Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2022)

423 authors
Hutabarat, Bosker Edward
Analysis of Workload, Employee Placement, and Employee Engagement on Employee Job Satisfaction at Medan Customs and Excise Office
Huyen, Le Nguyen Ai
Research Overview on the Life of Families with Foreign Elements in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Ibrahim, M.
Utilization of Fly Ash and Bottom Ash as a Filler in the NPK Plant at Petrokima Gresik Ltd
Ike, Ester
Analysis of Brand Image, Taste Variation, Price Perception and Promotion on Purchase Decision and Their Effect on Consumer Loyalty
Importante, Gilbert
Self-regulation and Learning Outputs of Filipino MOOC Learners
The Factors That Affect Tourist Revisit Intention of Sanur Bali Beach
Intention to Use Mobile Payment in Indonesia. The Role of Innovativeness, Usefulness, Risk, and User Stress
Indrawati, Maria Fillippa Neri
The Impact of Employees’ Paradox Mindset on Innovative Behavior Mediated by Thriving at Work: A Quantitative Study of Banking Employees
Indrawati, Nur Khusniyah
Hulontalo Ethnic’s Values in Making Business Capital Funding Decisions
Irawati, Nisrul
Control Mechanism Analysis in Mediating Market Valuation on Firm Performance in Indonesia
Irawati, Nisrul
The Effect of Profitability, Leverage, Incentive, and Gender Diversity on Tax Avoidance in Coal Sub-sector Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)
Irawati, Nisrul
The Effect of Operational Efficiency, Marketing Effectiveness, and Leverage on the Financial Performance of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (PERSERO) Regional I
Irawati, Nisrul
The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Kompas 100 Indeks on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
Iriawan, Muhammad Ari
Competence of Indonesian Social Security Driver (Shield) in Increasing Participation at BPJS Employment Medan City Branch
Irnanda, Cut Riska
Contract Analysis for Design and Build Lump Sum Price
The Effect of Quality of Work-Life, Training, and Organizational Climate on Job Satisfaction at PT. X’s Plantation Company
Ismail, Ahmed Rageh
Internal Branding as a Marketing Strategy for Start-Up
Iswoyo, Andi
Competitive Advantage Strategy of Port Enterprise in Indonesia
Isyanto, Puji
Flash Sale and Brand Image Models in Improving Purchase Decisions on Fashion Products at the Shopee Marketplace Among Students
Izharuddin, Muhammad
HIT Institutionalization During the Covid-19 Turbulence
Jaolis, Ferry
Religious Influencers on Social Media: Do They Really Affect Followers’ Religiosity and Intention to Donate?
Jaolis, Ferry
Content Value Versus Influencer Credibility: What Matters More for Followers’ Trust and Behavioral Intention Towards Collaborative Brands?
Jatnika, Drajat
The Effect of Product Diversification, Taste, and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction
Jayaranjan, Duminda
Air-Conditioning for Green Universities
Joanly, Rosaline Benefiola
Religious Influencers on Social Media: Do They Really Affect Followers’ Religiosity and Intention to Donate?
