Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2022)

423 authors
Santoso, Sugeng
Potential Role Analysis of Halal Certification Facilitation and Tangerang Emas Program Activation to Increase Culinary Micro Business Income in Tangerang City
Sanwasi, Dimas P.
The Use of CGM Web System as Cost of Goods Manufactured Monitoring in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era
Predictors and Impact of Openness to Change in Asset Management Contract (AMC) Implementation at the Electric Power Service Company
Satrya, Aryana
Employee Service Innovative Behavior in the Public Sector: The Role of Proactive Personality and Work Engagement
Satrya, Aryana
The Impact of Employees’ Paradox Mindset on Innovative Behavior Mediated by Thriving at Work: A Quantitative Study of Banking Employees
Satwika, Stefanus Ardian
Improvement of the Coal Inventory Management System Using the Economic Order Quantity Method
Savitri, Citra
The Importance and Performance Analysis with Diagonal Regression Approach
Savitri, Citra
Flash Sale and Brand Image Models in Improving Purchase Decisions on Fashion Products at the Shopee Marketplace Among Students
Savitri, Citra
Investigation of Green Marketing and Brand Image on Costumers’ Teh Kotak Purchase Decision
Savitri, Citra
The Effect of Promotions and Consumer Preferences on Purchase Decision
Sembiring, Beby
The Effect of Customer Engagement and Brand Advocacy on Brand Value Co-creation
Sembiring, Beby Karina Fauzeea
Marketing Mix Strategy Using SWOT Analysis to Increase Market Share in PT Smartfren Telecom Tbk North Sumatera Area
Sembiring, Beby Karina Fawzeea
Green Marketing Strategy Effect on Consumer Awareness Through Marketing Mix Approach
Sembiring, Meilita Tryana
Analysis of Job Satisfaction, Job Stress, and Job Insecurity on Employee Turnover Intention at a Manufacturing Company in the Industrial and Chemical Sector in North Sumatra
Sembiring, Meilita Tryana
Designing Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for Teachers to Improve the Performance of SMK Muhammadiyah 20 Panai Hulu, North Sumatra
Sembiring, Meilita Tryana
Marketing Mix Strategy Using SWOT Analysis to Increase Market Share in PT Smartfren Telecom Tbk North Sumatera Area
Sembiring, Rasmulia
Work from Home During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Civil and Public Service Context
Semuel, Hatane
The Impact of Performance Management and Empowering Leadership on Personal Motivation
Setiawan, Budi
Implementation of SISTRO (Truck Scheduling System) to Enhance Supply Chain Efficiency and Performance to Support Industrial Revolution 4.0 in Petrokimia Gresik
Setini, Made
Driving Factors for Digital Technology Innovation in Financial Markets in Indonesia
Setyawan, Andhy
“I Know What You Did During the Pandemic”
Setyawan, Andhy
The Antecedents in Forming Loyalty in the Fast-Food Industry
Siahaan, Benyamin M. P.
The Influence of Implementation of the Four Disciplines of Execution on the Achievement of Commercial Credit Targets at PT Bank Sumut
Mediating Effect of Psychology Empowerment on the Influence of Knowledge Sharing to Lecturer Performance: An Empirical Study in UBP Karawang
Sihaloho, Maria Br
The Effect of Profitability, Leverage, Incentive, and Gender Diversity on Tax Avoidance in Coal Sub-sector Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)
Sihombing, Septiana
Types I, II, III Agency Problems, Firm Value, and National Governance Quality A Case Study of Indonesian and Singaporean Companies
Silalahi, Amlys Syahputra
Types I, II, III Agency Problems, Firm Value, and National Governance Quality A Case Study of Indonesian and Singaporean Companies
Silalahi, Amlys Syahputra
Good Corporate Governance on Firm Value in the LQ45 Index (Indonesia Stock Exchange)
Silalahi, Amlys Syahputra
The Effect of Financial Literacy, Risk Perception, Overconfidence, and Investment Experience on Cryptocurrency Investment Decision
Silalahi, Amlys Syahputra
Analysis of Balanced Scorecard Implementation on the Calculation of Performance of PT PLN (Persero) North Sumatera
Silalahi, Marwan Carlos Sahatdotua
Measuring Transportation and Logistics Companies’ Performance Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Silalahi, Marwin Antonius Rejeki
Measuring Transportation and Logistics Companies’ Performance Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Silalahi, Marwin Antonius Rejeki
Family Financial Socialization and Financial Behavior on the Covid-19 Perspective
Silalahi, Siska Amonalisa
Measuring Transportation and Logistics Companies’ Performance Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Silvallana, Daniel Fritz V.
