Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Humanities Science, Management and Education Technology (HSMET 2017)

351 authors
Zeng, Hai
A New Research on the Modern Distance Education Model Based on Wechat Official Accounts
Zeng, Jing
A study on audience perception of minority design image
Zeng, Qi
Research on Cultivation Model Reform of Technical and Skilled Talents of Logistics Management of Higher Vocational Colleges
Zhan, Yanjie
The Optimization of Tourism Talent Supply Structure in Jilin Province under the background of Region-based Tourism
Zhang, Hui
O2O E-commerce Mode and Its Development Prospect
Zhang, Jianrong
The Implementation Path of Funding for Education in Colleges and Universities in Computer Age
Zhang, Jindong
How to Improve Teaching Efficiency of University Vocal Music Course
Zhang, Jindong
Brief Analysis on diversified teaching models of vocal music classroom teaching
Zhang, Jingyi
Discussion on Electricity Customers Work of Copy and Acceptance Check in Remote Mountainous Areas
Zhang, Lei
Discussion on the Necessity of Electricity Supervision and Management
Zhang, Lili
A Research on the Teaching Reform of Basic Art Courses in Colleges
Zhang, Liyang
The Practice Research on Cultivating PE Majors' English Competence based on English Sports Films
Zhang, Mingbo
The Development and Evolution of Marxist Sociology since the Reconstruction of Chinese Sociology
Zhang, Nianping
Study on the Unbalanced Development Mechanism of Guangxi Tourism Based on the Strategy of "One Belt, One Route"
Zhang, Ronggen
An Empirical Study of English Reading Strategies for Mechanical and Electrical Majors in the Vocational College
Zhang, Shuyu
Research on Hainan's Global Tourism Development Strategy Based on SWOT Analysis
Zhang, Xiaosan
Analysis of Strategic Management Mode and Planning Features of Entrepreneurial Enterprises
Zhang, Xiaoshu
Discussion on the Management of Electric Power Customer Complaints
Zhang, XueFeng
A Study on the College Students' Mental Health Education under the Influence of Network Discourse
Zhang, Yuhui
Discussion on the Management of Electric Power Customer Complaints
Zhang, Yun
The Optimized Path of Financial Ecological Environment in the Post-crisis Era
Zhang, Zhaochang
The construction and quantification of rural housing performance evaluation index system
Zhang, Zhimei
Research on Quality Control Technology of Clinical Laboratory
Zhang, Zhimei
Measurement Uncertainty and Its Application in Clinical Examination
Zhao, Dechang
Research on the Models and Development Strategies of Cross-border E-commerce in China
Zhao, Feng
Study on the effective teaching methods to promote volleyball technology
Zhao, Hong
Apply MQ Group Discussion to TJPU Tertiary Large Class Teaching in China
Zhao, Hongli
Research on the Impact of Strategic Human Resource Management on Enterprise Performance
Zhao, Jingping
Research on Collection Resource Construction of Applied Universities Based on Circulation Data Analysis
Zhao, Liang
A Study on the Use Strategies of Chinese Characters in the Chinese-Korean Translation
Zhao, Ruoheng
The Flipped Classroom: A New Attempt in English Teaching in Higher Vocational Colleges
Zhao, Xia
A Brief Analysis of Innovative Spirit and Practical Ability Training in Junior High School Mathematics Teaching
Zhao, Xinhua
Discussion on the Management of Electric Power Customer Complaints
Zhao, Xinhua
Discussion on Electricity Customers Work of Copy and Acceptance Check in Remote Mountainous Areas
Zheng, Haiyan
Research on Construction Action-Oriented Curriculum System in Military Vocational Education
Zheng, Hao
Formation Mechanism and Development Path of Productive Service Industry Cluster
Zheng, Wang
Translation Strategies for Texts of Science and Technology
Zheng, Yong'an
Research on Work Model of Ideological and Political Education in Enterprises as Human Resource Business Partner
Zhong, Jirun
Research on Legal Problems of Protection of Red Cultural Relics
Zhong, Wenbin
The Implementation Path of Funding for Education in Colleges and Universities in Computer Age
Zhong, Wenbin
Effective Measures for Computer Major College Students' Entrepreneurship Quality
Zhong, Wenbin
Factors Influencing the Successful Entrepreneurship of Computer Science Major Students
Zhou, Heting
A Study on the Training of Localized Interpreters under Simulated Situations
Zhou, Pei
A Study on the Higher Vocational English Teaching Reform under the Background of "Internet +"
Zhou, Pei
A Study on the Application of the Micro Course in English Teaching in Higher Vocational Colleges
Zhou, Wenjuan
The effect of human resource management practices on enterprise performance
Zhu, Bo
Discussion on the Management of Electric Power Customer Complaints
Zhu, Chenjie
Present situation and Countermeasures of Shanghai City disposal of restaurant kitchen garbage
Zhu, Huaihong
The Thinking of Higher Mathematics Model in Higher Vocational Colleges
Zhu, Wu
Effective Measures for Computer Major College Students' Entrepreneurship Quality
Zhu, Yu
A Study on the Training Model of "Dual system" based on the Mechanism Specialty