Karamoy, Herman
The Role of Green Accounting and Corporate Social Responsibilities to Improve Maritime Tourism Quality in North Sulawesi
Kardianto, Thoyyib
Designing Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for Teachers to Improve the Performance of SMK Muhammadiyah 20 Panai Hulu, North Sumatra
Karina, Beby
The Impact of Responsiveness and Empathy on Satisfaction and Loyalty of the PT Citilink Indonesia’s Passengers at Kualanamu International Airport
Kartikasari, Cynthia Yohanna
Potential Spillover from Foreign Companies
Kartikasari, Cynthia Yohanna
The Impact of Firm Size and Market Concentration on Firm Productivity
Karya, Denis Fidita
Internal Locus of Control, Entrepreneurial Learning, Risk Tolerance on Self-efficacy, and Entrepreneurial Intention
Karya, Denis Fidita
Domestic Consumption: Relative Product Quality Ethnocentrism, and Domestic Product Belief
Kawiswara, Muhammad Abid Prima
The Effect of Supply Chain Speed, Responsiveness, Flexibility and Competence on the Profitability of PT. Bank Negara Indonesia
The Influence of Environment Concern, Norm Description, Service Satisfaction on Behavioral Intention of Suroboyo Bus Passengers in Surabaya
Khalida, Laras Ratu
Investigation of Green Marketing and Brand Image on Costumers’ Teh Kotak Purchase Decision
Khalida, Laras Ratu
The Effect of Promotions and Consumer Preferences on Purchase Decision
Khin, Yin Min
Air-Conditioning for Green Universities
Khusniyah, Nur
Developing Model of Digital Leadership for the New Normal Age
Koan, Dianne Frisko
Gender Ideology and Company Performance Measure
Kristanti, Monika
Indonesian Consumers Segmentation in Online Food Purchasing
Krisyanti, Yosi
Consumer Preferences in Purchasing Traditional Medicine Considering Products, Taste Sensory, and Certification Label
Kulachai, Waiphot
Factors Affecting Purchase Intention Through Online Application: A Case Study of Lazada
Kumamoto, Jun
The Effect of Logistics Capabilities on Online Purchase Attitude and Purchase Intention in the Millennials of Tokopedia Users
Kurnanda, Defri
The Impact of Responsiveness and Empathy on Satisfaction and Loyalty of the PT Citilink Indonesia’s Passengers at Kualanamu International Airport
Kurniawan, Andi
Inventory Stockholding Policy Model
Kurniawan, William
Levers of Control Management Control System and the Company Competitiveness
Kusmaningtyas, Amiartuti
The Effect of Green Work-Life Balance and Organizational Citizenship Behavior on the Environment to Improve Environmental Performance of the Cooperative and SME Office of East Java Province Employees
Kusuma, Evelyn
Comparison of Optimal Portfolio Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Testing on LQ45
Kusumawardhany, Prita Ayu
Frugal Lifestyle Trend Among Generation Z
Lanny Kusuma Widjaja, M. E.
Green Organizational Culture as Mediator of the Effect of Knowledge Creation on Green Performance
Lesmanaputri, Evilia
The Effect of Convergence to International Financial Accounting Standards on Information Asymmetry–Evidence from Indonesian Companies Listed in the IDX from 2015–2019
Lestari, Dian Mahardi
The Effect of Financial Literacy, Risk Perception, Overconfidence, and Investment Experience on Cryptocurrency Investment Decision
Liliek, H. P.
Utilization of Fly Ash and Bottom Ash as a Filler in the NPK Plant at Petrokima Gresik Ltd
Lim, Raymond
MSME Categorization In Indonesia: Is It Potentially Problematic?
Lismanto, Firdaus
The Influence of Work Ability, Work Environment and Organizational Culture on Employee Performance with Motivation as a Mediating Variable
Losman, Elon
Optimal Return Analysis Using Ichimoku Kinko Hyo on the LQ45 Indonesia Stock Exchange
Lumbanraja, Prihatin
Analysis of Workload, Employee Placement, and Employee Engagement on Employee Job Satisfaction at Medan Customs and Excise Office
Lumbanraja, Prihatin
The Influence of Leadership, Motivation and Reward on Turnover Intention with Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable
Lumbanraja, Prihatin
Analysis of Job Satisfaction, Job Stress, and Job Insecurity on Employee Turnover Intention at a Manufacturing Company in the Industrial and Chemical Sector in North Sumatra
Lumbanraja, Prihatin
Designing Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for Teachers to Improve the Performance of SMK Muhammadiyah 20 Panai Hulu, North Sumatra
Maas, Linda T.
