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188758 articles

The Impact of the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic on the National Digital Services Market Development (Exemplified by the Digital Commerce Segment)

M.P. Loginov, N.V. Usova, E.E. Nedorostkova
In 2020, the world has faced a new global challenge in the form of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. The crisis has become a defining check-test for the Russian economy. The Russian Federation government’ response was a number of measures to reduce the fast spread of coronavirus in the country, including...

Discussion on the Reportage of Left-behind Children from the Perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis: A Case Study of China Daily

Weize Tang, Beibei Guan
The acceleration of urbanization has led to the imbalance between urban and rural resource distribution, the continuous flow of rural labor to cities, and the gradual increase of left-behind children. The difficulties in life and education faced by left-behind children have received extensive attention...

An Empirical Analysis of Tax Reduction and Fee Reduction Policies Promoting the Improvement of Enterprise Development

Xiuling Wu, Xueli Sun
The outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020 has had a great impact on the production and operation of enterprises. The central government and local governments have introduced various preferential policies for tax reduction and fee reduction to improve the development environment of enterprises. What is the impact...

The Effectiveness of Reading to Tell the Story to Students’ Reading Comprehension Reviewed from Autonomy Level

Lafziatul Hilmi, Ainul Addinna
This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of Reading to Tell the Story Strategy to students’ reading comprehension reviewed from students’ autonomy level. This was a quasi-experiment research. The population of this study is the students of Intermediate Reading course academic year 2019/2020....
Research Article

Gastrointestinal Complications after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant: A Multidisciplinary Approach with Early Endoscopic Evaluation

Giuseppe Tarantino, Francesco Saraceni, Giorgia Mancini, Monica Poiani, Luca Maroni, Gaia Goteri, Ilaria Scortechini, Alessandro Fiorentini, Maria Vittoria Dubbini, Francesco Marini, Luigi Daretti, Marco Marzioni, Emanuele Bendia, Antonio Benedetti, Attilio Olivieri
Pages: 161 - 168
Gastrointestinal complications (GICs) represent the major cause of morbidity and mortality after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT). Differential diagnosis of GICs is of paramount importance since early and reliable identification of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is essential...

Improved Engagement of Undergraduate Students in a Third Year Chemistry Lecture

Pavla Simerska
Student engagement in traditional chemistry lectures has been challenging. In this study, student engagement in and outside of the classroom was enhanced by student pre-class preparation and interactive lectures including group and class discussions, quizzes, short videos and problem-solving activities....

A Study for the Realization of Online Magnetoencephalography using the Spatio-Spectral Decomposition Algorithms

Kazuhiro Yagi, Yuta Shibahara, Lindsey Tate, Keiko Sakurai, Hiroki Tamura
Pages: 161 - 164
Neurofeedback systems have been found to be effective in the clinical rehabilitation of paralysis. However, most systems exist only for use with electroencephalography, which is cumbersome to apply to patients and has lower spatial resolution than Magnetoencephalography (MEG). Furthermore, the best practices...

The Cultural Remodeling of Public Art in the Consumption Era

Qiangqiang Luo
The prosperity of mass culture in the consumption era makes public art present many different characteristics from the past. The secular characteristics of mass culture representations are first manifested in that it no longer only pays attention to issues such as the sublime, the sacred, and the classics...

Recursion Operators for KP, mKP and Harry Dym Hierarchies

Jipeng Cheng, Lihong Wang, Jingsong He
Pages: 161 - 178
In this paper, we give a unified construction of the recursion operators from the Lax representation for three integrable hierarchies: Kadomtsev–Petviashvili (KP), modified Kadomtsev–Petviashvili (mKP) and Harry Dym under n-reduction. This shows a new inherent relationship between them. To illustrate...

On Geodesic Completeness of Nondegenerate Submanifolds in Semi-Euclidean Spaces

Fazilet Erkekog˜lu
Pages: 161 - 168
In this paper, we study the geodesic completeness of nondegenerate submanifolds in semi-Euclidean spaces by extending the study of Beem and Ehrlich [1] to semi-Euclidean spaces. From the physical point of view, this extend may have a significance that a semi-Euclidean space contains more variety of Lorentzian...
Proceedings Article

One-Visit Apexification in Management of Gutta Percha Extrusion and Condensing Osteitis: 4 Years Follow-Up

Rasda Diana, Andina Widyastuti, Pribadi Santosa
An overfilled root canal is the most common iatrogenic error in daily endodontic practice, especially on open apex tooth, which leads to chronic periapical inflammation and failure of endodontic therapy. With various materials and techniques available, the clinician must determine the ideal protocol...

