Proceedings of the 2nd INDOEDUC4ALL - Indonesian Education for All (INDOEDUC 2018)

155 authors
Aini, Farida
Adaptation and Validation of PATCH (Parental Attitudes toward Children with Handicapped) Scale in the Indonesian Parents
Ainin, Ima Kurrotun
Are Indonesian Sign Language and Total Communication Beneficial for Teachers in Inclusive School?
Akbar, Mr
Self Alienation of Adolescents with Visual Impairments
Amalia, Desica
Implementation of Worksheet Moral Dilemma Through Problem Solving of Wetlands
Amka, Mr
Inclusive Education Policy in College Policy Analysis for Students with Special Needs
Andriyanto, Fajar
Sign Language for Learning The Pronunciation of the Qur'an An Effort to Compile and Implement a Sign Language System to Help Blind People Learn to Read the Qur'an Correctly
Anwar, Mohammad
The Development of Digital Sign Language Dictionary for Hearing Impaired
Aprilia, Imas Diana
Regular Students Responses to The Presence of Students with Hearing Impairment in Inclusive Classes
Aprilia, Imas Diana
Case Profile as a Basis of Early Helpful Intervention Programs to Optimize Authentic Children's Expressive Communication Ability
Apriyanti, Mita
Internship Strategy for Intellectual Disability Alumni on the Inclusive Workplace Setting
Ardianingsih, Febrita
Are Indonesian Sign Language and Total Communication Beneficial for Teachers in Inclusive School?
Ardiansyah, Tirta
The Influence of Communication Systems "Komputer (Komunikasipun tersampaikan)" to Students' Communication Capabilities with Communication Impairments
Ardiansyah, Tirta
Learning for Children with Hearing Impairments
Aulia, Jannatul
Reducing Hyperactive Behavior Using Instrumental Classic Music on Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder At SLB Plus Madana Dun Ya Banjarmasin
Badiah, Lutfi Isni
The Importance of Social Skills for Autism
Badiah, Lutfi Isni
The Study of Online Lecturing Implementation in Improving Skills of Early Childhood Teacher in Handling Children with Special Needs
Badian, Lutfi Isni
The Role of Counseling Guidance Teacher for Helping Self Adjustment of Special Needs Children in Inclusion School
Bastian, Haikal
Crystal Sand Table Media for Cerebral Palsy Student’s Fine Motor
Boy, Soedarmadji
The Role of Counseling Guidance Teacher for Helping Self Adjustment of Special Needs Children in Inclusion School
Budiyanto, Mr
The Development of Ict-Based Levelling Reading Books for Improving English Vocabulary for Inclusive Primary Students
Damastuti, Eviani
Volunteer Problems in Guiding Special Needs Students in Following Lectures
Damastuti, Eviani
Improving The Expressive Languages of Deaf Children Using Reflective Maternal Method (RMM)
Damastuti, Eviani
The Social Interaction Of Students With Disabilities In Learning In Higher Education
Damastuti, Eviani
The Problem of Special Needs Student in the Learning Process at Lambung Mangkurat University
Damastuti, Eviani
Social Acceptance of Non-Special Education Lecturers for Students with Hearing Impairment in Lectures of Special Education Study Program
Damastuti, Eviani
The Use of Token Economy Technique to Reduce The Impulsive Behavior of Children with Low Autistic Level in SMP Negeri 14 Banjarbaru
Dapa, Aldjon Nixon
Adaptive Learning Model for Children with Learning Problem on Inclusive School
Darmiyati, Ms
Optimalization of Mathematical Learning Outcome by Using the Smart Boxes Media at Primary School
Dayani, Whisqa
Improving the Ability to Memorize The Alphabet in Mild Intellectual Disability Student using the Letter Floor Puzzle
Doreen, Rachel Ullynaria
Gender Differences in Attitude Toward Students with Disabilities Among Primary Students in Jakarta
Fathimatuzzahra, Ms
2013 Curriculum Authentic Assessment Study in Madana Dun Ya Banjarmasin Extraordinary School
Fathimatuzzahra, Ms
The Social Interaction Of Students With Disabilities In Learning In Higher Education
Haeriah, Ms
Development of Agricultural Skill Program Using Task Analysis Approach for Students with Low Mental Retardation Level in Korpri School Pandeglang
Hermawan, Mr
