Proceedings of the Eighth Southeast Asia Design Research (SEA-DR) & the Second Science, Technology, Education, Arts, Culture, and Humanity (STEACH) International Conference (SEADR-STEACH 2021)

212 authors
Abadi, Abadi
Exploring the Critical Thinking Process of Prospective Teachers with High Mathematics Ability in Solving Ill-Structured Problems
Agustini, Rudiana
Pre-service Science Teachers’ Critical Thinking Dispositions and Critical Thinking Skills
Aini, Wardatul
The Study of Implementation SETS Approach to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Skills
Akbari, Myrza
The Relationship of Eye-foot Coordination with Football Skill: A Correlation Study in Young Football Player
Amin, Siti M.
Exploring the Critical Thinking Process of Prospective Teachers with High Mathematics Ability in Solving Ill-Structured Problems
Aminin, Zainul
Rhetorical Moves Used in Thesis Proposal Writing: A Reflective Study of ELT Students
Amira, Luqyana D.
User Interface and User Experience Design of Family Intervention Application for Parents of Children with Autism
Anistyasari, Yeni
Development of Automated Assessment Tool to Measure Student Creativity in Computer Programming
Anwar, Anwar
Analysis of Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability of Junior High School Students on Angle Materials
Arianti, Dwi T.
Development of Science E-module Based on SETS (Science, Environment, Technology, and Society) with Formative Assessments to Improve Critical Thinking Ability of Grade IX Students on Biotechnology Materials
Ariwinanda, Vaniyon
Statistical Reasoning Ability of Banda Aceh City High School Students
Ayuni, Ni W. D.
Tetra-Helix Concept Model Based on Vocational Realistic Education (VRE)
Ayuni, Ni W.D.
Strengthening Students’ Motivation in Statistics Online Learning Through Interactive Animation Media on Android Smartphone
Azis, Abdul
Designing Siri’ na Pacce Values-Based Learning Model
Azizah, Utiya
Pedagogical Skills Exercise as an Alternative to Increase The Teaching Ability of Pre-Service Chemistry Teachers at Field Experience Practice
Bahagia, Bahagia
Analysis of Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability of Junior High School Students on Angle Materials
Bertadinata, Karsoni
Ethnomathematics in Wedding Traditions of Dayak Ethnic
Budayasa, I K.
User Interface and User Experience Design of Family Intervention Application for Parents of Children with Autism
Budiyanto, Budiyanto
Teacher Interpersonal Communication With Autism Students In Inclusive School
Budiyanto, Mohammad
The Use of STEM-Integrated Project-based Learning Models to Improve Learning Outcomes of Junior High School Students
Chotimah, Chusnul
A Study of ICT-Based Learning in Elementary School Mathematics Learning Concepts During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Darwanto, Darwanto
Ethnomathematics in Wedding Traditions of Dayak Ethnic
Dasari, Dadan
How Pre-Service Elementary Teachers Deal with Mathematical Literacy Problems? A Case Study
Datau, Rahmirini
The Effects of Sample Size and Options Number on the Validity Item of Students’ Environmental Personality Score
Dewi, Kadek C.
Strengthening Students’ Motivation in Statistics Online Learning Through Interactive Animation Media on Android Smartphone
Edwar, Edwar
Professionalism Development of High School Teachers in Improving the Ability to Implement Realistic Mathematics Education in East OKU Regency
Ekawati, Rooselyna
Unpacking Primary Teachers’ Initial Knowledge of Realistic Mathematics Education: A Case of Iceberg Model of Fraction Division
Ekohariadi, Ekohariadi
Development of Automated Assessment Tool to Measure Student Creativity in Computer Programming
Erman, Erman
STEAM-Integrated Project Based Learning Models: Alternative to Improve 21st Century Skills
Fachrudin, Achmad D.
Islamic Financial Literacy in Mathematics Education: Proposed Design for Instruction
Fatmanissa, Namirah
Linguistic Challenges in Solving Mathematics Word Problems: A Case of EFL University Students
Fauzan, Reza A.
