Proceedings of the Universitas Lampung International Conference on Social Sciences (ULICoSS 2021)

281 authors
Urgency of Electronic Licensing Management Licensing Services in Improving the Community Economy
Khoiriah, Siti
Consistency and Harmonization of Village Fund Management in Indonesia (Case Study in Tulus Rejo Village and Kecapi Village)
Kusrini, Nani
Student Motivation and Its Correlation with French Learning Outcomes During the Covid-19 Outbreak
Ky, Ade Oktariatas
Oral Testament in Distribute Inheritance of Islamic Law Compilation
Lestari, Lita Era
The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic Towards Belt Road Initiative of China in Europe Region: Development Studies Approach
Lestari, Nur Indah
Student Teachers’s Readiness to Face Society 5.0 Challenges: Are They Ready to Teach with Competencies Needed?
Lestari, Rahayu
Global Potential Market of Forest Biomass Wood Pellets
Lestari, Suci Indah
A Review Towards Theories, Concepts, Methods in International Relations, and Related International Legal Instruments for Conducting Research on Transnational Organized Crime
Lučev, Josip
The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Incoming Hegemonic Shift
M. S., Zulela
The Implementation of Character Education Classroom Based Learning in Social Sciences Primary School
Marta, Andri
Penta Helix Collaboration on Village Tourism Development Program in Indonesia Post Covid-19 Pandemic
Maryanah, Tabah
Comparison of Religious Identity Politics Reporting on Depok Muamalah Market
Maskun, Maskun
Struggling Through Money: Local Banknotes of Republic of Indonesia During the Independence Revolution in the Residency of Lampung
Ma’arif, Syamsul
Political Corruption and White-Collar Crime Related to Covid-19 Countermeasures
Mikac, Robert
Migration Issues in the Age of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparison Between the European Union and Association of Southeast Asian Nations
Miswar, Dedy
The Landslide Spatial Modelling in Limau District, Tanggamus Regency
Muflihah, Lilih
Comparison of Religious Identity Politics Reporting on Depok Muamalah Market
Muftiyanto, Taufiq Nur
The Effect of Work-Based Learning Model in Improving the Competence Students of Diploma III Nursing
Muhadz, Muhammad Labib
Electronic Certificate Perspective in Civil Law Evidence
Reconstruction of the Purposes and Guidelines of Sentencing in Indonesian Sentencing System Based on the Perspective of Human Rights and Pancasila
The Value of Seligman’s Optimism in Disorder Novel as Teaching Materials of Indonesian Language in SMA
Strengthening the Function of Prejudicial Institutions and the Implementation Concept of the Judges Institution of Commissioners in the Protection of Suspects Rights
Mustofa, Ali
Environmental Wisdom of Lampung Warahan Oral Literature in Literature Ecology Perspective
The Communication Strategy of the Polewali Mandar Regency Task Force Team in Building Public Awareness in the Face of the Corona Virus Outbreak
Najib, Moh Farid
Customer Loyalty of Traditional Market the Role of In-Store Logistics, Store Image and Satisfaction
Nawawi, Juanda
The Role of the Marine and Fisheries Office in Empowering Fishermen in Majene Regency
Nazaruddin, Kahfie
Environmental Wisdom of Lampung Warahan Oral Literature in Literature Ecology Perspective
Ningsih, Aprilia Fitri
Regulatory Consistency in Breaking the Chain of Covid-19 Spread in Indonesia
Noviarini, Wahyu
Reconstruction of the Purposes and Guidelines of Sentencing in Indonesian Sentencing System Based on the Perspective of Human Rights and Pancasila
Global Potential Market of Forest Biomass Wood Pellets
Nugeraha, Prasetya
Idealist Model for Sustainable Tourism Development in the Way Bekhak Ecotourism, Tanggamus Regency
Nuraini, Hanifah
Oral Testament in Distribute Inheritance of Islamic Law Compilation
Nurbaiti, Syarifah
Improvements of Learning Motivation and Students Learning Outcomes in Islamic Religious Education Subjects Through the Use of Learning Video Media Kinemaster at Elementary School State 2 Susunan Baru Bandar Lampung
Nurdiana, Novita
Increasing Students’ Speaking Achievement Through Animation Movie
Nurdin, Barthoven Vivit