The Development of Digital Sign Language Dictionary for Hearing Impaired
Hidayat, Mr
Improve The Quality of Parenting for Parents who have Early Childhood with Visual Impairment Through Parents Attachment
Irvan, Muchamad
The Accessibility of Inclusive Schools in Surabaya
Ismail, Murniyanti
The Social Interaction Of Students With Disabilities In Learning In Higher Education
Ismail, Murniyanti
The Implementation of The Inclusive Education Service Program for Autistic Children
Jauhari, Muhammad Nurrohman
The Accessibility of Inclusive Schools in Surabaya
Jiyanta, Mr
2013 Curriculum Authentic Assessment Study in Madana Dun Ya Banjarmasin Extraordinary School
Juhanaini, Ms
A Case Study of Reading Comprehension Instruction of Students with Learning Difficulties in Elementary School
Juhanaini, Ms
Internship Strategy for Intellectual Disability Alumni on the Inclusive Workplace Setting
Karyono, Hari
Feasibility Study of The Wechsler Intelligence Scale For Children (WISC) Intelligence Test Application for Children with Hearing Impairment
Kumalasari, Erma
The Implementation of Inclusive Education in Regencies/Cities in Indonesia
Kurniawati, Farida
Gender Differences in Attitude Toward Students with Disabilities Among Primary Students in Jakarta
Kurniawati, Farida
Students with Disabilities in Universitas Indonesia: Lecturer Attitudes and Willingness to Practice Inclusive Teaching Strategies
Kurniawati, Farida
Adaptation and Validation of PATCH (Parental Attitudes toward Children with Handicapped) Scale in the Indonesian Parents
Kurniawati, Farida
Regular Students Attitude toward Students with Special Educational Needs: A Comparative Study in Inclusive Private and Public Primary Schools
Kusumastuti, Dewi Eka
Volunteer Problems in Guiding Special Needs Students in Following Lectures
Kusumastuti, Dewi Ekasari
The Social Interaction Of Students With Disabilities In Learning In Higher Education
Kusumastuti, Dewi Ekasari
The Problem of Special Needs Student in the Learning Process at Lambung Mangkurat University
Kusumastuti, Dewi Ekasari
Social Acceptance of Non-Special Education Lecturers for Students with Hearing Impairment in Lectures of Special Education Study Program
Kusumawardhani, Indira
Optimization of Digital Technology to Create Accessible Learning in Universities
Luthfah, Siti
Learning for Children with Hearing Impairments
Manar, Mayasari
A Case Study of Students with Visual Disabilities in Inclusive Higher Education
Ma’rifah, Annisa Arif
The Implementation of The Inclusive Education Service Program for Autistic Children
Mirnawati, Ms
Volunteer Problems in Guiding Special Needs Students in Following Lectures
Mirnawati, Ms
The Social Interaction Of Students With Disabilities In Learning In Higher Education
Mirnawati, Ms
The Problem of Special Needs Student in the Learning Process at Lambung Mangkurat University
Mirnawati, Ms
The Influence of Students’ Attitudes to Students with Special Needs
Mirnawati, Ms
Social Acceptance of Non-Special Education Lecturers for Students with Hearing Impairment in Lectures of Special Education Study Program
Feasibility Study of The Wechsler Intelligence Scale For Children (WISC) Intelligence Test Application for Children with Hearing Impairment
Mudhar, Mr
The Study of Online Lecturing Implementation in Improving Skills of Early Childhood Teacher in Handling Children with Special Needs
Muniroh, Nadya
Development of Social Interaction Programs for Students with Special Needs in the Inclusive Education Environment
Mursita, Rohmah Ageng
Volunteer Problems in Guiding Special Needs Students in Following Lectures
Mursita, Rohmah Ageng
The Social Interaction Of Students With Disabilities In Learning In Higher Education
Mursita, Rohmah Ageng
The Problem of Special Needs Student in the Learning Process at Lambung Mangkurat University
Mursita, Rohmah Ageng
Social Acceptance of Non-Special Education Lecturers for Students with Hearing Impairment in Lectures of Special Education Study Program
Musayaroh, Siti
