisted of...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Program Implementation Education of Consumer Protection in Improving Consumer Empowerment Index
Agus Satory, Lasmin Alfies Sihombing, Yeni Nuraeni, Mustaqim Mustaqim
There are two main factors that have triggered a low level of Consumer Empowerment Index (IKK) in Indonesia, namely the lack of public knowledge about regulations and institutions related to consumer protection, and complaints that are not common among consumers. Improved education can take advantage...
Proceedings Article
The Dialogue of Christian Education and Minahasa Traditional Community in “Rumamba” Tradition in Disruptive Era: A Reconciliation or Disaster?
Febri Kurnia Manoppo, Rolina Anggereany Ester Kaunang, Wolter Weol
The objective of this study is to describe the Christian Education values in the Minahasa Indigenous community in the rumamba tradition for the digital generation. This study uses a qualitative approach, using data collected from observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The results show that...
Proceedings Article
The Resilience of Early Childhood Parenting Style in the Disruptive Era
Deflita R. N. Lumi, Febri Kurnia Manoppo, Rolina A.E Kaunang
Parenting among children and the elderly includes physical needs, among others (eating, drinking, etc.) as well as psychological needs such as (a sense of security, affection, and others). It is intended that the child is able to adapt and live in harmony with the environment. Disruptive era presents...
Proceedings Article
How to Improve Principal Leadership Effectivity
Mansur Hakim, Fahruddin Fahruddin
The aim of this research is to study the correlation between knowledge-based management and emotional intelligence with the Public Junior Secondary School Principals Leaderships. The research was conducted in the Public Junior Secondary School in Jakarta. This research used survey method. 30 The Public...
Proceedings Article
Model of School Principal Leadership Shaping Pedagogic Competence and Teacher Digital Literacy
Henny Suharyati, Griet Helena Laihad
Education in the 4.0 era required a principal’s leadership model that could encourage teachers to develop their pedagogical and digital literacy potential. The study aims is to find a model of leadership of principal that can provide motivation to teachers to improve their pedagogical competencies and...
Proceedings Article
Jarimatika Implementation in Early Childhood
Ratu Yustika Rini, Sri Margorini
Jarimatika is often considered unable to be used in early childhood education because many teachers think that it is too early to be introduced. This article tries to analyze the implementation of Jarimatika in early childhood. The research method used is qualitative with a focus on a case study. Data...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of School Culture in Mediating Teachers Innovation and Emotional Intelligence on School Effectiveness
Sri Rahayu, Arif Rahman Hakim, Iskandar Ladamay
The school effectiveness is influenced by interaction between external and internal factors. This research aims to examine the mediating effect of school culture between teacher concern innovation and emotional intelligence on school effectiveness. Questionnaires were distributed to 333 teachers of elementary...
Proceedings Article
Academic Lecture: The Learning of Social Media in Youth
Fahruddin Fahruddin, Hasanuddin Chaer
Motivation is the most important factor to increase teenage learning through of social media. Intrinsic motivation and curiosity are assets for those who are very valuable for increasing the value and quality of learning outcomes and teaching youth. This essay uses analysis of actor-network theory or...
Proceedings Article
Speaking Anxiety of EFL High School Students: Indonesian and Moroccan Cases
Bouchra Eddraoui, Yanty Wirza
This study aims to explore the speaking difficulties encountered by Moroccan and Indonesian high school students, as well as shed light on the level of anxiety they are experiencing and its causes. The study employs a quantitative approach. A Likert scale-based questionnaire was administered to 30 Moroccan...
Proceedings Article
Improving Learning Outcomes on the Subject of Planning and Antenna Installation of Transceiver Systems at Vocational High School
Iwan Kustiawan, Tommi Hariyadi, Muhamad Aldhi, Deasy Rosanti Nurjannah
This research aims at evaluating the effect of the use of Antenna simulator software on the subject of Planning and Antenna Installation of Transceiver systems. A quasi experimental, non-equivalent control group design was utilized. The subjects in this study were students of 2 classes of XII-Elkom (first...
Proceedings Article
The Resilience of Kindergarten Teacher in the Disruptive Era
Heldy J. Rogahang, Febri Kurnia Manoppo, Rolina A.E Kaunang
The disruptive era presents many challenges in various fields, including early childhood education. This research aims to discover factors that contribute to resilience of preschool teachers towards the globalization in information era. This study employs a qualitative method to derive the contributing...