Changes in Tourist Interests During a Pandemic: A Study of Travel Choices and Motivations Post COVID-19 Pandemic
Hotel Tax Imposition on Households Review of the Principles of Tax Collection (The Four Maxims Adam Smith)
Implementation of Self-Assessment in Learning High School Geography in Lampung Selatan Regency
The Development of Tulang Bawang Local History Teaching Book to Improve Historically Thinking Skill
Perbawati, Candra
Mapping of Local Government Authorities in Creative Economy Sector to Encourage Tourism Industry Development
Perdana, Ryzal
The Empowerment of Critical and Creative Thinking (CCT) Skills in Indonesian Language Learning: A Case Study of Online Learning in Secondary School During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Perdana, Ryzal
Consistency and Harmonization of Village Fund Management in Indonesia (Case Study in Tulus Rejo Village and Kecapi Village)
Perdana, Ryzal
The Value of Seligman’s Optimism in Disorder Novel as Teaching Materials of Indonesian Language in SMA
Perdana, Ryzal
Environmental Wisdom of Lampung Warahan Oral Literature in Literature Ecology Perspective
Perdana, Yusuf
The Problems of Implementation of Multicultural Education Through E-Learning Based History Learning (Case Study of SMAN 1 Natar)
Picula, Boško
Croatian Elections Between Parties’ Leaders and Voters’ Decisions: Is Preferential Voting the Solution?
Prakoso, Gita Hilmi
Increasing Students’ Speaking Achievement Through Animation Movie
Prasetya, Rian Andri
The Empowerment of Critical and Creative Thinking (CCT) Skills in Indonesian Language Learning: A Case Study of Online Learning in Secondary School During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Prasetya, Rian Andri
Environmental Wisdom of Lampung Warahan Oral Literature in Literature Ecology Perspective
Prasetyo, Heru
The Value of Seligman’s Optimism in Disorder Novel as Teaching Materials of Indonesian Language in SMA
Prastyo, Agung Budi
Implications of Priority Use of the Village Fund Year 2021 in Delivering Village without Poverty in East Lampung District
Pratama, Maulana Agung
Implementation of Forecasting Hedging Model During the Covid-19 Pandemic with the Event Windows Approach to Asean Stock Prices 6
Pratama, Rinaldo Adi
Struggling Through Money: Local Banknotes of Republic of Indonesia During the Independence Revolution in the Residency of Lampung
Pratama, Rinaldo Adi
Student Teachers’s Readiness to Face Society 5.0 Challenges: Are They Ready to Teach with Competencies Needed?
Pratiwi, Inne Marthyane
Student Teachers’s Readiness to Face Society 5.0 Challenges: Are They Ready to Teach with Competencies Needed?
Prayitno, Hadi
Global Potential Market of Forest Biomass Wood Pellets
Prayoga, Satria
Implications of Priority Use of the Village Fund Year 2021 in Delivering Village without Poverty in East Lampung District
Prayogi, Rahmat
The Empowerment of Critical and Creative Thinking (CCT) Skills in Indonesian Language Learning: A Case Study of Online Learning in Secondary School During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Prayogi, Rahmat
The Value of Seligman’s Optimism in Disorder Novel as Teaching Materials of Indonesian Language in SMA
Prihantoro, Edy
Communication Management Model of Alumni Tracking at Boarding University
Purba, Darmawan
Exploitation Versus Advocation: A Case Study of Hill Land Use in Bandar Lampung City
Purba, Darmawan
Sustainable Ecotourism Development Analysis in Bandar Lampung City Tourism Object
Purboyo, Muhammad Guntur
Idealist Model for Sustainable Tourism Development in the Way Bekhak Ecotourism, Tanggamus Regency
Purnomo, Muhammad Aditya
Digitalization of Social Protection Systems Policy in Indonesia as a Step Towards Society 5.0
Putra, Purwanto
Optimization of the Development of the Record Center Faculty of Social and Political Sciences University of Lampung
Putri, Ayu Setiyo
The Value of Seligman’s Optimism in Disorder Novel as Teaching Materials of Indonesian Language in SMA
Putri, Devi Sutrisno
Government Capabilities to Guarantee the Sustainability of Education in Indonesia During the Covid-19 Pandemic Period
Putri, Lidya Ayuni
Analysis of Cohesive Devices in Teaching Dialogues
