Proceedings of the Universitas Lampung International Conference on Social Sciences (ULICoSS 2021)

281 authors
Salsabila, Annisa
Children Protection Towards Dating Violence in Bengkulu
Salsabila, Safaana Salwa
Political Corruption and White-Collar Crime Related to Covid-19 Countermeasures
Salshabella, Dhea Clara
Building Student Self-Directed Learning Through Virtual and Flipped Classroom
Salshabella, Dhea Clara
Video Website and Peer Tutoring to Improve Student Academic Literacy Skills
Samad, Zakky Ikhsan
Reconstruction of the Purposes and Guidelines of Sentencing in Indonesian Sentencing System Based on the Perspective of Human Rights and Pancasila
Saputra, Bayu
Evaluation of Using V-Class (Moodle) in Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Lampung During Work from Home
Saputra, Muhammad Adi
Student Teachers’s Readiness to Face Society 5.0 Challenges: Are They Ready to Teach with Competencies Needed?
Sari, Eka Suci Indria
Improvements of Learning Motivation and Students Learning Outcomes in Islamic Religious Education Subjects Through the Use of Learning Video Media Kinemaster at Elementary School State 2 Susunan Baru Bandar Lampung
Sari, Genny Gustina
The Meaning of Private Space as Media Representation in Rans Entertainment Vlog
Sari, Putri Irmala
Implementation of Forecasting Hedging Model During the Covid-19 Pandemic with the Event Windows Approach to Asean Stock Prices 6
Sari, Yuni Ratna
Penta Helix Collaboration on Village Tourism Development Program in Indonesia Post Covid-19 Pandemic
Manufacturing Sustainability and Sustainable Community Development in Kampung Batik Laweyan Surakarta
Manufacturing Sustainability and Sustainable Community Development in Kampung Batik Laweyan Surakarta
Satriawan, M. Iwan
Special Judicial Reform Election in Indonesia
Seftiani, Sari
National Health Security as an Effort to Increase Social Welfare: Challenges on Informal Sector Participants in Yogyakarta Special Region
Septiana, Dewi
Implementation of Sell and Purchase in Steam Online Game Platform Based on Steam Subcsriber Agreement
Setiawan, Yhanu
Special Judicial Reform Election in Indonesia
Setyaningsih, Rila
Communication Management Model of Alumni Tracking at Boarding University
Setyowati, Retno
A Gender Analysis of The Ngudi Rejeki Women Farmer Group Empowerment Program in Trirenggo Village, Bantul Regency to Support Local Product Development
Shafwati, Dian
Increasing Students’ Speaking Achievement Through Animation Movie
Sidik, Hasbi
Political Corruption and White-Collar Crime Related to Covid-19 Countermeasures
Simbolon, Khairunnisa
Distribution Patterns and Factors Affecting the Selection of the Destination Country of Indonesian Migrant Workers of Lampung
Simbolon, Khairunnisa
Political Corruption and White-Collar Crime Related to Covid-19 Countermeasures
Simbolon, Khairunnisa
The Opportunity of Indonesia to Accelerate the Utilization of Fly Ash and Bottom Ash Coal Waste Through International Cooperation
Sinaga, Risma Margareta
The Development of Tulang Bawang Local History Teaching Book to Improve Historically Thinking Skill
Siswanto, Heni
The Synergy of Lampung Provincial Marine and Fishery Services with Muara Tabulih Fisheries in West Coast District in Protection of Turtle Habitat
Soerjatisnanta, Hieronymus
Law Enforcement of Criminal Acts of Terrorism Through a Humanist Approach based on Pancasila Law
Sompa, Andi Tenri
Women’s Economic Development and Sustainable Development Agenda Among Coffee Smallholders in Lahat, South Sumatera
A Gender Analysis of The Ngudi Rejeki Women Farmer Group Empowerment Program in Trirenggo Village, Bantul Regency to Support Local Product Development
Sugiyanta, I Gede
The Landslide Spatial Modelling in Limau District, Tanggamus Regency
Analysis of the Prejudice of the Samasundu Group and the Tallas Group in West Sulawesi
Sulastuti, Sri
Disability-Friendly Public Means Through the Public Services Regulation: Realizing a Disability Friendly in Bandar Lampung City
Sulistyo, Iwan
Political Corruption and White-Collar Crime Related to Covid-19 Countermeasures
Sulistyo, Iwan
A Review Towards Theories, Concepts, Methods in International Relations, and Related International Legal Instruments for Conducting Research on Transnational Organized Crime
Sumantri, Mohamad Syarif
The Implementation of Character Education Classroom Based Learning in Social Sciences Primary School
Toponym’s Transmigration in Pringsewu to Historical Empathy Student of Class X Senior High Scholl 1 Pringsewu
Legal Protection of Traditional Cultural Expression as a Copyright in Indonesia
Suningsih, Sri
Analysis of Cohesive Devices in Teaching Dialogues
Suningsih, Sri