Unraveling Cultural Intelligence and Its Impact on Perceived Employability Among Undergraduate Students in Philippines’ Public Universities
Simamora M, Pernando
The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Kompas 100 Indeks on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
Sinaga, Johannes Wijaya
The Effect of Quality of Work-Life, Training, and Organizational Climate on Job Satisfaction at PT. X’s Plantation Company
Sinulingga, Sukaria
The Influence of Organizational Behavior on the Sustainability Services of the Ate Keleng Foundation of Karo Batak Protestant Church
Sinulingga, Sukaria
Green Marketing Strategy Effect on Consumer Awareness Through Marketing Mix Approach
Siregar, Nurlisa Borliani
Good Corporate Governance on Firm Value in the LQ45 Index (Indonesia Stock Exchange)
Sitorus, Ombun Rico
Green Marketing Strategy Effect on Consumer Awareness Through Marketing Mix Approach
Situmorang, Syafrizal Helmi
Marketing Mix Strategy and SWOT Analysis on Beraskita Products Perum Bulog Regional Division North Sumatra
Siwantoro, Gunawan Wiyogo
Potential Role Analysis of Halal Certification Facilitation and Tangerang Emas Program Activation to Increase Culinary Micro Business Income in Tangerang City
Slamet, Adityawan
Factors Affecting the Capital Structure of Non-financial Business Entities Listed in the IDX for the 2016–2020 Period
Soo, Kang Min
Research Overview on the Life of Families with Foreign Elements in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Subali, Stefanus Budy Widjaja
The Effect of Convergence to International Financial Accounting Standards on Information Asymmetry–Evidence from Indonesian Companies Listed in the IDX from 2015–2019
Subali, Stefanus Budy Widjaja
The Effect of Supply Chain Speed, Responsiveness, Flexibility and Competence on the Profitability of PT. Bank Negara Indonesia
Sudiro, Achmad
Predicting Digital Business Startup Intention in SEA: TPB-PC Model Test
The Change of a Poor Paradigm to a Rich Paradigm Through the NU Coin Movement Process
Sudjatno, Sudjatno
Predicting Digital Business Startup Intention in SEA: TPB-PC Model Test
Sugiarti, Yenny
The Impact of Firm Size and Market Concentration on Firm Productivity
Suherman, Enjang
Mediating Effect of Psychology Empowerment on the Influence of Knowledge Sharing to Lecturer Performance: An Empirical Study in UBP Karawang
Sukoco, Badri Munir
HIT Institutionalization During the Covid-19 Turbulence
Sukoharsono, Eko Ganis
Islamic Human Capital
The Impact of Work Placement, Work Environment, Work Motivation, and Communication on Employee Performance in the Library and Archives of the Medan City Government
Grouping of Tourist Preferences Towards Tourist Villages in East Java Based on Facial Recognition and Background
Sundari, Made Siti
MSME Categorization In Indonesia: Is It Potentially Problematic?
Suppiah, Maartandan S.
Unraveling Cultural Intelligence and Its Impact on Perceived Employability Among Undergraduate Students in Philippines’ Public Universities
Competitive Advantage Strategy of Port Enterprise in Indonesia
Mediating Effect of Psychology Empowerment on the Influence of Knowledge Sharing to Lecturer Performance: An Empirical Study in UBP Karawang
Sutejo, Bertha Silvia
The Effect of Financial Literacy and Demographic Factors on Behavioral Biases of Investors During a Pandemic
Sutejo, Bertha Silvia
The Effect of Dividend Policy, Profitability, and Leverage on Share Price Volatility of Service Sector Enterprise Indexed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange During 2015–2019
Financing Scheme and Determinant Factors
Suyanto, Suyanto
Potential Spillover from Foreign Companies
Suyanto, Suyanto
The Impact of Firm Size and Market Concentration on Firm Productivity
Tan, Alexander
The Efficiency of Project Planning in IT Service Provider Using Traditional Methods, and CPM
Tandelilin, Elsye
Peer-Review Statements
Tandelilin, Elsye
Behind Knowledge Hiding Behavior
Tandelilin, Elsye
Correction to: Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2022)
Tania, Novita
Potential Role Analysis of Halal Certification Facilitation and Tangerang Emas Program Activation to Increase Culinary Micro Business Income in Tangerang City
Tanjungsari, Dinar R.