Regular Students Responses to The Presence of Students with Hearing Impairment in Inclusive Classes
Mustikasari, Mahrita Ayu
Optimalization of Mathematical Learning Outcome by Using the Smart Boxes Media at Primary School
Noormiyanto, Faiz
Improving Assertive Attitude Through Assertive Trainning Techniques for Deaf Student
Novita, Shillerida
Students with Disabilities in Universitas Indonesia: Lecturer Attitudes and Willingness to Practice Inclusive Teaching Strategies
Nugroho, Ermanto
Case Profile as a Basis of Early Helpful Intervention Programs to Optimize Authentic Children's Expressive Communication Ability
Nuraeni, Nunur
Media Balok Kata (BTA) to Stimulate the Ability of Reading Word Recognition for Student with Learning Problem
Nurfina, Laela
Volunteer Problems in Guiding Special Needs Students in Following Lectures
Nurfitriani, Dieni
Learning for Children with Hearing Impairments
Nurtasila, Silvia
Learning for Children with Hearing Impairments
Nurunnisa, Hanifa
Physiotherapy Service Process on The Physical Development of Children with Physical Disabilities at Yayasan Melati Anak Bangsa Martapura
Oktaviani, Dwi Amilia
The Use of Token Economy Technique to Reduce The Impulsive Behavior of Children with Low Autistic Level in SMP Negeri 14 Banjarbaru
Pasani, Chairil Faif
Improving The Expressive Languages of Deaf Children Using Reflective Maternal Method (RMM)
Pasani, Chairil Faif
The Use of Token Economy Technique to Reduce The Impulsive Behavior of Children with Low Autistic Level in SMP Negeri 14 Banjarbaru
Prakosha, Donni
The Development of Digital Sign Language Dictionary for Hearing Impaired
Putra, Aminuddin Prahatama
Implementation of Worksheet Moral Dilemma Through Problem Solving of Wetlands
Putri, Nimas Lintang
Social Acceptance of Non-Special Education Lecturers for Students with Hearing Impairment in Lectures of Special Education Study Program
Qiftiah, Mariatul
Improving The Expressive Languages of Deaf Children Using Reflective Maternal Method (RMM)
Rachmah, Dwi Nur
The Role of School in Helping Learning Discussion and Improving Psychological Development of Special Needs Students
Rafikayati, Ana
Feasibility Study of The Wechsler Intelligence Scale For Children (WISC) Intelligence Test Application for Children with Hearing Impairment
Rafikayati, Ana
The Study of Online Lecturing Implementation in Improving Skills of Early Childhood Teacher in Handling Children with Special Needs
Rafikayati, Ana
The Role of Counseling Guidance Teacher for Helping Self Adjustment of Special Needs Children in Inclusion School
Rahayu, Dina Istiqomah
Improving the Ability to Memorize The Alphabet in Mild Intellectual Disability Student using the Letter Floor Puzzle
Rahmah, Dewi Norliani
The Learning of Musical Art for Students with Visual Impairement
Rahman, Mr
The Influence of Communication Systems "Komputer (Komunikasipun tersampaikan)" to Students' Communication Capabilities with Communication Impairments
Rakhmat, Cece
The Needs Analysis of Increasing Teachers’ Pedagogical Competences of Inclusive Education
Rapisa, Dewi Ratih
Reducing Hyperactive Behavior Using Instrumental Classic Music on Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder At SLB Plus Madana Dun Ya Banjarmasin
Rapisa, Dewi Ratih
The Effect of Cooperative Learning Methods on Social Skills for Students with Special Needs
Ratumbuysang, Monry Fraick Nicky Gillian
Increasing Entrepreneurial Interest for Children with Special Needs Through Entrepreneurship Education
Ratumbuysang, Monry Fraick Nicky Gillian
Physiotherapy Service Process on The Physical Development of Children with Physical Disabilities at Yayasan Melati Anak Bangsa Martapura
Riahta, Rafidah
Regular Students Attitude toward Students with Special Educational Needs: A Comparative Study in Inclusive Private and Public Primary Schools
Riana, Bagaskorowati
Media Balok Kata (BTA) to Stimulate the Ability of Reading Word Recognition for Student with Learning Problem
Riega, Ofi
Improve The Quality of Parenting for Parents who have Early Childhood with Visual Impairment Through Parents Attachment