Proceedings of the International Seminar on Language, Education, and Culture (ISoLEC 2022)

137 authors
Afifah, Lilis
Wordwall Interactive Media Training: Optimization of Digital-Based Learning Media for German Teachers in Besuki Region
Age, Maria Yulita C.
Aparaja Revitalization: Lio Ethnic Oral Tradition
Ainin, Moh.
Developing Arabic Textbooks
Alfaraby, Muhammad S.
Werthertracht: Literature, Fashion, and Youth Resistance in the Late 18th Century Germany
Amirah, Rania F.
Werthertracht: Literature, Fashion, and Youth Resistance in the Late 18th Century Germany
Andajani, Kusubakti
Multimodal Perspective in BIPA Textbook
Andajani, Kusubakti
How is BIPA Students’ Perception Towards Learning in the Digital Era? Insights in Preparing Online Learning
Anugerahwati, Mirjam
The RADEC Model to Teach Intercultural Communicative Competence
Ardiyani, Dewi Kartika
Binnendifferenzierung in German Language Learning: A Challenge for Teachers
Arifianto, Muhammad Lukman
Designing Advanced-Level Arabic Mass Media Teaching Material: A Project-Based Learning Approach
Basid, Abdul
Protection of the Qur’an Against the Disposal of Infants on Covid-19 Era
Basid, Abdul
Arabic in the Eid Greetings in Indonesian Muslim
Basthomi, Yazid
Peer-Review Statements
Batunan, Deisyi
Portraying Indonesian EFL Teachers’ Perceptions and Teaching Practices on Intercultural Communicative Competence
Bima, Arya
Developing 汉语的语义学 [Hanyǔ de yǔyì xué] of Chinese Semantics Digital Module
Budiman, Lestanta
The Change and Innovation in Pancasila Education in Post Reform Era (2003 to 2022)
Bukhori, Herri Akhmad
Application of the Constructivist Model (CM) on Interactions and Learning Initiative Factors for Improvement Results in Learning
Bukhori, Herri Akhmad
Establishing Sustainable Assessment for Meaningful Learning of EFL in Trenggalek Vocational High Schools
Bukhori, Herri Akhmad
Effectiveness of Think Pair Share (TPS) and Problem Based Learning (PBL) in Improving Student Ability: A Comparative Study
Bukhori, Herri Akhmad
Implementation of Drill and Practice Learning Models and Open-Ended Problems to Find Out Interest in Learning
Bukhori, Herri Akhmad
Implementation of Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) in Digital Book Development for Growing Liveliness Study
Bukhori, Herri Akhmad
The Implementation of Adversity Intelligence and Perception (AIP) to Become a Professional Teacher
Bukhori, Herri Akhmad
The Implementation of Game Pair Coupon Exchange (PCE) Towards the Results of Learning Reading and Writing Mandarin Course
Casten, K. Elpina May
Conversational Maxims Analysis of Students and Lecturers at the Online Thesis Defense of the Economics Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Darmawan, Ruly
Portraying University Students’ Digital Literacy Competency in Problem Solving: A Multi-case Study in Higher Education
Ekireginata, Putery
Development of Educational Game “语法戏” [Yǔfǎ Xì] as an Optimization of Grammar Learning
Fahmi, M. Iqbal Najib
How Flashcard Games Improve Critical Thinking Skills on History of Islamic Culture Material?
Faizin, Nur
Arabic in the Eid Greetings in Indonesian Muslim
Farahsani, Yashinta
Conversational Maxims Analysis of Students and Lecturers at the Online Thesis Defense of the Economics Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Farahsani, Yashinta
Problems in Learning Essay Writing for English for Specific Purpose Students: A Case Study in Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Farahsani, Yashinta
Translation Method in Translating Mechanical Engineering Terms from English to Indonesian
Febrindasari, Chyndy
Conversational Maxims Analysis of Students and Lecturers at the Online Thesis Defense of the Economics Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Improving Students’ Reading Ability in Elementary Schools Through the Reading Clinic Program
Harmanto, Margaretha Dharmayanti
Translation Method in Translating Mechanical Engineering Terms from English to Indonesian
Hasanah, Samudra Mutiara
How Flashcard Games Improve Critical Thinking Skills on History of Islamic Culture Material?