Reinterpretation of Maritime Identity of Small Fishermen on the North Coast of Semarang City

Moh.Sholehatul Mustofa, Rini Iswari, Asma Luthfi, Evi Kristiwati, Risalah Devi Anugrah
Normalization of the East Canal Flood River and the Development of a Marine Tourism Village in Tambak Lorok, Semarang City, have had an impact on the lives of the people in Tambakrejo Village, both environmental changes and socio-economic changes. Residents who initially lived in the riverbanks were...
Proceedings Article

Heating Sector Decarbonization With Renewable Gas and Power-to-Heat

Robert Weiss, Heidi Saastamoinen, Jussi Ikäheimo
Deep decarbonization, which comprehends activities whose aim is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in all economic sectors, is necessary to reach the goals of the Paris agreement. Consumption of fossil fuels in individual buildings is an important source of emissions. In this paper we study the economic...

Virtues of the Madura Society

Nur Wahyu Rochmadi
Madura society is a phenomenal, because every Indonesian to know how the character of madura society. Even though they changed generations, the character of the madura society to have not many changes, becoming the identity of the madura society. This phenomenon is interesting to do an exploration of...

Developing Reading Materials Based on Local Wisdom

Elva Utami, Lisa Rakhmanina
This study explored local wisdom and culture in Bengkulu that are implemented in reading materials. The objective of this investigation was to create materials of reading that depend on the local wisdom of Bengkulu. In this study, the research design used was a Research and Development (R&D). The...

The Correlation Between Student Motivation in Choosing Study Program of Arabic Language Education and Their Perception About Teacher Profession

Nelly Mujahidah, Dinn Wahyudin, Rusman
This paper is based on the results of research that aims to quantitatively analyze the correlation of student motivation in choosing study programs and their perceptions of the teaching profession. Every student who chooses a major when going to college in teacher training certainly has a variety of...

Strategy for Competitive Advantage of Traditional Sunda Food

Dikdik Purwadisastra, Indarta Priyana
The West Java millennial generation is considered to dislike Sundanese traditional food, this is due to several factors, this study aims to determine the right strategy to improve the competitiveness of Sundanese traditional food in their own area, the research method used is descriptive with a qualitative...

Language Learning Strategies in Speaking Classroom Activity: Extrovert and Introvert Learners

Melia Citra, Yetty Zainil
The language learning strategy carried out by EFL learners sometimes differ from one another following their personality; however, it is not clearly defined yet. This research aims to analyze students’ language learning strategies in a speaking activity in accordance with their personality: extrovert...

Limited Attention, Competitive Information and Earnings Announcement Effect

Tian Xu
This paper takes the 2007-2019 semi-annual and annual report of Chinese A-share listed companies as the research object, using multiple regression to examine the existence of earnings announcement effect and the relationship between investors’ attention, competitive information and earnings announcement...

Improving Students’ Critical Thinking Ability Through Lesson Study Activities

Nelya Eka Susanti, Yuli Ifana Sari
Critical thinking is very important in learning new material and relating it to student’s previously-learned material. The study aimed to (1) to improve students’ critical thinking skills through the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach in Lesson Study activities; (2) identify learning problems...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Satisfaction of Physiotherapy Student Towards Online Learning System

Suci Wahyu Ismiyasa, Heri Wibisono
Introduction: The Corona virus COVID-19 is affecting 213 countries to make people do social distancing. We protect one another as we move through these phases. As college students and lecturers decide whether to head back to class and as universities weigh how and whether to reopen, the coronavirus is...

Enlightenment From Ideological and Political Education Curriculum Carrier of North Carolina State University

Nanfei Chen
This paper focuses on the ideological and political education curriculum carrier of American higher education institutions, explores the specific types, main content, related content, application development, and problems of curriculum carrier in American colleges and universities, and proposes effective...

Exporter Competition in China’s Soybean Market and the Chance for Canada

Meihui Song
Because soybeans are high in protein, they are an important source for animal food. Additionally, they are also an important source for cooking oil and other cooking ingredients such as soy sauce and miso, indispensable to East-Asia diets. Therefore, soybeans are in high demand to maintain the dietary...

The Representation of the State Memory Politics in National Constitutions: Axiological Aspects

Denis S. Artamonov, Marina L. Volovikova, Svetlana A. Kulikova, Sophia V. Tikhonova
The article studies the state politics of memory. The digitalisation of society leads to the dominance of post-truth in the media sphere, which exacerbates information and memory wars. Memory conflicts based on incompatible interpretations of historical events and stages can become a serious threat to...

Methodology of Diagnosing Financial Crises by Using a System of Signaling Economic Indicators and Digital Analytical Tools

Nadezhda Yashina, Nataliya Pronchatova-Rubtsova, Victor Kuznetsov, Oksana Kashina, Sergey Yashin
The global financial crisis, caused by the pandemic, has taken on a scale unparalleled in previous crisis periods. Our assessment of the impact of this crisis on the economy is associated with high uncertainty of economic consequences. The most vulnerable to this crisis were countries with a high level...