Putri, Lidya Ayuni
Teacher’s Perception of Multiple Intelligence Based on English Teaching for Young Learners
Putri, Rahmah Dianti
The Use of Virtual Media to Improve Teaching Abilities for Pre-Service Teachers
Putri, Safriska Desna
Cooperation Amidst Calamity: The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic Between China and Indonesia Resulting in Shared Needs
Qashmal, Luzman
Consistency and Harmonization of Village Fund Management in Indonesia (Case Study in Tulus Rejo Village and Kecapi Village)
Qurniawan, Ari
Strengthening the Function of Prejudicial Institutions and the Implementation Concept of the Judges Institution of Commissioners in the Protection of Suspects Rights
The Use of Virtual Media to Improve Teaching Abilities for Pre-Service Teachers
Partnership Model for the Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility State own Company in Coastal Community Empowerment Programs in Cilegon City
Rahmawati, Fanni
Building Student Self-Directed Learning Through Virtual and Flipped Classroom
Rahmawati, Fanni
Video Website and Peer Tutoring to Improve Student Academic Literacy Skills
Rahmawati, Fanni
The Use of Virtual Media to Improve Teaching Abilities for Pre-Service Teachers
Rahmawati, Fanni
Evaluation of Using V-Class (Moodle) in Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Lampung During Work from Home
Rahmawati, Laila
Government Capabilities to Guarantee the Sustainability of Education in Indonesia During the Covid-19 Pandemic Period
Rajab, Marlina
The Role of the Marine and Fisheries Office in Empowering Fishermen in Majene Regency
Rakhmadi, Roby
Digital Economy Through E-Commerce in Agriculture in Indonesia
Rakhmadi, Roby
Optimization of the Development of the Record Center Faculty of Social and Political Sciences University of Lampung
Ramadhan, Gilang
Building Student Self-Directed Learning Through Virtual and Flipped Classroom
Ramadhan, Yoga
The Effect of E-Learning Readiness on Learning Performance Moderated by Digital Divide and E-Learning Experience in Nursing Faculty of Riau University
Ria, Wati Rahmi
Implementation of Sell and Purchase in Steam Online Game Platform Based on Steam Subcsriber Agreement
Riadi, Bambang
The Empowerment of Critical and Creative Thinking (CCT) Skills in Indonesian Language Learning: A Case Study of Online Learning in Secondary School During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Riananda, Martha
Legal Framework for Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises by Local Governments as an Effort for Economic Recovery
Riananda, Martha
Mapping of Local Government Authorities in Creative Economy Sector to Encourage Tourism Industry Development
Rimadona, Dwi
The Urgency of Reporting the Will as a Source of Issuing a Letter of Will on the List of the Will Center
Riski, Sri
The Synergy of Lampung Provincial Marine and Fishery Services with Muara Tabulih Fisheries in West Coast District in Protection of Turtle Habitat
Riski, Sri
Policy Implementation of BNN Province Lampung in Program Prevention to Eradicate Abuse and Illegal Circulation of Narcotic (P4GN) during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Rizky, Lucitania
Women’s Economic Development and Sustainable Development Agenda Among Coffee Smallholders in Lahat, South Sumatera
Rodliyah, Nunung
Oral Testament in Distribute Inheritance of Islamic Law Compilation
Legal Protection of Traditional Cultural Expression as a Copyright in Indonesia
Improvements of Learning Motivation and Students Learning Outcomes in Islamic Religious Education Subjects Through the Use of Learning Video Media Kinemaster at Elementary School State 2 Susunan Baru Bandar Lampung
Rosalia, Feni
Actor’s Network of Stunting Prevention Program in Bandar Lampung City, Lampung, Indonesia
Regulatory Consistency in Breaking the Chain of Covid-19 Spread in Indonesia
Rusli, A.M.
The Role of the Marine and Fisheries Office in Empowering Fishermen in Majene Regency
S., Sepriyadi Adhan
Electronic Certificate Perspective in Civil Law Evidence
Saleh, Ahmad
Mapping of Local Government Authorities in Creative Economy Sector to Encourage Tourism Industry Development