Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication, Policy and Social Science (InCCluSi 2022)

172 authors
Abdoellah, Oekan S.
Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting Model for the Environment at Oil and Gas Companies in North Kalimantan
Adhani, Abrar
Utilization of Online Social Work Education for Community Empowerment
Adikumoro, Damar Panji
Resistance of Work Culture to the Issue of Professionalism in Land Administration Services
Afandy, Muhammad
Directorate General of Customs and Excise on Against Illicit Cigarrete Campaign
Agus, Efendi
Analysis of the Impact of Covid-19 in the Pandemic Era on the Socio-Economic and Health of Scavengers in Medan Denai District, Medan City
Akbar, Muh.
Analyzing the Communication, Informatics and Statistics Agency’s Social Media Strategy in Preventing Hoax at Wajo Regency
Akbar, Muh.
Analysis of Selective Exposure Cluster in the Covid-19 Vaccine Information Network on Twitter
Akbar, Muhammad
Directorate General of Customs and Excise on Against Illicit Cigarrete Campaign
Alfianto, Rois
Agile Governance
Ali, Khaidir
Operational Management of the Trans Binjai Bus as an Effort to Improve Public Services in Binjai City
Allifa, Muhammad Ridho
Semiotics Analysis of Covid-19 Vaccine Photos in Waspada Newspaper
Amrizal, Dedi
An Analysis of Work Program Evaluation of Regional Level Mass Organizations in North Sumatra
Ananda, Fauzan Rizky
The Impact of Social Media Use on Adolescents
Anfasa, Ilhamullah
The Impact of Social Media Use on Adolescents
Anshori, Akhyar
Peer-Review Statements
Utilization of New Media in Tourism Marketing Communication: Marketing Strategy Conducted by Government Tourism Office of West Sulawesi
The Communication Strategy for Coastal Community Awareness by the Indonesian Navy on Coral Reef Sustainability in Kodingareng Lompo Island
Analysis of Using Instagram in Increasing Donations
Artanti, Metin Dyah
Modernization of Lumbung Pangan Program in the Pandemic
Asdak, Chay
Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting Model for the Environment at Oil and Gas Companies in North Kalimantan
Azhar, Anang Anas
Impact of Television Journalist’s Work Productivity at Third Wave of Covid-19 Pandemic
Bahfiarti, Tuti
Effectiveness Analysis of Inquiry Learning Communications in Improving Students’ Knowledge at SMPN 2 Makassar
Bahfiarti, Tuti
Bailiff’s Interpersonal Communication Skill in Enhancing Good Governance in Maros Tax Office
Organizations as a Container for Accommodating the Aspirations of Persons with Disabilities
Cangara, Hafied
Utilization of New Media in Tourism Marketing Communication: Marketing Strategy Conducted by Government Tourism Office of West Sulawesi
Cangara, Hafied
The Communication Strategy for Coastal Community Awareness by the Indonesian Navy on Coral Reef Sustainability in Kodingareng Lompo Island
Cangara, Hafied
Analysis of Teacher and Student Interaction Patterns During Online Learning at the Covid-19 Pandemic Period at SMP Negeri 3 Anggeraja
Che-Ha, Norbani
Towards Smart Tourism Development in City Branding Era in Indonesia
Dali, Melasutra Md
Towards Smart Tourism Development in City Branding Era in Indonesia
Demartoto, Argyo
Community Participation, Motivation, and Capacity as the Principle in Collaborative Governance-Based Covid-19 Prevention and Management in Banyuanyar, Surakarta Indonesia
Deni, Kesa D.
The Effectiveness of Digitalization of SMEs’ Sustainability During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Deswita, Ani
Social Media Literacy in Covid-19 Pandemic (From the Qur’an’s Perspective)
Diaz, Pranita
The Effectiveness of Digitalization of SMEs’ Sustainability During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Erlangga, Ridwan Adnan
The Utilization of Information and Communication Technology Systems in Good Government Management
Evi Nurfawali Asbar, A.
Effectiveness Analysis of Inquiry Learning Communications in Improving Students’ Knowledge at SMPN 2 Makassar
Fadhillah, Fara
Operational Management of the Trans Binjai Bus as an Effort to Improve Public Services in Binjai City
The Covid-19 Pandemic Changes the Community and Government Communication Patterns in the New Normal Era
Fani Cahyandito, M.
Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting Model for the Environment at Oil and Gas Companies in North Kalimantan
Farid, Muhammad
Analysis of Selective Exposure Cluster in the Covid-19 Vaccine Information Network on Twitter
Implementation Communication Crisis Public Relations of Digital Media-Based: Internet Use Before, During, and After the Covid19 Crisis
Firdausi, Firman
Collaborative Governance in Tourism Development at Batu City with Sustainable Development Perspective
Gustianto, Rasda
Analysis of Teacher and Student Interaction Patterns During Online Learning at the Covid-19 Pandemic Period at SMP Negeri 3 Anggeraja
Hamdi, Muchlis
A Bibliometric Network Analysis of Collaboration in Covid-19 Handling
Harahap, Hamdani
Organizations as a Container for Accommodating the Aspirations of Persons with Disabilities
Harahap, Muhammad Said
Semiotics Analysis of Covid-19 Vaccine Photos in Waspada Newspaper
Hardiyanto, Sigit
BAPPEDA Coordination Function in Development Planning in Deli Serdang District
Hardiyanto, Sigit
Parents’ Interpersonal Communication in Improving Children’s Learning Motivation in Medan City
Hardiyanto, Sigit
The Impact of Social Media Use on Adolescents
Hardiyanto, Sigit
The Program FISIP UMSU Bicara on UMSU M Radio to Growing Up Interest in Hearing UMSU FISIP Students
Haryanti, Rina Herlina
Collaborative Governance in Poverty Alleviation Pilot Project in Ngawi Regency
Haryanti, Rina Herlina
Modernization of Lumbung Pangan Program in the Pandemic
Hasanuddin, Fadlih Awwal
Analysis of Selective Exposure Cluster in the Covid-19 Vaccine Information Network on Twitter
Hasibuan, Mutiara Rizki
Operational Management of the Trans Binjai Bus as an Effort to Improve Public Services in Binjai City
Hastarjo, Sri
Uncertainty Reduction Strategy by Prospective Hajj Pilgrims
Hidayat, Fadhil Pahlevi
Parents’ Interpersonal Communication in Improving Children’s Learning Motivation in Medan City
Hidayat, Fadhil Pahlevi
The Impact of Social Media Use on Adolescents
Hidayat, Fadhil Pahlevi
The Program FISIP UMSU Bicara on UMSU M Radio to Growing Up Interest in Hearing UMSU FISIP Students
Hutabarat, Esra Lauren
Health Services Communication Strategy in Tarutung Hospital During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Hutami, Aulia Nisa Fizmi
Parents’ Interpersonal Communication in Improving Children’s Learning Motivation in Medan City
Imdazu, Muhammad Yusuf
Multicultural Convergence in Indonesia: Literature Study in Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara Library
Iqbal, Muhammad
Implementation of the Tellu Cappa Philosophy in Bugis Bone Political Communication
Irawati, Tinda
Controversy of Paying Old Age Benefits in Social Guarantee Systems: Public Policy Perspective
Ismail, Rizabuana
Organizations as a Container for Accommodating the Aspirations of Persons with Disabilities
The Position of the Daughter Hinders Full Siblings
Izharsyah, Jehan Ridho
Analysis of Participatory-Based Tradisional Market Development Planning in Medan City
Izharsyah, Jehan Ridho
BAPPEDA Coordination Function in Development Planning in Deli Serdang District
Karim, Fachri
Makassar City Library Service Communication Strategy in Increasing Makassar City Public Interest in Reading
Karinda, Kisman
The Covid-19 Pandemic Changes the Community and Government Communication Patterns in the New Normal Era
Khairani, Leylia
In the Light of Cultural Studies, the Contest of Javanese Deli Cultural Identity vs. Local Culture
Khairiah, Nalil
The Role of Community Participation in Improving Quality of School Graduates
Khotimah, Wininda Qusnul
Responses to Predictions of Jakarta Sinking in Online Media: Framing Analysis on and
Kiram, Muhammad Zawil
Phenomenological Studies of Social Integration of Religious Groups Majelis Taklim Fardhu Ain (MATFA) Indonesia
Lanni, Ramlan
The Communication Strategy for Coastal Community Awareness by the Indonesian Navy on Coral Reef Sustainability in Kodingareng Lompo Island
Lestari, Asih Widi
Collaborative Governance in Tourism Development at Batu City with Sustainable Development Perspective
Lestari, Forina
Towards Smart Tourism Development in City Branding Era in Indonesia
Lubis, Faizal Hamzah
Parents’ Interpersonal Communication in Improving Children’s Learning Motivation in Medan City
Lubis, Faizal Hamzah
The Impact of Social Media Use on Adolescents
Lubis, Faizal Hamzah
The Program FISIP UMSU Bicara on UMSU M Radio to Growing Up Interest in Hearing UMSU FISIP Students
Lubis, Yusuf Aulia
The Program FISIP UMSU Bicara on UMSU M Radio to Growing Up Interest in Hearing UMSU FISIP Students
Lumingkewas, Marthin Steven
Local Wisdom’s Value of Toba Bataknese Language for Daily Communication in Jakarta
Lustyantie, Ninuk
Batak Women in Globalization and Feminism
Mahardika, Ananda
BAPPEDA Coordination Function in Development Planning in Deli Serdang District
The Effectiveness of Digitalization of SMEs’ Sustainability During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Martinelli, Ida
The Role of Community Participation in Improving Quality of School Graduates
Analysis of Using Instagram in Increasing Donations
Mau, Muliadi
Online Media Construction of the Attack on Indonesian National Police Headquarter
Mayuni, Ilza
Batak Women in Globalization and Feminism
Merry Chornelia W, R. R.
Collaborative Governance in Tourism Development at Batu City with Sustainable Development Perspective
Utilization of New Media in Tourism Marketing Communication: Marketing Strategy Conducted by Government Tourism Office of West Sulawesi
Parents’ Interpersonal Communication in Improving Children’s Learning Motivation in Medan City
Muis, Ichwan
The Covid-19 Pandemic Changes the Community and Government Communication Patterns in the New Normal Era
Utilization of Online Social Work Education for Community Empowerment
Muluk, M. R. Khairul
Challenges of Implementing Bureaucratic Reform and Position Equalization in Mimika Regency Government
Mulyadi, Asal Wahyuni Erlin
Agile Governance
Murti, Bhisma
Community Participation, Motivation, and Capacity as the Principle in Collaborative Governance-Based Covid-19 Prevention and Management in Banyuanyar, Surakarta Indonesia
Nasution, Nurhasanah
The Role of Community Participation in Improving Quality of School Graduates
Nugraha, Pratiwi Purna
Online Media Construction of the Attack on Indonesian National Police Headquarter
Nugroho, Rino A.
Resistance of Work Culture to the Issue of Professionalism in Land Administration Services
Nur, Utami
Public Engagement in Social Media Opinion: PPKM Policy Level 3 Christmas and New Year 2022
Nurhaeni, Ismi Dwi Astuti
Resistance of Work Culture to the Issue of Professionalism in Land Administration Services