Teacher’s Perception of Multiple Intelligence Based on English Teaching for Young Learners
Supeni, Siti
The effort to Develop Character Education Child-Friendly School Based on Java Regional Art Culture at Elementary School in Surakarta City
Implementation of Forecasting Hedging Model During the Covid-19 Pandemic with the Event Windows Approach to Asean Stock Prices 6
Building Student Self-Directed Learning Through Virtual and Flipped Classroom
Video Website and Peer Tutoring to Improve Student Academic Literacy Skills
The Use of Virtual Media to Improve Teaching Abilities for Pre-Service Teachers
Multimedia for Improving Competency of Business Presentations: A Brief Literature Review
Susiatiningsih, Hermini
Cooperation Amidst Calamity: The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic Between China and Indonesia Resulting in Shared Needs
Sutyatna, Agus
The Landslide Spatial Modelling in Limau District, Tanggamus Regency
Thaharah, Herti Agusma
Women’s Economic Development and Sustainable Development Agenda Among Coffee Smallholders in Lahat, South Sumatera
Triaristina, Aprilia
Toponym’s Transmigration in Pringsewu to Historical Empathy Student of Class X Senior High Scholl 1 Pringsewu
Trisna, Indah Nevira
Student Motivation and Its Correlation with French Learning Outcomes During the Covid-19 Outbreak
Utami, Dian
Implementation of Self-Assessment in Learning High School Geography in Lampung Selatan Regency
Utami, Wiji Tuhu
A Gender Analysis of The Ngudi Rejeki Women Farmer Group Empowerment Program in Trirenggo Village, Bantul Regency to Support Local Product Development
Utomo, Tri Cahyo
Cooperation Amidst Calamity: The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic Between China and Indonesia Resulting in Shared Needs
Valini, Rivaldo
The Urgency of the Public Prosecutor’s Intelligence Wiretapping Authority on Disclosure of Corruption Crimes in the Perspective of Human Rights
Vibriyanti, Deshinta
Measuring the Quality of Life and Determinants of the Urban Elderly: A Subjective Perspective
Wahono, Endro. P.
The Landslide Spatial Modelling in Limau District, Tanggamus Regency
Wahyuningdiah, Kingkin
Implementation of Sell and Purchase in Steam Online Game Platform Based on Steam Subcsriber Agreement
Warganegara, Damanhuri
Policy Implementation of BNN Province Lampung in Program Prevention to Eradicate Abuse and Illegal Circulation of Narcotic (P4GN) during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Waziana, Winia
Analysis of Cohesive Devices in Teaching Dialogues
Widhiarto, I Ketut
Law Enforcement of Criminal Acts of Terrorism Through a Humanist Approach based on Pancasila Law
Widodo, Sugeng
The Development of Tulang Bawang Local History Teaching Book to Improve Historically Thinking Skill
Winatha, I Komang
Building Student Self-Directed Learning Through Virtual and Flipped Classroom
Winatha, I Komang
Video Website and Peer Tutoring to Improve Student Academic Literacy Skills
Wiranata, Indra Jaya
Penta Helix Collaboration on Village Tourism Development Program in Indonesia Post Covid-19 Pandemic
Wiranata, Indra Jaya
A Review Towards Theories, Concepts, Methods in International Relations, and Related International Legal Instruments for Conducting Research on Transnational Organized Crime
Wirman, Welly
The Meaning of Private Space as Media Representation in Rans Entertainment Vlog
Wulandari, Jeni
Actor’s Network of Stunting Prevention Program in Bandar Lampung City, Lampung, Indonesia
The Landslide Spatial Modelling in Limau District, Tanggamus Regency
Yudhi, Rifka
Working Health Protection Policy Against Workers in the Pandemic Time Covid-19
Actor’s Network of Stunting Prevention Program in Bandar Lampung City, Lampung, Indonesia
Yulianto, Riyan
Building Student Self-Directed Learning Through Virtual and Flipped Classroom
Yulianto, Riyan
Video Website and Peer Tutoring to Improve Student Academic Literacy Skills
Commercial Diplomacy to Increase Exports of Lampung Cocoa Commodities in the European Union Market
Global Potential Market of Forest Biomass Wood Pellets
Yuniati, Ati
Electronic Certificate Perspective in Civil Law Evidence
Yuniati, Ati
Working Health Protection Policy Against Workers in the Pandemic Time Covid-19
Yusuf, Munawir
The Effect of Work-Based Learning Model in Improving the Competence Students of Diploma III Nursing
Zakaria, Wan Abbas
The Landslide Spatial Modelling in Limau District, Tanggamus Regency
Need Analysis of English Material in the Second Third Grade Elementary Program
Community Policing Law Enforcement in Handling Narcotics Crimes by Children
Implementation of Self-Assessment in Learning High School Geography in Lampung Selatan Regency