The Change and Innovation in Pancasila Education in Post Reform Era (2003 to 2022)
Hidayat, Edy
Binnendifferenzierung in German Language Learning: A Challenge for Teachers
Hidayat, Ima Kusumawati
The Potential of Using Critical Incident Technique to Improve Design Research: A Compilation Study
Hidayati, Maria
Peer-Review Statements
Huda, Ibnu Samsul
The Application of Student-Centered Learning (SCL) Strategies in the Balaghah Course at Universitas Negeri Malang
Indriwardhani, Sri Prameswari
Wordwall Interactive Media Training: Optimization of Digital-Based Learning Media for German Teachers in Besuki Region
Ismail, Adzrool Idzwan bin
Representation of Ageism and Gen-Z Exploitation Issues in E-commerce Advertising Design in Indonesia
Istiqomah, Faizatul
Mapping an EFL Teacher’s Technology Integration and Challenges in Online Teaching to a Student with Special Need
Izzudin, Iqbal Fathi
Designing Advanced-Level Arabic Mass Media Teaching Material: A Project-Based Learning Approach
Jatobá, Júlio Reis
Geopolitics and Language Planning
Jaya, Patria Handung
Problems in Learning Essay Writing for English for Specific Purpose Students: A Case Study in Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Kancana, Sauptika
The Change and Innovation in Pancasila Education in Post Reform Era (2003 to 2022)
Kartika, Dewi
Peer-Review Statements
Kweldju, Siusana
Portraying Indonesian EFL Teachers’ Perceptions and Teaching Practices on Intercultural Communicative Competence
Loureiro, Eduarda
Probing Design Researchers: Understanding Ph.D. Student’s Routine
Lukluk Ul, M.
Development of Educational Game “语法戏” [Yǔfǎ Xì] as an Optimization of Grammar Learning
M., Lukluk Ul
Development of Chinese Digital Teaching Material for the 11th Grade Topic 家庭 [Jiātíng] Based on Flipbook
Mahliatussikah, Hanik
The Application of Student-Centered Learning (SCL) Strategies in the Balaghah Course at Universitas Negeri Malang
Mardasari, Octi Rjeky
Development of Chinese Digital Teaching Material for the 11th Grade Topic 家庭 [Jiātíng] Based on Flipbook
Mardasari, Octi Rjeky
Werthertracht: Literature, Fashion, and Youth Resistance in the Late 18th Century Germany
Mardasari, Octi Rjeky
Developing 汉语的语义学 [Hanyǔ de yǔyì xué] of Chinese Semantics Digital Module
Mardasari, Octi Rjeky
Development of Educational Game “语法戏” [Yǔfǎ Xì] as an Optimization of Grammar Learning
Masitoh, Fitriatul
Mapping an EFL Teacher’s Technology Integration and Challenges in Online Teaching to a Student with Special Need
Maulidina, Ahsani
Multimodal Perspective in BIPA Textbook
Maulidina, Ahsani
How is BIPA Students’ Perception Towards Learning in the Digital Era? Insights in Preparing Online Learning
Mawali, Linda
Portraying University Students’ Digital Literacy Competency in Problem Solving: A Multi-case Study in Higher Education
Mellania, Dyna
Development of Chinese Digital Teaching Material for the 11th Grade Topic 家庭 [Jiātíng] Based on Flipbook
Mujahidah, Zulfa Azalia
Designing Advanced-Level Arabic Mass Media Teaching Material: A Project-Based Learning Approach
Muzaki, Helmi
Foreign Speakers’ Indonesian Language Errors on YouTube Social Media
Nimashita, Hana
Translation Method in Translating Mechanical Engineering Terms from English to Indonesian
Novica, Dimas Rifqi
Probing Design Researchers: Understanding Ph.D. Student’s Routine
Nurhidayati, Amalia
Portraying University Students’ Digital Literacy Competency in Problem Solving: A Multi-case Study in Higher Education
Pertiwi, Untari Gunta
Portraying University Students’ Digital Literacy Competency in Problem Solving: A Multi-case Study in Higher Education