Discussion on the Development Status and Trends of Intellectual Property Information Services in University Libraries

Lingling Peng, Chi Zhang
At present, various university libraries provide intellectual property information services as an important component of innovative services. In this context, by investigating the first group of national intellectual property information service centers that were set up in universities, this paper discusses...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Embedded Fuzzy Logic Controller on Liquid Level Control System

Adnan Rafi Al Tahtawi, Sofian Yahya, Budi Setiadi, Chairina Marsya
Liquid level control is a system that is often found in the process industry, such as the chemical and petroleum industries. The control method that is usually used to control liquid level is conventional control such as Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller. However, conventional control...

Optimizing Student’s Character Values in HOTS-Based Citizenship Education Learning

Ermanovida, Umi Chotimah, Kurnisar, Norma Juainah
This study was aimed to analyze students’ character values who emerge when learning Citizenship Education based on High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), using descriptive qualitative research methods.The implementation was carried out in Civics learning for students of the PPKn FKIP Unsri Study Program...

Family Support on Working Mother’s Work-Family Conflict: Role of Communal Sharing Social Relations

T N E D Soeharto, M W Kuncoro, S A Prahara
This study aims to determine the effect of family support on work-family conflict in mothers who work through communal sharing social relations. The formulation of the problem in this study is whether the effect of family support on work-family conflict in mothers who work through communal sharing social...

Combination of Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Methods and Simple Additive Weighting in Scholarship of Decision Support Systems

Ragel Trisudarmo, Eko Sediyono, Jatmiko Endro Suseno
Scholarships are educational assistance given to individuals or students with the aim of providing relief from financial costs for the continuation of the education pursued. Scholarships at SMK Auto Matsuda There are two types of scholarships which are grouped based on achievement criteria, status and...

The Value of Javanese Culture in Adipati Karna Puppet Character

Suyatno, Basuki Sumartono
Wayang is the most popular product of Javanese culture from the past to this day. In the characters there are many values that are the core of Javanese culture, one of which is the basic value of politeness. The form of research chosen is descriptive qualitative by using a politeness approach to the...

A Conceptual Framework of Strategy Formulation for Aircraft MRO

Maulana Fajariansyah, Erwin Widodo, Buana Ma’ruf
MRO industry has entered a new era marked by increasingly competitive competition and COVID-19 impact. MRO has several lines of business which needs a strategy that can restore the company’s performance to survive, recover, and grow. This study was conducted with the objective of selecting potential...

A Study on Social and Economic Factors of COVID-19 Prevalence

Junchen Fan
Since Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (hereinafter referred to as “COVID-19”) was discovered in late December of 2019, it has rampaged worldwide, causing social and financial loss to countries all over the world. There are many factors that affect the spread of COVID-19. This paper will study the economic...

Teachers’ Readiness in Promoting 21st Century Skills in Teaching Students at a Bilingual Primary School

Ni Nyoman Padmadewi, Luh Putu Artini, I Nyoman Laba Jayanta
Teachers’ readiness is an important aspect to be considered in promoting 21st-century skills in teaching primary school students. Some studies have been conducted on teachers’ readiness. However, the study on teachers’ readiness to promote 21st-century skills in a bilingual context has never been conducted....

Education Research on Marxism Religious Concept from the Perspective of Cultural Security

Yan Sun
Religious belief affects the thoughts and behaviors of individuals as well as the cultural security of a country. Many problems can still be found in the current education of religious view in universities, and it’s essential to carry out the education of Marxism religious view in universities. From...

A Promising Application Prospect of Blockchain in Banking Industry from the Perspective of Stakeholder Theory

Ya Gao
Due to the information asymmetry between the bank and the customers, the customers are faced with the information security risk of personal information disclosure. Meanwhile, the bank is also being challenged with the credit risk that may appear at any time. Thus, it would lead to increased operation...

Family Eating Behavior of Stunting Children in Silo District, Jember Regency during Covid-19 Pandemic

Concepts and Strategies for Higher Vocational Education Majoring in Agribusiness Management

Dhyani Ayu Perwiraningrum, Puspito Arum, Yoswenita Susindra
Stunting has an impact on delayed physical development and low levels of intelligence, increased risk of infection and increased child morbidity and mortality. Three hundred and eighty-seven of the 3168 toddlers in the Silo I subdistrict and 1269 of 4620 toddlers in the Silo II subdistrict were stunted...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Junior High School Physical Education and Sports Teachers’ Training Model to Improve the Professionality in Organizing a Learning in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0

Mu’arifin, Febrita Paulina Heynoek, Ari Wibowo Kurniawan, Rama Kurniawan
the specific goals of this research are: (a) to study the procedure of the development in the professionality training model of the junior high school sports teachers in organizing a learning, (b) to create a professionality training model that is appropriate for junior high school sports teachers in...