Improving Reading Comprehension of Simple Reading Text Using Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) Strategy for Deaf Students
Fauziah, Dian
Training of Applying Research-Based Learning on Junior High School Social Studies Teacher
Fiangga, Shofan
Understanding Philosophy of Mathematics Education Through Numeracy Task with the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic
Fiangga, Shofan
Unpacking Primary Teachers’ Initial Knowledge of Realistic Mathematics Education: A Case of Iceberg Model of Fraction Division
Fikriyati, Amiq
Pre-service Science Teachers’ Critical Thinking Dispositions and Critical Thinking Skills
Firdaus, Muhamad
Ethnomathematics in Wedding Traditions of Dayak Ethnic
Fitriyah, Isnanik J.
Development of Science E-module Based on SETS (Science, Environment, Technology, and Society) with Formative Assessments to Improve Critical Thinking Ability of Grade IX Students on Biotechnology Materials
Florentino, Mario
A Study of ICT-Based Learning in Elementary School Mathematics Learning Concepts During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ghofur, Muhammad A.
Publication Performance and Scientific Impact of Unesa Postgraduate Lecturers
Gunawan, Gede I.
Preliminary Learning Design Based Realistic Mathematics Education on Entrepreneurship Arithmetic Content in Junior High School
Habibi, Nanang
High School Students’ Self-Regulated Learning and Academic Procrastination Level in Blended Learning Model: A Correlation Analysis
Hamimi, Erti
Development of STEM Animation Learning Media with Feedback to Facilitate Students’ Critical Thinking Ability on Global Warming Materials
Handayaningrum, Warih
Modern Art Inculturation Oriented Education in Flores
Hariastuti, Retno
High School Students’ Self-Regulated Learning and Academic Procrastination Level in Blended Learning Model: A Correlation Analysis
Hariyono, Eko
Profile of Students’ Science Process Skills on Substance Pressure Material
Hariyono, Eko
The Use of STEM-Integrated Project-based Learning Models to Improve Learning Outcomes of Junior High School Students
Hariyono, Eko
The Study of Implementation SETS Approach to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Skills
Hariyono, Eko
STEAM-Integrated Project Based Learning Models: Alternative to Improve 21st Century Skills
Harmanto, Harmanto
Synergy of Industrial Sector for the Implementation of MBKM Curriculum: Where Innovators and Investors Meet
Harmanto, Harmanto
Strategies to Implement Independent Learning Programs: A Reflective Study on Ministerial Programs
Harnita, Fahlida
Readability of Higher-order Thinking (HOT) Mathematical Problems in Disaster Context for Junior High School Students
Hartanti, Lina P.
Rhetorical Moves Used in Thesis Proposal Writing: A Reflective Study of ELT Students
Harti, Harti
How Does Social Science Education Drive Marketing Mindset to Shape Entrepreneurial Interest?
Harti, Laily M. S.
Rhetorical Moves Used in Thesis Proposal Writing: A Reflective Study of ELT Students
Hartono, Hartono
Ethnomathematics in Wedding Traditions of Dayak Ethnic
Hartono, Yusuf
Ethnomathematics: Traveling Trade on The Musi River
Herman, Tatang
How Pre-Service Elementary Teachers Deal with Mathematical Literacy Problems? A Case Study
Hermanto, Didik
The Effectiveness of Using Problem Based Learning and Video Scribe
Himmah, Faiqotul
Teacher Interpersonal Communication With Autism Students In Inclusive School
Hodiyanto, Hodiyanto
Ethnomathematics in Wedding Traditions of Dayak Ethnic
Ikashaum, Fertilia
Development of Authentic Assessment Models in Research Methods Courses
Ikhsan, M.
Improving Student Geometry Problem-Solving Skills Through Spatial Training
Indrawati, Dianita
World Complexity in BIPA Textbook Levels A-C as Materials for Indonesian Vocabulary Mastering for Foreign Speaker
Irmawati, Ninin
Improving Parents’ Attention to The Interest of High School Students Continuing Study in Higher Education through a Parenting Program
Ismail, Ramlee b.
How Does Social Science Education Drive Marketing Mindset to Shape Entrepreneurial Interest?
Jaelani, Abd. K.
Exploring the Critical Thinking Process of Prospective Teachers with High Mathematics Ability in Solving Ill-Structured Problems
Jenaman, Rinoanus E.