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Installation of the Ship Care System in PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia (PERSERO)
Maas, Linda Tri Murni
Analysis of Job Satisfaction on Employee Engagement Impacted on Turnover Intentions at PT Hilti Nusantara’s Account Manager
Maas, Linda Trimurni
The Influence of Organizational Behavior on the Sustainability Services of the Ate Keleng Foundation of Karo Batak Protestant Church
Maemunah, Mumun
Investigation of Green Marketing and Brand Image on Costumers’ Teh Kotak Purchase Decision
Mahadwartha, Putu Anom
Peer-Review Statements
Mahadwartha, Putu Anom
Comparison of Optimal Portfolio Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Testing on LQ45
Mahadwartha, Putu Anom
Correction to: Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2022)
Analysis of Brand Image, Taste Variation, Price Perception and Promotion on Purchase Decision and Their Effect on Consumer Loyalty
Malasari, Syiva Nur
Analysis of Google Meet Readiness as Online Communication Media in the Era of Digital Transformation
Manurung, Windi Afika
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Installation of the Ship Care System in PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia (PERSERO)
Marciano, Deddy
The Effect of Financial Literacy and Demographic Factors on Behavioral Biases of Investors During a Pandemic
Marciano, Deddy
Factors Affecting Syndicated Loan Spreads in Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam
Mardinawaty, Selva
The Influence of Training Program and Work Environment on Employee Performance Through Work Satisfaction as a Mediating Variable
Marlina, Lisa
Control Mechanism Analysis in Mediating Market Valuation on Firm Performance in Indonesia
The Effect of Perceived Ease of Use and Perceived Usefulness on Trust, Loyalty of E-Commerce Customers
Mas’ud, Fuad
The Effect of Spiritual Leadership, Organizational Support, and Islamic Work Ethic
Megawati, Veny
The Effect of Logistics Capabilities on Online Purchase Attitude and Purchase Intention in the Millennials of Tokopedia Users
Megawati, Veny
Customer Satisfaction and Revisit Intention Modeling for Dining Restaurants in Surabaya
Megawati, Veny
The Influence of Environment Concern, Norm Description, Service Satisfaction on Behavioral Intention of Suroboyo Bus Passengers in Surabaya
Megawati, Veny
The Effect of Supply Chain Speed, Responsiveness, Flexibility and Competence on the Profitability of PT. Bank Negara Indonesia
Mintardjo, Christoffel Mardy O.
The Role of Green Accounting and Corporate Social Responsibilities to Improve Maritime Tourism Quality in North Sulawesi
Mintardjo, Christoffel Mardy O.
Predicting Digital Business Startup Intention in SEA: TPB-PC Model Test
Islamic Human Capital
Mintarum, Ahadin
The Effect of Privacy (Security) Settings, Application Design, and E-Trust on E-Relationship Satisfaction and E-Loyalty on GoFood in Surabaya
Mohamad, Bahtiar
Internal Branding as a Marketing Strategy for Start-Up
Moko, Wahdiyat
Developing Model of Digital Leadership for the New Normal Age
Muchtar, Yasmin Chairunisa
Does Gender Matter in the Relationship Between Individual Absorptive Capacity and Subjectivity Career Success?
Muda, Iskandar
The Effect of Profitability, Leverage, Incentive, and Gender Diversity on Tax Avoidance in Coal Sub-sector Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)
Muda, Iskandar
The Effect of Operational Efficiency, Marketing Effectiveness, and Leverage on the Financial Performance of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (PERSERO) Regional I
Mugiono, Mugiono
The Determinant Factors of Tourism Destination Competitiveness and Destination Management: A Case Study from Malang City
Potential Role Analysis of Halal Certification Facilitation and Tangerang Emas Program Activation to Increase Culinary Micro Business Income in Tangerang City
Mujanah, Siti
Grouping of Tourist Preferences Towards Tourist Villages in East Java Based on Facial Recognition and Background
Muluk, Chairul
Optimal Return Analysis Using Ichimoku Kinko Hyo on the LQ45 Indonesia Stock Exchange
Muluk, Chairul
Analysis of MSME Financial Intelligence Level in the Utilization of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lending as a Financing Alternative in Batam City
Muluk, Chairul
The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Kompas 100 Indeks on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
Muluk, Chairul
The Effect of Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion on MSMEs Performance
Mulyadi, Dedi
Flash Sale and Brand Image Models in Improving Purchase Decisions on Fashion Products at the Shopee Marketplace Among Students
Murhadi, Werner R.
The Influence of Good Corporate Governance through the Gender Diversity on Firm Performance
Murhadi, Werner Ria
Peer-Review Statements
Murhadi, Werner Ria
Factors Affecting the Capital Structure of Non-financial Business Entities Listed in the IDX for the 2016–2020 Period