The Implementation of Fusion Food Teaching Materials Based on Local Bali Food in Vocational High School Students in Culinary Expertise

N W Sukerti, Cok Istri R. Marsiti, Luh Masdarini, Damiati Damiati
The present study aimed at describing (1) the results of the implementation of local food teaching materials seen from the students’ practical learning outcomes, (2) learning tools starting from the student worksheet and learning videos on the basic competency of fusion food for the 12th grade students...

Pulau Sawah: The Oldest Ancient Shrine from Hindu Buddha Period in Upstream Batanghari River West Sumatera

Eka Asih Putrina Taim
Pulau Sawah (Sawah Island) is located in the Batang Hari Upstream River Si Junjung District, Dharmasraya Regency, West Sumatera Province. At this site archaeological remains were found in the form of 11 earthen mounds (Munggu) containing brick structures of various sizes. This study aims to describe...
Proceedings Article

Relationship Between the Support from Healthcare Workers and Mother’s Motivation to Exclusively Breastfeed in Medan

Farida Linda Sari Siregar, Evawany Yunita Aritonang, Etti Sudaryati, Nurmaini Nurmaini
Breast milk is an important nutrient for newborns, which provides short-term and long-term health benefits for infants and mothers. The support from health workers is very much needed in providing information and education on exclusive breastfeeding to mothers and the family members from pregnancy check-ups...

Cultural Variation in Perceiving Competition

Tiansi Yang
This study focused on the investigation of the influence of cultural differences on group behaviors in an academic setting. Under a highly competitive environment and facing limited social resources, people would be inclined to perceive competitiveness and make more competitive decisions despite their...

Does The 6-Factor Model Work Better in The Indonesian Capital Market

Dwi Darma, Ikaputera Waspada, Maya Sari
Researchers have made various efforts to discover the best relationship between systematic risk and portfolio returns, and one of these efforts is the Fama and French model. This research aimed to examine whether the latest version, the Fama and French 6-factor model, can outperform the previous version,...
Proceedings Article

Indonesian Student Preparedness Living in the Pandemic

Trisna Amelia, Bony Irawan, Erda Muhartati, Azza Nuzullah Putri
Entering the second year of the Covid 19 pandemic, it has become clear that preparedness to live and adapt to the pandemic situation is key to survival and filled life. High school students are among the high-risk demographic group of the pandemic in Indonesia, which saw their age group excluded from...

Feature Extraction and Matching Algorithm Based on Improved SIFT

Xi Chen, Sisi Sun, Junying Wu, Zihan Zhang, Jiao Peng, Yanyan Lu, Rukun Liu
To solve the problem that the SIFT algorithm used in augmented reality algorithm can not accurately extract matching and the matching efficiency is low, a matching method combining SIFT algorithm, fast explicit diffusion FED and IMU is proposed. Firstly, the input image of the initial matching is processed...

Code-Switching and Code-Mixing in Cross-Marriage Couple

Ferani Wulan Puspitasari, Nuria Haristiani
In social life, bilingualism and multilingualism are often found in speech communities. In bilingual and multilingual speech communities, language transition and language mixing often occur in the communication process called code-switching and code-mixing. In this study, an analysis of code-switching...

An Analysis of Swearing Words in Indonesian Translation of Vampire VS the Bronx Movie

Ida Ismiyati, M. R. Nababan, Riyadi Santosa, Tri Wiratno
Swear words are often seen as negative language which is not appropriate to use for individuals or society in communicating. However, the use of swear words is starting to be accepted lately in public to expresses bad feelings, anger, or humiliation. It proved with the use of the words in various media...

Critical Analysis of the Influence of Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Turnover Intentions of Generation Y Employees in it Firms in India

Renu Jahagirdar, Swati Bankar
Purpose- This research study has sought to assess the importance of organizational citizenship behavior to enhance the retention rate of the Generation Y employees of the Indian IT firm. The research study has provided a holistic viewpoint regarding the way the implementation of OCB can assist an IT...

Emotional Reactions and Kansei Cognition of Weibo Users Towards ChatGPT

Genlong Zhou, Fei Qiao
Focusing on the individual level, this study selects text data from individuals on the Weibo platform since the release of ChatGPT 4.0 as the research sample. It employs the Gephi network analysis tool and sentiment analysis methods, aiming to explore individuals’ kansei cognition of ChatGPT and their...

Impact of Green Credit on Industrial Carbon Emissions in Guangxi

Cuiying Pan, Yili Cheng
Since the “double carbon” goal was proposed, a series of deployments have been made at the national level to accelerate the development of green finance in order to realize the path of carbon peak and carbon neutrality. In the green financial system, green credit is a very important form of finance....