Developing a Realistic Mathematics Education Based Learning Module on Sets Subject in Junior High School
Jenaman, Rinoanus E.
Preliminary Learning Design Based Realistic Mathematics Education on Entrepreneurship Arithmetic Content in Junior High School
Johar, Rahmah
Readability of Higher-order Thinking (HOT) Mathematical Problems in Disaster Context for Junior High School Students
Johar, Rahmah
Analysis of Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability of Junior High School Students on Angle Materials
Julie, Hongki
Designing Learning Trajectory on The Topic of Simplifying Fractions Using Realistic Mathematics Education with Flipped Classroom Strategy
Julie, Hongki
Prospective Mathematics Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Teaching Mathematics Using Flipped Classroom Strategy
Kohar, Ahmad W.
Understanding Philosophy of Mathematics Education Through Numeracy Task with the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic
Kohar, Ahmad W.
Unpacking Primary Teachers’ Initial Knowledge of Realistic Mathematics Education: A Case of Iceberg Model of Fraction Division
Komalasari, Kokom
Designing Siri’ na Pacce Values-Based Learning Model
Kusumawati, Intan B.
Islamic Financial Literacy in Mathematics Education: Proposed Design for Instruction
Lafifa, Fitria
Development of STEM Animation Learning Media with Feedback to Facilitate Students’ Critical Thinking Ability on Global Warming Materials
Lestari, Ni L. P. K. W.
Preliminary Learning Design Based Realistic Mathematics Education on Entrepreneurship Arithmetic Content in Junior High School
Liesdiani, Mety
The Effectiveness of Using Problem Based Learning and Video Scribe
Malalina, Malalina
Ethnomathematics: Traveling Trade on The Musi River
Marlina, Agustina
Ethnomathematics in Wedding Traditions of Dayak Ethnic
Marsuki, Muhammad F.
Development of Science E-module Based on SETS (Science, Environment, Technology, and Society) with Formative Assessments to Improve Critical Thinking Ability of Grade IX Students on Biotechnology Materials
Martadi, Martadi
Synergy of Industrial Sector for the Implementation of MBKM Curriculum: Where Innovators and Investors Meet
Mashuri, Mohan T.
Pedagogical Skills Exercise as an Alternative to Increase The Teaching Ability of Pre-Service Chemistry Teachers at Field Experience Practice
Masitoh, Siti
Implementation of Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior (DRO) with Digital Video Assistance to Reduce Maladaptive Behavior in Deaf Children
Masriyah, Masriyah
Understanding Philosophy of Mathematics Education Through Numeracy Task with the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic
Masriyah, Masriyah
Unpacking Primary Teachers’ Initial Knowledge of Realistic Mathematics Education: A Case of Iceberg Model of Fraction Division
Mubarok, Muhammad K.
Islamic Financial Literacy in Mathematics Education: Proposed Design for Instruction
Mukti, Dwiki N.
Modern Art Inculturation Oriented Education in Flores
Murtadlo, Sofiarti
A Study Accessibility of Deaf Students During The Covid-19 Pandemic
Mustika, Juitaning
Development of Authentic Assessment Models in Research Methods Courses
Naqiyah, Najlatun
Improving Parents’ Attention to The Interest of High School Students Continuing Study in Higher Education through a Parenting Program
Nasution, Nasution
How Does Social Science Education Drive Marketing Mindset to Shape Entrepreneurial Interest?
Nasution, Nasution
Training of Applying Research-Based Learning on Junior High School Social Studies Teacher
Nida, Safwatun
Development of Science E-module Based on SETS (Science, Environment, Technology, and Society) with Formative Assessments to Improve Critical Thinking Ability of Grade IX Students on Biotechnology Materials
Noor, Mohd A. b. M.
How Does Social Science Education Drive Marketing Mindset to Shape Entrepreneurial Interest?
Novialassafitri, Sibi D.
Implementation of Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior (DRO) with Digital Video Assistance to Reduce Maladaptive Behavior in Deaf Children
Novianti, Maria N. R.
Linguistic Challenges in Solving Mathematics Word Problems: A Case of EFL University Students
Novita, Rita
How Pre-Service Elementary Teachers Deal with Mathematical Literacy Problems? A Case Study