Natural Coloring Batik and Artistic Eco-Friendly-Based Eco-Print Development to Support Temas Kampong of Batu as Batik Tourism Center
Prastio, Bambang
Multimodal Perspective in BIPA Textbook
Prastio, Bambang
How is BIPA Students’ Perception Towards Learning in the Digital Era? Insights in Preparing Online Learning
Pratiwi, Yuni
How is BIPA Students’ Perception Towards Learning in the Digital Era? Insights in Preparing Online Learning
Pusposari, Dewi
Awareness Education by Paulo Freire in the Novel Laskar Pelangi and Negeri 5 Menara
Putri, Amira Eza Febrian
Developing 汉语的语义学 [Hanyǔ de yǔyì xué] of Chinese Semantics Digital Module
Putri, Amira Eza Febrian
Implementation of Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) in Digital Book Development for Growing Liveliness Study
Rajali, Muhamad
Developing 汉语的语义学 [Hanyǔ de yǔyì xué] of Chinese Semantics Digital Module
Ramadhan, Mochammad Rizal
How Flashcard Games Improve Critical Thinking Skills on History of Islamic Culture Material?
Ratnawati, Ike
Mahogany Wood as Natural Dyes for Textile Colouring: Experiment at Home Industry Batik Wonorejo Village Singosari Malang Regency
Ratnawati, Ike
Natural Coloring Batik and Artistic Eco-Friendly-Based Eco-Print Development to Support Temas Kampong of Batu as Batik Tourism Center
Razi, Siti Aishah Mohammad
Understanding Problems that Arise During Video Remote Shooting
Rekan, Abd Aziz bin
How Flashcard Games Improve Critical Thinking Skills on History of Islamic Culture Material?
Rellstab, Daniel H.
Building Bridges Across Borders and Digital Divides?
Ribeiro, Rogério
The Potential of Using Critical Incident Technique to Improve Design Research: A Compilation Study
Ridwan, Nur Anisah
The Application of Student-Centered Learning (SCL) Strategies in the Balaghah Course at Universitas Negeri Malang
Rini, Denik
Mahogany Wood as Natural Dyes for Textile Colouring: Experiment at Home Industry Batik Wonorejo Village Singosari Malang Regency
Rini, Ika Puspita
Problems in Learning Essay Writing for English for Specific Purpose Students: A Case Study in Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Risaldi, Antok
Critical Discourse Analysis of Naming Children Sex Offender in Indonesia
Rizqiana, Nafila Ulfa
Establishing Sustainable Assessment for Meaningful Learning of EFL in Trenggalek Vocational High Schools
Multimodal Perspective in BIPA Textbook
Binnendifferenzierung in German Language Learning: A Challenge for Teachers
Sakti, Karina Fefi Laksana
Developing 汉语的语义学 [Hanyǔ de yǔyì xué] of Chinese Semantics Digital Module
Sakti, Karina Fefi Laksana
Implementation of Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) in Digital Book Development for Growing Liveliness Study
Santoso, Anang
Critical Discourse Analysis of Naming Children Sex Offender in Indonesia
Sarjono, Djoko
Application of the Constructivist Model (CM) on Interactions and Learning Initiative Factors for Improvement Results in Learning
Sarjono, Djoko
Effectiveness of Think Pair Share (TPS) and Problem Based Learning (PBL) in Improving Student Ability: A Comparative Study
Sarjono, Djoko
Implementation of Drill and Practice Learning Models and Open-Ended Problems to Find Out Interest in Learning
Sarjono, Djoko
Implementation of Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) in Digital Book Development for Growing Liveliness Study
Sarjono, Djoko
The Implementation of Adversity Intelligence and Perception (AIP) to Become a Professional Teacher
Sarjono, Djoko
The Implementation of Game Pair Coupon Exchange (PCE) Towards the Results of Learning Reading and Writing Mandarin Course
Sawitri, N. L. P. Dian
Has the Covid-19 Pandemic Brought Our Students Closer to be Autonomous Learners?