The Use of CGM Web System as Cost of Goods Manufactured Monitoring in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era
Tarigan, Yusuf
The Influence of Organizational Behavior on the Sustainability Services of the Ate Keleng Foundation of Karo Batak Protestant Church
Tedjakusuma, Adi
Multi-objective Location-Transportation Problem for Relief Distribution
Tedjakusuma, Adi P.
The Effect of Logistics Capabilities on Online Purchase Attitude and Purchase Intention in the Millennials of Tokopedia Users
Tedjakusuma, Adi Prasetyo
Factors Affecting Purchase Intention Through Online Application: A Case Study of Lazada
Thoyib, Armanu
The Change of a Poor Paradigm to a Rich Paradigm Through the NU Coin Movement Process
Thoyib, Armanu
The Determinant Factors of Tourism Destination Competitiveness and Destination Management: A Case Study from Malang City
Thoyib, Armanu
Building the Competitiveness of Traditional Retail Supply Chain Management Through the Actualization of Pancasila Values
Threstia, Yolanda
The Influence of Customer Experience and Perceived Risk on Online Purchase Intention
Tirayoh, Victorina Z.
The Role of Green Accounting and Corporate Social Responsibilities to Improve Maritime Tourism Quality in North Sulawesi
Tjiptono, Fandy
“I Know What You Did During the Pandemic”
Tra, Vo Phan My
Research Overview on the Life of Families with Foreign Elements in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Trisatya, Achmad Afriadi
The Effect of Consumer Ethnocentrism on Purchase Intention of Indonesian Local Fashion Brands
Trisnawati, Juliani Dyah
Incorporation of ISO 21001 and National Accreditation Board for Higher Education Criteria in Indonesia
Trisnawati, Juliani Dyah
The Influence of Customer Experience and Perceived Risk on Online Purchase Intention
Tsuroya, Nida
Improvement of the Coal Inventory Management System Using the Economic Order Quantity Method
Turnip, Andreas
The Influence of Profitability, Leverage, and Market Value on Income Smoothing in Coal Mining Industries Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
Utami, Mudji
The Influence of Good Corporate Governance through the Gender Diversity on Firm Performance
Valentina, Vania
Indonesian Consumers Segmentation in Online Food Purchasing
Verona, A.
Utilization of Fly Ash and Bottom Ash as a Filler in the NPK Plant at Petrokima Gresik Ltd
Wahyu, D. U.
Utilization of Fly Ash and Bottom Ash as a Filler in the NPK Plant at Petrokima Gresik Ltd
Wannarak, Junphen
Factors Affecting Purchase Intention Through Online Application: A Case Study of Lazada
Wartini, Sri
Green Organizational Culture as Mediator of the Effect of Knowledge Creation on Green Performance
Wibowo, R. P.
Evaluation of the Implementation of Hospital Management Information Systems (SIMRS) Using the Hot–Fit Method at Al Fuadi General Hospital, Binjai
Wibowo, Rulianda Purnomo
Predictors and Impact of Openness to Change in Asset Management Contract (AMC) Implementation at the Electric Power Service Company
Wibowo, Rulianda Purnomo
The Influence of Leadership, Motivation and Reward on Turnover Intention with Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable
Wibowo, Rulianda Purnomo
The Effect of Quality of Work-Life, Training, and Organizational Climate on Job Satisfaction at PT. X’s Plantation Company
Wibowo, Rulianda Purnomo
Measurement of Supply Chain Management Performance on Toll Road Projects with Design and Build Contract Using SCOR and AHP Methods
Wibowo, Rulianda Purnomo
The Efficiency of Project Planning in IT Service Provider Using Traditional Methods, and CPM
Wicaksono, Adhika Putra
Does Religiousness Matter to Intention to Commit Digital Piracy?